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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(Night time approaches friends and internet shuts off soon. I will be on tomorrow. To all a good night!)
Ana had been skinning the meat when she realized the other necromancer was actually present. When he complimented them for the catch, Ana shook her head. "It was Roxii who killed it." She didn't want false credit, and was quick to turn down any directed towards her. She cut up pieces of the meat after placing the skin in a pile beside the creature, holding the meat in one hand, not wanting them to get dirty. Her hands were fairly clean, so there wasn't really a problem.

As the necromancer removed his cloak, Ana got a better look at him, and was sort of surprised. He looked nothing like Morgrim, and was quite attractive. When he commented on his hair, she spoke up. "I like it that way, it's not that bad. I don't recall learning your name before."
{ I will post again,and make it easier for contact. } Minxa began to spread spices over the sizzling rabbit meat, her tails flicking impatiently as she added a few herbs to her meal. Once the rabbit meat was well done, she grabbed a stone plate from a shelf of plates and stone cups she had, placing the rabbit meat on it. She then cut the rabbit meat into sections, humming softly as she jabbed the knife into a piece and took a bite. Letting out a soft moan, she savored the taste of the salty yet delectable meat, the tastes swirling around in her mouth. After about ten minutes or so, she finished her meal and washed the plate and knife off, placing them back in there rightful positions. She then noticed her herbs were low, and she would have to go to the market. "It isn't too late, and I don't need much.. I can get the rest when I go hunting next." she spoke to herself, grabbing her satchel that held a few small throwing knives and her silver and gold inside. Throwing it around her side, she stretched a bit, her back cracking slightly. She then morphed into her kitsune form, bounding up out of her burrow, wiggling through the entrance. Moving a few leaves over the top, to make sure nobody would notice her den. Minxa then bounded through the chest high snow, swerving in and out of trees, and jumping over a few logs. Once she approached the village gates, voices could be heard; laughing, children playing, arguing, simple chats. Minxa could listen in on these conversations with her sharp hearing, but she really didn't want to. Quickly morphing into her human like form, she brushed herself off and adjusted her satchel, beginning her walk into the market to gather her herbs and such. { Is that alright enough? }
"It's Ether. Sorry I didn't say it on the way here. And you think so? I always thought it looked kinda weird haha." Ether laughs and simply watches the women so their work. He assumed they didn't really need his help so he made do with keeping the sentries in check and light conversation with them while they waited for the men and whatever being was nearby
Darkos finnaly emerged from the darkness into the light, as he left the Core through one of the many surface caves he inhaled deeply through his nose. Yes. Blood. He could smell it, but it was still too distant for him to ascertain its origin, beast or man. He could also smell smoke, he guessed that something was cooking something else, food then, he thought. He skulked through the underbrush, as he started to understand the smell better, Swine, likely wild. He wanted to preach the truth to these people, let them understand his god, let them bask in the infinite truth that is Dracos. There, he could hear something, words not too far off "I don't recall learning you name before." he heard, child or female voice he opted "Its Ether. Sorry...thought it looked kinda weird haha." Man, young but adult he guessed this time, so it sounds like two people, mortals likely, he thought. Then he could see one of them, it looked like the man. Darkos smiled his evil greedy smile and hid amongst the foliage. He would wait, see what these people wanted before announcing his presence, let him know more of them then they him.
Roxii looked up at the necromancer as he approached. For a moment, she was confused; why hadn't she smelled him before he was near? Perhaps she was just exhausted. The hybrid hadn't slept in a quite a few days, so she could be having trouble focusing. The scents around the area seemed to be mixing together, as well, so that could be another factor.

Ether revealed his appearance, and the assassin was somewhat taken aback by his overall normal, enticing image. Other than the purple eyes, he was a rather handsome man. She listened silently as him and the healer discussed his long, tousled hair, continuing the prepare the group's food for that night.

The wolf took inhaled deeply and paused. There was another being nearby, one she didn't recognize. And they were dangerously close to their camp. The assassin figured that there was no need for her to use her shadows this time; this person—or thing, since it didn't smell of any human or creature that she's ever encountered—was already close enough to see the three fairly clearly. Setting down her work and retrieving her bow, she stood up and notched an arrow. Then, after pinpointing the stranger's location, she aimed straight at the unidentified creature and slowly began walking towards it. "
I know you are there," Roxii called out, her voice emotionless and unyielding. "Reveal yourself."

