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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Riley shook her head. "Sadly I missed out on the fun," she sighed and stretched out her arms. Even if the phoenix's wings were gone and she seemed friendly. Riley kept a reasonable distance away from her with her frost coating her skin in case the fire got too close. "Did you plan on joining the raid? Or saving the people inside? Or did you just simply walk by this area and managed to catch the sight of the dead bodies?" Riley rubbed her chin and examined the two.

@Dtlee31 @RoanDracniil
Nitiri stood up a little straighter when the wolf backed off a bit. She flicked an ear at the woman's question. Why did she want to know her name? Dogs were so nosy. Unlike cats, who could be independent, the dog obviously needed a pack. Typical.

"My name is Nitiri." She stated, flicking her long tail in irritation. Practically no one knew her name, for the Khajiit had no reason or need to tell anyone. But that blade in the girl's hand did look sharp... Giving herself a mental shake, Nitiri pulled her hood off, twitching her unusually long whiskers. "And I don't feel inclined to tell you anything else, dog." She spat the last word out in disgust, shifting her feet.
A low grumble resonated at the back of the wolf's throat, but she bit down the urge to hurt the cat. There was no need for bloodshed at this time, especially with the small battle that occurred not too long ago. And the hybrid needed to keep her composure; letting her emotions take over would result in undesirable outcomes.

She maintained her calm and reticent demeanor, ignoring the Khajiit's last comment. "
Now that was not too difficult." Roxii's words were calm, but they held a hard edge to them. "Now answer the previous question: Why were you following us?" Her eyes gazed coldly at Nitiri, letting her know through nonverbal communication that she was not going to leave without a valid answer.

Nitiri glared right back at her through her blue eyes that seemed to have a faint glow to them. She sighed and grumbled, partially to herself, "You stupid dogs are always so nosy," she growled. "If you must know, it's those rings on the old man's finger. They looked valuable. And it looks like you have one too..." She trailed off, a hungry glint in her eye as she spotted the shining ring on the wolf-girl's finger.
The wolf let out a short huff of laughter. "Typical," she muttered. "A thief." Though the hybrid couldn't judge her. The assassin was a thief on the side, as well. However, Roxii never stole from the poor and broken; only from the rich who wouldn't even notice a few hundreds of gold missing. She didn't have a high opinion of the thieves who stooped that low, mainly because the hybrid was—and pretty much still is—among the poor and lower class individuals. Many things have been stolen from her, including thousands of gold, family heirlooms and valuables. Even her pride, dignity, ad innocence have been stolen at some point throughout her life, leaving a cold, heartless shell in its wake.

The assassin reverted her attention back to Nitiri. She couldn't just let the cat go, free to roam and do whatever she pleases, especially with the threat of her being able to steal from her companions, but she also couldn't bring her back to keep an eye on her. She mulled over any other possibilities, wondering what she could do with the potential thief. "
Well..." Her voice trailed, thinking. "You wish to steal from us, but we cannot have you do that. What are we going to do about that?" Roxii's voice held a tinge of mockery, tilting her head slightly and her eyes sparkling with mischief. The desired answer was obvious, but she didn't expect the Khajiit to comply.

"What so bad about being a thief? You get all the coin you want, and if you get caught, you have enough to pay your bounty off. Simple." Indeed, it was a simple life Nitiri led. She stole what she wanted from who she wanted. She had actually never been caught, and that's what had made her a great thief, one of the best. Sometimes the Khajiit wished to have more fame and be better known by her compettion, but Nitiri knew staying low-key was what had brought her as much success she had had.

She flatted her ears and bared her small but sharp fangs at Roxxi. She's talking to me like i'm a kit... She let a low growl rumble in the back of her throat. "Perhaps you just hand over your rings and we can go our separate ways?" She unsheathed her dagger and grinned. "Before things can get ugly." She finished, licking her muzzle and letting her tail tip flick back and forth.

