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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

With a awkward smile Felix says, "Well not all should be lived through, not all should be learned, and not all should be experienced." Then with a happy yet blank face he says, "But love is one of the few things i have yet to experience, I might have to try it one day, but that might also be a challenge due to my insanity, who knows." He finished with a laugh.

@Kiroshiven (goodnight for now)
The wolf felt at home in the forest. This was where she spent a good deal of her time when she wasn't fulfilling contracts or accomplishing missions. Or dealing with torture and interrogations on the rare occasion that she was caught. Her expression hardened slightly and brows furrowed as she remembered a specific torture session a few moons ago. 'Twas not her favourite, to say the least.

As they approached Dunheim, the assassin was suddenly anxious. She's had her fair share of history here; one that that contains bloodshed, loss of dignity and pride, crime, and dozens of disputes. One that she prefers not to remember. The moment her gaze laid on the walls of the city, her ears laid back and a low growl rumbled in her throat. The hybrid
hated this place. She wished it would burn to the ground and cease to exist. Hopefully, that opportunity will come when the fat bastard is deceased.

The sound of metal reverberated in her ears, and Roxii immediately became defensive. She's been around enough corruption to know what shackles sounded like. The assassin instinctively removed a dagger from its sheath and pointed it at the corpse. But once he began explaining himself, she lowered her weapon. He knew what he was doing—she hoped. The assassin couldn't simply sneak in to the city; it was far too guarded, and the few faults in the fortifications were too difficult to access. And they couldn't just stroll in, especially with their reputations. No, they needed to be smuggled in.

Still, Roxii wasn't too thrilled about the idea. When the leash was added to it, she was furious. As the shackles and leash were handed to her, her ears laid back and she snarled viciously. After Jass grabbed his own shackles, the hybrid snatched the restraints out of his hand angrily and began putting them on. Fortunately, they weren't silver, else her lycanthrope blood would react harshly to it.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight

(You're so evil. >:c)
"The flower, as Viridia stated, is indeed dangerous." Ana spoke quietly as she peered into the vial she had with the plant identified as nightlilly. She quickly put the vial in her satchel and moved on, keeping quiet about the fact that the elf woman made the plant regrow. She continued walking, pushing through the forest, and knew that it would take about an hour for the four of them to reach the city. The elf and Felix spoke for quite a while, but Ana tuned it out, focusing on the trip. "We should be there very soon, Ether." Ana thought to Ether through the mind link as the group neared the clearing. Once they reached the edge of the forest, Ana smelled for Roxii, Morgrim, and Jass, sensing that they were not too far from them. "I know where the others are. We can regroup with them soon.

@Javax @Morgrim @AnimusLight @shadowz1995 @FeIix @Kiroshiven

(I did this to kinda catch up with the others so that everyone can be included in the rp soon and so we don't drag on the whole nightlilly thing. Also, I'm going to be talking with Morg about the city since I'm helping with setting o-o just picture a really big wall surrounding the city except at the entrance, with guards positioned everywhere along the wall. For now.)

I couldn't help myself, something about these people just drew me to them. I don't understand what it is and I may never understand, but something about them just intrigued me. I kept following them until they got to the city. How was I going to get in there? How? Also how far was I away from my home? What would I do? I bet mother wolf was worried about me. I don't know my way back though. How to get back was the question. How was I going to get back home? I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so lost. How am I going to get home? I'm in such trouble, my only choice was to hope for the other group to get here and help me. I'm so scared.


I looked at the dead guild members we lost, we should have been more careful. I knew it. I shouldn't have gotten involved. This was bad, but I can't dwell on the past. I have more guild members to protect. We all made it back to the base and we all looked glum. The other guild members understood, we lost some men. So today would be a day of mourning for all of us.
Felix's head jerked at that last statement, "What exactly do you mean by others, there is more in your party? If so how hostile are they to people that they do not know?" He asked with a face that said both excitement and worry.