@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @General Deth Glitch
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Ana rose immediately when she noticed Roxii's change in behaviour and drew her own bow and arrow, but stayed her ground. She kept the arrow on the bow, but didn't draw it since Roxii was already approaching what seemed to be a person. "Be careful. And stay close." She looked back at Ether, concerned, and continued glancing between her group members and the stranger. She pushed her green hair out of her face and watched the stranger with her bright green eyes in both suspicion and curiosity.
The winter city Minxa had managed to make her way to is none other than Hearthfire. A cold land stuck far enough into the north that it always snows despite the penetrating glare of the dual suns. The land gets very few hours of light each day. stuck mostly between four and eleven hours a day. Besides its darkness and its cold it can actually be an accepting place if you know the right people, a place full of festivities and traditions on top of their faith for the aspect of nature; Kynn. Hearthfire is one of the few places still in Landfall to know about the aspects and openly worship them, the cities reach to far from Marques Tuso's eyes and ears. In fact right around this time is the beginning of another festive holiday, the week of winter rain. It being the only time it rains in Hearthfire given bloom to the water chrysalis flower, one that stays in bloom until showered by the waters of Kynn.

Each shopkeeper wether male or female is wearing one of the crystal like flowers above their left ear in tradition, and while they are selling their regular wares and lower prices they also have stocked up on the highly rare flowers and Kynn's water. Kynn's water is said also to have healing properties so that is doubles as water for the most beautiful flowers in all of Landfall, but as a potent healing potion that is potent enough to nearly bring someone back from the dead. The Market place however is rather small, selling most general goods and foods, the prices of food is a little high for fruits and veggies of most kinds due to the permanent winter they are in, but meat is always on sale for those that don't hunt for themselves. The animals have adapted to survive in the cold, and thus none of the animals in the northern part of Landfall need to hibernate.

The city is slightly small for a city, but still is a considerable size given the conditions they live in. It has one grand sized temple devoted to the aspect of nature in the centre of town so that all people equally may get to it without much trouble. There is a priest who works there and gives blessings to the worthy of the town for free ever should they accept a dangerous mission or go on a long hunting trip to retrieve food for the poor as an example. The city is far more forgiving to people and creatures of poor economical backgrounds having many shelters around the city and food banks where they can take whatever left over foods is donated. No one ever goes hungry in Hearthfire. The city is also unique in the fashion that they have no ruler, it is independently run by the villages who convene whenever a crisis arises in the city, that way each person gets equal control over the assets of the city with no corruption. In the market there are many people all trying to advertise their wares to any who pass by, ensuring they only serve the highest quality goods and foods, there are a few occupied and haggling for a better price even though around this time they are as good all ready as they will ever get. Some people sell weapons, other food and drinks, and more so selling clothing and hunting supplies.


(You can jump in here at this city if you like Knight.

@Unwavering Knight )
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"I thought something else was here ..." Ether rises from his spot and recloaks his hood. He unsheathes his longsword and follows suit with Roxii and Ana. Ether mutters a spell under his breath and begins using blood magic. His body starts to shimmer with a faded, deep red aura as his physical prowess and his magic are enhanced several times over. He also orders one of the nearby thralls over to his position. Ether takes up the Ana's flank and has the thrall take up Roxii's. Ether wasn't sure if Roxii had picked up the scent of the unknown being Jassur and Morgim were speaking to or the other presence in the area that was close by. One of Ether's thralls had spotted him but he was only watching. If he did anything suspicious the thrall would raise the alarm.
(( F*ck it, I need to stay in dis. ))

Make no mistake, Nitiri had been a little more than surprised when the woman just handed over the ring and left. But that surprise had been substituted by 3 heavy bags of coin soon after. Sure, it had been a pain to carry around, but the Khajiit took care of that. Certainly she needed a horse right? Right.


It had been a few days when Nitiri got bored of the town and decided to leave. Riding her reddish brown and white horse to the far end of town, she realized with a start that this had been where the others had gone. It hadn't been long, maybe a night or two, but Nitiri was still surprised nonetheless. The Khajiit started down the path until she cam to a part of the path where the forest and vines were slowly overtaking the road. This was the end of the trail, she supposed.