(Oh I'm sorry Ana, I'll respond right now.) "That's good to know, you and Roxii can stick close to me in combat, anyone who is resistant to poison will be safe from most of my attacks. It's good to have you with us, and hopefully you won't disappoint." He said to Ana. She was welcome to the team as a member at least by Morgrim. It was then he decided to depart officially with the party that had formed of the odd bunch of people. The town would slowly dwindle away into the background until it did not even visibly register as being there, they were out in the open travelling along the main road. Morgrim knew that Roxii would catch up when she has dealt with the cat. She was efficient and amazing at tracking, she could probably smell Morgrim from miles if concentrating hard enough.

(If anyone would like you can offer a suggestion for one more possible encounter before the city and main objective, or would you all like to get right to the juicy bit and take on Tuso?)
(Tusoooooooooooooooooo unless someone feels like using the right side of their brain)

Ana nodded at Morgrim and then followed him and the others along the main road, occasionally getting sidetracked by the plantlife they passed by. She grabbed random plants, then waved her hand over where she picked them from, restoring the plant to what it was beforehand, and would proceed with placing the piece she grabbed in her satchel.
The Khajiit's response was logical. Being a thief was a simple life; she wouldn't deny that. The hybrid was a thief herself, alongside fulfilling assassinations. It never hurt to steal some highly valued treasures and commodities from the ones she was contracted to kill. It's not like the valuables were of any use to them anymore. The only downfall in being a thief was when—or, in some cases, if—you were caught. Unless you were highly skilled in stealth or combat to be able to escape, you were most likely going to spend time behind bars. Though, some thieves were capable of paying off their bounty easily. Their coinage couldn't be confiscated because, most of the time, it was undetermined what gold was stolen and what was earned rightfully. The only flaw in her argument was that it took a master thief to steal from other thieves. (If anyone got that reference, please be best friends with me forever and ever. pls and ty)

Nitiri's sudden shift to aggression caused Roxii to push her dagger back against the feline's throat. The edge of her blade threatened to prick into her skin, but she pushed just soft enough to not puncture the skin and draw blood. The thief's threat unphased the wolf; be it as ugly as possible, she was not going to back down or give in. "Do not test me, cat." The last word was spat out with venom, similarly to how Nitiri had done earlier.


(Oh boy. Things are getting heated. :3)
(I'm no fan of animal cruelty, but one of you two better stab the other just to get the argument over with, Or I will invoke the powers of admin and send you both to oblivion!)
(Jfc guys lol. Also Thanks @Morgrim )

Jass looks back at Roxii before proceeding with Morgrim and the others. The assassin and the Khajiit seem to be close to tearing each other's eye out. His employer seems to trust Roxii in following them later.

Their journey to the city full of religious people isn't going to take longer now that this town, the half way point, has been reached. The mercenary thinks back to the time he last entered that city. He remembered many of his commanders visiting the higher ups of the city, which included the high priest and the guy's demi-angel guards. A visit would last a couple of days. Jass and many other knights would have free time until they have to report back to the city's guard quarters for more orders. Most of the orders led them to completing suspicious missions but the men never questioned it seeing that their reward was higher for completing the task. Jass shudders at the thought of the creepy religious fanatics that make a scene on the streets once every week. Even though the city's people are not so pleasant, the place itself is beautiful in its architecture.

Someone once told him the city is like a cloud, because of its white marble structures but inside this "cloud" is unpredictable catastrophes. The former knight wonders if the city has been the same in the past five years he hasn't seen it. If he did have a choice, he would avoid the city because it is one of the three main areas many people knew him as a "criminal." He's just going to have to force himself to believe that Morgrim has a trick up his sleeve or maybe even Ether could bullshit a reason for him to be there - he shakes his head with a small grin. Gods, that conversation with the necromancer is going to stick with him, huh.

