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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Jass's hand flies to the hilt of his sword when the sudden voice speaks up. He faces the speaker, eyes narrowed. A bandit or a huge giant cat? That explains the unusual smell of cat. He didn't bother when the smell first appeared because he most of the bandits hes been running into were either human or partially human.

"So they have stealthy giant cats in their ranks, great," He looks to Morgrim who has the cat by the throat. "I'll go find some rope." He did like the idea of having an excuse to cause havoc but he'll go with the bandit as the scapegoat. It didn't take to long to find rope; luckily, the owners of this house had a good length of it in their basement. Searching through all the junk wasn't appealing to Jass though.

The former knight tosses the roll of rope to his employer. He'll help the guy if he has to keep the huge cat still.
Ether walks with the small assassin, his undead sentries trailing closely behind. A common enemy with the bandits sounds like a plan that wont get him killed. Still he found himself liking this little assassin. No nonsense, not much of a talker, very powerful and agile. Ether smiles to himself as she quickly explains the situation and walks with him in silence. It's a long silence and Ether walks passed two fresh corpses. Shame they had been decapitated or they would have joined his ranks. As they walk, the silence helps Ether pick up on voices above in the tavern. Ether takes a quick glance at the assassin and decides to wait on her judgement before investigating the noise.
The silence the two walked in was comforting. The assassin didn't say a word, nor did the necromancer, and she liked it that way. She wasn't being barraged with questions, assaulted with unnecessary comments, and unwanted advice. It was just calm, collected, comforting silence. Perfection.

The two emerged from the sewer—to the wolf hybrid's pleasure—and, other than a curt nod towards her, Roxii ignored the young girl in the sewage maintenance building. Despite the odor of sewage still trapped within her nose, she could pick out the scent of her other two... Comrades? Partners? Acquaintances? She wasn't too sure what to call them, but they surely weren't her "
friends". That much was certain. Either way, she followed their scent, keeping low and quiet as she traversed the streets of the bandit-ridden town with Ether following close behind.

The trail of blood signaled Roxii that one of them had lost their temper. She envied the one who had the privilege of committing such an act, but she pushed it aside. The hybrid hoped that it hadn't led to them getting caught in any way; that would put a damper on their entire plan. Continuing on, she stopped by the house near the tavern where boisterous laughter emitted from it loudly. Her ears laid down slightly, the irritating noises ringing in her sensitive ears. But then she heard commotion in the house next to her and Ether. The door was slightly open, and she could hear two males speaking—her acquaintances, no doubt—and... a female?

Roxii turned to cast a quick glance at the necromancer, then, with a few quick hand movements, gestured for him to go through the back door. This town was infamous for basements and balconies in their homes, so maybe she could either hide out down below or make a grand entrance through the balcony window. The assassin pondered the choice for a moment, and decided to go the stealthy route. She turned quickly and went around the side of the house, finding the cellar door that led to the cellar/basement. The busted the lock on it and opened the door, slipping inside silently. She made her way down the rickety ladder—which, if she were any heavier, would make plenty of unnecessary noise—and through the cellar, finding the stairs and crouching down, slowly walking up them. Once she reached the door that separated the rest of the house from the basement, she waited by the closed door and listened silently to the situation.

@shadowz1995 @Morgrim @AnimusLight @GoldenWolf
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Ether nodded gravelly at the assassin and followed her instructions, heading straight for the back door of the area. He called for his sentries to halt through his mind link and silently calls upon dark arcana to surround himself in shadow, silencing his footfalls and making him difficult to see in the dark besides his tell tale luminescent purple irises. He presses his up against the door in absolute silence and waits for the queue from the assassin on the other side. Ether only has normal hearing so he cant hear everything but he can hear the voices. Two male and one female.
Nitiri was taken aback at the mens' reactions. What the hell man? She silently screamed at the guy who had a blade to her throat. Instead of freaking out, Nitiri put on a coy smile. "Come on now, you're not gonna kill me." She twitched her whiskers and brushed her tail tip over his leg. "Are you?" She murmured, slowly turning her blade and getting it into a ready position.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
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(Is this okay? ;- ;)

