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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

The hybrid nodded in acknowledgement towards her introduction, taking note of her name. The other already knew her name, it seemed, so she stayed silent. Once Anaxileah made contact with the assassin, she couldn't help but flinch. The wolf wasn't used to being touched unless it was to be tortured, disciplined, or attacked; the only times her wounds have been tended to were when she did it herself. This certainly was a new experience for her.

Ana proceeded to work her magic, the injuries healing almost instantly along with a slight twinge of stinging pain. However, the stings were nothing compared to the injuries she had been dealt not long ago. Roxii slightly tilted her head, watching as the wounds closed up right before her very eyes. That was something that she hadn't seen before. The wolf's ears continued to swivel and twitch, capturing every single sound that was emitted around them. The most distinguishable sounds she took note of were the movements of the Khajiit. She wanted this healing to finish already so that she could take care of the nuisance.

Roxii stopped herself; she was behaving more like a dog, becoming restless at the scent of prey. The assassin reminded herself that she was human, as well. More human than wolf, she persuaded herself. She didn't want to be some mindless mutt that had the potential to be controlled; she was a human who had no owner and couldn't be controlled.

The taller hybrid finished her healing, closing up her vial of the healing tonic. "
Fine," Roxii answered.

"Alright then, what is this test about?" Maria responded. She thought for a moment then noticed the two remaining rings with some sort of glow to them. Those seem to be enchanted, I wonder if I could identify what type of enchantment they have on them. She thought eagerly, thinking about the test to join the group at the same time. She wanted to introduce herself, but waited after the test was finished.
Jass looks over to the potential traveling partners. Wow, their numbers are going to increase. The former knight is wary of the two's comments about not wanting some kind of payment. He wasn't going to give up his share whatsoever to anyone. The "healer" seems helpful though Jass knew he was going to depend on the ring Morgrim's given him. This interesting item is better than any healing magic he could have tried on himself. He still wonders how Morgrim gained this item. The badgerfolk interested him more, seeing that she's a blacksmith. He won't push this but he wouldn't mind testing out anything she makes.

Morgrim's interacting with the automaton, much to his distaste. The damn machine grows six feet tall, causing Jass to worry if it will attack them. Jass's hand flies to his weapon holstered to his back. The automaton is beginning to tick him off. If it deems them hostile, he will throttle it with all of the regained strength he's gotten back. The mercenary doesn't unsheathe his sword just in case it decides to not attack. He is ready to defend his group if he must. He looks over to Morgrim wondering what the half corpse would do. How were they going to get any answers out of this damn thing?
Ether takes a step back and off to the side to allow Morgrim to settle the issues with the people who had wanted to tag along. Seeing as Roxii didn't attack them outright, Ether figured they were safe enough. The ire of the undead shifted off of them to the other who hadn't yet approached like the robot. He watches as the young girl named Ana, decides to heal Roxii's wounds, though he doubted she really needed any treatment. She seemed to give off just as much killing potential as before and Ether figured she was fine, though when he saw her flinch at her touch, it caught his attention. That wasn't a flinch of pain. That was something else. Ether decided the more he thought about it, the more likely he was to be killed in his sleep by Roxii so he left it be.

The strain of having 30+ undead is nothing to sniff at and it was a constant drain on Ether, like having one hundred pounds of dead weight placed on your shoulders. Ether was a strong mage and an able swordsman so he could bear it but it was still a heavy burden. Not to mention stifling the hunger of all the undead, and then directing their actions as a whole made it worse. The necromancer's breath comes quick and shallow though no one would notice except Roxii maybe. She seemed to have some incredible senses for some odd reason.

