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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(@Demonsoul try not to one line anything. It's hard to respond to that)

Jass follows behind Morgrim when he approaches the machine. In his years of traveling, the mercenary always never understood how those things worked. He wasn't knowledgeable about machinery and anything further in complex magic. When Morgrim asks the automaton a question, Jass wanted to throw his sword at the damn thing because of its response. How's Morgrim going to get anything out of this machine? It's a waste of time in his opinon; he'll cut it down if asked or if it gets in their way to their objective in the future. The former knight shifts on his feet, loosing patience. He was more interested in the other people who were in the fight with them.
Ether saunters up to the group with an undead group of at least 30 fresh fallen bandits that they had all slain recently. Ether had met the assasin, Roxii if he heard correctly, and actually found himself taking a liking to her. Panting slightly, Ether walks up and addresses the man he now noticed was actually half a corpse of some sort, "Well....that was certainly interesting. I come here for a job to kill an adviser and end up in a gang bang of blood and bandits. Nice to know trouble follows you three wherever you go. " Ether chuckles at this and then takes a wary glance around himself at all of the newcomers that had come in besides himself. A strange bunch to say the least. The undead horde Ether conjured up shift lightly from side to side at Ether's caution and begin to turn towards the people he hadn't seen up until now. The only people he saw were the assassin, the mercenary, and the mage. They were his best bet at any kind of support, regardless of how they felt about him. He turns towards the corpse mage and bows his head slightly,"Think we got off on the wrong foot but to be fair, you attacked me." The necromancer casts a sideways glance at the injured assassin. "From what I know, our goals actually align. I got to slay the marquis's adviser. You guys have to kill someone that is also high up in his food chain. These people however...." Ether takes another long glance around himself. "Not so much. Promise I'll be out of your hair as soon as I get my mark and I

ll assist you with yours savvy?"
Morgrim ignored the machine, it seemed to be pretty useless, at least to him. He directed his attention over to the talking necromancer. "And to be fair you snuck up on three people trying to free a town from bandits, so yeah... Since your job is similar to ours you can join us, but you are not getting any share of my teams pay, and you have to help us deal with all these newcomers." The town was full of them, and in fact the villagers have gone back into hiding, even the could sense the tension in the air. At least give of the people there seemed to be highly adept killers of sorts, and they couldn't figure out if they were just here to take over and enslave them, or just wanted to loot the place and leave. Morgrim was actually happy enough with the rings he collected. He would still have to analyse the other two to figure out what they do. "Hmm it seems the villagers are afraid still, perhaps we should just leave them in peace, or do you think we should check to make sure they are okay?" (Checking on them will result in the party gaining control of the town. The leader; Morgrim, and all members of his party will earn a revenue and rewards based on how well upgraded it is. Or they can leave and will forfeit control of the town.)

"So Ether, it's good to have you aboard if you really are going to be of any help. Though if you can make that many zombies I do suppose you will be a good addition to the team, even if only for temporary position. This is Jassur." He notions to the now fit as a fiddle knight thanks to the rings he was given. He then points to Roxii. "I believe you've all ready been acquainted with our friend Roxii, I hope you two didn't fight much in the sewers. So do you think we should stay for a bit or leave."
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The mercenary gives a short nod as a greet to the necromancer. So this was the guy that the two stayed behind to confront? He reminded Jass of Morgrim because of the sense of death both had. He glances to the undead minions the guy had following him; did he mention how much he has an aversion for the undead? After a terrible exploration inside some old ruins, Jass swears to not be surround by those things. This traveling partner will be interesting and a way to get used to tolerating his dislike.

Jass didn't mind if they stay for a while or leave. His priority is more on the main goal than anything else; it is the only key to becoming a freeman. After fighting the bandits though, he felt a small need to check up on the young girl who ran into him when he was leaving the sewers. Millia, was it? He wonders if she escaped through the sewers or is still waiting over there. Jass would never admit it but he did have a soft spot for kids; orphanages used to visit the Verdant Knight's Hall. He didn't want to express his concern out loud, seeing as they all had their focus on killing the high priest. He'll go with whatever they decide to agree on. He speaks up, "It's up to you guys. I'll agree whatever you decide on."

@Morgrim @Javax @shadowz1995
Nitiri jumped gracefully out of the bubble and landed near the others, along with a weird machine that made her fur bristle. Standing up and curling her tail, she saw the other men who had tried to tie her up - for no reason in her mind- who seemed to know the wolf. Rolling her eyes, she realized they were a group as they talked about leaving or something. Glaring at the older and rather foul-smelling man who hadn't offered her a hand. Licking her paw until it was free of dried blood, she watched the group from a few feet away through narrowed eyes.
The automaton intrigued the wolf hybrid. Advanced technology wasn't something that she had experienced every day—other than handling crossbows and guns—, so she was still interested in the large scrap of metal when it gave an undesired response to Morgrim's question. These were the times when she wished she had learned how to bypass and hack such protection when she had the chance. Perhaps she will be met with the opportunity at a later date.