Anaxileah arrived at the small village, exhausted from her travels. She wanted to get a drink to rejuvenate herself and then find some tree to rest in. There were men all over the place, not looking too friendly either. What's going on here? Ana thought to herself, covering her green hair with a hood. They were dressed in a particular clothing, so Ana just needed to grab one and kill him, then she could move around freely. She snuck behind one of the buildings quickly, her lean figure giving her an advantage on hiding spots. One of the bandits, who seemed skinnier than the others, had walked nearby, supposedly patrolling. Ana crept up behind him and yanked him view of the other bandits, covering his mouth. She pulled out a dagger and slot his throat, causing his struggling to cease.

After removing all of his clothes except for undergarments, and put on the smelly clothing over her own, so that she'd be able to change quickly. The clothes weighed her down a bit, which she didn't appreciate, but she could suffer for a little while, no big deal. She pulled the body to her hiding spot and left him there, then walked out into the open. The disguise seemed to be working, since no one was following her or really noticing her. Yes!

Ana continued walking through the village, ignoring the bandits, and came upon the tavern with a smile. Two bandits were brawling in front of the building, apparently drunk. Ana scooted around the two, wanting to avoid more close-combat, wanting to enter the tavern, but she noticed a building nearby with the door ajar. That's not normal... Better go check it out. She entered the building and was a bit surprised when she found three people who... Well, who didn't look like bandits. And she did. Shit. I'm in a predicament.
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(Due to the extreme number of participants inside the build you have triggered a mystery event! Hooray! A horde of angry bandits, have fun! xD ) With so many damn people inside one build shadows had been cast and noises made, even from the more stealthier individuals. All but Ana will be affected by this. Fifty bandits, there were fifty bandits pouring out of the tavern, all bearing weapons and armour of different tiers, from a lowly iron battle axe, to a folded Arconius metal held by the bandit's leader, who was in fact not human. He was a giant, standing ten feet tall, and muscles strong enough to rip a steel door in half. He was pissed, and the bandits both men and women were excited for this. The giant kicks the door in though it has the force of an explosion and sends the door shattering into fifty different pieces. Bandits pour in several at a time, and it was only seconds before they had all been spotted. Everyone but Ana whom cleverly disguised herself is in a fight, and the Khajitt is assumed a traitor. Fight or attempt to flee, everyone had to take their pick. Morgrim though decided to stay, he didn't see any chance of a clean escape. He cast a spell that shields him in a suit of exoskeletal armour that could withstand a handful of attacks from weapons made of sturdy stuff, but the giant and the great sword he welt could break it in a single hit.


(Imagine the difficulty of Dark souls, that's what this fight will be like. And Yes Ana that will do nicely as a response.)
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((DARK SOULS? Imma die.))

Nitiri jumped, her fur bushing up and her tail fur bristling. Pulling her hood off, she took at quick scope of the area. Bandits were everywhere, pouring in from the door and other holes they had made in the walls. Some very uh-human noises grumbled outside, which caused the Khajiit's eyes to dilate and become almost fully black in fear. Nitiri could fight, but not in the thick of combat. Her style was to drop down into her victim and kill it quickly and softly. But Nitiri rarely resorted to killing. This was different, she had no choice. So, spinning her dagger in her paw, she stabbed a bandit rushing her on the stairs. Thank god i'm not tied up. These bastards would've left me to be killed. She thought, thinking about the two men from before. they were probably dead by now anyway, being on the floor. As bandits kept coming up the stairs, Nitiri slowly was pushed back. She hissed in irritation, her blade becoming quite thick in blood.

