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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Ana had been watching the fight, amused. She was intrigued by the poison used by the necromancer, impressed by the knight's performance, and curious as to why a dog whistle would effect an assassin. Hybrid?

Ana's thoughts were interrupted by another bandit, giving her crap about not participating. "You want me to fight?" She asked, smirking as she approached him slowly. "Alright." Ana quickly pulled out her daggers, thrusting then towards the man who threatened her. "I don't like being told what to do." She started simply as she stabbed him in the chest and the abdomen, blood spurting from the wounds. She pulled off the bandit costume, seeing that it would only slow her down now that she's part of the fight.
Morgrim had solved the little enchanted ring problem with the giant. He cut the fingers off before they even had a chance to regenerate. The giant let out a roar and swung his great sword. It narrowly missed Morgrim and instead destroyed the pillars keeping the building up. In one swung he literally knocked down a building. It crashed over his head, but trapped Morgrim inside debris as well. All the other bandits inside were killed by the blow. Dust flew up in the air with a thundering sound of wood and stone falling in on itself. Whoever owned the house was going to be pissed if the bandits hadn't killed them for fun. Morgrim was lucky to be alive, due to his armoured suit of bone. It shattered and left him under the massive weight, but he did manage to crawl his way out, and with four enchanted rings to boot. His comrades deserved a little prize. All the other bandits, which at this point was hardly more than eight, plus the lieutenant that was threatening Ana. The town was liberated. "You all alright? That was quite the fight they put up, lucky for the added reinforcements eh?" He said while carrying the head of the giant. After all to turn in bounties they like to be shown evidence of the completed task.

@everyone besides Anaxileah

The bandit lieutenant whom was threatening Ana quickly side stepped the attack preventing any sort of lethal damage. He was a few steps up above the average bandit and earned his place as being second strongest to the now dead leader. While the leader may have preferred up close and overwhelming attacks this guy used an enchanted shortsword to throw lightning at his opponents which right now was Ana. He launched a blow, almost hitting her, though as it landed just a foot away from her feet it blew up and would send her flying. He would lunge forward and attempt to spear her head with the gleaming silver blade. "Die bitch!"

((I'll be off now, where i live at the moment it's around midnight. Don't go too far, if it wouldn't be too much trouble :D ))

Ana was thrown back by the blast, hitting the nearby wall. The man leapt at her with his shortsword, and she dodged the blade, nearly getting hit. She spun away, keeping her daggers drawn. "Damn." She used her enhanced speed to rush towards him, then sliced at his chest.

(Sorry for short response, I'm busy atm)
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Jass nods to the assassin's response; it's best to have everyone who aren't bandits, able to fight. His breathing has become ragged. The former knight knew he can't hold on much longer.

The building's side gets smashed by the giant, causing the stone and wood to collapse over them. Jass uses his sword to block the debris from hitting his head. Dust fly up, covering the air and the once noise fight comes a dead silence. The mercenary is under a bunch of stone bricks. With the last of his strength and magic, he pushes off the debris with a large gasp for air. He coughs at the cloud of dust. There goes the last bit of mana he has; the weight of the sword feels heavier than usual. "Guys?" When Morgrim appears and asks if they were alright, Jass looks around for the others. They were probably under the rubble.
Ether's eyes widen as he hears the roar of something massive crashing through the house. Ether doesn't even think twice about it. Nope.Nope. HELL NO. He turns and takes off the shadowy magic he had on himself while diving off to the side and away from the great explosion coming from the inside of the house. There were raised voices coming from everywhere and Ether soon realized that everyone was surrounded and every bandit in town had probably shown up here to try and kill everyone who wasn't a damn bandit. Ether runs off to the side and into the streets where the bandits were pouring in from. Just as he is about to start casting a spell, he sees the assassin locked in combat and can hear the tell tale clang of steel on steel coming from inside the tavern along with some very dark magic being used in there. The assassin kills enemies left and right with almost no hesitation as does the powerful mercenary on the inside. Bodies are dropping everywhere and Ether decides that this is the best way he can help the situation.

