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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Ana, having diffused most of the anger involving the pyromancer, was now utterly fatigued, but remained awake anyway and sat beside Ether. "Hey, I know it's not something fun to deal with, but it's better than exploding and using up the energy you need against the corrupt man." Ana yawned, starting into the fire. The flames were mesmerizing, and Ana rested her elbows on her knees, one hand beneath her chin. She began to doze off as she sat beside him, staring at the fire.

The decision was settled, and the priest was to stay. This didn't bother the hybrid too much, but she began emitting a low growl when Morgrim agreed with allowing the Khajiit to stay as well. A cat and a dog in the same vicinity? Was the half rotten man insane? Why was she even asking that? Of course he was. The assassin found that out the moment she met him: promising a payment for her troubles and then saying that he didn't have it and the she had to work even more for it. This male was just trying to get on the hybrid's bad side.

Roxii then felt as though she were being watched. The feeling was a normal thing, especially with how many people want her head on a pike, but this time it felt unusual. She scented the air, the odor of death and anger attacking her senses. Whoever—or whatever—was nearby wasn't happy. Having ignored the situation before her, she turned and raised her head, following the scent much like a dog chasing the delicious scent of food nearby. The elven wolf gazed up at the tree canopies, searching the darkness for the stalker. Then her eyes settled on a large, dark figure crouching on the branches above, gazing down at the band of misfits with icy blue eyes.

Her right ear twitched, wondering what the stranger was doing. Did he plan on ambushing them? Was he a spy? Was he an assassin, much like herself? Or was he simply curious, wondering what the group was up to this late at night? She wasn't sure why she wasn't reacting as harshly as she had with Ether, Nitiri, and Darkos. Perhaps she had reached a point of exhaustion in which she wasn't necessarily thinking correctly. It was plausible; the wolf hadn't slept or rested in about two weeks or so.

After accepting her fair share of gold, she separated herself from the group but still stayed within the camp's boundaries. She didn't want to be ambushed alone. So the wolf settled by a nearby tree, leaning against the trunk and crossing her arms over her chest. She was still fairly upset with the decisions. However, she stayed silent and simply gazed out at the surrounding darkness.

@Federoff @Morgrim @shadowz1995 @AnimusLight @Anaxileah @eh ye

Nitiri snarled as she was let down and turned to the man who had held her while Morgrim took her gold. Yes, it was her's! Hissing she turned back to Morgrim and growled, "I'll get it back, don't you worry. Every last coin." She spat the latter 3 words out separately, a low growl rumbling in her throat.

And she was taken aback by the notion of the herself staying in the camp, or even staying with the group. They had stolen her rightful money, and Nitiri had also caused them enough trouble in the past for them to make the corpse man hate her so much. Jass didn't seem to have as much distaste she supposed. And Roxxi was well, a dog. As far as the rest of the group was concerned, she didn't know or care how they felt about having a thief in their midst.

Lashing her tail, she stalked over to her horse, muttering, "You no good piece 'a shit horse... Don't know how to stop," She grumbled, grabbing him by the reigns and leading him to a tree not far but not close to the camp. Tying him up, the horse layed down and Nitiri did as well, leaning on the horse's side as the stallion fell asleep.
Ryu was currently spying on this odd group of people, currently wondering what in the world they were doing out so late. What where they're goals? Why were they here? Well whatever it was Ryu knew one thing he wanted to find out. He was naturally curious by nature and always had been. So when a problem presents itself to him he wants to find the answers himself and won't stop till he finds it.

@Javax @GoldenWolf @Morgrim @everyone else
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Y U So Funneh?!))

Honestly Morgrim wasn't all too happy about their two new guests, but Innocence wanted them there, and he felt bad for the poor soul. He understood what it meant to be all alone for so long. He made sure to cut off a hefty chunk of boar, and bring it over to the priest first offering him a plate. "I hope you will keep your hands to yourself and cause as little trouble as possible, you've all ready done enough to say not be trusted, but I keep to my word." He left the priest to think about it and then grabbed another plate of meat for the cat.

"Here, you might as well get something to eat, though don't count on getting that coin back. Most of it will be gone by the end of tomorrow. Do anything to interfere and you'll be sure to be the first person to know it. Now get some rest, Innocence may want you to stay, but that'll only be for tonight, we can't have you mucking up my plans." He left the plate by her feet, and tossed over a blanket, something else Innocence had insisted on giving her to keep her warm for the night that she'll be staying.


Nitiri stared after Morgrim coldly, pushing the plate of food away with her foot in disgust. Who knew where that came from and who touched it? Her lip curling in disgust, she ignored the blanket as well. If it had been anywhere near the dog, there was still the chance of fleas covering that nasty thing.