Ana backs up from the sudden fray, grateful for her disguise. She watches as the leader of the bandits kicks the door, smashing it to smithereens. Fifty bandits rushed in, heading towards the intruders. Ana backed up further, into a corner, to observe the fights that will occur. Since I'm interested in a group, might as well find out what this one is like.
Viranni had be searching in this ancient temple for about a week now she had the whole place mapped out. But could not found what her contract was looking for it was the last day of her contract she hit the wall with her shield 'Were the hell is it' the man she was working for was a artifact hunter there was this certain.

One that he wanted it was a helmet made out of dragon's bone she did not like the fact it was made out of dead creatures but she learned that you don't worry about stuff that's out of your hands she walked back in the center of. What look like a throne room she stared at the throne realizing something there was a hole in the chair she never noticed it be for.

She look in the hole there it was clear as day 'Well guess its true best place to hide something is right in front of you' she put the helmet in the bag before she could turn around she heard someone clapping 'Thank you for getting I wanted'.

The men smiled with to guards next to him it was the men that hired her o I see another back stabbing human she think to herself 'I had to found someone that was able to touch the damn thing as you can see' he pointed at all the dead bodies in the room.

'So if you would be so nice to hand it over' I look over my shoulder and see he has a nice size bag on his side. Gold maybe I turn and throw my shield at his chest he gets knocked back by the force of the blow and cries out.

'GET HER' one pulls out it his weapon but before he can charge he see's a giant fireball heading towards him it hits and he screams in pain as he gets burned the other likes at me charges 'Die Mage'. I pull out a sword hilt fire shoots out the fire takes on the shape of a blade I slice him in half.

I put the hilt away walk towards the man fear in his eyes I grab my shield and the grab the bag I open it has to be at least 600 gold in her. 'Thank you for hiring me' I sit him on fire and walk out the temple 'Now where to next' as she looks at the beautiful plains before her.

(was that good)
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(jfc I leave for a few hours and come back to multiple characters showing up at the two-story house and a hoard of bandits following them in. Thanks Morgrim)

Jass watches the mess in front of him, dumbfound how the situation escalated too quickly. He knew it was somewhat his fault (seeing as everyone found an open door to the house) but gave up half way of caring. He glares at the amount of random people entering before the bandits poured in. He guessed the big guy is probably their leader noting the exited enemies when the giant appeared. Jass shakes his head, not knowing how to feel about the situation. They and the strangers with them are in deep shit. He's not get out of this unscathed but he will do his best to cut down every last one of those scum for every wound he receives.

The mercenary unsheathes his blade, turning the large weapon once in his hand. He had to think of something or they will all die. His focus turns to the giant in the middle of the enemy hoard. Take out the leader to intimidate them? That could be their best chance seeing as most of these enemies were small fry if they weren't in a pack. "Morgrim?" He looks to his employer with a gesture to the giant. He readies himself, sword gripped tightly in one hand, and most of his magic pouring in for both strength and speed. After this, he's going to need a long sleep; this will be tiring. A few bandits approach them and with a few swings of the sword, Jass cuts through them with ease. He's ready, if Morgrim has the same idea as he does, to go after the leader; he'll even face the bastard one on one if he must.
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(Dark Souls? Oh boy; good thing I'm a master at that game. ;d

And forgive me for my absence; the internet was disconnected.)

The assassin could hear them long before they entered the building. Footsteps. Dozens of them. The small group of liberators had been discovered, and her stomach practically dropped. She wasn't the best at fighting more than fifteen grown men. But the hybrid knew she had to protect and save her acquaintances; the corpse owed her a hefty reward. Ears flattened and tail swaying, she slowly and carefully began stepping down the steps, away from the door that led to the inside of the house. Perhaps she could escape... The bandits wouldn't kill them immediately. They'd at least capture the men and bring them in for questioning first. Right?

The moment she stepped off the stairs, the door was busted in by the bandits. The door separated from its hinges and flew outwards a bit, sliding down the remainder of the steps. Roxii hopped backwards to avoid injury, gazing up angrily at the men. Eight bandits began rushing down the steps towards her, and she turned and sprinted for the alternate exit. She stopped short and began backpedaling as the cellar door was thrown open, nine other bandits rushing down. The hybrid was surrounded. Her ears laid back and she began snarling ferociously, this time more fiercely than the incident with Ether. The bandits, however, weren't phased. They had encountered plenty rebellious enemies, including those of her species.