His temporary comrades are killing people like if they were insects and what better way to assist them then to use the slain to help fight with them. Numbers don't win a battle, as the undead Ether resurrects are as powerful as they were in life, but they certainly help.With his undead sentries guarding him, Ether concentrates his magic, completely focusing on his dark arcana rather than his combat prowess. He lets the necromantic aura Ether always keeps in check burst forth from his body like an explosion. Those who don't know what death is like will immediately get chills running down their spines. Gooseflesh across their skin and break out in a cold sweat. They would understand death is upon them. For those who know death well, it would feel as if the embodiment of death had breathed his breath into the area. A deep, miasma-like death presence radiates from Ether as he begins casting, "I summon the souls of those fallen. I am the necromancer, Ether Mesa, and you will obey. I command thee to rise and answer to my beck and call! Rise once more and submit to my will! Rise my sentinels of death and darkness! Rise my harbingers of ruin!!" Ether's purple irises are now shining with raw power underneath his dark hood as he cries out the spell, "Mass Resurrection!!" As the words leave the necromancer's mouth, a deep charcoal colored miasma bursts forth form Ether's person, lightly coating the entire area. All the corpses that had recently been slain by his teammates (and other unknown friendlies) begin to have spasms on the floor they died upon, as if trying to resist resurrecting. One by one, the bodies start to rise from the low fog, their eyes now a milky white and a pale blue glow emanating from under their skins. The moans of the dead begin to fill the air as they rise and begin to pick up the weapons they had dropped upon death.

Ether is now incapable of doing much besides walking and speaking as the spell requires his absolute concentration. He issues the order in his mind, slay the living and feast upon them to your desire. Ether is capable of directing the wrath and hunger of the undead away from the individuals he had been following, as he witnessed that the giant had actually broken the entire building down during his casting. Ether was in full concentration and hadn't actually noticed the giant doing so. Ether wished he could raise the giant as well but the more powerful a creature is the more he has to concentrate and it was already taking almost all his effort to raise over 30 average skilled humans. The undead target and start viciously attacking anyone Ether hadn't seen before the attack began, driven by rage, hunger, and the absolute commands of their new master.

(BTW I am a veteran of Dark Souls. My favorite game! No other game compares to the beauty that is dark souls.)
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The moment the hybrid heard the splintering of wood, she knew the building was going to collapse in on itself. And her, the Khajiit, and the mercenary were going to get trapped under most of it if they weren't quick. The large man was burly enough to withstand the falling debris and would be able to get himself out. Her and the cat, however, would have a bit more trouble, especially with the Khajiit being further from the exit than she.

Ignoring the searing and aching pain throughout her body, Roxii rushed over to the cat woman and summoned the shadows to her aid. She gathered them around her hand and, once she was standing beside the cat, raised her hand. The darkness spread out and created a dome-like shield over and around the wolf and cat, protecting them from the collapsing building.

The wood and stones began falling on the hybrid's shield, and she grit her teeth in pain. Immense strength was not on her list of skills. But she maintained the shield, her arm beginning to tremble from the pressure of the weight the building was putting on her and her shadows.

Once the dust had settled and the weight of the debris had stopped moving, Roxii glanced at the Khajiit. "
Are you okay?"

Nitiri jumped, frightened by the loud and sudden noise. She was perplexed, as for some reason the dust and rubble seemed to just fall away from her, as if she was in some sort of bubble. She was even more confused when she looked by her side. It was the wolf girl, and her stench was quickly filing up this strange sort of 'force-field.' "What the hell is going on?" She growled, not really asking anyone. She looked at the other woman and she seemed to be having some difficulties. Yeah.

"I'm just fine." She hissed. "Are you doing this?" Nitiri poked the practically transparent bubble-thing and it set ripples flowing over the surface. Weird. She thought, turning back to the lady with an expectant look.
Roxii nodded, glancing between the—rather ungrateful—Khajiit and her hand, just to keep her concentration. This certainly was a test of her strength. The debris was only weighted down on the hybrid's shadows, but since the darkness is an extension of herself, it felt as though she was holding the entire building up herself. And it was certainly heavy.

