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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


Atraxia eyes turned back to their red state as he quickly dashed his head over to Roxii, resenting what he had just heard. He slowly walked over to her, making no noise as he moved, and he got in front of her; he stopped before bending over to where his mount was close to her ear. "Let me tell you a story Roxii, Wolf-elf assassin" he began with a small guttural chuckle, still speaking so only those near him could hear him.

"Once upon a time, oh I saw about six years ago, there lived a clan of assassins known as The Liberators" he paused as he smiled a fangy smile. "I hope you know of them, any assassin worth their salt knows of the legendary clan that died off a few years ago. Well anyways, this clan of legendary assassins suddenly and mysteriously wound up dead one morning, the thousands strong clan all whipped out in a single night, each one more brutely killed then the last, some even poisoned to death. All were dead, save one lad standing in the middle; blood and guts all over him and surrounding him. Atraxia stopped once more before dropping his smile a bit, "Then all of a sudden entire clans of assassins started to fall to the same fate, lone assassins as well; the numbers dwindling to but a few left. A few armies fell to this curse as well, yet somehow assassin kills nearly doubled" he chuckled before moving back up to meet her eye to eye, his gaze soul piercing.

The mans mouth moved slowly, producing a sound achievable by normal man, incredibly low and monstrous, almost as if they were talking to death itself.
"My name is Fang, slayer of clans and assassins, death to all who I decide" slowly chuckled Fang as his gaze never left the girl; yet the corner of his eyes still scanning his surroundings. He backed up a few inches before reaching behind him and bringing out a decapitated wolves head from behind his rolled up cloak. Atraxia, or Fang, brought up the wolves head before biting off one of the ears, warm blood splattering slightly everywhere, signalling it was a fresh kill. His fangs cut deep into the wolves brain, taking out some of the tissue as well. He gulped down the bite and released a fresh breath of satisfaction along with a even deeper and more wild chuckle as he looked up into the sky, as if searching for something. He looked back down at the group, his eyes slowly returned back to an Icy blue, a cocky smile landing on his face. "Where are my manners? Want some? Freshly killed wolf, stupid creature wandering alone at night" smirked the boy before holding the wolves head up by it's ear to level with the gang of misfits. Blood dripped everywhere, clean cut off it yet slash marks were everywhere and quite deep, more like sharp claws then sharp sword. But the interesting part was that all the teeth were missing, every sing fang yanked out.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: City

Mood: Angered -> Amused

With: Everyone

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


Jass has slight worry when Morgrim pulls at Roxii's collar. Oh gods, she looked like she's going to tear a hole in him. The half corpse is doing rather well with his act. Things seemed to be going well until the stranger's eyes turned red. The former knight knew this situation wasn't going to go in their favor. The guy threatens them, calling them out on their lies. Jass could feel sweat trickling down the side of his neck. Don't catch attention. Gods, don't catch attention. The eyes return back to normal, which is a good sign, the former knight thought until Roxii's comment sets off the guy. Oh, he didn't like this one bit. The red eyes come back, making Jass want to break his shackles to restrain the man. The stranger comes closer to the other assassin, tensing Jass as he watches from the sidelines.

The mercenary hears sudden movement behind him (@Sheaon13 I'm just going to believe you character is nearby). Jass forces his eyesight away from the two to check behind the group. A young elf of some-kind stares nervously at the group. Jass's eyebrows scrunch up in confusion; this presence has been a similar one who's been following them for quiet some time. The hood shields most of his upper face but he shakes his head at the young lad as a sign to not confront their current situation.

The stranger's odd voice catches his attention. The former knight turns back to see Fang - what he's call himself - pull out a wolf's head, splattering blood all over the street. Screams emit from around them and people who were watching them run away from the area. Jass curses out loud darting his eyes from his group members to the decapitated animal head to Fang. He was about to reach for the nonexistent sword but remembers he's in shackles and Morgrim's got his things. Guards might come here and Jass didn't want that.

