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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Location: Hearthfire

Sina was surprised at the arachne hiss. She was taken back a little bit by the reaction that she moved a little bit back. She looked up and saw that the arachne was smiling rather wickedly. She frowned as she had never met an arachne for a while and has forgotten how to deal with them. "Oh, don't worry," she replied, with a really sweet and happy tone, to the arachne, "I doubt I'll vanish from sight."

She was trying to be careful of her words as she spoke. Sina saw, from the corner of her eyes, that the all the arachne's eyes were focused on her. They all have that predator look and she knew that this won't end well. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation," she thought of a way to get those eyes off of her, seeing that they were making her a little uncomfortable, "Or whatever you were doing." A smiled was plastered on her face as continued on, trying to direct the arachne's attention to something else other than her, "I'll let you return to your conversation. I'm sure that it's more important than me."

@Unwavering Knight @Minxa
This one's resistance was not even worth breaking. Praxedes' smile slowly turned to a languishing disappointment, drawing her claw back with fading interest as she rose her humanoid body to stare down at the fairy "Why certainly." Giving a sigh, the arachne reached back to her back with her free claw, rummaging through the contents before producing a carefully wrapped and isolated piece of chocolate, preserved by some magic inherent in the fabric.

With attention one would grant a leashed lowly pet, the arachne offered the fairy the sugar-ware "Try some. My taste buds aren't sensitive enough to appreciate it anyway."

One of the detriments of being a carnivore...

@Mistic - Addressed

@Minxa - Witnessing
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Ether sheathes his sword away as the pyromancer does but his ire does not cease as he watches the man walk closer to the group. He had been asking to stay the night with them now and this caused Ether's eyes to widen in shock. He had realized that he was the one to pop his top when the priest began preaching but this pyromancer was no better in his eyes for acting all pompous in the first place. The damned fire mage should have felt that they were equals in terms of raw power and it was the skill that needed to be seen. A low growl escapes Ether's throat as the priest approaches and his thralls instinctively form a wall in front of the priest, blocking off any further approach. Though it was unintentional it made the necromancer feel a bit better. With his rage still spiraling, he wanted him as far away as possible.

"If you intend to stay the night with us, you will give EVERYBODY here time. Not only to discuss it but to calm the hell down. You've irked almost every member here save the alchemist and the shade. So KINDLY take a few steps back." Ether spit out the word kindly with sarcasm and anger.
(My jenga tower has become more formidable hehehe. Also @General Deth Glitch you should move the post about your guild into the overview section so I don't have to dig through the OCC)

Jass watches the situation dwindle down to a less tense pressure. He gives a nod of approval towards Ana. Most of them still didn't trust Darkos. The newly-made fires slowly go down; the campfire burns brightly for Innocence. The mercenary lets of a sigh of relief, sheathing his sword onto his back. He picks up the cloak he left on the ground, airs it out again, and puts it on. He sits himself near the shadow again, keeping a wary eye on the pyromancer. To hell with the man, Jass is tired to care if they decide for him to stay, though he'll make sure he doesn't spit out nonsense that would turn Innocence into a fanatic. Ether makes a wall with his undead minions to block Darkos saying the group should decide whether to let him join them for the night. Morgrim is the unsaid leader so the mercenary will leave it up to him; he'll shrug for his answer if they take vote again.

He stares at the campfire lost in thought, forgetting that they still had a small situation to deal with. Dracos. Where did he hear that from... Jass remembers, back when he was a knight, about rumors of a group worshiping a Divine who watches mortals. A few fanatic priests, who weren't in the rumored Order, were would usually set up a spot to preach to passersby. The knights would kick the fanatic off their stand because of the high priest's strict law on practicing other religions.

His memories wander to a moment he had with his mentor, an old veteran knight who taught his favorite rookies with unorthodox practices with the blade. Most of his skills came from him and another knight, he forgot who, taught him a bit of magic. Jass shakes off the memories trying to not become sentimental. The present should be his current focus; the past is long gone. Marques Tuso will have his head removed in a few days and removing the bounty will be in reach. Then maybe, he'll help Innocence...
Nitiri glared back at Roxxi with her icy blue stare. She didn't like this any more than the wolf did. But her anger for the half-dead guy was even greater than her irritation for Roxxi. Jumping slightly everytime the two men yelled, Nitiri pinned her ears to her head and grimaced. Men were too loud.

As things settled down, Nitiri watched through glinting eyes as the guy who had tried to tie her up sat near the fire. She glared at him, it's not like she would forget. The rest of these people were unknown to her, and she really didn't care to get to know them. She was confused about the old guy's order, though. Roxxi was meant to 'watch' her? Why? Am I traveling with them now? I don't want to be with this group, they're a bunch of losers. She growled to herself in irritation, shifting the heavy-ass sack of coins on her back.