Ether approached the three, a rather hefty amount of undead following behind him. She was impressed by his necromancy; his skills would certainly prove to be beneficial if he were to accompany them on their mission. The hybrid had grown a small liking towards the necromancer. Though she'd never admit that. When Ether cast a glance over to her at the mention of her unexpected and somewhat unnecessary attack, Roxii couldn't help the corner of her lips turning up in a small, mischievous smile and letting out a short breathy laugh. It wasn't her fault that she was cautious; the three
were infiltrating a moderately guarded, bandit-ridden town, and someone spying and sneaking up on them was sure to arouse suspicion.

The assassin saw the Khajiit in her peripheral vision. She didn't really like felines too much, but that was probably her wolf speaking. However, the hybrid never could get along well with cats; they always seemed too proud and arrogant for her taste. Much too rude; though that would just be her being hypocritical, in a way.

Morgrim inquired about whether or not they should stay and basically put the town under new management. The idea of having a town partially under her control didn't seem to appealing to her; she was a lone wolf, and that meant maintaining herself and her alone. Looking over others meant more people to worry about, which meant more stress. However, they may profit from the town's sales and the like.

Jassur offered his input, but Roxii remained silent. She didn't care too much about whether or not they stayed or went. Except for her issue with staying in one place for too long. Being stagnant meant that she'd be easier to track and locate, and with the bounty still hanging over her head, she certainly didn't want to be caught now. Either way, all she cared about was finishing the initial mission.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @shadowz1995 @Um.. Anyone else?
"Well it looks like we better head out then, since none of you want to take over. No judgement." He tosses the poison immunity ring to Roxii, and makes his way out of the town. Leaving the robot, cat, half reptile girl, dragon and the badger in the town. If they want to talk to the four anti-heroes they would have to catch up to them before they left the borders of the town. "It'll be another day's journey before we get to Dunheim where we will find the high priest. Everyone ready?" He said with a determining voice, ready to head out and kill the fat bastard.
Riley smirked as the frost emitted out of her eyes and she stood beside her. Her arms were enveloped in ice as she came into contact with the creature, punching its face and she watched the frost rub off her and begin to form on his face. "Oh how I love frost scales," she hummed as the ice started to spread over his right face then down to it's neck but she knew it wouldn't stop it but it would slow it down. She noticed that the woman she stood beside kind of sucked with hand to hand combat so she created ice shards that served as daggers and looked at her, "When you see an opening. Shoot it." She smiled at her and lunged towards it.
Nitiri let a sly smile cross her muzzle. This would be fun. Where ever they were going, they had to stop at some point. Probably to set up camp, rest, sleep.. And then the Khajiit planned she would follow these people and steal from them at the first chance she got. That ring the smelly guy gave the girl looked expensive, it would probably sell for a high price. And the man looked like he still had two.. Slinking up the stairs and out the window, she climbed to the house's roof. She jumped to the next house, hiding in the shadows of the clear night and decided she would follow them this way.
(Um... The fights over xD )

Ana was positively intrigued in the group that has formed, and wanted to join, but was a bit tentative. I don't know if they'll allow an outsider to join, but it's worth a shot? Ana left the ice lady and ran out of the building with increased speed, catching up to the group with ease.

"I...ah...wanted to join you.." Ana panted,worn out a bit. "Sorry if I seem intrusive, I just wanted to find a group to work with, and you all fit the bill. I'm a healer, but I can also move quickly and quietly. I have an affinity to earth so I can create toxins and am also immune to them. Would that suffice?" Ana tried being as open as she could without revealing her reptile heritage, wanting to be accepted by the group rather than repelled for her lineage.

@Morgrim @Javax @AnimusLight @shadowz1995
Even if Morgrim knew her lineage chances are he wouldn't reject her. Not only was he travelling with a wolf hybrid, be he was half dead all ready, and no level of healing magic would change that.Still though he looked between the other three he was travelling with and shrugged his shoulders. "Well what do you say, should we take the nosey girl with us? A healer could be of use to you if you get hurt or the plan doesn't work out as smoothly as we hope." He said indifferently. His mission was to kill the priest, not take any of his gold, but if she joined and insisted on a pay for her service it would come straight out of Roxii's and Jassur's reward, which would likely be used to pay off their bounties, and whatever they want with what is left over. "Are you expecting a reward girl?" He spoke with a gravelly voice.
"N-nosey?" Ana didn't mean to seem rude, she just wanted to do something different in her life. She had been hunted down in the past places she lived, so she needed a change. Money wasn't important to her, seeing that she could live off the land and steal from random people she encountered.