@Federoff @Morgrim @Javax

(Goddamnit I had to work with this somehow. This is all out of my ass guys)

I growled in hatred at the man who held up the wolves head. How dare he! How dare he go and kill a wolf that probably not even attacking him! I hate this man more than anything right now. That poor wolf. I was letting hatred cloud my judgement, I charged at the man rather sloppily as I had not fought a day in my life. That didn't matter at the moment to me, all that mattered was that he died. I was so angry I couldn't tell that this opponent was clearly stronger than I'd ever be. I was just so filled with hatred and anger. Mother wolf always warned me of letting my anger get the best of me.
Morgrim addressed Rai first, glancing over at him, and giving him a nod. "We'll talk later, meet me in Sub-city after the news spreads, now scram I've got more important things to deal with."


Guards were coming now, flocking to the scene like birds. They watched, and then drew their swords, not because of the prisoners, but because of the blood thirsty assassin, the one without wolf ears. They would not scare so easily, not with all their hard-headedness and muscles making it difficult to listen to reason, besides they fear far more what Tuso would do to them, rather than a lunatic on the street. Morgrim spoke to the guard who seemed to be taking charge. "These prisoners I've brought had been issued to be captured by Marques Tuso himself, and these deranged moron is making problems. So a little help all right?"

Morgrim slipped the man a coin purse filled with twenty silver coins, and disappeared behind the wall of steel plated soldiers with his 'entourage' Though instead of heading straight to Tuso, he headed into one of the caverns of the sub-city where he would find his contact, a smuggler who could get them into Tuso's home. Morgrim didn't doubt the crazy man would be finding them again some time soon, either during or after the mission to assassinate Tuso, so they had to be careful and make this work. @CarpeNoctem1213

The guards blocked the assassin's path and raised their swords. One, leading the rest spoke for the group. "Put down the wolf head and desist. Resisting will result in your death, now leave head in the opposite direction of that man and his prisoners, or exit the city. Otherwise we will be forced to take action." The men were resolute and unflinching, ready to take action as soon as he made a move. @Federoff
The guards on the wall armed themselves with their crossbows, and there were a dozen balista's armed and ready for the fight that Wilhelm and his soldiers so desperately wanted. Wilhelms knights would be at a huge disadvantage as they didn't half walls, or higher ground, or even the numbers. Dunheim had four hundred soldiers stationed around on just the walls themselves, with several more hundred in reserves and on guard duty inside the walls. Each man and woman had been armed and trained, all ready for the action that would pursue. Lastly the very ruler of Dunheim was there and making his way from his castle to the front lines, though he felt no rush and was taking his time. A few dead soldiers to him meant that more people will be afraid, and thus willing to listen and obey him for fear of losing more to the savagery of others.
Darrius sits leaned back in a chair with his feet propped up on the table in front of him. His hood is down, leaving his horns in plain view. Nobody in the Splinter Den cared what he was, all they were doing was trying to get by. Underneath his heavy leather boots is a weathered map of the upper portion of Dunheim that has obviously seen a lot of use. The map has scribbles all over it in messy handwriting in a fluid script that not many people would even recognize, let alone decipher. Anyone would be able to tell, however, that this writing is a series of notes and instructions, and anyone who knew Darrius would know that they marked ways through the city. The border of the map is lined with runes in the same script as the notes that emanate a faint magical energy. These runes were enchanted to ignite if the map were to ever be more than twenty feet away from Darrius for more than a few hours. A safeguard, he doesn't want the map falling into the wrong hand and ruining his operation.

