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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Rai looked at the chaos and was mortified, was this what the humans were truly like? He couldn't remember much about his real family only that they died some way and he managed to escape. Rai saw morgrim running away with the others and followed him, he couldn't give up now.

@Morgrim @everyone else
The elven hybrid watched on with slight amusement. How fortunate the group must be to have such a distraction occur at such the perfect time. Once Morgrim announced their quick departure and began sprinting through the forest, Roxii followed swiftly, avoiding the situation altogether. Luckily, the hybrid was skilled at traversing the forest, being able to avoid all of the tangled roots, low-hanging limbs, and other dangerous and irritating obstacles. It didn't take her long to catch up to the necromancer.


(I swear my posts are losing quality. Ugh.)
"And that's our queue." Ether states simply as an arrow pierces the skull of one of the armored knights. He taps Ana and Jass on the shoulder before turning to flee into the woods, opposite way from which Morgrim fled. If they all fled in the same direction, it would be easy for a scout to track them down. Ether gives the order to his thralls to follow and they immediately turn and start running in the direction Ether had taken off in. The necromancer pulls his sword halfway and reopens the wound he had made last night on his hand, activating his blood magic. Once again, Ether's body begins emitting a crimson hue as Ether's magic and physical capabilities are augmented several times. The necromancer quickly mutters a spell , sending tendrils of darkness out through the trees. These tendrils meld with the shadows of Jass and Ana, binding the three together through darkness. Ether then sends his thoughts through the link of darkness directly to their minds. They could hear his thoughts and each others now. "Guys pick a group, run with Roxii and Morgrim or with me but at least one needs to run with me! If we all go together then there is a big chance someone will be able to track us down far easier. We can meet up at the city of the Marquis. We all have the same destination! Just hurry!"
Ana felt slightly disturbed hearing Ether's thoughts in her head, but dismissed it as an arrow had whizzed by her before retreat. She turned and ran in the same direction as Ether, avoiding any further issues with the knights who were running off. "What makes you think there will only be one scout? It's possible there could be more, especially because of how large our group is." Ana thought to Ether and Jass, wanting to consider all of the possibilities. It's what she does best, and why she analyzes everything before going in for a kill. She soon caught up with Ether and asked him a question out loud. "So are we just able to hear what's directed at one another? Or can we hear everything the other person is thinking?" Ana asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.
The escalated event turned for the worst. Jass curses when the guildmaster of Dark Souls - he believes that's what they said they were called - decides to make the opposite group hostile. He had a feeling having this human-cat person in their group is going to be more trouble than he wants. Morgrim takes advantage of the situation to escape the sudden skirmish between the two groups. Jass grabs whatever he deemed important. He notices their group split up; probably it might help prevent those guys from going after with a full army. He decides last minute to run with Morgrim and Roxii, his original partners. They've worked well together and will definitely be able to avoid any more troubling situations.

The last image of Innocence disappearing gave a sick feeling to Jass. What happened to it? Will it come back? He wonders if the sudden violence frightened the shadow. The mercenary hopes Innocence returns; the group barley knows the interesting creature and Jass promised to help it after killing Tuso.

The forest is a great cover for the groups. Jass pulls his magic all into endurance and speed, giving him a nice running pace with the two. So early in the morning they have to run from enemies. He hated running and wouldn't have mind joining the fight but that was his itch to want to forget about his nightmare with a distraction. The leaves and twigs crunch under their group's feet. Jass fiddles with the ring on his finger, agreeing with himself that Ether and Ana will be fine; they've become familiar to him and he wished them no trouble or harm.