To make matters worse, she was using
way too much energy. The sigil on her chest was burning ferociously, the fiery pain spreading throughout her chest. She wouldn't doubt that the sigil was glowing at this point, especially with how painful the internal flames were. It felt as though a fire had ignited within her chest and was scorching her internal organs.

The assassin involuntarily clutched at her chest, covering the sigil and letting out a low, pained groan. She wanted the pain to go away, but she couldn't risk letting go of the shield. If she did, the two of them would be crushed. So, putting the pain off to the side, she focused on keeping her and the cat alive.

Yeesh, this lady didn't look like she was doing so hot. Some sort of amulet or necklace was glowing like fire. The woman kept making pained noises, and Nitiri felt a slight twinge of guilt for her. Guilt mostly because she was standing there and doing nothing, watching the girl in pain to keep them alive. Probably just to keep herself alive at this point, Nitiri figured. How would want to help a selfish Khajiit like her?

But another part of her only smelt the stench of dog, and felt the tension of another female. She didn't know why, but Nitiri always felt pressure and hostility towards and from other girls. It was just instinct, she didn't know why she felt this way. Her second instinct was quickly overpowering the first, and she looked away from the wolf-girl and up on top of the shield, where a pile of rubble rested. Shit.
Riley watched from the skies in her majestic dragon form and ice covered body. It amused her how it was the beginning of a new day and already there had been loud noises, screams and explosions that filled the atmosphere. Such noise pollution, she thought to herself as she hovered a bit lower. She eyed Ana from afar and watched as she fought against god knows what it was. She landed on the ground near her and transformed back into her human self, "Need any help?" she snickered as she got within speaking radius of her.

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Roxii gazed up at the rubble and debris that was covering her shield then at the Khajiit. If she could make it to where the cat could help push some of the debris off, it would not only stop weighing down the wolf, but would also begin creating a place for the two to escape. But she couldn't let down the shadows for fear of being crushed. The hybrid furrowed her brows and began thinking. What if... What if she only made one side solid and the other intangible? Nothing could come in and crush them, but they'd be able to reach out and move things.

The assassin concentrated on the internal plan she had created and focused on making the inner side of the dome intangible. It began leeching more of her energy at larger quantities given the specifics of her power, but she ignored it. The hybrid tested the durability and success of her shield by sticking her hand out and pushing on the debris. It moved a bit, but it was far too heavy to move with her single hand. But it worked, nonetheless. She looked over at the Khajiit. "
Could you maybe begin moving some rubble?"

Ana was struggling in such close combat with this guy, since he kept dodging her quick attacks. There was a reason she had a bow and arrows, this was one of them. Hand-to-hand combat is not her forte. Another person, this one a female with white hair and dark blue eyes, appeared next to her, out of nowhere, asking if Ana needed assistance. Ana glared at her briefly before turning her attention back to the male, being pushed back by him and the amount of rubble that was falling from above. Using her enhanced speed she had avoided the rubble, but her thigh was bleeding.

"If you want to help, quit standing around." Ana muttered as she gripped her leg, finding the girl to be useless if she didn't do something soon. Why won't this guy just die?? Ana thought to herself, incapable of rushing towards him again.
The man was still in peak physical condition, and swinging around the blade with great speed, each time he lashed out a whip of lightning would strike her or near the ground wear she was. The only indicator of any damage was a slash across his chest, but his leather armour absorbed most of the damage, leaving the cut to be more of a glancing blow. If the other interfered though he would have to make a break for it. He could not take on two at once. "hahaha is that all you got, no wonder you were hiding behind a disguise." The lieutenant was actually a better fighter than the giant, but those enchanted rings would have proved to be his down fall. Now he was the strongest of what little remained of the bandits, and with the location of their treasure trove he would be set for life.
The mercenary's vision begins to blur. He shakes his head to clear it away. The adrenaline of his is wearing off and the effects are hitting him hard. Jass stabs his blade into the ground, leaning on it while he tries to regain his composure. The deep cuts around his body are now noticeable, burning at every movement he makes. Even though he protected the most vulnerable areas when the debris fell, Jass knew he'll wake up with some nasty bruises. He understood he wasn't indestructible; he just withstood pain better than others. He wishes he had a bit of mana left to close some his wounds with small healing magic.