Darrius takes a drink from the mug he's holding and stares expectantly at the door, his entirely black eyes alight with anticipation. He'd spent the last few days gathering intelligence from contacts and from his own reconnaissance for the corpse man, now all he had to do was wait for him to show up. Not that he minded the work, one of his favorite parts of smuggling is defying authority, ignoring restrictions; Tuso's death would open up a lot of opportunities for him, and maybe the poor wretches stuck in the undercity, too. Had he not made the money he did from smuggling, Darrius would be slaving away in the Splinter Den like them, and he didn't much like the thought of that.
The den looked like hell, there were people with abnormal growths growing along their bodies and faces, and most were sick and coughing blood. The air was hardly fresh from all the wood and coal dust in the air, and the air was thin from being so far from the surface. People use to breathing clean air would hate it down there, but Morgrim was a a semi-rotting corpse, air like this did not bother him. Walking down the chipped away canals of the earth, spiralling deeper into the bowels of the earth was like watching some twisted form of museum, displaying nothing but the true faces of poverty and disease. Morgrim all most felt at home in this environment. "This is a pretty swell place if I do say so, hard to see why everybody else hates it so much." He said chuckling. Now room 118, that is the room that was important, and as he walked down deeper the numbers rose in numerical order until he reached where he needed to be. A small crappy room, just big enough for a small impoverished family, or in the case of Darrius a smuggling operation.

Morgrim pushed open the door and smiled at the man. "Ah how could to see you, you must be the contact. I assume you got the mission details, we need a way into the sky district, specifically Tuso's home. Remind me again, what is the fee for the three of us?" Morgrim also gave a nod to both Jassur and Roxii as if to say they can uncuff themselves while he sets about pulling the rope apart so that it'll be easier. "Oh and Roxii great acting by the way, even I believed your acting, growling and giving me those looks like you wanted to tear my head off. Ha! Classic!"
Himeros smiled as he perched against one of the many wall formations that housed the assortment of trained archers, this spot in particular was in the front. After dealing with the affairs that he and the Lord of Dunheim had, he made his way to the front of the city. From what he heard there would be a siege.

Himeros didn't feel inclined to join either side but was more interested in manipulating his way out of the city, wither he would have to fight against the men coming, or the ones that were only a few feet away.

He licked his lips as he knelt down further, the ground below a hundred feet down looked more menacing then ever before. His goal was getting the leaders attention any way he could.
Fang's reaction didn't terrify her in the slightest. In fact, it did the opposite. This creature enraged the small hybrid, and though the other assassin was much larger than her, she wouldn't underestimate her own power. She was sure that they were at least matched in skill. Perhaps both of them could tear each other to shreds and kill each other at the same time. Roxii wanted to react very harshly at that moment. And she could have. The wolf had the key to unlock the shackles within a second. And, if need be, she could slip out of them very easily; being chained up enough times in her life, the hybrid had developed a high enough pain tolerance to manipulate her hands and slide them through shackles that were too small for a fully intact hand to slip through. However, the elf hybrid stayed in character throughout his entire speech, her cold gaze boring into his own, piercing his very soul.

The small assassin recognized the infamous Fang. Many tales surround his legacy, though none of them scared her, or even shocked her. For a while, she had looked up to him as some sort of role model. But now that she's come face-to-face with him, the elf realizes now that she
hates this creature. The hybrid may not be exactly the most heroic of heroes, but she despised those who were disrespectful and were down-right evil. She'll admit: she admires his skill and techniques. But his character was far from something she wanted to idolize.

When the larger assassin revealed the wolf's head and began feasting on it, Roxii almost lost it. Her expression twisted and contorted in pure fury and anger as a guttural growl resonated from the back of her throat and outward. Her ears laid back and her fur bristled as she bared her canines, which almost seemed to grow in size. How
dare he rip into an animal's dead corpse as such—and one that was similar to her own kind—in front of her. How dare he even begin to eat a wolf, which is a predator at the top of the food chain. If it was a reference to Fang eliminating the small wolf hybrid, it didn't work. The wolf would rip the flesh from his body before he even had the time to realize that she had moved from her place.