Ether chuckles as he sees Jassur starting to get frustrated with the robot's responses and he decides to tease the big warrior. "Careful Jassur. I hear automatons are famous for their steel and magic. They can cast high end magic while being made of some of the strongest steel known in this world. Your sword would probably break before you hurt it. Not to mention they cant feel pain. Their magical affinity also makes them resistant to all forms of magic." Ether was completely bullshitting and he had no way of knowing any of that. It was literally all guesses and lies to fill in the logic. But Ether has been around enough liars and unsavory individuals to lie effectively. Not to mention his face is hidden within his cloak so even if Jassur did see his facial expressions, they would be one of amusement.
Jass turns his gaze onto the necromancer. The guy probably knew more about this shit than he does but hell, did he really care when he gives into instinct? He glances back at the automaton, giving it a full bottom to top examination. Is that metal really hard to bend? Damn if he knew. And high level magic, was it? The former knight could bet he'd last at least one or two strong high level spells before keeling over. Then again, most of his reasoning is speculation and he shouldn't be taking this for granted. Jass then narrows his eyes at Ether before responding, "Well, I won't learn till I try hitting it a few times." He could pester the badger is his sword broke. The mercenary didn't care if the automaton felt pain or not; he's only be satisfied if he leaves a nice dent on it. Just throw all his mana in strength and see if he leave a hole in its six foot tall body. Again, he won't attack if it doesn't - though he would enjoy letting off his irritation on it.

(Lol Jass chill bruh. You brute.)
"Pffft heheheh I jest Jassur. I actually have no idea what the thing is capable of. I was honestly just talking out of my ass on that one, seeing as your so adamant on dismantling it bolt by bolt. Though I do offer the sound advice of don't underestimate your foes. It's actually worse not knowing what it can do. The things that kill you the most in this world is the things you dont see coming no?" Ether chuckles to himself again. It had been a long time since he had actually held a friendly conversation with someone that wasn't the thralls he summoned. The big mercenary seemed to very much like the idea of destroying the thing and quite honestly, Ether would love to see him do it. It seemed like it would be quite entertaining.

Jass huffs under his breath, "Asshole," though he couldn't resist a brief smirk. His hand leaves the hilt of his blade. Having a conversation with Ether seemed to cool off the want to succumb to his irritation. He did agree with what the necromancer warned him. If he was alone with the machine, he would second guess his decision to pick a fight with it. He thought fighting it here wouldn't be bad seeing as he had allies with him - wait, did he really get comfortable with them that he entrusted his life to them?

The former knight suppressed the urge to frown at self-disapproval. How could he easily trust them in such a short amount of time? Was it because of their odd mission of liberating the town and watching each other's backs? Was it because they talked to him like an equal, not some pitiful knight-gone-rogue. Jass reminds himself to be wary of all of them even though he disliked the feeling of not wanting to trust them. For years, he's lived telling himself to not believe in everyone fully and it's helped him survive. Being on the run constantly can take a toll on a person's personality.

He scoffs, "Hey, you might be able to bullshit us out of situation then, necromancer." He wonders about Ether's skill other than raising an undead army. Undead - ugh.
Nitiri blinked in surprise as several other creatures approached the original group. Much to her distaste, she released, if these others were brought into the group it would double her chances of being caught. As they stopped, she did as well, watching them though her icy blue eyes. Flicking her long tail in irritation she crouched down, her purple-ish pelt twitching in anxiousness. The wolf looked antsy, and Nitiri could only hope that they hadn't found her.
Ana nodded and put her vital back in her satchel. "You can use it later, since you have wounds on your legs. I understand that it was uncomfortable for me to treat you, so you can just ask for it whenever you need it. It's not difficult to make, and I have the ingredients in my satchel." Ana said with a small smile and turned from Roxii, headed towards the necromancer she spoke with before. She noticed the large group of undead around them, and assumed it was this other necromancer's doing. Then there was the knight, and some android. She stood off to the side patiently, watching was happening.
Once Anaxileah was finished, Roxii bent her dominant arm, testing its functionality. The reptilian was skilled, and it was a relief when she said that the hybrid could ask to use the tonics any time. Then she walked away, probably to earn a response from Morgrim as to whether or not she could accompany the group of paradoxical misfits.

The assassin was now left alone, and she used that moment to disappear from the ever-growing group. Her leave was similar to the one when she intercepted the necromancer—shrouding herself in shadows and turning them invisible and intangible so that the elf hybrid didn't exist among the living anymore—and she began making her way to the Khajiit. Fortunately, this tactic of using her powers made it to where she basically didn't exist, so she made no sound when moving and traversing the noisy terrain, she could pass through small and thin objects—similarly to the stereotypical apparition—so that she didn't move anything that would reveal her location, and, best of all, she had no scent.