Crossing her arms over her empty stomach, Nitiri ignored the rumblings of her innards and focused on the fire. She blinked a few times, letting out a large cat-yawn and stretching her arms above her head, her tail flicking about.
Ryu was very curious, he couldn't resist getting closer. He had to know who they were. He was so curious and he had to solve his curiosity. He just wanted to know who these people were more than anything. He wanted to know, he had to know. He had always been this way and would likely always be this way. He went towards the barrier and crossed it, jumping from tree to tree as he did. He moved a branch closer to him with his power over earth and jumped on it. He was on a branch over Nitiri, his black tail hanging over the edge of the branch, touching her head.

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Nitiri flicked an ear and hissed, jumping up with hackles raised as she felt something brush her head. Looking up at the branch above her, Nitiri saw a human, er, cat-human? She had never seen any creature like this before in her life. Well, she also had never seen and badger-person, half-wolf, and walking corpse, but the Khajiit hadn't died from a brain failure yet.

Peering up into the tree, she hissed, "Who the hell are you? And what are you?" She tilted her head, confused. Her horse looked up as well and gave a surprised whinny, but rested his head back on the ground and continued in his slumber. Flicking her tail in confusion, she glanced around camp quickly before looking back up into the tree.
"I'm Ryu and as to what I am I'm a neko" he responded, jumping down from his branch. He landed perfectly on his feet as he did.

"So who are you guys and what are you doing here?" Ryu asked, leaning against his scythe he took off his back for that purpose.

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What the hell is a neko? Nitiri thought. Whatever a human with cat ears and a tail is is a neko, i guess. She finished the thought with a nod. "Oh, i'm not with them." The Khajiit spat out the last word in disgust, gesturing with her tail to the rest of the group. "Ask the old guy what he's here for if you really want to know." she meowed.

((Ew, when did I start typing short posts o.e))

The hybrid's ears perked and swiveled on her head as another scent entered her nose. A male. But not just that: a male cat. Her gaze flicked toward the location of the scent, which was over near Nitiri, and watched as a feline anthropoid dropped from the tree near her, resting on his scythe nonchalantly.

The wolf growled in annoyance. Now there were
two cats? As if the first wasn't enough trouble! Completely ignoring the new stranger's question, she pushed herself off the tree to stand up straight and grabbed her one of her daggers. She growled menacingly, pointing it momentarily at the stranger, then stopped. The assassin didn't want to deal with this right now.

Roxii slashed the tree trunk beside her with anger and irritation. "
You have got to be fucking kidding me," she barked angrily. Not wanting to be around the two cats, a stupid rotting corpse, an aggravating priest, and whatever else was around, she turned and left the camp's boundaries. The hybrid didn't care what happened to her beyond the boundaries; she was pissed, and she'd much rather not throttle the first person who came near her.
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"I think my curiosity will get me killed sometime. I know it, because now I want to know" Ryu sighed and he put his scythe back on his back. Then he motioned with his hand and a tree branch and it came down near him. He walked on top of it and motioned it upwards and jumped to the next branch towards the old man. He didn't have to travel long as he came upon him quickly.

"Hello there, I was wondering what was going on here. I kinda stumbled upon this and my curiosity was piqued" Ryu stated.

Nitiri rested once again with her back against the red and white stallion. ((Award to the shortest post in the history of RP goes to.... *Drumroll please* MEEE!!!))
Morgrim let out a sigh, at this point it couldn't be helped. "Very well." He addressed the Neko, despite how he so easily bothered not only Nitiri, but Roxii as well just with his presence. Morgrim wasn't so easy to be annoyed though. "At the rate I've been picking people up I might as well run an inn. This is my group, and we are on a mission for revenge and and freedom. We are going to take on Tuso, and it won't be much longer before we get to the city. I can exactly give out the details, but I'm hopeful." He eyed the cat eared boy up and down, a bit curious about him and his forthcoming nature, and die-hard curiosity. "So who are you?" @Sheaon13

(@RedZombieWolf What group is your character observing? A random group or Morgrim's group?)
"Names Ryumi Ushima, though I hate my given name so I just go by Ryu" he stated "That sounds really interesting though, couldn't help but be curious" Ryu added right afterwards. Ryu summoned fire to his hands with a flick of his wrist and began tossing it back and forth boredly inbetween them.

"If you need a good blacksmith I'm here" Ryu stated as he continued to play with his fire.

Jass had enough of the day. He eats his meal quickly before taking a bedroll. He sits on it listening to the ruffling of the trees and the crackling of the fire. Morgrim threatens the cat thief and she vows to get the money back. Jass wasn't letting anyone near the coin he recieved. All of this is going to make him a free man with no worries of people after his head or trying to find a request that'll pay for a night at an inn. He always liked to keep a few extra coins on him for emergencies but most of it was saved in a pouch sealed with blood magic from the help of an acquaintance of his. If that damn thing were to disappear, he won't know what to do; probably return into his drunken pitiful state that he was in that first year of being alone.