The small assassin was about to lunge at Fang when Morgrim cut in, allowing the guards to take care of the situation and to give the three the chance to escape. Once they began walking away, Roxii breathed in deeply and breathed out slowly. Her fur was still standing, and she was still pissed off. It had been a long time since she allowed her emotions take control like that. Never had she been driven so close to the edge that she had to battle roughly with her own mind. But the assassin hadn't reacted. That much was certain.

The elf hybrid was so lost in her thoughts that, before she knew it, the group had already arrived to the destination. Morgrim gestured for the mercenary and her to unchain themselves, so Roxii slipped the key out and began unlocking them. The necromancer's compliments towards her "acting" almost made her let out a harsh, sarcastic laugh, but she was still enraged. Her multi-coloured orbs snapped to his gaze, hatred and anger practically emanating off of her. She was sure he could see how pissed off she was, so responding verbally was not necessary.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
Jass exhales air he didn't notice he was holding. Morgrim's acting should get a reward, he thought when the guards focus on Fang. The mercenary has a nagging feeling that they won't be able to hold the bloodthirsty guy for long. The three walk away from the area; Jass glances back for a moment until moving his gaze over to Roxii. He understood that the wolf's head is meant to represent her. It is an odd declaration of war, he thought, but effective seeing that the assassin near him is calming herself down from the want to get out of her restraints. He wondered if assassins competed with each other; he didn't know much about the deadly rogues, just their profession. He did kill a few in the past, who were after him, but they weren't skilled as Roxii or Fang. Probably, the higher powered people wanted to make a point to him like, "you will never escape from us" or something of the sort.

The three reached the den in a couple of minutes. Jass couldn't help but cringe at the smell; he actually preferred the sewers oddly enough. He frowns at the sight of the sick and poor. He's seen this so many times in multiple cities but Dunheim is the worst. He could feel despair seeping out of this place from the entrance far back. The mercenary ignores the gut-retching feel as they continue deeper into the den. Morgrim's sarcasm recieved a brief snort from Jass; this was no laughing matter but the mercenary agreed with the dark humor.

They reach a room with the numbers 118 carved into the door. Morgrim enters first, greeting his contact. Jass steps in, examining the small rundown room. The guy - Jass guessed is the smuggler - is leaning back on a wooden chair with his legs up on the wooden table in front of him with a mug in his hand. Below feet, lies a map. The horns on the smuggler's head, the dark red skin and the black eyes catch the mercenary's attention. The first thing that comes to his mind was red flags screaming "demon" and already Jass wanted to be out of the small room. Morgrim nods to them, giving the okay that they could finally take the restraints off. Jass is already on that; the restraints fall to the dirt floor. He couldn't believe Morgrim's last comment though. This half corpse is going to be full corpse by Roxii if he didn't stop jesting. Jass faces away from the two, hiding an amused grin while rubbing his wrists.

@Javax @Morgrim @CarpeNoctem1213
Darrius chuckles, his unnaturally long canines flashing in the dim light of the room. The group standing in his doorway was one of the strangest he'd ever had walk through the door: A man who looks like he should have been in a coffin ages ago, a wolf-girl who looked like she was planning the corpse's very slow and painful murder, and a half-elf who, adding to Darrius' amusement, looks like the last place he wanted to be was in the room with the tiefling smuggler, two of whom were working on removing shackles.. His usual customers were den workers who needed food or tools smuggled to friends in prison or nobles who needed less than legal goods brought into the city, for whatever reason, Darrius never asked. His thick tail whips back and forth casually as he laughs at the possibilities these three will likely present.

"20 gold each," he says in his deep voice, waving the drink nonchalantly. "Normally it's 30 to get you into a schmancy place like Tuso's, added risk n' all, but you people managed to make me laugh just by walking in the room. Isn't hard to make me laugh usually, but still, haven't had someone do it by walking through a door. I think this job'll be entertaining." He takes his feet off the table and the front legs of his chair hit the ground with a dull thunk as he straightens himself out to lean toward them, giving them all a mischievous grin. "You aren't planning on subjecting the man to some sort o' fetish show, are ya? I'm not sure I wanna watch if you do."