Ana's thoughts come to him; Ether's magic is really beneficial. "They have to split their forces. They can't send everyone after us," he sends his thoughts to Ether and Ana. He thinks that's how whatever spell Ether cast on them, works. This communication is going to aid them in reuniting again with no problem. Though, did they hear everything he thought in his head? He didn't want his current low moral to be known because of him accidentally thinking of the past.
"I didn't exactly put a filter in the rush Ana." The thought rushes out to them both and both of their thoughts of whether or not they could hear each others unfiltered thoughts rushed into each other. "Ughh...guys take care what you think. Alright? Too much information at the same time is overwhelming and let's not forget that we aren't built to have more than ourselves in our head. Just think of it as talking without using your mouth and you'll be fine." When Ether gains a comfortable distance from the battle, where the could no longer hear the clashing of metal, is when he comes to a walk and looks at Ana. She looks rather shaken up by the whole situation but seems ok overall and more importantly u harmed. From Jass's side Ether can see that Morgrim and Roxii are doing well as well. Ether really needed to take the time to set up a block on the thoughts that can be heard and can't be heard. He was sure they had secrets they didn't want to be known. After all, Ether's own past was not one he liked remembering. The memory of his parents sneaks into his head. Their faces, glowing purple eyes like his, their smiles. The scene is quickly marred by the sight of them in a dark night. In the middle of the woods, in the cabin Ether lived in peace with them. The corpses. The blood. The mutilated, mangled remains of his family. The ghouls. The blood of his kin glistening on their teeth from the moonlight. The fear. The despair. The primal rage... Ether quickly snaps back to his situation and realized that his trauma had gotten the better of him and they both just saw and felt the images and emotions of his memories. Ether's PTSD had given away fragments of his past and he quickly turns away from Ana and stops his thoughts all together. His mind becomes silent and he thinks of nothing but darkness.
Viridia had watched the knights attack the group and had curiously watched them all. Although she didn't believe in violence, the fact that the knights made the first move made her lean towards those who were running away's side. She moved about the trees speaking to them, making them grow larger while the forest itself became harder to traverse as the group ran deeper. "They are an interesting group to say the least." The dragon moved about the forest in her elfin form, following closely behind the group made of two over the other few that ran off the other way. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but she doubted it would kill a dragon. She got closer and closer and when the pair came to a near standstill, she forgot and zipped just past them both. Her strawberry-blonde hair fluttered around as she finally ceased. "That looked rather fun. At least, the running was anyway." Viridia smiled as she looked at them all. "Don't worry about being followed," She pointed towards where the pair had run from with a pale finer. "As you can see, the forest is much more......cramped." Viridia giggled as she was starting to get overcome with excitement.

@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah
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All of these dark and grotesque images flashed through Ana's mind, causing her to stop walking entirely. So much pain was surrounding these memories, Ether's memories. A couple tears slid down Ana's face as she finished seeing the bits and pieces of memory, ending with a blank darkness from Ether's end. Before Ana could consider comforting him, a stranger appeared in their midst, who was rather tall and had plants all over her. Ana put a hand on one of her daggers' hilts defensively, but did not draw the blade, since figuring out whether or not people were threats was most important to her. "Um. Pardon me, but who are you?"

@Kiroshiven @shadowz1995
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"Oh for fu-" Ether let's out a frustrated growl and turns to face the woman who just emerged quite literally out of nowhere. When Ether actually lays eyes upon her, he takes a second to regard her in her entirety. She was quite stunning and Ether had to fight to not let his eyes wander about her figure. Ether's thralls look between their master and the new comer in what seemed like confusion even though that is technically impossible for them. The necromancer takes a breath and moves to stand next to Ana just in case the stranger decided to try something. "Too much damn activity for a day and a fortnight." Ether thought. "Thank you for the warning....elf....I think your an elf. Now as my lass her asked why business do you have with us?" Ether was trying very hard not to look at Ana after what his thoughts had just betrayed but he could feel her sorrow through their mind link.
Viridia smiled at the two. "You may call me an elf. That's fine." Viridia was wanting to have fun. It was in her nature to be kind but games were the best. "As for what I want?" She placed a hand delicately on her chin. "I don't know. Personally I thought you were the ones defending yourselves, so I aided you. I don't like violence after all." The grass beneath her formed a chair for Viridia to sit upon while she looked over the necromancer and his companion. "I'm Viridia. I am one with the plants around me and find enjoyment in their company." After a moment she looked at the two. "Where are you headed? I don't know of any nearby cities." Viridia nearly jumped out of her seat at the topic of cities. "If you're going to a city, can I come too?" Her thoughts jumped sporadically as she moved from one subject to the next without much time in between.