Today was a long day; he feels that he deserves the hard-earned rest. He was about to lie back before hearing movement in the trees that weren't made by the wind. He spots a human with animal features: feline ears and a tail. Roxii curses and leaves farther away from camp; that can't be good, the mercenary thought. If random people keep showing up like this, who knows what's out there still? Did he want to go after her though... Jass shrugs, too tired to want to do anything. Too tired to even acknowledge the human/cat "neko" it called himself. When will this little circus of theirs stop growing? After he listens into partial of the conversation, the former knight figured his attention span has lessen the longer he stays up. He lets out an annoyed grunt before lying on his side, pulling the cloak over his head. His sword lays next to him for safety measures.

(Let's get the show on the road. I want to leave the night and make our way to the city, have you even named it yet? @Morgrim )

Ether watches Roxii leave the camp and sighs to himself. He quickly stands up and strips off the cloak he had always worn to conceal his identity. He carefully covers Ana with the cloak before walking off in the direction Roxii had walked to. "I'll get her..." Ether's anger had been subsiding and now the exhaustion was really starting to hit him. He shakes himself as if the fatigue was dust gathered upon him. He needed to stay conscious to keep the barrier and the thralls in check. It wasn't hard to find Roxii. Ether just had to follow the smell of blood and feel of shadow magic that she always had. As if she was unconscious of the fact it always passively gave off that aura. "Roxii..." Ether speaks in a soft, tired voice. "I know you're probably just as pissed about the cats as I am about the pyromancer but...let's just deal with this shit, ignore them, and go to sleep yeah? Been a long damn day and I think everyone needs some rest. You especially. As a lone assassin, I know you never sleep fully. More of a half sleeping to stay alert even while asleep. I have to do the same while I have my thralls on watch. I also know its taxing." The necromancer runs a hand through his hair and scratches the back of his head. The fatigue was really setting in. Just walking was an effort he didn't want to make. "So lets just eat and go to sleep then contemplate killing the two cats and the priest in the morning ey? You skin one, I'll skin the other, and then you assassinate the priest while I turn him into a zombie....then kill him again." The necromancer laughs at the thought of doing all that. It actually sounded quite amusing in his mind.

Atraxia continued to watch the group, most of them were stupid beyond reasoning with he decided, perhaps he could just kill them all off, its not like anyone would be missing them...besides for a few people. While complimenting on whether to do this or not, the lytharope of the group looked up directly at him, this surprised him, So one person is at least capable, interesting... he thought to himself for a while longer as he continued to watch the group almost completely dissolve from each other. He smirked a bit, now was the time to make his move... but first to deal with a pesky scout...it wouldn't take too long...


Now he was above the assassin and necromancer of the group, continuing to listen into their conversation, and truth be told, it was quite a humorous one, that did sound like a nice way to get rid of them all...but that was not his intent right now. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" he stated out loud to the two from up above on the branches before following down onto his feet a few feet in front of them; his cloak preventing sight on all of his body besides for his icy blue eyes, which had a sort of ethereal glow in contrast to the darkness around them.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Forest

Mood: Bored -> interested

With: Whole group, more specifically
@shadowz1995 and @Javax

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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When Ether hears the voice above his head he doesn't jump nor does he panic. After he had calmed down in the camp, he had felt the presence of shadow magic being used in the vicinity. He didn't know where it came from nor who it belonged to, only that it was nearby and up high. He sighs as the man drops down in front of him. His body is hidden by magic but his eyes pierce the magic he hides himself in. Much like Ether's own purple glow, "Well, you certainly took your time revealing yourself."
Ana jerked awake, the smells surrounding her having startled her. She was sitting by the fire still, which was low on firewood. She looked around, wondering what smells were penetrating her nostrils, and grimaced. Our group has increased while I was asleep... Ana shook her head and rubbed the sleepiness off of her face. She stood, confused as to what was happening, and approached Roxii, Ether, and...a pair of glowing eyes? Ana rubbed her eyes again, thinking she was imagining something. Apparently she wasn't, so she just focused on Roxii and Ether, knowing that those eyes were attached to another person, possibly one who had joined them...

"Roxii, why are there so many strangers here? Including this one?" She yawned, looking at the set of blue eyes again warily. Her green hair stood out, even though it was nighttime, and she ran a hand through it, causing it to be messier than usual. Ana then crossed her arms, looking in between the three people she was speaking to.