Hopping off her horse, Nitiri led him by the reigns through the bracken, not really sure why she was even in the forest anymore. And there they were. It was so sudden, the Khajiit didn't realize she had found the group until she was only a few yards away. Quickly she tried to lead her horse silently deeper into the forest. Nitiri would follow them from the side, in the deeper copses of trees. But why in the Gods' names did she have to buy a horse?? It seemed the group was already distracted in tracking something or rather, so the Khajiit decided to keep still and watch them from far off.

She quickly climbed the tree just above her, keeping the horse in her vision. It wasn't so much the actual steed she was worried about, it was the coin in the creature's saddlebags that had her worried that the horse would run.

(( Totally forget what I said earlier, this RP is awesome and I can't help but be in it ;w; ))
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Ana quickly turned her head to see Ether behind her as they approached the stranger. She tilted her head to the side, observing the man, and could feel Ether's power emanating off of him as he walked beside her. She kept her bow in hand, but she didn't plan on shooting unless this stranger proved a threat. "Who are you?" She asked, peering at the man. @General Deth Glitch
"Who's there?" He responded, feigning ignorance. "I'm am just traveling about the forest, looking for food to hunt." He said as he approached, hands raised peacefully away from his body as, internally he cursed at being discovered. He kept a smile on his face as he advanced toward the party.
AnimusLight said:
The sun was starting to set. Jass had a feeling he wouldn't be able to see the acquaintance he made when it gets dark because its a shadow. This urged the mercenary to quicken his steps, knowing his employer will follow his pace. Jass and Morgrim reach the part of the forest where he left Innocence. He sensed the shadow was a bit worried about something. The mercenary directs the half corpse to the creature. "Morgrim, this is Innocence - well that's what they call itself. Uh Innocence, this is Morgrim. I just wanted to get approval for you to join us at the camp. I have no idea what you are but Morgrim might be able to explain to me." He wanted to be sure if he was doing the right choice in letting the creature stay at their camp. It wasn't like him at all to help someone without a reward but he wasn't joking when he said this shadow reminded him of a child even though its shaped looked like a small dragon. It seemed awfully lonely; a feeling Jass could relate but not bother with. @Morgrim
Morgrim looked at the creature in awe when he realized it. It had many names, most of which had been forgotten, but to Morgrim it was a shadow soul. "Where the hell did you find this Jass, my people, my school taught me about this, it's a shadow soul. A very special type of being that is said to be a reflection of an aspect. Up North there is some belief in aspects, and it was thought by some that they had died when their followers and legends had all but burned. Shadow souls are the shell of their former selves. No memory, no power, merely a... contender, something only able to watch." Innocence listened in silenced, not sure what to think. It had a hard time believing that it was once, or is part of a godly being. Innocence had no idea what to think every day it spent at that cottage was empty and lonely, the days passing by fast, but seeming like they happened an eternity ago. "We should get it back to camp, the fire will keep it alive." Said Morgrim, while the shadow thanked him. Morgrim led them both back to the camp: Jassur and Innocence. "It's weird I've never heard of an aspect called Innocence, where exactly did you come from?" Asked Morgrim. Innocence looked around as if an answer was hiding in a bush somewhere, but could not recall anything. "I don't know..... Can you help me find out.....?"

"Well it looks like we will have another job after this, that is if you want to stick around Jassur. I'll see what I can do about your memory, but there are few places that will know anything about it, though Marques may have some info in his library. The shit stain has the largest collection in Landfall, and is the one person who owns the largest collection on Aspect literature." Morgrim stated his facts proudly, not proud for Tuso, proud that he himself knows more than most would. Getting a proper education is actually somewhat of a rarity in Landfall. Most people learn the skills, but not the history or how to read and write.

"Thank you.... You are kind, but I need the light..... I feel myself fading...." It whispered, its voice seeming even further away then before.

It was now that they had made it back to camp, and not a moment to soon. The fire was up and the sun had finally descended into the horizon. Innocence only just making it to the flames in time. It was stretched thin, but as it sat by the fire its 'body' replenishes in intensity and shape become normal once more. It noticed the mostly human group and it started to bend its shadows changing shape from the dragon to a human, losing the wings and tails.
(This should get Nitiri on her feet.)