@Morgrim @Javax @AnimusLight
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"Only if he is a hardcore masochist. Then the answer is probably low. Now I assume you got the rest of the message. About the gear?" In the message Morgrim continues to mention there was a bit about having to acquire two sets of guard armour. The first set being the juggernaut armour for Jass, with a close faced helmet, and a second set of amour the enforcer leather armour also with a close faced helmet so that neither will be identified, along with the name tags of high ranking officers in the cities royal guard. Common wretches will be executed so much for looking at Tuso in the wrong way, so the armor has to bear the gold spearhead insignia. "How much will it be for that?"
(Oh yay, I just remember an old character I had stored away from a previous attempt at this rp. Galahad, a human, captain of the watch.)

Galahad was at the helm of the guard, and he drew the short straw, figuratively. He was encouraged by his soldiers to head out and try to resolve the issue peacefully. So the gates were opened just enough for him to head out, and closed shut as soon as he crossed the threshold. He made his way to the small army that had decided to boast its strength in a more than threatening display. "Hail, I have been sent to attempt diplomacy. I know not why you and your men have decide to come here, and with so many soldiers I don't imagine it's for Maggie's pies down at the bakery. My King would not like to spend his fortune rebuilding walls and replenishing his supply of loyal soldiers, so I was sent here to negotiate a peace treaty. What will it take for you to change your mind?"

The man removed his helmet in a sign of respect. He had long uncut hair, blond a bright. He had a strong face with scars and tattoos of the King of Dunheim's symbol, the golden spear head. He had a closely shaved beard, more of a stubble really. He stood around six feet tall and had rippling muscles under his armour signifying his great strength and what he has achieved and maintained in his life of service. His only weakness in character is his loyalty to the wrong people, but his heart is strong and golden as his hair, one of the few incorruptible souls left in the city.

(Introooooducing! The first killable character. Warning though, every action contains a consequence and rewards, sometimes only one or the other, but all ways at least one.)
"My lord would be most displeased with this, may I offer a little wager? We are two strong capable warriors, and intellects beyond that. A show of skill and honour is how to strong knights should be known to each other as. I would suggest a duel. If you win I will personally evacuate all civilians and guards under my command and leave the city, but if I win I would ask you to leave this place and take your men with you." He suggested, if not he would not persist, he would return to the city, and notify his king and his men of the coming battle. Fighting him could be the best bet at claiming the city, but losing would result in having to give up on it, forever. "So what do you say?"
Wilhelm pondered what the man said, it was a very good wager. However, if he lost he'd have to give up the siege. His honour would demand it. But if he won, the city would be easier to take. He had to take that risk, besides even if he lost, the manticore would still deal with them. "Very well then sir, we shall duel. But not now, tomorrow at dawn we shall duel. That way we are both ready for in the event that we lose. Agreed?"
"Agreed." He bowed his head to the fellow knight and returned to the city. On his way back though he noticed the Incubus on the walls. He looked up at the being confused and baffled. How the hell did that thing get up there? he wondered observing the demon, surely this could not stand. He returned to his post on the wall, and ordered an archer to take aim at the creature. "You there! Get down from there this instant, you are trespassing on property of the high priest Tuso and the King of Dunheim himself! I'll give you one chance to come down peacefully!" He barked while two archers with crossbows took aim of the demon.

(Since it seems Redzombiewolf didn't take notice of your post I'll involve your character. Oh and don't have him jump. The walls are over thirty feet high, jumping will mean death.)
Himeros gritted his teeth. He turned around and faced the savages. Him being caught was surprising within itself. Sure had pink hair and eyes, but most people considered it to be a charmful human oddity. He bit his lip.

I can't fight my way out of this and there is no place to run.. The Lord of Dunheim would have no choice to recognize me here, though perhaps he would pretend he wouldn't..