@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah
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(Aww Viridia protects the group who is not being followed ;U)

"Shit." Jass clutches his head with one hand. Damn. He knew everyone in this group had something to hide - something that they never wanted to share. They have all lost people important to them. That's how this world worked. People believing that this world had any good in it is naive. He used to think that way, that the work he did as a knight benefited the innocent. Now he knew that the communication had no way of blocking all their thoughts, the mercenary knows he'll have to distract himself when the time comes. He didn't feel like openly sharing his past. His pitiful state, a drunk broken man, during his first year of fleeing bounty hunters... he didn't want to show them that. That Jassur, long ago, was gone; he needed that self gone if he wanted to carry on (damnit it rhymed). His year of wasting away came to a halt after a dear friend of his reminded him of what's important; how to live with themselves with the blood on their hands: Live. Just live and remember those who should have lived.

Jass glances back while the group is still running. He wonders if anyone will be following them. He sees the other two's thoughts; they ran into someone, be careful guys. He continues onward with Morgrim and Roxii, brushing off the slight pain he received from communication.
Felix walks noisily towards the group (Ether, Ana, Virdia) talking to himself "It seems there is people ahead. Think they are going to try and kill you? Who knows." He finishes as he stumbles into the clearing and says loudly "Hello random people."
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"NO! No more! No more goddamn strangers in our midst! What kind of woods ARE these that people just keep HAPPENING upon us hell no. I'm done with all the newcomers. Ana and Viridia because you saved our asses. Let's get a move on and get out of the accursed place before I kill someone out of spite." Ether doesn't wait for opinions or for words. He has had enough and is in a state where he will probably kill the next person that stumbles into their group. He will not have anymore. Too many risks and too many unknowns. The necromancer hadnt lived this long by being a trusting idiot and just let anyone follow him. "Viridia we are going to a nearby city. I'm not gonna say the name until we are clear of him. You can follow along if you wish." Ether was also still distraught from the fact his mind link was not only leaking his frustration and anger but also his anxiety at having revealed parts of his past.
"Ok i have no problem you leaving me for dead," Felix says with a laugh, "but could you at least point me the direction of the nearest city." he finishes with a obviously fake puppy dog face.
Viridia put her weight against Ether and let out a small breath of her sedating pollen. "Come now, you shouldn't be so quick to violence." Her bubbly attitude was still there as she played with the boy. "If you do that, you may scare away all the pretty girls." Viridia giggled. This person was like one of the animals in the forest that she had played with. He tried being tough, but was a sucker for the prettier ones in his species. She ran her hand along his back before facing him. "Be nice, to the lad. Let him tag along to the city, then you can kick his ass." Viridia wasn't one to condone violence, but this new comer had an "aura" that worried her. It wasn't very safe.

Felix's face lights up, "There you go that sounds like a wonderful plan. Nice to meet you all, I'm Felix."
Ether takes in a deep breath as the woman presses against, unknowingly breathing in the pollen that had a calming effect upon him. He thought it was distracting rather than calming. Any thoughts of anger and frustration were erased and were flooded with how damn good she smelled and felt. The other two could probably feel the fight within his mind to resist his urges. "Damn temptress..." Ether mutters. He turns away from her and mutters again "whatever. Let him tag along. I don't care anymore .Ana keep me sane please. Think I'm about lose it."
"Yeah new friends. So where are we going?" Felix says with a bright smile and looking like he was about to fall over in excitement yet always catching himself at the last second.
Viridia had never heard that word before. Her curiosity was peaked. "Sir, what's a temptress? And why did you call me that?" She zipped around him, quicker than most elves, and stopped him from moving. "Can you tell me?" She looked at him with eyes shining of innocence and purity. She really didnt know much of the world's customs. She had lived on sky shard with only plants and animals as friends for the longest time. So this was an unforseen opportunity. "Well?"