The mercenary examines his odd group. This was like a terrible joke that's shared in a tavern full of drunks. If anyone were to walk by, strangers would think they were bandits or some kind of organized group planning something. He feels if their traveling group gets another beast species companion, they could pretend to be the next circus act.

(I don't mind if someone has an idea for another stop before the city but I feel the city >insert name here< is going to be a big chunk of story so it will be best to get there. Also for our "kill the pig" missions, I suggest having the characters stay in the city around three or more days to formulate a plan to be used instead of rushing in the city and killing the guy in front of everyone.)
Nitiri stiffened and her hackles rose as Roxxi once again held a dagger to her throat. Through clenched teeth she snarled, "How about this," she hissed, all of her earlier attempts at keeping her calm and coy personality gone. "Just hand over one ring, and we can forget all of this ever happened. One little ring can't possibly be of any use to your hodge podge army down there, can it?" Nitiri flattened her hackles and let her tail go back to a small flick, trying to regain some of her cool.
The assassin was still for a moment, contemplating the deal. Spilt blood was unnecessary at this time, especially with so much already drawn within the past day. She then removed the dagger from Nitiri's throat and stepped back, putting about a foot of distance between them. Still silent, the wolf removed the enchanted ring from her finger, grabbed the Khajiit's open hand and stuffed the ring into her palm. The hybrid closed the feline's hand around the ring and stepped back again, putting a bit more distance between them. "I doubt I would have had any use for it anyway," she muttered. "Now if you will excuse me..." Roxii let the ending of her sentence hang in the air as she departed from the thief. Once she captured the foul scents of her comrades, she broke out into an evenly paced run after them. She'd catch up quickly; they weren't too far.


(Not my best post at all, but I'm really really busy. End of the first six week grading period, ya'know?)
(It's okay, I understand. I don't exactly feel like making super long responses what with having to work every day and all.)

Morgrim notice that Roxii was returning, and without bloodstains or a sinister looking grin. The cat must still be alive, but as she got closer she noticed the ring was missing from her finger, and he actually looked a little bit upset by that. "If you weren't going to keep the ring I could have always given it to Ether, it was a waste to get rid of it." The sun was starting to set around this time, and night would be fast approaching. He stopped and lead the group some ways into the forest, just about ten minutes in off the beaten road. "All right we better set up camp here. We'll need to people to gather food, someone to get firewood, and another person to set up camp. Any volunteers?" He looked over the group. The hunting may seem like the most fun, but the nocturnal beasts were all coming out, and they were far less friendly then most things that lurk in the day time. Whoever gathers firewood would have to be pretty strong to make it all in one trip before the sun completely sets, and the one setting up camp with have to be quick. Without the cover of fire and linen the bugs will be swarming their camp grounds and making a decent night sleep impossible.
Ana was thinking about how the night would go in the forest, especially with creatures and insects buzzing around. When Morgrim announced the different jobs to do, she spoke up behind him. "I can help hunt or set up camp. I'm pretty diligent with work, and I have my bow and arrows for hunting. I also have a certain salve that can repel bugs, and plenty of it. For some reason, they don't like me, so I make it in case of emergency." Ana offered, wanting to be as helpful as possible. She pulled out the salve, which was a bottle about the size of her fist, filled completely with a blue, shimmering goo. "You probably won't need it for mosquitoes, but possibly flies, since you smell like death. All you have to do is take a small dab and rub it in on a patch of skin. It'll cover your entire body for a couple hours. There's enough for everyone to use with more left over." And explained, smiling slightly.
(Understandable. Right now, I'm doing some make-up work to make sure I have the highest grade I can... It's gonna take me all night; I can tell.)

The wolf caught up to the group within a few minutes. The moment she arrived, she noticed Morgrim's upset expression and knew exactly what it was caused by. She ignored the half corpse's comment, leaning against a nearby tree trunk in irritation. At least the hybrid hadn't ripped the cat's throat out like she had planned to do. It was either tear each other to shreds or allow the thief to roam free and become a threat later at night, when it was a bit more difficult to fight. Couldn't he at least be thankful she took care of a matter without spilling blood? That was quite rare.