@Javax @shadowz1995 @Federoff
The hybrid hadn't gone too far; she knew it would be stupid to stray too far from the camp alone in the middle of the night in a dark forest, especially with how many strangers have been showing up and with the many threats hidden amongst the shadows. So once she had set a reasonable amount of distance between her and the group, the wolf stopped and leaned against a tree. She stared off into the distance, lost in thought. To many of the others, aside from the anthropomorphic members, the environment was almost pitch black, the moon and stars providing hardly any light through the thick canopies. But for the wolf-elf hybrid, the forest was a wide variety of greys, contouring each tree and creating a greyscale woodland.

It was all fairly serene for the shadow assassin until she heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the camp. Judging by the familiar scent of necromancy on them and the lack of rotting flesh, she guessed it was Ether. Her suspicions were confirmed once he spoke, asking her with a tired voice to return back to camp. She knew it was the logical thing to do, but the assassin wanted to be nowhere near the two felines. However, the wolf did let out a short, breathy huff of laughter when the purple-eyed male began creating a promise that they both knew wouldn't be kept. Tearing apart those three seemed appealing to both of them, but they knew better than to eradicate them. Not yet.

Roxii heard the trees above her ruffle softly, and she looked up as the aura of anger and death returned. The icy blue-eyed stranger was back, and he finally decided to make himself known to the others. He dropped down in front of her, and the wolf's only acknowledgement of his presence was a twitch of her left ear. This male smelled
strongly of anger, and it made her feel uneasy. She never knew so much wrath could be rolled up into one body. Then again, it also felt as though there was too much anger. As if there were two souls manifesting one body...

And then the reptilian healer approached, having just woken back up. The shadowy elementalist let out a sigh, her face set in a cold, emotionless expression. "
It is nice to finally see..." She paused to look the cloaked figure up and down, settling back onto his gaze. "Most of you. My group needs sleep. Whether or not you stay, I do not care at this point. We have already allowed many other strangers to stay, unfortunately..." Roxii paused for a moment, but not long enough for anyone to respond. "Now if you will excuse me." The elf let her sentence linger as she turned and began striding back to the camp, not too keen on returning to the same vicinity as the horrid cats.

@shadowz1995 @Federoff @Anaxileah
Rai wanted to get closer to the humans that were currently in the wilderness, they were near his pack's territory anyway. He wanted to know what they were doing here.

"No Rai, we can't get near them you know the dangers" mother wolf stated to Rai in the language of the wolf that Rai could understand after staying with his pack for so long.

"But mom" Rai whined.

"Fine but don't blame me when you're killed the only good human is a dead human, I mean besides you of course" mother wolf stated.

"I just want to get a bit closer" Rai ended up leaning in too close and falling out of the bush right in front of Roxii, ether, Ana, and the shadowy figure.

@Javax @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @Federoff
"Well I'm a mage, so I have little use for a blacksmith, but you may want to speak to Jassur in the morning, or Ana sometime. They are the more friendly of my group, and use conventional weapons. You can stay with us for the night I suppose. It's dangerous out there." Morgrim offered, and he then left the boy to it. He needed his rest as well and decided to take the rest of the night off. -TIME SKIP- (All people posting comments taking place during the night time get's one more to say their characters are going to bed. We will then address what new arrivals we have, and head to the big city. Dunheim; city of the angel.


Atraxia smirked at the necromancer's and lytharopes responses, not the typical reaction but it would do for now, he was just here to deliver a present and leave, that was it for now. From behind his cloack he threw a severed head of a human at the necromancer, Ether. "I wouldn't sleep if I were you, your wanted dead by a few people now" his statement was short and to the point, no fluff of any kind. "We may yet see more of each other, necromancer, lytharope" Atraxia finished, turning his head lightly to face Ether and Roxii before dissolving into thin air; here in a flash and gone without a trace.

Why did we not kill them? questioned the spirit within him, They are useless, no one would miss them...hungry...

It is not in my contract...besides, they may bring up more profit in the future... swiftly replied Atraxia in his mind as he went through the night to his destination,

Dunheim; where he would complete his contract...

When he arrived in the city at night, he had spent until morning in a inn, then as morning hit he had taken off his cloak and went down to get some breakfast, ready to finish and be home quickly so he may move to the next contract...

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Forest -> Dunheim

Mood: Angry (neutral for him)

With: Morgrims group -> No one

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

"Get back here Rai before they notice you" mother wolf barked and Rai did just that and ran back to the den in the process but his curiosity was still peeked, he would sneak off early in the morning and tail them. He curled up like a pup in the den and fell to sleep early that morning he took off to follow the group.

Ryu made his fire disappear and brought down a branch and stepped on it then lifted it back up and fell asleep in the tree, leaning against the trunk.

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