"No, I'm not looking for pay. And sorry if my request was a bother." Ana bowed her head slightly in apology, before raising it up again and eyeing the rest of the group. I hope I know what I'm getting into...
Maria noticed that a small group of people were going to leave the town. Hoping to catch up with them, she turned towards their direction and began to burst into a run to take a closer look. She wasn't sure where they were heading towards to currently, but she wished for someone that she could assist, possibly in smithing or enchanting items. She was learning them, but knew more of smithing than enchanting.

The badgerfolk went over to the group and stopped running. Then she sheathed her battleaxe. "Could I assist you as well? I don't expect any major rewards either." She told them while thinking about the potential things she could learn about the land, and maybe new smithing skills.
The hybrid snatched the ring out of the air with her inhuman reflexes. She held it with two fingers, observing the intricate designs and the effort that was put into such a small accessory. It pulsed with power, sending tendrils of magic through her fingers as she held it. The ring held an enchantment, that much was certain, but as to which enchantment, she wasn't sure. Putting her trust into the corpse's hands and hoping that it wasn't going to severely injure her or possibly kill her, she slipped the ring onto her left ring finger. The magic imbued within the accessory spread throughout her body, and she silently wondered what type of magic was within it. She figured there was no point in asking; she'll most likely figure it out sooner or later.

Roxii followed behind Ether, Morgrim, and Jassur as they left the town. Her gaze flicked back and forth over their surroundings as her ears swiveled on her head, capturing each and every sound and movement around them. Now that they were out in the open, absolutely anything was possible. And just as she expected, the scent of feline crossed her senses. She made sure to keep her emotionless demeanor, so that the Khajiit didn't know that she had been discovered.

The hybrid was about to speed up to Morgrim and inform them of their pursuer when another set of frantic footsteps was heard, heading straight towards them. The assassin turned to see one of the strangers catching up to them. No doubt they wanted to join their small group. As she had expected, she asked to join them, offering her healing powers as a reason as to why she ought to tag along. Roxii wasn't too keen on others joining, especially with the thought that they may want payment, but once she settled that she desired no payment, the wolf was pleased again.

The wolf could still feel the presence of the feline nearby. She nonchalantly made her way to stand beside Morgrim, mumbling quietly, "
We have another pursuer. Shall I intercept them?" She figured she ought to inquire about the situation first, so as not to create another unnecessary dispute.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @GoldenWolf
"Well aren't we a popular bunch?" He asked rhetorically, laughing lightly at the two people that had all ready wanted to join his little task force. Well who was he to deny a couple of hopeful souls wanting to embark on an adventure. "All right, I have a little test for the both of you." He turned his attention first to the human girl. "Yo say you are a healer, well if you can heal my team mate here, to full fighting condition you may join us on our little quest." He then directed his attention over to the small badger girl. "You though I suspect have different talents. Do something to prove you are worth taking with us and you may join us. Though for both of you be warned, the mission we are on is highly difficult, we are here to destroy the head priest and free the land from his tyranny."

@Anaxileah @Scylla

(Scylla if Maria identifies the enchantment on the two other rings she can join. Just an idea for how to prove her talent.)

Morgrim nodded slightly, out of courtesy. "Not yet, we better figure out what she is after, though if she doesn't leave by night fall then I'll leave it up to you what happens to them. We can't afford any interceptions." He whispered to her as to not let the cat know of what he spoke, and his hood was all ready up so that she couldn't see his lips to read them, whatever he said only those close by enough will have heard them. "Which one is it, the cat, dragon or the robot? I'm not worried about the machine, they have no motives, but the other two may want our treasure, or maybe just the fun of fighting us."

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(Sorry for having such a small post last time)

Six followed the group close behind silently, it clearly ran on magic through closer inspection. As it followed it glared closely at each individual, although it lacked a face the feeling of it watching was still their. It's four arms seemed to flicker with flames and lightning as the blue runs glowed on its arms. It appeared to be testing magic.

Alrighty, dear.)

"The feline," she growled lowly, spitting out the word "feline" with disdain. The hybrid had attempted to be respectful towards the cat—which was more than most strangers had ever received upon just meeting—, but her constant ungratefulness and arrogance caused the wolf to revert back to disliking the Khajiit.

The hybrid stayed silent and still as she pondered over Morgrim's response. As she had guessed, he wanted her to wait and see. She didn't mind waiting; as an assassin, it was the most common thing she did. So she complied, staying right in her spot. But then she sensed another presence; the smell and soft sound of metal entered her senses, and she knew that the automaton was still nearby. The corpse was right; they seemed to be attracting quite a crowd, much to her great displeasure.