He narrows his eyes at Morgrim; the damn half corpse doesn't look damaged whatsoever. Jass lets out a tired sigh when his employer shows the giant's head. At least it's over. He didn't expect the whole situation to get difficult with the more people blowing their cover; then again his horrible stealth was a bit to blame. He scans the rubble in search for any signs of the assassin and the cat.
Morgrim moved forward to Jass, and without a word grabbed hold of his hand and slipped one of the enchanted rings on it. Warmth spread through his body, originated from his hand. One by one discoloured bruises and cuts vanished and sealed themselves up in a matter of a few short seconds. His stamina would be restored, and in less then twenty seconds he would be at his top physical condition as if he hadn't cut down more than twenty bloodthirsty bandits. "There that should make you feel peppy again. Now go help Roxii, I think she is still trapped under the rubble. If she is still alive of course. We will need someone with her stealth to take out Tuso." He was still carrying three more rings, he would keep two for himself, planning on giving the poison resistant one to Roxii. The rings will benefit his team members greatly in the upcoming battles they will surely have. Morgrim uses Biomancy and could poison a large group of foes in seconds, he couldn't do it in this case due to the innocent civilians that may get caught up in the poison clouds, including his team mates as well.
A light blue portal opened up in the nearby area, out of it stepped a clockwork figure with four arms. "Time warp completed, power drain levels high, hostiles in surrounding area quickly dropping." Six walked towards the remaining bandits quite slowly and unworried, sparks started striking between two of its hands. "Activate ability: Chain Lightning" The suddenly the sparks collected at the hands and then shot off into the bandits bouncing between them electrocuting about five of them. These five fell over with electricity still sparking across their bodies. The hands of the machine still had sparks on them as well but it fades quite quickly. "Strength of detected hostiles low, using as base for world, setting worlds danger status to low, active to change."
Nitiri nodded at the wolf's request. Leaning out, very carefully she pulled some large pieces of wood and cobblestone off the shield, jumping back into its protection as the rubble fell. Letting out another cough as the debris kicked up dust when they fell onto the piles of other rock and wood. The Khajiit continued this process until only a few pebbles and splinters of wood remained on the transparent bubble.

Turning around, a coy smile crossed Nitiri's muzzle as she purred, "You're welcome." The instict of distrust for females clouded her thoughts once more. This feeling only heightened from the rank stench of dog assaulting her nose.

((Back, sorry))
Maria stared at the liberated town from a distance. She had been hiding beside a rock and a bush for quite a while now watching what happened to the town. She then gripped her iron battle axe tightly and walked a few steps forward out of the bush, towards the town. Then proceeding to burst into a run, she ran to the partial ruins part of the town in curiosity of what was going on there. She soon made it very close to the entrance so she slowed down and stopped running, going into a walk now.
The town was void of all bandits, and the lieutenant even at this point had fled the fight with Ana, leaving the place decorated with an odd group of heroes, though some came in late, and some avoided the issue until the very end. Now the first order of business was addressing all these new people, and the not so much people. Morgrim rallied with Jassur. This wasn't exactly how it was suppose to go. Three people in, that's all he wanted, then there was the arrival of the necromancer Ether, then the bandit girl Nitiri. Now there was an ice dragon, an automaton serving who could be anybody. And lastly a badger, Most of the people came in after the fight had all ready been concluded, and damned be all who wanted to take away a piece of the reward from him and his two companions. "Jass I don't like this, it's more than a little suspicious that more than double our numbers of people came in horning in on our action, and there's no way in all the underworld I am divided whatever reward into seven different people. We have to get Roxii and make our stand." It was then Morgrim heard the shifting of stone and wood and saw his companion and the Khajitt crawl their way out of a hole in the ground, He moved over to them, ignoring the bandit girl and offering a hand to Roxii. "Come on, we got trouble. This place is already swarming with more people."
"Slight hostile intentions by unknown, danger: minimal" Six said seeming to glare at all present. The automaton walked over to one of the killed bandits and lifted him up. The hands of the machine seemed quite strong despite being thin. "Species: Homo sapien, Magic levels: Minimal, built around physical strength, does not expect resistance, weak." Six threw the bandit against a wall breaking the bones of the corpse.
(Whoa I fell asleep doing homework then woke up for dinner then cake .-.)