That tree was home to a very dangerous creature, and though its size was nothing remarkable compared to most Aldurinian creatures this one was dangerous by far. There was a snake nesting in the tree with a full belly. A Blowgun Adler, named for how its poison was a popular choice for native species defending their land with blowguns, that and the fact it could spit poison into it's victims eyes to blind them temporarily. The snake was three feet in length, and afraid the cat was trying to steal its meal as it approached so it hissed as loud as it could and curled up into a defensive position, one wrong move from the cat and it would bite.


Nitiri froze as she heard a loud hiss from the branches above. Fur bristling, she slowly looked up until her icy blue gaze spotted the source of the sound.

It was some sort of snake, but the Khajiit didn't know what species. Whatever kind it was, it most likely wasn't friendly. Shit. She thought. Too bad she sold that ring. It probably could've done something awesome, like have magical snake repellent powers or some shit. Silently hissing in anger, she realized she couldn't move. If she did, most likely the Khajiit would die. Even if the creature wasn't venomous, those fangs looked awful large for a normal snake...

(( @Morgrim Y u do dis 2 mehh ))

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(niceeee more stuff to do in the future)

"I found it in a cottage nearby..." says the former knight. Jassur wraps his mind around what Morgrim's explanation. Innocence is an empty shell of what it was? He frowned at the thought of Innocence going through its days not knowing or understanding its purpose. It must have been trapped in a cycle of loneliness and confusion. The three make their way back to camp. Morgrim mentioning that it needed fire to survive made him wonder what to do in the future if the shadow was going to stay with him. He'll ask Morgrim later if he knew any basic fire magic he could teach the mercenary.

Marques. The damn bastard has everything. Jass makes a note to himself that he needs to find this library of the priest when they reach the city. Innocence says that it feels itself fading makes them hustle back to camp. The campfire was fortunately up so Jass felt relief when the shadow reaches it. The creature surprises him when it turns its shape from dragon-like to the silhouette of a human. The mercenary notices that everyone was back but they were all focused with their weapons drawn on a stranger. And who was that? Jass narrows his eyes at two men. One with long hair and the other stepping out of the other side of the trees. Then he noticed the long hair man has the same robes as Ether... no way...

Jass asks, "What's going on?" his hand reaching the hilt of his blade behind his back but he doesn't unsheathe his weapon.
{ Thank you. } Minxa hummed quietly, her ears pricked forward as she walked forward, with grace and agility. Her tails flowed behind her, dragging slightly against the snow but not dirtying. All of the commotion.. What festival was taking place now? Hearthfire was a very active and she was usually up to date with all the festivals seeing she had lived there in the stables until she turned seventeen, then she moved out into the barren woods near the city, creating her own home and lifestyle. Merchants waved to her as she passed by, her cheeks were a bit flushed as she waved and smiled a sympathetic smile. Everyone was selling things for so cheap, and such good quality.. She wished she could buy it all but she isn't that wealthy herself. Flags and banners hung across the cobblestone lanes, flapping in the cold wind as the lanterns were lit. "Minxie!" Minxa heard, coming from the stables ahead. A dainty young girl with waist length, blonde curly hair bounded out of the corridor to the large brown stables. The girls eyes glistened as a large Percheron mare pranced behind her, trying to keep up but not trample her. "Minxa, where have you been!? You never visit me anymore!" The girl stated in a teasing voice, dropping the reins to the mare and pulling Minxa into her embrace. "I have been busy, sorry Delilah. I just came to buy some herbs but I wouldn't mind taking a little ride." She seemingly hummed, her tails flicking a bit as she felt the mares muzzle lay on her shoulder. "I missed you too, Dashen." She cooed into the horses ears, rubbing Dashen's neck. "Really!? I will go get Apollo!" Delilah squealed gleefully, racing into the barn and quickly returning with a smaller, fluffy black Clydesdale. "Ready, ready?" Delilah jumped up onto Apollo with ease, even though he was a large horse, she was very athletic like Minxa. Minxa did the same, reaching up to take off Dashen's bridle, throwing it towards the barn to get later. "You know it isn't safe to ride around the village without a bridle during the week of winter rain, everyone is crazy! I mean, in a cheerful, boisterous way." Delilah rambled on, but Minxa had already given Dashen signal to walk forward, in which she did. She was heading towards the woods, but towards a run down path with fallen logs that Minxa and Delilah always ran on. Delilah hurried behind, Apollo prancing with ease as he kept up with the large mare, who was trotting forward with her head arched. Minxa placed her hands on Dashen's flank as she lay back, her head resting on the mares hindquarters as they began their short journey down the cobblestone path. Many merchants and customers waved and smiled, while some didn't notice and carried on with their business. Everyone was chattering, making some sort of sound, some more than others. This caused the horses to be alert, but Dashen wasn't easy to spook so Minxa didn't have to worry, all she had to do was use her feet to signal the mare her next move.