((School makes me miss out on all the good stuff ;- ;) )
Well I certainly missed a lot of awesome stuff last night.))

"It will be up to the group to decide if you can stay here for the night. After all you made a terrible impression, threatening everyone, boasting of greater power, and pushing your beliefs on us. We will take it to a vote, if three people say they want you to stay then you can, anything less and you will be asked to leave. Now everyone if you would like this man to stay please raise your hand." Innocence was the first, it wanted to know more about the man and his religion, its curiosity piqued, but Morgrim didn't like nor trust the man and kept his hand down. So far he had one vote to stay, it was up to the others to decide whether he may sit by the flame, or if he would have to set up his own camp away from theirs.
"I'm not interested in having any further debate, so as long as the male doesn't do anythign else bothersome, I have no problem with it." Ana raised her hand half-heartedly, tired and exhausted from dealing with all of the trouble and whatnot. She was starting to get a headache, and just wanted to lie down. "Can we make this decision quickly? I'm exhausted." Ana said, moving her green hair out of her face.
"Now about the cat...." He looked back over to her, examining her, and the comically huge bag slung over her shoulder shining and jingling with gold. It was a tempting prize, and something the cat certainly didn't deserve Morgrim thought. "Seeing as how that gold was in a sense stolen from us I believe that we have an obligation to take it back, besides if we are to take on Tuso we will need a sizeable amount of funds to do so." It was no lie, they would each have to pay entry into the city, resupply, bribe the right people and order the necessary equipment to sneak in. Morgrim had only planned on two people coming with him, and now there was more than five. Additional costs will have to be made for this to work. @everyone

"Now handle over the gold that you so wrongfully stole from us cat, we will need it on our mission, and I have no bad feelings about stealing from a thief." He said as he got up and raised his staff. "Calmly hand it over and there will be no trouble." He wasn't kidding he really meant it, and if he had to be forceful he would. She just better not get on his bad side or their could be real trouble for her if she doesn't get away. @GoldenWolf
Lashing her tail, Nitiri whipped her head around to face the one the others called Morgrim. Pulling her hood over her head, she hissed, "You're not getting this gold." She took a few steps back, one paw hovering over her dagger and the other paw supporting the bottom of the sack. She glanced around at the other members of the group, her fur bristling in fear.

It's mine, Was the only thought running through the Khajiit's head at the moment. Nitiri had always been protective and somewhat greedy of her belongings. Her mind was slowly getting clouded by her more primal instincts, the feeling of hoarding her treasure like a dragon protects it's rubies. Nitiri felt cornered, and these people should know not to corner a cat.
Ether kept his hand down and simply glared at the priest. He wanted this priest nowhere near him or anyone of his group. Ether wanted a fight. He wanted to duel with this pyromancer but that was the problem. Ether wanted it so badly that he would put his newfound allies at risk. That was a risk he wasn't willing to take. Without looking away, he begins to take some steps towards his camp with the others. The thralls never move from their position and Ether's eyes never leave the pyromancer's.
The assassin stayed silent as the group began voting on whether or not the obnoxious male would stay or not. She opted to keep her hand down, not too keen on having a religious proponent around. Especially one that proceeded to not only sneak up on their camp, but also shove his beliefs down strangers' throats and then threaten to eradicate one or more members of their exhausted band of misfits. That didn't sit well with the elf. She'd much rather prefer the priest to settle outside of their camp's boundaries, far enough away to not cause lethal harm to any of them if he were to change his mind.

The corpse then brought up the situation of the Khajiit's wrongfully acquired gold. Morgrim had a point; the cat wouldn't have been able to obtain that much wealth without the aid of the enchanted ring that the wolf had—rather unwillingly—given to her. If the hybrid hadn't given Nitiri the ring, then that gold would be
hers. Morgrim had given Roxii the ring, thus she was in possession of the value of the ring. Technically, the gold belonged to her specifically.

However, instead of acting upon the cat's disobedience, Roxii gave the feline a cold glare. She was just tired at this point—though that was an understatement. The assassin was exhausted by, not only the day's events, but of everything else that had transpired over the past few months. Escaping royal guards, bounty hunters, slave drivers, and many other enemies and hunters was something that would tire you out. So, Roxii stayed silent and still, watching the situation with a dull gaze.

@Everyone around, I guess
The town had a mismatched set of species, but the larger portion was that of seafaring lizard morphs, most of them tough and hardy, and they would make valuable slaves for sure, but it was after the fight rode in that Sir Gareth Mortar rode in by horse back. The knights under Wilhelm's banner would be smart to bow as Gareth came riding in with five elites. A rank given to proficient soldiers, or killers depending on who is talking that are largely independent, serving the king. Though they could be hired by high ranking officers for the right price.