The hybrid listened to Morgrim's plan in silence, announcing the different jobs that would be needed for their survival through the night. After Ana offered to set up camp or hunt, Roxii shouldered her bow off her shoulder and began walking away, past Morgrim. "
I will hunt," she grumbled as she passed by the rotting necromancer. Without waiting for a response, she disappeared into the growing shadows to find prey, retrieving the scents of prey out of the air.

@Morgrim @Anaxileah @Anyone?
"The salve will be helpful thank you. You can hunt with Roxii, your bow and skill will be useful. All right Jassur would you mind getting firewood? Ether and I will set about making camp, then we can take stock of our inventory and plan out a course of action for when we get into the city. I all ready have a way to get you and Roxxi in despite both of your bounties." Morgrim chuckled at the thought passing by his mind, Jassur would see reason, but Roxii, she will be as grumpy as a wet cat with the plan, and more certainly the tools used in achieving it. "All right everyone let's get our chores done before the sun sets, we have a long journey ahead, and we'll need the rest."
Ana nodded at Morgrim, and pulled out her bow, along with an arrow. She followed Roxii into the depths of the forest, searching for prey before the night creatures came out. She followed Roxii's lead, not wanting to upset the hybrid, and searched for anything, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Are we aiming for squirrels, or larger game?" She asked Roxii in hushed tone.
The hybrid heard Morgrim order Ana to go with her. She somewhat wished Ether was the one sent since he was quiet and she felt they understood each other a little bit better than the others. However, Anaxileah would do; she didn't despise her, so at least that was good enough.

The reptilian hybrid whispered an honest question, and Roxii didn't really know herself. "
Anything we can find," she replied quietly, trying to follow the criss-crossing scents that marked the forest floor. The scents mingled together, making it a bit more difficult to distinguish between predator and prey.

There were many animals in this part of the forest: elk, deer, squirrels and other rodents, wolves, some large cats like leopards and bobcats, and some creatures that she couldn't identify too well. Some creatures were of fantasy, such as pegasuses and nymphs. But there were also the scents that she couldn't grasp all too well; those belonged to the more phantasmal creature. Roxii's goal was to stay away from the hostiles, but that was difficult to do when some of them didn't even have a scent.

The assassin turned to the healer and warned, "
There are many predators around. Be careful."

Ether sighs and starts grabbing decent sized stones around on the floor and starts making a circle with them to set up the campfire. On their way, Ether had dropped about 20 of the undead he had because of the strain it was taking on his body. Ten undead sentries for the size of their group, not considering the skills they all had, was more than enough to keep a good lookout. "Ill send my thralls on guard duty. That way we wont have to sleep in shifts of anything of that nature. We'll all be able to get some rest." As Ether finishes the stone circle he unsheathes his long sword and draws his hand along its edge. With a pained grunt, Ether slices his hand and draws a steady flow of blood from it. He starts to walk around in an intricate pattern where they had set up camp, letting the blood trickle on to the earth. After a minute of this, Ether kneels down and mutters out his spell, "I call to you darkness. My blood is yours to consume. Give us your blessing. Safe guard us from the dangers you hold within yourself. Protect us from those who would wish us harm. Shelter us in your bosom on this night. Arcane Hearth." He whispers the words and soft pulse echoes throughout the woods. The blood Ether had been spilling now glows, forming a seal in the area, glowing a soft red. It continues to glow lightly and sending out soft pulses into the forest before dying down and both the glow and pulsations stop.