Felix pops up beside you two, "I believe it is a woman who tempts someone to do something, typically a sexually attractive woman who sets out to allure or seduce someone." he says with a smile.
Viridia's skin turned a shade of red that would make chilli peppers look pink. In 2000 years of living she never thought anyone would do something like that. She did feel proud that her elfin form was appealing, but that wasn't important. "I....i didn....im not that....." Words escaped Viridia as tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. She was so embarrassed she couldn't look Ether, Felix, or Ana in the eye. "Im going to stay in the back. Maybe even go find the other group that was running." Viridia turned to leave from the group. Viridia was still a very innocent woman and realizing she'd done something so shameless without thinking made her feel terrible.

@shadowz1995 @FeIix @Anaxileah
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"What's wrong," Felix asks with a curious look, "It was only one person's opinion. You don't have to leave." Then with a sad and disappointed look on my face, "Please don't leave. You're the first person that isn't scared of me or that wants to kill me, even though I'm obviously insane."
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Ana was gripping her head in pain, overwhelmed by the other two's thoughts. The plant lady was seducing Ether, Jass was trying not to think about something, although the mind link wouldn't show her what, and she was still shocked and saddened by what Ether had been thinking earlier. Another character came into view, but Ana couldn't focus on them because her mind was hurting, like a massive headache. "Ether, I would help you, if this mind link didn't hurt so much." Ana then got an idea and sent thoughts of relaxation and calming to Ether, hoping that would help, but it continued to hurt her head.
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Jassur had caught up with the rotting necromancer and the assassin, and she couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease. This was the original group that they had established, and this was how they worked best. The three of them working together had a taste of everything: intelligence, strength, and stealth. Each member possessed their own specialization, though it wasn't exclusively for them since each had a bit of every specialty. She'd say that the only downfall the group had was that they seemed to attract danger and complications, no matter where they went and what precautions they took.

Roxii could feel another presence nearby through a soul link, and she figured that Ether had formed a bond through shadows with one of the others. Perhaps Jass, since the feeling only became stronger when he approached. Communication telepathically was always a method the hybrid didn't like too much. Fortunately, any time there was a mind link formed between her and others, she's able to create a barrier that performs similarly to a "Push to Talk" button. The wolf can choose what is shared and what is said through a filter-like wall.

The elf's senses were on high alert, trying to keep track of everyone. She didn't want anyone to be left behind, and she wanted to make sure they weren't being followed. If they were, she wanted to prevent them from getting close. So far, she couldn't tell; there was too much going on. Hopefully things will die down soon. So much had happened in just a few hours that it's become overwhelming.
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"Jass. Good luck man. This link is hurting Ana and you. I can tolerate it myself but its better to move without it. Let us meet up in the city and tell Morgrim to find some way to contact me. I'm sure he can think of something." Ether sends the thoughts to the two of them before cutting the link to Jassur. Leaving just Ana and Ether mind linked now. The rumble in the background faded and now only the relaxing feelings that Ana was apparently purposely sending his way. How sweet of her. "Alright Ana. Its just you and me linked up now. I'll work on a bit of barrier so we don't just read everything we are thinking. But I'd rather stay linked because I don't trust these two. Too many people have been joining our midst and these two took the last of my patience."

"Oh....and I'm sorry. I truly didn't mean to...think about that. Its just something that happens to me once in a while. I sometimes have partial lapses to that moment in my life. Sometimes entire lapses of insanity...as if I was living it again. So truly, my apologies. I'll explain later on if you wish. I suppose you deserve that. " These thoughts enter Ana's mind slowly and quietly. Ether is trying not to be intrusive any longer. It does cause the more normal folk pain.

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