Nalon walked into the legion fort dragging behind him two soldiers that were lined with quills, and showed signs of torture. He wore a sadistic grin on his face as countless numbers of Wilhelm's men stepped away from him. Nalon was happy that he'd already established fear. "So, you're the mighty leader of this here troop?" Nalon dropped the two men. "Your boys here cost me my latest target. The hobgoblin's probably on the other side of the country!" He growled deeply as he approached the man. "And if I ain't gettin paid for comin up here we've got a problem." Nalon cracked his knuckles loud enough that everyone around him could here.

Morgrim looked over the two, another laugh escaping his lips. Gods he loved his job, not only was it lucrative (which he cared nothing about), but it was fun, especially at moments like these. He linked a length of rope around their hands, though left loose on purpose in case they needed to be free. He made sure to place a key in each of their hand, again just in case. He then grabbed the leash wrapping around Java's neck and tugged on it to make sure it was in place. He then ushered them on like sheep following their shepard. Morgrim walked forward, taking as many breaths of fresh air as he could, because when he neared the gate he pulled his hood up over his face. The walls were huge and imposing, so high it looks that even avian creatures would have trouble getting in. (Lacking on detail about the city on purpose because Ana is going to make a whole post based on its appearance.)

All it took to get in was a nod from Morgrim, and showing off the wanted posters he carried for both Roxii and Jassur. The guards were paid to be strong, not smart. Smart men asked too many questions, and Tuso didn't like that, nor did the person truly in charge of the city. Morgrim got them in easily, sometimes hiding in plain sight was the best thing to do. Now to meet up with that contact he had, a smuggler just waiting for his call (figurative) He could be found in the slums of the city, down into the bowels of the earth. The thing Dunheim that made it unique was that half of it's great expanse was underground, where they could extort the weak and poor and have the strong, but simple mine for very little money. They were basically slaves, made too poor to ever leave.He knew where to find him, in room 118 of splinter den a wood working mill that collects the roots from trees that dig too far underground to be collected from the surface, like mining for wood. The workers basically live there in the barracks, getting little food and even less water, but there was a group of smugglers bringing in supplies from unknown sources to help those in need.
Viridia looked at Ana. "Where are your friends? I want to meet them!" She became giddy as she started looking around, and tried sensing them through the plants in the area. She finally managed to recognize some of the people from the original group that had run off. "I can sense them. I'm gonna go say hi!" She sprinted off towards them. It looked like she was barely touching the ground as she zipped across the field, the wind helping her to speed off towards them. She ran until she came to the gate, realizing they had slipped inside. She walked away from the gate knowing that a barefoot elfin woman wouldn't be let in easily. "Hiding amongst the cracks in the wall, grow my precious world wanderers." As her eyes opened she could sense some of the smaller plants growing within the city. The easiest way in would be to change into her dragon form and just become a part of the plants around her, but that would also require a bit of work to hide well when she appeared. "Then plan B!"

Viridia walked over so that she was just outside the line of sight of the guards at the gate. This was risky, but she decided to do something shameful once more. She attracted the attention of one of the guards with a little cooing and posing in manners that flaunted her appearance. With even one pair of eyes out of the way she could do some great work. As he approached, she took in a deep breath and hit him with the full strength of her sedating pollen. The poor chap collapsed in front of her. She shrieked and then immediately hid herself with the foliage around her. Many of the guards came over to find their mate unconscious. I may not be experienced in doing things, but coming up with a plan like that was fun! With a good number of the guards preoccupied with the fallen soldier and the travellers coming in at the gate, Viridia slipped into the city of Dunheim still trying to catch up to the three that were Ana and Ether's friends.