Travelling in this state always made the hybrid feel queasy and somewhat uncomfortable. As mentioned before, Roxii didn't exactly exist among the living, yet she wasn't among the dead either. In a way, she was traversing through a thin layer of another universe that was parallel with the universe on which she and everyone else live. In this parallel universe, her sense of hearing was heightened drastically so that she could hear even the tiniest drop of a pin from over a mile away, she could feel the presence of other souls within a three to four mile radius, and everything was in black and white negative colours. The sky was not the blue that most are acquainted with, neither is the grass green nor the trees brown. All colours are set into a greyscale and then inverted. The hybrid decided to refer to this world as the "Shadow Realm"—a fitting title, she thinks. She's not sure how she reached such a seemingly impossible feat, but she doesn't care; it aids her in many instances, including finding the cat who's been following them.

Now with her senses heightened, the scent of the cat was much stronger, and it was easy to pick out her soul among the many others that surrounded the wolf. It held a sense of arrogance, pride, and confidence yet was plagued with traces of anxiety and... something else she couldn't identify. As she approached the location of the Khajiit, she saw her, crouched down and watching the group in silence. Unlike the environment, living beings were a solid black silhouette. Within the cat's silhouette, her swirling purple soul lived, contrasting with the surroundings.

Roxii quickly approached the cat and, with one swift movement, she cast off the Shadow Realm, unsheathed one of her daggers, grabbed the Khajiit back the back collar of her clothes, pulled her up to her feet roughly and spun her around. The assassin put her dagger threateningly close to the cat's throat and pushed her back against the trunk of the closest tree, glaring into the cat's eyes. "
Why are you following us?" the wolf-elf growled viciously.

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"If you aren't going to tell me what you are doing and why you can stop following us. We don't need some annoying robot watching our every move, it's unnerving." He then left the robot where it was, if it didn't co-operate then the others and Morgrim would have to destroy it. It would undoubtedly be strong, but not enough to handle a half dozen mercenaries. Back to the Badger, he still had to see what she was capable of. "It's simple, all you have to do is show me what you can do. If you can do something that benefits the group you can come with us. Do you think there is anything you can do?" He noticed her eyeing the rings that he held and then held one out to her. "You seem interested in these are you some sort of blacksmith or enchanter by chance?" He then noticed the healer approach him and he nodded his head in approval. "You've shown that you can be helpful, very well you may accompany us. Is there anything we should know about you? Any other talents or traits?"
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(First post here. Tell me if it's okay or if it sucks)

Doris frowned.

The maps that she obtained from a mysterious old trader depicted a town nearby. She couldn't see the town yet but a the heavy scent of blood permeated the air. She lay a hand on Leo's head in an attempt to calm both the lion and herself.

"I get the feeling that we'd be in a bit of trouble once again, Leo." she muttered to the lion. Leo snorted in a way that made it seem that the lion was amused.

She gestured to her other followers, Tin and Crow, before skipping along the path, her companions surrounding her in a protective circle.
(If you could have it so you involve another person by having your character interact with their's it would make it a lot easier to respond to.)
( I will fly by his character I was reading you guys post and alerts are not popping up >.<)
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Ana nodded at the necromancer, then replied, "I'm an assassin, but I specialize in long-distance fighting. I prefer using my bow and arrow, as well as my throwing daggers. I'm not too good at close-combat, and I'm an alchemist. I have an affinity for the earth, which helps me activate different toxins and tonics, which would otherwise be useless unless I activate them." Ana decided to leave out her reptilian half, since it would be strange and admitting one of her weaknesses. Instead, she told the necromancer, "I also have enhanced speed and agility, as well as my toxin-resistance. My name is Anaxileah." She smiled slightly, wanting to seem friendly.
I don't like flying but it's the only way I can get around I just pick a direction and start flying every time. I flap my wings embers fall off of them I want to see if I can see a near by town all I see is green as far as I can see I do notice. A group of people walking maybe they come from a time a can rest at for a bit I fly near them 'Hello travelers do you know of a village that's near by'.