Himeros turned to the archers and focused intently on glamouing his appearance. Slowly his physical manifestation was replaced with a fantastical illusion. Anyone who saw him in this form would see their idealistic image of beauty. He smiled at the archers and rose his eyebrow, "Do I look like an incubus to you?" He said soothingly, "Aim your bow at the man who tried to destroy me." He pointed to the man who gave him the orders and licked his lips, hoping the spell worked on him too.
It didn't take too long for the hybrid's anger to diminish. She knew that being furious wasn't going to help anything, and emotions were beginning to cloud her judgement. She needed to focus on the current task. Though Morgrim wasn't helping too much...

Roxii began inspecting their location more thoroughly. The den smelled almost as badly as the sewer back at the town the group liberated. Her face scrunched up in disgust. The amount of pollution and debris flitting through the air was enough to choke the elven hybrid. The place was so run down, it reminded her of the place she resided for a decade of her childhood life. She let out a short cough, attempting to clear her airways in some form or fashion, but it was no use. The wolf couldn't avoid the unclean air, so she just dealt with it.

It was then that she finally noticed the demon-like creature before them: their smuggler. The wolf could feel the anxiety radiating off of Jassur, and it amused her. Somewhat. The assassin had encountered many demons, demon-like creatures, and people who acted like demons. They were not her favourite specimen, but they intrigued her, nonetheless. Despite the stereotypical cruel nature of demons, however, this one didn't seem like them. Was he a demon-gone-good? Or was he simply more intelligent than the average demon and using the small group of misfits to his advantage?

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213
"Yup," he stands and moves to the back wall where a large wooden trunk is sitting, held closed by an unlocked iron latch. He flips the latch with his foot, opens the lid, and gestures at the contents, which are neatly stacked inside. "The gear was pretty hard to get a hold of, that'll cost you another 100 gold for the lot."

He wasn't lying about the difficulty of the task. The guard didn't just give out armor, let alone royal guard armor, not without quite a bit of deception, or a well-trusted contact among the guard, in Darrius' case. His contact had cashed in a few favors and gotten the armor under the ruse that his lady friend liked to play pretend, a lie which had had Darrius practically rolling on the floor. He'd only just gotten the armor earlier that day.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @Javax
"So here is the plan you two. I have been working on a very specialized poison for this job, which I will be administering through the cook. Roxii I need you to give him a little jab with this needle." As if on cue Morgrim pulls out a small needle that looks to be a very narrow bone, no larger or thicker than a sewing needle. On it though is a highly volatile and contagious poison that if makes contact with the blood will react. "Because not to poke yourself with it. This poison will enter through the blood stream and essentially turn them into a carrier for the poison. They won't feel any ill effects for twenty four hours, but everything they touch, or breath on will be contaminated by the virus. It mutates the blood and raises their temperature to make them secrete it like sweat. All of the Tuso's staff: Guards, servants, even those angels will consume it. The humans, they will die pretty quickly, but the angels it may only weaken them, still though it will help us immensely in this fight. Jassur that's when you come in, as soon as the food is administered I will need you to lock the doors from the outside, to keep everyone in, leave the cellar door open though, Roxii and I can sneak in through there and provide backup. As this all happens Tuso will be sick and vulnerable that's when we take him out. Sound good?"
(I swear to god this reminds me of one of the Dark Brotherhood quests in TESV)

Jass twitches at the increasing price; his frugality with money makes him want to cringe at every coin lost. Why else would he have shitty armor? The wooden trunk opens and inside are the guard armor. The mercenary didn't mind wearing any type of armor as long as he carried his preferred two-handed blade (which he carries with one hand but really, who cares). He picks up the armor assigned to him with a grunt of displeasure. If he was still a knight, he would have scowled the fool who can't wash their armor properly. Jass tests its weight in his hands. The fully-plated armor is heavier than his current wear; he could manage though, only having to push some strengthening magic for him to feel like he's still wearing his own. Not bad. Not bad. The idea of wearing the armor gave him unnecessary nostalgia about his younger days. He sighs, not wanting to get sentimental.