@Morgrim @Anaxileah @shadowz1995 @FeIix @Javax @AnimusLight
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The city was absolutely massive. The only reason it hadn't been seen previous to the edge of the forest was because of the canopy blocking everyone's view. The walls were over ten feet high, with towers posted every thirty feet apart. Guards walked along these walls, holding bows and arrows or crossbows, some of them already had bows notched, prepared to hit anything that was deemed dangerous. Inside the city were large buildings, canals, and stone bridges to cross these deep rivers filled with water. There were a couple areas that had stairs leading to the water below, but not many since the waters were infested. With what? Nobody really knows. On land, there are old buildings, many chapels and towers devoted to the one religion of the city - Arcanism. Spires reached towards the sky, giving the city an almost majestic look, despite the obvious criminal behaviour going on inside it. The people who lived in the city looked ragged and poor, mainly because they were treated harshly and pressured by the corrupt of the city. One building, the tallest building in the entire city, was where the most important people lived, the most corrupt. This is where Tuso resides, as well as the true leader of the city.

The edge of the forest left about fifty feet from the travelers to the walls, leaving them under the cover of the forest still. These guards were large, strong, and talented physically, but weak mentally. They paid no mind to things far away, and only focused on their own here and now, having slower reflexes than the well-trained. Thanks to that, passing by them using quick motions and/or wit is the best of methods in getting inside. However, if more than one guard disappears, the others will notice, leading to an uproar/massacre. More of these guards are at the gate, holding weapons that resembled clubs, swords, axes, and more. Guards are littered throughout the city, standing atop some of the buildings, walking throughout the city on patrol, etc., but the main concentration of guards is located at the center, where the important people must be protected.

Therefore, stealth and speed are required, as well as intelligence. Try not to be noticed by the guards. (Kinda like Assassin's Creed) Good luck in the city.
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(Uh...it's not that easy getting into the city...did you not read what I put?)


After a, not so pleasant, meal at the inn he was staying at, he decided to get up and leave the inn, it was time to start his scouting out of the place. Under normal circumstances one would expect an assassin to have to hide their face to prevent recognition, but that was not the case with Atraxia. Those who knew of him were either dead, clients, or too scared to even look at him. He moved through the town with efficiency, not taking a break to do much, not even to scowl at the onlookers of his claws and fangs, he had no time for that; knowing that he should complete his contract fast and leave the city, just like always.

On his way, he passed by the front of the city the guards were talking to people, he grinned; perhaps he could learn of some knowledge that he could use as the guards were not the brightest but still knew more about the city then he did. Atraxia went in closer to find, to his surprise, the same band of strangers from before in the forest, being lead tied up by someone. He smirked, So they survived, and either were stupid enough to get captured or developed a rouse to get past the guards... the man thought to himself before starting to approach them. It was probably the latter he reminded himself, as he recognized the assassin in the group, she was not bad. He had kept tabs on many of the others of..."his kind of people" in the area and she did better then the others he had killed off.

"Well well well, now this is priceless" Atraxia chuckled as he approached Morgrim, clapping his clawed hands slowly as if it was some type of show, his Icy blue eyes as they were before, ever drilling into those who made eye contact. The man came to a stop right before Morgrim and the rest of the group that was tied up, his eyes scanned over the others, "So you survived? Call me surprised, it looks like you outran an entire army" he chuckled slightly, he could smell the lack of blood, he could tell there was little to no fighting and instead they were able to flee. But how? That intrigued him, how could a band of misfits out run an entire army? Unless the army was completely stupid themselves...that would explain a lot...

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: City

Mood: Ammused, Surprised

With: All

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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RedZombieWolf said:
Wilhelm looked up from his paper work an noticed a bounty hunter dragging in two of his men. He didn't like this ones tone, or his manners, but he needed him for now. "I'll pay you half of what your bounty was worth, and I also offer you another bounty. A group of assassins killed some of my men, I want them taken care of. For every one of them you bring to me, alive or dead, I shall pay you a thousand gold pieces. Now if you excuse me, I have a city to siege." With that said, he walked passed the bounty hunter and into the court yard. His army was at its maximum strength, and they were ready for a fight. He ordered them to march and rode at the head of the colum, ready to take a city
Nalon did not like being ignored. He unleashed a roar at the commander as he turned into his true form, flying over the army and landing in front of him. "Let me rephrase what I just said chief. I need something that's more rewarding than just a simple bit of gold and hunting assassins. I need heaps of gold and enough blood shed that I could drown a small village. Raiding a city sounds like that could be the perfect situation. And what could be more terrifying than an army with a manticore near the front?" Nalon grinned with his fangs bared, his three tails swayed in annoyance, anticipation and excitement. His body was lean and already poised to move at the slightest hint of a rejection. If he refuses this offer, i'll take some of his men for a joy ride and get the information on where. And then I'll join THAT side. It won't be hard.
(Just an fyi gold coins in Aldurin is the equivalent of $10 in american currency to the real world. so 1000 gold is really $10,000 Now that you have that information you can keep the post the same or change it. Note, no character has an unlimited supply of money. There is also silver coins, and copper coins. Silver being 1 dollar and copper being a single cent in equivalence.