"Now now boy, what do you think you are doing?" He points to the slain elf, and the others that had been slaughtered at the sword. "These are not your slaves, and this work of yours is far too messy. The king wanted everybody in this town captured, and you've gone and killed almost half of them. He has plans and you've been messing them up." He looks around in disgust at the bloodshed everywhere. Some fearies, lizard morphs and the few elves on pilgrimage choking on blood and steel. He dismounts his horse and approaches Wilhelm. "See friend I am generous and will tell you this, the king is very displeased with your work as of recent, ever since your promotion, he doesn't think you can handle it, so that's why he sent me here to deliver a letter, a mission. You can chose to accept, or deny and have you next post assigned at the gallows.... as a prisoner." He handed over a letter to the man and then left him to contemplate what he was told, not once looking back.
"Just hand over the gold cat!" Morgrim yelled at her, he hated thieves, even more than he hated murderers for some reason. He thought of them as cowardly and weak. Thieves who steal from poor and rich alike. It wasn't even a necessity to them, it was more about sport, and they almost always went for the most valuable things in value in gold, or even sentiment. That's what irked him the most. "Jass, grab the cat! I'll take the bag from her!" He circled around to her other side so that she would have trouble escaping. Him and Jass shouldn't have too much trouble with one troublesome feline weighed down by a bag which must have at least fifteen hundred gold. Just enough to get Morgrim to follow through with his plan.
@Mistic[/URL] - Addressed

@Minxa - Witnessing
Sina looked at the arachne carefully, trying to see if she's up to something or what not. A few minutes passed by before she took the nicely wrapped chocolate. "Thank you," she said to the arachne, "I haven't had sweets for such a long time!" She looked down at the chocolate, trying to figure out what to repay this arachne with for giving her chocolate.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" She said then looked up at the arachne, "My name is Sina, nice to meet you."

((It seems that the two people my characters have been interacting with have disappeared. Where can i jump into now? D:)
(A good place would be to the north in Hearthfire. With Unwavering knight and Mistic. @FadeAway I actually had an idea for a mission but it completely slipped my mind. Oh wait! New idea. We can stick with taking out the necromancer, or would could have it so Wilhelm was assigned to take out a brigade of deserters in the Silver legion, and that they were ordered to be taken out. Or one more option, and that is to investigate one of the gates. The second option would be great for character and story development, the third would be a lot about challenging your character, though when a character dies they stay dead in this rp, unless special exceptions are made. @RedZombieWolf )
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  • Atraxia[/COLOR]]


    Boring...that was the best way to describe the week Atraxia was having, nothing was out of the ordinary for him; the daily routine of getting up, creating contacts, and completing them for his pay. It was the same old same old, kill some politician, sabotage this army; slay this beast; sadly there was nothing interesting like wipping out an entire clan or finding a secret treasure cove of a town... At least he was getting paid, that was about the highlight of the beginning of his week....

    But then earlier he was approached with a contract that would be taking him far away from his home base of operation, there was nothing much for him here anyway and so he gladly accepted the mission from the stranger; as always he was paid up front full price and three days within the agreed time they would be dead and the news spread to where it would reach his clients ears.

    He had packed everything he would need, his weapons, his cloak,...his weapons...that was it, that was all he needed. Nothing more, nothing less. The monster of a man dawned his cloak, covering his entire body from head to toe, before heading out of town; no plans for returning for at least a week.

    Atraxia had traveled by foot the whole day, not wasting any time and only stopping when he needed to eat or drink, that was it. He had made it to a forest before it started to turn to night, he was making good ground in his mind. The tree's were his aid in this as he was hopping high above the ground from branch to branch with great speed, dexterity, and silence, not making any noise as he did so.

    The boy stopped on a branch high above when he saw motion, and soon heard, from below. He watched and listened from the silence, they seem to be busy arguing among each other and with another person who emerged from hiding poorly in a bush. He shook his head at that, he would have killed them within minutes and took whatever he found of interest if he was in that position; so is the way of his ex-clan.

    The wolf hybrid is good,we should kill her first... stated the spirit within him, he replying with how he did not want to just yet as they may provide them with a show, and perhaps a scapegoat. He admitted that the hybrid was good in her own right, but leagues below his standards. He silently continued to watch, invisible to the norm; an aura of hatred surrounding him.