Many of them wielded one- and two-handed swords, but there were a select few whom brandished maces and battleaxes. Four of the seventeen rushed in for an attack, opting to go in at short bursts so as not to harm each other in the process, especially with being in such a crowded area. Roxii unsheathed her daggers and dodged to the right and downward, narrowly missing the two blades and the mace that were aimed for her. The two swords clashed with each other, the cringe-inducing sound of metal on metal resonating throughout the basement. The fourth bandit who hadn't attacked yet slashed downwards towards her with his battleaxe, and she rolled out of the way. Jumping back up, she was now to the side of the mace-wielder. One of the daggers was plunged through his neck, the tip emerging from the other side. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as blood began seeping from the wound and out of his mouth.

The wolf-elf pulled out her dagger and attacked one of the swordsmen. He blocked it with ease and the two were momentarily caught in a battle of blades, pushing against each other with matched strength. Roxii then pushed the swordsman back as an axe was headed for her throat. She grabbed the handle of the bandit's axe and pulled it towards where the head of the axe was initially headed. The man lost his balance and stumbled forward, and the assassin pulled the axe out of his grasp, spinning it around and chopping it into the falling man's neck. It cut halfway through his throat; his death would be caused by either suffocating on his own blood or bleeding out.

The hybrid let go out the axe when a foot connected with her lower abdomen, sending her backwards. She knelt down on the ground and curled one of her arms around her stomach. There would definitely be a bruise there. Another bandit, a woman, wielding a mace attempted to hit Roxii upside the head, but she moved backwards just in time and stood up, ignoring the aching pain in her abdomen. The mace came back around and the wolf hybrid jumped back again, avoiding the attack. With her inhuman speed, she rushed forward and stabbed her dagger into the woman's forehead, puncturing the brain. Roxii removed the dagger and allowed her body to slump to the ground.

She rushed for the next closest bandit—the one wielding the battleaxe who attacked her with the first four bandits—and the battleaxe was raised up over the man's head and slashed downwards. Roxii feinted to the left and stabbed her dagger into his dominant arm. He let out a cry of anger and pain and attempted to pick up his weapon again. Unable to pick it up in time, the hybrid plunged her other dagger into his neck, similar to the first death. She removed both daggers and let his body fall.

There were still thirteen bandits left. The assassin wasn't growing tired yet due to her increased endurance—thanks to her wolf blood and a life full of constant work—but then again, she was one person against a baker's dozen of blood thirsty men and women. She needed to cut this battle short and escape before she was caught in an inescapable predicament. Gazing around the cellar quickly, she looked for something that could aid her in taking out these remaining men faster—

Her search was cut short when a sword was thrusted and aimed for her stomach. She parried the attack by moving the sword upwards with one of her daggers and spun it around a few times, getting her dagger underneath his grip and disarming the man. Once the sword left his grasp, she stabbed her other dagger into his stomach and then plunged the other one in quick succession. The man gasped and, refusing to let death take him, he wrapped his hands around her neck. He began trying to strangle her, so Roxii ripped out the daggers and slashed them through the man's wrists, the razor sharp blades cutting through his weak flesh and bones. He let out a scream of terror and agony, but it was halted as her daggers plunged into his neck. Twelve bandits left.

A male bandit rushed up from her blind side, and his fist connected with her jaw, sending her sprawling. She dropped one of her daggers but kept a tight grip on the other. A sword came downwards toward her and she stopped it with her dagger, letting out a grunt of pain as the ache spread through her arm. She gritted her teeth as she kept the sword away from her, and, one she realized one hand wasn't enough, she grabbed the blade of her dagger to give herself more leverage. The blade cut into her palm and fingers, blood seeping out and covering her dagger and hand. Calling upon her adrenaline, she pushed the sword away from her with enough force to cause him to stagger backwards. She hopped back up and plunged the dagger into his skull quickly.