Also major event is coming up soon, can't wait! Also yes this was intentionally put in character chat.)

I was nervous, I might've done this many times before but I hoped it would still work. As I approached the gates the guards stopped me.

"I'm a traveling blacksmith, I'm here to sell some of my wares" I stated with a smile as they questioned me. Though if they had paid close attention they would have noticed my sweating palms. They didn't pay close attention though and let me in after a brief nod. I suppose it was because as a hylian we were known for our blacksmithing capabilities and we tended to travel from city to city, selling our wares. I took in the smells of the city, it was a little overwhelming. So many different smells flooded my nostrils, it was hard to keep track of them all. I quickly shook this thought from my head and walked up to the necromancer I had been tailing and continued to follow him, hoping that he would leave soon and lead me to my home. I was homesick that much I knew, I also missed my pack. They were likely worried about me too. I hoped they were alright, but I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me they weren't.
RedZombieWolf said:
Wilhelm looked at the manticore and was slightly impressed. A creature of that size assisting him would take the town easier and put his men at less risk. "Dunheim, we're capturing it as intact as possible. The guards and nobility you can kill to your hearts content. But the villagers and merchants are to only be killed if necessary. Whatever gold the merchants have is yours, the treasury is mine. Deal?"
Nalon licked his lips as he drooled over the idea of killing nobility and taking their jewels and wealth. "A very wise decision. Should I use my quills on the merchants and peasants so that they don't run around too much?" The manticore had calmed himself slightly, but the thirst for blood running through his instincts told him to charge ahead and attack mercilessly. He paced around. "I can at least make it where they won't move." He was annoyed that he couldn't kill ALL the people, but slaying at least some was fine.
One thing was certain: the wolf elf hybrid was not happy. The rotten rat let out a laugh towards her and the mercenary, and her bitterness towards the male grew. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything at the moment. Any out-of-character behaviours, and she'd jeopardize their entire mission. So the assassin stayed silent and complied. The key was handed to her, and she stuffed the key into her sleeve underneath the strap of her arm guard, making sure it was out of sight. Once they began moving, her cold glare was still boring into the back of Morgrim's head. She'd get back at him later, when all of this was over and done with.

The three made it inside easily. Luckily, the guards posted around the city were a bunch of idiots, else infiltrating the city would be much more time-consuming and could probably call for more bloodshed. Instead, the necromancer, mercenary, and assassin strolled into the city without so much as a second thought, despite the suspicious yet rather amusing appearance of their rag-tag team.

Roxii was hit by a wave of nostalgia upon entering Dunheim. Many memories were made here, most of them not so pleasant. She could practically taste the blood of all the victims' who fell to the mercilessness of the large town. Their legacies would be forgotten within the murky depths of the crime-infested, religion-driven city. The scent of the infected waters, however, overpowered it all. Its unusual toxic stench caused the wolf's face to scrunch up in distaste. Whatever infested that waters would probably burn the very flesh off of someone. Though that may prove to be useful at some later time.

Walking through the streets, the hybrid was now on high alert. She made sure to keep her composure as a captured criminal, though, while watching her surroundings. The elf had made many enemies here in this god forsaken dump, including those of higher authorities. Including Tuso. Roxii hoped they didn't run into anyone that she knew, or else they might run into a few problems...