    Natural Selection (Fantasy/Open) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
    Location: Town -> Forest

    Mood: Bored, As neutral as he can get, Interested

    @Javax @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @Morgrim

    Theme: The Monster- Disturbed


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The mercenary watches everyone vote; man, this half corpse is really fair with this team. He shrugs when the vote falls to him, "I don't care if he stays. I will say yes if," he looks over to Innocence, "you really want to learn what knowledge this stranger has." He couldn't deny the being's want to understand the world and will not get in its way. It reminded him of a curious child, naive to the dangers and open minded to possibilities.

When Morgrim tells the cat to hand over the gold, he knew this stubborn thief wouldn't hand over it without force. Jass gets up from his seat when his employer calls him to grab the cat thief. He let's out an annoyed sighed, displeased with the trouble coming from this overgrown feline. He pushes his magic to his speed and swiftly reaches the thief from behind. He hooks his arms under hers pits, elbows up to securely restrain her arms, then lifting her up just a few inches of the ground; he is a decent height of five foot ten so lifting her head level wasn't hard. She could try kicking but he wasn't going to feel it. The bags of gold drop at their feet. Jass then feels the sudden strong sense of hatred. He narrows his eyes, scanning the forest but not finding anything. He brushes off the feeling as the strong emotions emitting from Ether or probably the others.

@GoldenWolf @Morgrim
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Morgrim swiftly rushes over to the dropped bag, and grabs it. Now the best way to keep it safe was probably one of the most unusual ways that the thief would think of. He goes to each member of the team and hands them 300 gold pieces. Ether, Ana, Roxii, a pile on Jass's spot, and the rest for himself. So that the thief's chances of getting it all was now slim to none. He then went over to the thief. "Now, now I now you must hate me for this, but you can't really say I've done anything wrong. Stealing from a thief is as poetic as killing a murderer, everyone believes they deserve it, and good and bad, right and wrong is really all a matter of perspective. So why don't you run along now, we don't need any more trouble from you, unless of course you really came here to apologize, and help us with a personal matter?" He laughed at the idea, but Innocence spoke up once again.

"She must..... She is not a bad person...... I don't feel it....." He believes that the cat can do no harm, in fact he has a hard time believing that any in the camp would do another harm, whether it be true or wishful thinking, he can feel a sort of synergy and fellowship between the ground of people. "Please let them stay.... Both of them..... They don't deserve to be lonely....." Morgrim sighed, he was fascinated by the creature before him, and he wanted to learn more and actually help it, so he allowed the priest to enter, and the cat to stay. "Very well, you can both stay, but you aren't getting your gold back cat."
Ether was to hellbent on murdering the pyromancer in front of him to realize the aura of hate that had been in the area. As Morgrim finally states that they are both allowed to stay, Ether shoots Morgrim a glare. Ether calls off his thralls and has them return to their regular positions on look out.This wasn't a good idea and Morgrim knew it. Especially with a pissed off dark mage. Now the thought of staying the night in the same vicinity of the pyromancer filled his mind and made his skin crawl. "You had better be right about this Morgrim. For everyone's sake because you and I both know this could end very badly." With that, Ether scoops up his tidy sum of gold and goes to sit by the fire. "Jass let the damn feline go. She is of no threat to anyone here and if she tries something Ill skin her myself. I could use an outlet for my anger right about now." The necromancer's eyes lock onto the feline, his anger still making his eyes glow in the darkness of the forest. He would make good on this threat if she proved to be annoying somehow or a threat.

(@Federoff Idk if you know but Ether has a dark arcane barrier set up to alert him if any form of being were to come within 50 ft of their camp. Especially those with ill intent such as your character. No matter how stealthy he is, Ether will know he is there if he crosses the threshold. Crossing dimensions like Roxii wont work either as it uses magic. Im giving you the heads up in case you try to ninja your way in or something.)
Jass lets the cat down nonchalantly; he agreed with her not being a threat. He smirks at remembering what happened back in the town they all met each other in. Him, Morgrim and her didn't start off on the right impression. He didn't know what the cat thought but she was too open, in his opinion - or maybe overestimating her own abilities of slipping out of cornered situations. This group wasn't the common rabble, that's for sure so expecting normal reactions from them gives strangers a disadvantage. Jass is slightly thankful that he's among capable people. It is hard to watch everyone's back while watching his own.

He smiles at his share of the gold. Taking this job wasn't a mistake after all. He returns to his seat, sliding the coins into his personal money pouch. The coins jiggle give the mercenary a content feeling. Morgrim tries to shoo away the thief but Innocence stops him and also asks the half corpse to let both the thief and pyromancer to stay. Innocence has ... innocence, if that's how one should say it. The shadow being is full of surprises and mystery. Jass glances over to Ether who still hasn't cool off fully. The former knight's anger seems to dwindle down around Innocence, maybe because he didn't want to scare the creature?
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