{ No interaction with anyone yet I don't think, so sorry if this post was useless. Here are the pictures of the horses and Delilah. }






(For fun! Trolololol)

That ring would have prevented any level of poison from affected her, now she was in the presence of a large, and very angry hostile snake. It slithers its way closer to her. Now was the time to move, or else it would be upon her in seconds, and sinking its poison dripping fangs into her flesh. Just one bite and she would be in a world of pain. @GoldenWolf

Morgrim was far more concerned with Innocence then another traveller, that and the meal that was on the spit. No one was watching it right now so he took over. He would have offered the meat to innocence, but a shadow surely didn't need to eat. "Everyone let's put our weapons down, there is no need to kill this man before we figure out what he wants. Let's talk to him first all right?" Morgrim the self-appointed leader suggest to the others. A half dozen mercenaries was a little much for one traveller, and Morgrim would rather see what this stranger was about before doing anything too rash. @everyone
As the stranger began walking forward, she pulled the string further back and put more tension on the arrow that was notched. She growled viciously, "Do not come any closer." The hybrid inspected the stranger thoroughly, taking mental notes of where every piece of equipment was stored on him, especially weapons. His hands were raised in surrender, but that didn't make him any less of a threat.

She felt Ether's magic begin emanating off of him. And then her ears swiveled towards Jass and Morgrim as they returned. It felt as though there was another presence with them, but she couldn't identify it, as if were otherworldly. And then she heard hissing in the tree canopies—though not necessarily above them but near enough—paired with the scent of the Khajiit, Nitiri, from earlier. There was so much going on in this small area, it was making her feel uncomfortable. Too much confusion. Too much movement. Too much.

Morgrim then began taking charge, using his leadership skills to all of their benefits. She hesitated, not comfortable with this traveler. There was something...
off about him. The wolf didn't like it, and she wanted him to leave. However, she complied, lowering her bow and releasing the tension, though keeping both hands on them so that she could react quickly if necessary. Her good eye stayed on the stranger with a cold glare, watching his every movement.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @General Deth Glitch @Anaxileah @GoldenWolf I guess? @nyeh
Screw this. She thought, dropping down quickly onto her horse. The steed reared up in surprise and snorted in fear, his eyes rolling in his head madly. "Yah!" Nitiri yowled, causing the horse to race forward and pin it's ears to it's head. Both their tails streaming behind them, the Khajiit's eyes widened in fear as she realized she was approaching the group's camp at an alarming speed.

Yowling and snarling, Nitiri ordered the horse to stop, even clawed it at one point. This only made the steed race faster out of fear and anger. They were at the camp now, the horse racing toward the small fire at the center. "Shit!" The Khajiit screeched, jumping off the horse just as it jumped though the flames and trotted slowly away from the camp, walking rather tenderly. The creature's tail looked singed along with it's stomach.

Racing over to it on all fours (cheetah style), Nitiri quickly stripped the horse of it's saddle bags and made sure none of her treasure had fallen out. It was all there, thankfully. She slowly looked back at the group, a apologetic smile on her muzzle.