Speak of the devil. "
Well, well, well". She recognized the voice. Her nose picked up the scent of death and anger long before her eyes settled on the stranger from earlier. His appearance was much more distinguishable now, given that it was daytime and wasn't hidden by the shadows of his cloak. The elf narrowed her eyes at him. He had disappeared last night rather suddenly; was this where he disappeared to? Was it on purpose that they come across each other once again or mere coincidence? She wasn't too sure, though she'd let Morgrim do the talking; the assassin didn't quite trust this "Manifestation of Anger" yet.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @Federoff

(I feel like my writing quality is returning. I think. I can't tell.)
Jass pulled his hood over his head before the three enter the city; he didn't desire to make himself noticeable just in case someone remembered him. The key sits in the inside pocket of his cloak, giving him reassurance despite the lack of a weapon. The mercenary was slightly ticked off by the half corpses's small laugh, understanding the man's enjoyment of his plan. The shackles rattle on his wrists as he follows Morgrim and Roxii to the guards posted at the entrance. He doesn't bare a glance at the guard's eyes when he feels their eyes examining him. The former knight stares at the ground while Morgrim finally received the approval to enter the city. The gates open wide, making Jass look up briefly. The city's structure is truly amazing even though his acknowledgment of the corruption inside ruins his awe. The water, however, isn't pleasant as always.

Morgrim escorts the two through the city. The mercenary sees passer-byes watch them with curiosity; he doesn't dare to lock eyes with any of them, wary of his surroundings. The three were quiet while walking until an unfamiliar face appears near Morgrim. The stranger claps his hand with a mocking statement. Roxii seemed to know of the guy before them. Jass keeps quiet, eyeing the stranger as he guessed on point that they were being chased by an army not too long ago. This person gives Jass vibes of death and anger, reminding him of the presence he detected in the forest. Was that presence belonging to him? He narrows his eyes at the stranger not liking this confrontation one bit. He hopes Morgrim shoos the guy away; more suspicion will befall on them the longer they talked to him. No idiot wouldn't notice the danger surrounding the stranger.
"That's 200 gold pieces, my lord." Himeros said. He was currently positioned underneath the Lord of Dunheim, quite literally in fact, though clothed. His arms were wrapped around the others neck as he drew him closer, "And shouldn't I be leaving.... I'd hate for your wife to find me lying so comfortably in your bed."

He pecked the others cheek, as the Lord stammered, obviously displeased with the other having to go. He then slowly began to untangle himself and stood up. The Lord followed suit,

"Thank you for your time, my Hime..." He said quietly. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a pouch which the young incubus took. Himeros smiled, curtsied, spun on his heel and exited leaving the lord in a thin sheet of pheremones and his mouth agape. Himeros was good at what he did.

(I hope this is okay and I didnt do too much. Haha)
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I frowned as I saw that man approach the group I was tailing. He seemed to make my hairs stand on end in fright. Not only that but he reeked of death. How I knew this, is that hylian's have a stronger sense of both hearing and smell. I had a bad feeling about this guy. I could tell he was likely nothing but trouble. I then recognized a second sent among him, he smelled of dead wolf. I couldn't help myself and I let out a growl from my throat. Mother wolf always told me my temper would get me into trouble one day and I think that she was right.


There was no sounds of cheer at the current time in the guild hall, no sounds of laughter that usually filled the air. There was a sad atmosphere that hung about all of us as we lost so many of our members. I hated it when we lost members.

"Mr. Guild master why is everyone so sad?" One of our new recruits, an orphan much like how the originally guild leader found me as, asked.

"Well we lost some family today" I answered, somberly.

"Oh, is it dangerous being an assassin like us?" He asked.

"Yes, but we always try to take care of one another" I replied with a gentle smile.

"Then I will always be an assassin of the dark souls!" The kid cheered and ran off to the other kids. That seemed to brighten the mood, everyone smiled at the kid and stopped dwelling on what we couldn't change. Heck he even managed to make me see that. Laughter and happiness filled the halls once again. There was more to look forward to with the orphans we had to take care of.