Jass looks at Morgrim, confused when his employer approaches him. The robed man takes his hand and silently places one of the guy's rings over Jass's finger. The mercenary examines it, surprised by the warmth it flowed into him. The magic in the ring reminded him of healing magic. The mercenary's strength is regained and the wounds he thought should have healed in days begin to close up. He turns his arm in awe then scans his body to discover all the wounds were closed up. "Holy shit, Morgrim, what in the world did you give me?" he says in astonishment. He pulls out the sword from the ground, giving it a weight test in his hands. Even his mana was back up again. This ring must have been a pain to find.

In a few seconds, he felt like he could still beat up a hoard of bandits again. His employer seemed irritated about the new people showing up. He agrees with the half corpse that they had to make some kind of stand or everyone will fight each other just for the head of a corrupted pig. Jass hears the sound of moving rubble. He turns to spot a weird bubble with Roxii and the cat both inside. With his weapon returning to its holster on his back, Jass follows Morgrim to their companion; at this point, they understood each other's capabilities from this odd end resulting a liberation. Roxii didn't look well; maybe Morgrim has a ring for her too?

There really was a strange amount of people randomly showing up. The coincidence didn't fit with the former knight nor did he wish to sort this oddity of characters appearing in his head. He couldn't tell who was friend or foe from them. Too much happened in a short period of time, giving Jass a slight headache. Were these people their competition now? "I don't like this," he mutters with a frown.
As the debris was shifted off of her shadows, she could feel the pressure of the weight steadily leave her arm. Strength was definitely not her forte, but at least she had enough to keep the two of them alive. Once the pathway was cleared, Roxii was given a rather rude and ungrateful "you're welcome", which made the wolf growl in agitation. She had saved the cat's life—much to her displeasure, by the way, since she hardly ever put other's lives before her own, especially if they were a stranger—and this was how she was being repaid?

Ignoring the Khajiit's comment, the assassin dispersed the darkness, allowing the debris to finish settling around them. She began crawling out of the rubble, hearing the distinguishable voices of her original comrades. It didn't take the corpse long to arrive and offer her a hand. On any other occasion, the hybrid would rudely slap the hand aside and ignore the aid, but she felt rather weak and beaten and bruised. Killing off quite a few men—who were all much larger than her, might she add—, suffering the horrible effects of a dog whistle, dealing with an irritating, unappreciative feline, and being buried under a collapsed building. So, ignoring her usual reaction, she grasped the male's hand and allowed him to pull her up.

She looked around at the amount of new strangers that had shown up, suddenly feeling
very uneasy and anxious. There were so many people she didn't know, whose morals and ethics she hadn't learned and personalities she hasn't examined. Her feet itched to carry her away from the uncomfortable situation. Instead, she stayed with the mercenary and the corpse. The large male muttered an "I don't like this", and she silently agreed. Too many people, her enochlophobia chanted quietly in her mind.

@GoldenWolf @Morgrim @AnimusLight
Morgrim hated the fact at this exact moment that he was the one to hire these two, because being the hirer meant he was in charge, and thus had to make the decision on what to do about the new comers. It looks like he should get the most difficult out of the way first, and interact with that machine. He hadn't actually seen an automaton before, he grew up in a village of magic, not technology, so he would have to be wary of the intruding robot. He approaches it, but leaves his staff on his back, trying to seem as less likely a threat. Though looking like a corpse doesn't help with that image. "You there, machine. What are you doing here, who is your creator?"

"Access code required to receive restricted information." Six spoke blankly without a single pause.
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