((We now interrupt your regularly scheduled fire-meeting-in-the-middle-of-the-forest and bring you the cat woman and her fire jumping horse. Sorry))
He smiled to himself, true things hadn't gone to plan but have a bow aimed at your skull and living is always a success. "I was simply hunting in the area when these men accosted me and started threatening me." He said angrily, playing the role of an insulted local hunter. "You people! Do you all feel the need to threaten me? Do you own this wood? I think not." he said placing his sword down and taking a knee, keeping his hands high up to show he did not want to cause harm. @Morgrim @Javax @variousothers?
"It will due you no good to lie. A hunter does not dress like that, and always carries a bow. My group has not been threatening, they have been cautious. I could always ask them to be threatening and see how that goes." Morgrim was confident in his travelling companions, their personalities may clash and their fighting styles are vastly different, but they all wanted what was best for their team, and to succeed in their mission. A lying traveller would pose little to no threat. "You know the hybrid has amazing levels of hearing, she could easily tell if you lie just by the sound of your heart beat. I'll ask again nicely and it will be the last time I ask nicely. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He looked at the man expecting an honest answer.

@General Deth Glitch

It was then the cat came bursting in by horse back, only to stumble into the fire nearly extinguishing it, nearly temporarily killing Innocence for the night, but a small few flames flickered enough to keep him there. Morgrim cast the flare spell again after adding more wood and Innocence breathed a sigh of relief, at least what could pass off as a sigh for something with no lungs.... or body. "Rgh, for fuck sakes, you again?! I see you pawned off that ring Roxxi gave you, no appreciation for the finer things in life, always with the gold, as if you haven't troubled us enough last time we met!" He spat at the ground, only it burned the ground with the concentrated potency of the acid that it was. @GoldenWolf (Sorry Morgrim is mean but I'm not.... well besides that snake thing.)
Ana placed her bow back where it belonged, and put her arrow back it its quiver. She didn't like the looks of this newcomer, and stayed wary about him. He was interesting, especially since he was lying, but that could mean he had some other plan in mind. Ana stayed beside Roxii and Ether, feeling more relaxed since she was with others, and knew nothing bad would really happen to them, although she kept a hand on one of her daggers. She watched as Morgrim spoke to the man, calling him out on the lie.
Another land, another path.

With a carefree sway in her chitin-covered abdomen, halberd casually hefted over a shoulder, grim expression never fading, the arachne slowly strode along the path, cold earth and ice breaking underneath the sharp tips of her legs, humble pack strapped behind her back.

It was always such a burden, having to keep on the move, taking jobs as a bodyguard or mercenary to reap earnings and support her "luxuries". Unfortunately, her appearance tended to make people wary, and all too quick to declare her guilty of bad fortune, ranging from sickness, bad harvests to even bad weather. Though so long as they demanded she merely leave, she did not mind much. After all, people that would judge one based on appearance were not really worth getting to know.

What she did like most, however, was when they tried to come after her with numbers, torches and pitchforks. A slight expression of amusement flashed across her features, exposing a grin of dagger-like teeth.

Casually climbing over fallen trees and other obstructions resulting from lack of maintenance without losing stride, Praxedes soon enough took up the scents of a nearing city, the sounds of busy goings, chatter and other such signs of civilisation. Returning to a cold expression, her approach became ever more careful, just in case someone decided to try and charge at her on sight. Those were the fun ones.,,

Alas, it was only after a few more minutes that she came in sight of a peculiar duo, made of females mounting cavalry. Though one of them, sporting a gathering of tails and fox-ears caught the spider-woman's attention, one eyebrow gaining an arch in question.

Slowly Praxedes approached, towering form, chitin covered spider-legs and claws giving little opportunity to lessen her intimidating stature, halberd remaining hefted over her humanoid shoulder as she called out to them "Greetings, fellow travelers. Would you care to tell a... provider of martial services the way to the next town? I have been traveling for some time and my... supplies run scarce."

She opted not to smile this time, leaving her carnivorous teeth hidden beneath thin lips.

There was so much going on at once, it made the assassin anxious. She was not used to being involved in situations that involved many people. It was always "Assassinate this person", and she would do it, no questions asked. Simple and quick, done within a few hours. Unless it was a high authority, then it would take a day or so.

As Morgrim's patience was wearing thin with the lying stranger and made sure that he knew of the hybrid, Roxii drummed her fingers impatiently along her bow, allowing a low growl rumblr in her throat. This male was lying too much, and it made her angry. Liars were threats, and she didn't like that this liar had the audacity to invade their camp.

And then the cat arrived! The hybrid was simply irritated at this point. The cat was supposed to disappear; why was she still around? Roxii kept her glare on the stranger, though. He was the biggest threat at the moment.

@Everyone? I'monmyphonesh.

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