@Federoff @Morgrim @Javax @AnimusLight @anyone else who is in this
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"Oh and who might you be, you don't look to be common rabble. Please do make it quick though I have to get these prisoners to the detention centre." Morgrim stated to the man, void of much emotion. He wanted to seem as detached as possible to these two so that no one would ask any questions, but not 5 minutes past the main gates and they all ready got some moron making remarks. It was then Morgrim noticed Roxii's look, it was very faint, almost unrecognisable, but still there. "Hey prisoner, speak! Do you know this fool?!" Morgrim yanked the collar harshly to find an answer while still maintaining an air of distance and distrust, all a ruse really, and one he was sure he was going to pain for later. Roxii is one of the best at what she does, but she is hardly forgiving, and almost annoying.

@Federoff @Javax


Atraxia chuckled a bit more, it being more guttural and from the back of his throat the normal laughter or chuckling, it would sound unpleasent to most and even strike fear into some of the guards around them, causing them to be alone for a bit as they turned to look in the opposite direction. His head came snapping back, causing an audible crack in his neck; his Icy blue eyes quickly changing to a glowing red, like that of a raging inferno in the pits of (insert whatever version of hell/tartarus you believe in here). "Look boy you don't have to lie to me, I can smell it all over you, and to top it off I doubt you would be able to catch someone like Roxii along with others by yourself" the daunting man whispered to the group, his voice brimming with the usual anger that there was.

He continued to stare for a few moments before his eyes scanned over the rest of the so-called "Prisoners" before looking back to him; his eyes turning back to their Icy blue color.
"Now why don't we go somewhere privet and you can fill me in? I insist on it..." he continued to whisper to Morgrim and the group before looking off to the side; his nose catching the scent of wolf. "I never realized you had a mutt for a pet" he stated to them, changing the subject to prevent the guards from becoming suspicious; his eyes creating a line for them to follow to behind them.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Dunehim (Sorry if I miss-spelled it)

Mood: Angry

With: All

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

The moment the collar was yanked roughly, the wolf's mind was sent back to when she was a slave to the bandits, similar to a trigger. Her ears laid back and a vicious growl emanated from her as she bared her canines at the rotting necromancer, much like a very angry, rabid dog. She knew this was all an act since there were so many others around, but the hybrid couldn't help the bubbling anger that boiled within. The elf hybrid had half a mind to do something obscene to Morgrim—slice his throat, rip his internal organs out (what's left of them, anyways), throw him into the infected waters to test what it did to flesh—but she knew better than to do that. Once again, it would ruin the entire mission.

The fraudulent prisoner didn't have time to respond before the creature did. That was probably a good thing, though. When his eyes changed, she knew her suspicions had been confirmed: there were two souls residing in his body. Perhaps they were in harmony, or they were battling for control. Whatever they did, they existed. But his change in demeanor didn't last long as Morgrim and him exchanged a quick few words. The "Manifestation of Anger", however, then joined in character, once again using the wolf-elf hybrid as a way to keep them hidden.

The elf clenched her jaw and breathed out her nose slowly, attempting to stay silent and keep her composure. Why did she agree to this? In fact, she didn't agree to this. She agreed to take out a selfish bastard who only created more problems upon the already existing problems. This was
not in her job description. Though the anger continued the boil inside her, Roxii simply cast cold glares toward the necromancer and the stranger. But she did whisper to the mercenary beside her, "Can I eliminate him later?" referring to the icy blue-eyed creature.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @Federoff

I wished I had another choice right now, but I needed someone to help get me back home. I was really worried and that stranger didn't help anything. I just hope nothing has happened to my family.

"Excuse me would you like to by some of my wares?" I stated, my palms sweating in nervousness as I approached the group. The sent of wolves was likely all over me seeing as I lived with a pack. I knew the lycanthrope would be able to tell that much. I was panicking on the inside, leaned over and whispered to the necromancer "I need your help, please, I know of your mission and all that I don't care to be honest I just need your help for something else"

I hoped that would catch his attention.


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