Ana nodded slowly, turning her gaze from the necromancer to the knight. "I would, but it'd be difficult to get salve on the wounds with all of the armor blocking the wounds." Ana explained as she remained beside Morgrim, unsure of what to do. "I have many salves and multiple bandages, I would just need him to remove his armor, but this isn't exactly the best area to do it." Ana continued after looking around a bit, feeling exposed. "Would it be alright if this test was postponed until a safe location or a camp is set up?" Ana suggested, not wanting to treat the man in a hostile environment.

Ana turned slightly in order to get some vials and bandages out of her satchel, showing the glowing liquids and the clean wraps to the necromancer, as well as anyone else nearby. She wanted to feel useful to someone for once, so she hoped he'd give her this time until they reached safer grounds.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight @Anyone else~
"I was referring to Roxii, the girl." Jassur had all ready been fully healed by the over powered ring of healing. So far Ana was off to a bad start. She came off more as an alchemist than a healer considering she uses supplies instead of magic, that and she couldn't tell the difference between the fully healed Male, and still wounded female. Morgrim sighed. "I'll give you one last chance, but mess up again, and I suggest you go back to the town."

@Anaxileah Sorry but Morgrim is really grumpy pretty much all the time. It'll take time to get him to warm up.)

Morgrim nodded in understand at the Wolf hybrids words. "Not all things are so easy it appears. Two is too many, we better address the issue directly before they figure out where we set up camp, and our desired destination. Take care of the khajiit, I will see about the machine." He said before turning around and heading straight for the robot. It wasn't trying to be stealthy so it was easy to spot. He approaches the machine as he lets Roxii handle the cat for whatever reason it may be following the group. "Machine, you are following us. I suggest you state your business and who your master is, or else we'll send you back as a bucket of bolts."

"I-I just assumed.." Ana started, but sighed in frustration. Fine. Whatever. At least I'm getting a second chance. Ana's cheeks had turned slightly green in embarrassment, but she shrugged him off and walked towards the wolf-girl. "I'm assuming you are Roxii? I hadn't seen your wounds before, which is why I assumed it was the covered up man. If you let me take care of your wounds real quick, you can go take care of the feline that's following us." Ana finished, still slightly annoyed with the necromancer.

Ana waved a hand over the vial, activating the plant particles inside it, turning the liquid light green. This would now cause any wounds to close quickly and disinfect with little to no pain. Ana poured some in her hand, prepared to spread it on the girl's wounds.

"Currently researching for primary goal, all other info requires a level 4 acess password, I am Chronowarp unit zero six." The machine states clearly unfased by the threat. "If hostility continues you will be eliminated." It continues. The machine removes its hunch becoming over 6 feet tall.
The hybrid nodded to Morgrim, pleased with the command. She'd love to put the feline in her place. The Khajiit ought to have seen how Ether was treated once the three figured out they were being pursued; maybe then she'd have known better. Despite itching to go take the cat by surprise, she stayed in place as the healer approached her.

Roxii nodded in response to reptilian hybrid's inquiry and accepted her explanation. The assassin had grown used to hiding the fact that she was injured and in pain, knowing fairly well that revealing wounds showed a possible weakness, so she understood why the green-haired female hadn't realized before. The hybrid watched as the taller female worked, impressed by her skill with tonics and potions; the wolf wasn't too interested in learning the art of alchemy.

Once the taller was prepared, Roxii hesitated; her aphenphosmphobia was beginning to bother her now. Physical contact was not a favourite of hers, and she would much rather tend to her own wounds. Knowing that Morgrim had basically ordered the other hybrid to tend to her, she hesitantly put out her arms, showing the numerous wounds that had cut through her light armor. Her arms would be the most important, especially with how much she used them. The assassin's legs weren't too bad; a few nicks and scratches here and there were something that wouldn't hinder her abilities. Her torso, however, had quite a few gashes from many sharp weapons, such as swords and axes. Bruises littered her body, but she wasn't sure if those would be worth the effort. The elf had dealt with worse.

Ana smiled slightly at the wolf girl and began rubbing the healing liquid over the girl's wounds. Since this liquid was meant to close up wounds, the bandages weren't needed. "My name is Anaxileah, by the way. You can call me Ana." Ana said politely to the girl known as Roxii as she worked on healing the girl, noting that she had numerous small wounds. She poured more liquid into her hand and continued to rub more on the girl's arms. She repeated this process on all of the wounds until they were closed and clean.

"It shouldn't be stinging too much, only a little. How do you feel?" Ana asked as she closed the vial with its little top before putting it back in her bag. Her hands were glowing slightly from the excessive use of the light green glowing liquid, but it wasn't harmful.

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