After the half-corpse explains the plan, he faces him, armor in hand (fuck I rhymed again), "Alright, I can do that. Lock doors. Okay." He nods to himself then shivers slightly, "Poison. I'll let you guys handle that. No complaints here." Poison and him never went well in the past. Every poisonous creature he had to kill for a client was always dealt with extreme cation. Being paralyzed for a full week because there was a hole in the his armor where the shit went through, still effected the former knight till this day and traumatized his younger self. Poison no. Full on brutal swinging, yes. He'll let the rogues and the mages handle the trickery.

A battle with the angels, huh. Jass's never fought one before. He's heard a lot of praise being thrown upon that group. Even some Verdant Knights thought of them as an example. He was going to fight one and he will not back down. The sense of determination pushes the anxiety he's had from entering the den and progressing through the mission.

@Javax @Morgrim @CarpeNoctem1213
(I know right? xD )

The hybrid stayed still as the smuggled armor was revealed and Morgrim explained the plan. So she was in charge of the poison? How enjoyable. The assassin had worked with many poisons throughout her life, whether they were applied to her weapons or were administered to her while she was a prisoner. The latter situation was not among her most memorable. However, she was eager to work with the toxin, unlike the mercenary. It was a typical way to assassinate a high authority, so that meant that there would be many precautions taken when adding a poison to a food or drink, but their group's method was different. Unique. Surely, this couldn't fail.

The wolf began running a more detailed plan through her head, and she frowned slightly. How was she going to administer a toxin into a cook that would be heavily guarded and, once she gave him the poison, would become hostile towards her? The cook couldn't be stupid enough to shrug off the interaction without much thought... Could he? Roxii mulled over the issue a few times, wondering silently to herself as to how she could go about that. She could figure it out; the elven hybrid had solved more complicated problems.

@CarpeNoctem1213 @Morgrim @AnimusLight
(I hope that's a good thing.)

Morgrim looked to them both slowly, then scowled. "Well stop standing around you two, get to work! I will be on the reserve, waiting for the flies to drop and then we can take on Tuso and his angels together. Three of us, and three of them. Tuso probably won't be poisoned though, just saying. He has a poison tester, poor bastard will be dead, but so will the rest of his staff." This plan really did make it an even fight, with three on both sides, the only question though was which one would be the one to fight Tuso. He is the weakest, but most satisfying kill as he had wrong each of them some way both cruel and intimate. Taking away their friends and family, their freedom and everything they stood for. Morgrim would let that decision fall upon them in the future. "You there Demon, I need one more thing from you, I want you to smuggle me into the sky district. I'll worry about getting onto Tuso's property, but I'll need you to get me through the bridge. and checkpoints."
"Not a problem. Name's Darrius, by the way." Darrius goes over to the table and bends over the map, unfazed by being referred to as 'Demon.' It's fairly common for people to refer to him by that, or any assortment of other names that denoted his heritage. In the beginning it had bothered him, reminding him of the fact that, as much as he'd like to ignore it and push it away, he is his father's legacy, but he eventually reached the point where it meant little to him. His father is long dead, whatever stains left on the world by his life have long since faded, and only Darrius remains, which is fine by him. Darrius likes to think that by going against the teaching his father once tried to ingrain on him that he's doing further damage to his memory. He takes pride in that.

He points at a spot on the map with the strange script on it, marking a sewer entrance next to a canal in the Sky District. "I can get you in here. Normally I'd forge some papers, get you through the gate, but with your, ah," he looks Morgrim up and down, "condition, I'd say it'll be next to impossible to do that, so sneaking is the best option. Unless you have some sort of magic that can conceal your appearance, that would make this process run smoother."

@Javax @Morgrim @AnimusLight
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