"I set up a small barrier that will act like a warning sign when anything that has any ill intent wanders within 50 ft of the campsite. Most animals will stay away because the magic gives off a sort of 'bad feeling' to them. Only sentient beings who are sensitive to magic can sense that this barrier is active and by that time we will already know they are nearby. So either of us, or any of our companions, seeing as they all use some form of magic, will have felt those pulsations. It's dark magic in nature so I have no idea if they know it was me and not somebody casting some large scale dark hex. Hope they guess correctly." Ether chuckles at this and begins fine tuning the positions of his thralls that now serve as sentries for his new group.
Jassur grunts in acknowledgement before setting off to find wood. If he couldn't find a fallen tree or pieces of lumber, he had to cut one down.

The leaves crunch under his boots every time he takes a step. He glances back at the camp's position before heading further away. It shouldn't be so hard gathering firewood. The trees overhead blocked most of the sky, the more he ventured. Jass walks carefully, alert to any sound or movement. Anything could come out either hostile or harmless; it's best not to let one's guard down. He discovers an opening in the forest; there in in the middle is a rundown cottage with a hole in its roof. Jass spots an used chopping block. "Lucky," he mumbles with a short laugh.

He approaches the random cottage in the woods, not fully realizing how odd and dangerous this might be. A pile of uncut long logs are pilled near the chopping block. He leisurely lifts a log onto the stump and unsheathes his sword. The mercenary begins to cut down the wood with his blade. His mind wanders to what Morgrim last said before he went searching for firewood. He had a terrible feeling about what this guy had in mind but he knew Morgrim always has a logic reason - maybe. Jass lets out a sigh; he's main goal is to kill the priest, get his share, and remove the bounty. His mind was set and a city he ran from isn't going to stop him.

A chill runs up his spine, causing him to pause his actions. "What the hell was that?" he says out loud. Not liking the vibes he's getting, Jass takes off his cloak and begins to pile the chopped firewood on it. The pile looked heavy as Jass pulls the ends of the cloak to make a sack. He hefts the weight over one shoulder, sending his magic onto his strength attribute. Alright, time to head back now that it's getting dark. The area around is beginning to sense like death.

(Time for Jass to run like a maniac soon yay)
(I thought about making a triggered event for each of you, but that would be mean. This poor group of misfits need some time to rest. No death and despair for tonight, unless of course you put it on your own character's heads.)

Morgrim went about setting up the camp fire. He had no matches, but he knows a few utility spells like flare which could be used as a signal to allies or enemies if the mood strike, and doubles just as well at lighting fires of almost any size given there is wood where it is being cast. Thus giving it no combat effectiveness at all unless used against wood based enemies like constructs and tree folk. He, with the help of Ether sets up a few tents and bedrolls around the camp fire for those that prefer sleeping outside. He takes out a spit and some cooking supplies to add to whatever meal they would have and to properly prepare it. Morgrim was hoping for boar, that was his favourite meal. He has a carnivorous appetite and had no room for veggies. @shadowz1995 @All others at camp

The cottage despite it's disrepair was actually the home to someone, or something was more like it. In the forest there was a special species of sentient creatures called Shadow Lurkers. They were special in that they were partially ether in physical form, they look like shadows though completely tangible. The creature takes the form of a dragon, though only in size compared to a human, standing 6 feet tall with a wingspan of 9 feet. The creature approaches Jassur, though his form is stretching thin as is. A shadow is nothing more than a pool of tears in an ocean as vast as the sky when night approaches, and when the sun is completely gone he will disappear for the night lost to others and even itself. "Hello... Who are you.... What are you doing here...?" Said the shadow to Jassur, it's voice sounding like a thousand sad children, all far away but somehow close. @AnimusLight

The forest was full of life for all to be lived or hunted depending on who was around, and though night was less than an hour away it was still abundant. A particularly territorial boar takes the stand in the face of two expert hunters squealing and making as much noise as possible to show that it was standing its ground. It was actually a pretty stupid animal seeing as how it was trying to threaten a force that outsize, outmatched and outnumbered it. Roxii and Ana could leave the stupid animal alone, but that boar was also pretty fat, and once it's skin it would be juicy and delicious. It was practically a free meal.

@Anaxileah @Javax

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