(Sorry. I didn't want to suddenly insert myself into your group meeting/talking/thingamajig. We're just approaching the town that you guys are in)

Doris' eyes sparkled with excitement as a phoenix, of all things, approached her.

"Hello. You have pretty wings," she greeted, "there's supposed to be a small town nearby. At least, that's what the map says. The old guy who sold me the map said it was overrun by bandits though."

Her eyes narrowed at the thought of brutish thugs terrifying innocent citizens.
Well that sounds like fun knocking a few bandits around I think to myself. 'Thank you very much I show follow you then in the sky and let you know when we have reached this place' I fly up in the but not to high above the group. Every now and then you will ember fall down from me flapping my wings as I travel with the group I hope we can save those poor people if we are not to late all ready.

Nitiri had been watching her, the one called Roxxi apparently, closely. As she seemed to be swallowed up in shadow, the Khajiit's fur bristled in confusion and fear. She leaned forward to take a better look just as she was assaulted by the same wolf-girl that had disappeared a moment before.

She was about to let out a yowl of surprise and anger before she realized there was a dagger to her throat. Swallowing carefully, Nitiri quickly tried to think of an answer to Roxxi's question. Smiling, she tried to put on a unworried front, but her eyes betrayed her fear. "I was just.. er... observing." She meowed. "It seems you have quite the group going on down there." She chuckled nervously.

It wasn't long until Doris caught sight of the village. And the first thing that came to mind was: "Woah, that's a lot of dead bodies."

"Miss Phoenix person, I have a very bad feeling about this."
The hybrid flicked her gaze from each eye and observed each and every movement the cat made. "There is no need for dishonesty," she responded. Despite the air of confidence that emanated off of the Khajiit, she could see the fear sparkling in her eyes. Roxii hesitated a moment, and then loosened her grip on the cat and moved the dagger away from her throat. However, she kept it up and poised for an attack, just in case. "Let us start with something simple. What is your name?"

'Yes a very bad feeling someone has all ready started the battle' I fly in closer to the village to see if I can get a better view of what is going on in this place it looks like a complete warzone
With the town behind the group of heroes they would have to make their way over to the main objective. Marques Tuso. The man was guarded by a division of demi-angels nickname the divine five, based on their numbers and 'alignment' Though this squad of super soldiers may hold their own secrets as to why they serve such a vile man. These soldiers were assigned a number based on power and devotion, number one being the highest, and five the lowest. At any given time two of the five will be guarding the man, while the other three complete missions, whatever is the high priests whim, as of late it has been the destruction of individual's and villages of other religious alignment or those who refuse to pay his 'divine guidance' tax. He had manage to vilify the entirety of Landfall but his word is law. Now all the hope of freedom is the group of heroes following under Morgrim's employ. Which two divine's would be guarding him though, and who would succeed? (Just a little update to keep you all looking forward to what come's next.) @Everyone

@RoanDracniil @Dtlee31 Please try to keep posts a minimum of three longs long. The occasional slip up is understandable, but don't try to make it a habit. Longer posts mean more opportunity for all people to reply.))
((Damn you're all active when I'm not around, I was lost for a minute there xD ))

Riley watched the woman as she left her alone after the beast was dead. It bored her. She then transformed back into her ice dragon's body and flew up where she quickly took the sight of a phoenix hovering over a half elf, both of which looked feminine from afar. She left that part of the forest and flew up to them, keeping a safe and reasonable distance away from the phoenix.

"You two stand out pretty much," Riley snickered as she transformed back to her human self and landed in front of the halfling.

@RoanDracniil @Dtlee31
O a dragon she thought happily but saw that it was a Ice dragon? that's very rare I land as while to greet myself my wings disappear 'Hello nice to meet you are you the one that started the attack on this bandit village' I look at the dead bodies and still hear combat in the inside of the village hopefully there still people left to save in this place

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