It didn't take long for Roxii to thin out the numbers from eleven bandits to six, but not without receiving a few more injuries, both severe and simple. She now had a few bruises from being beaten, a large gash along her stomach, a few cuts and scrapes along her arms, and some cuts on her face. The hybrid needed to escape, and now would be the best time, especially with so few numbers. The assassin rushed for the exit that led to the outside, dodging any and all attacked with ease. A hop to the right, a roll underneath a swinging axe, a parry here and there. She was so close to escaping; she could taste the sunlight.

Her foot was just about to step on the first step when a ear-splitting high-pitched noise rang through her ears. The note literally began physically affecting her, her ears beginning to bleed as she flattened her ears and covered them. She couldn't move; the noise was overbearing, and she couldn't help herself from falling to her knees. The wolf hybrid began getting a horrible migraine, and she began shaking in pain. She opened her mouth to scream in agony, but nothing came out. She closed her mouth again and opened it, this time an agonizing scream escaping from between her lips. "
Stop! Beseǐōcǐ, isfiȕbe! Wyōxaǐ ǻfi isfiȕbe!"

@Anyone, I guess?


"Beseǐōcǐ, isfiȕbe!" - "Please, stop!"

"Wyōxaǐ ǻfi isfiȕbe!" - "Make it stop!")

(I think it's a good idea to mention that the sound is from a type of dog whistle.. o-o)
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Dtlee31 said:
Sure I just want to get the post out there.
I understand, but do take your time with your posts if it means putting in punctuation, and thoughtful posts. We prefer quality over quantity, speed of posts is not an issue here.))
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Nitiri couldn't keep up like this, her arm was getting tired but the seemingly endless stream of bandits was relentless. Fuck it. She thought to herself before she kicked out with her foot at the bandits, sending the front one down the stairs and other tumbling down after the first. A few satisfying crunches were heard over the commotion, so Nitiri nodded in satisfaction and jumped down into the sea of bandits. Swinging wildly with her blade, she managed to send a few to the floor. But once one was down, an endless line of new bandits replaced the last. "Die you bastards!" She hissed in rage, not noticing the same to men who had tried to tie her up were right next to her.

@Morgrim @AnimusLight
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Morgrim said:
I understand, but do take your time with your posts if it means putting in punctuation, and thoughtful posts. We prefer quality over quantity, speed of posts is not an issue here.))
(ok I like that)
Morgrim nodded at Jass's plan. It reminds him back of the expression cut of the head of the snake and the body with die. It was true for any animal, but they had a lot of really big snakes in his old village, when it was still in one piece. Morgrim released the bone blades in his hands, slipping through the flesh of his still human hand, with an almost inaudible slicing sound. He could feel anything, though it sure as hell looked painful. The blade extended to one foot in length, enough to get the point across, while still being quick and effective. Though the real weapon was the poison coating the blade. A few quick jabs and even a giant would be taken down, and this one was stupid enough to not wear any amour. He let Jass take the lead, the mercenary was far more suited from close combat with his buffs and years of skill. Morgrim would flank from the left with what little bit of room there was to get by that wasn't occupied by bandits and furniture.

Three bandits blocked his path, all brandishing swords and leather armour, though they were distracted, his smell worse than death itself caused one of them with a weaker stomach to vomit all over the floor, the other to his left could take the mixture of the two smells and he started chucking up his lunch everywhere, by the looks of it the man had a whole chicken; this was a farming village after all. Morgrim took advantage of this fact - the vomiting, not the chicken- and attacked the the men, quick sideways slashes across the two debilitated men. They laughed at the small cuts, only inches wide, but the poison worked quick. They started to decompose, and within 3 seconds looked like Morgrim, after seven they were dead on the floor, the whole time screaming and scratching at their bodies, desperately cutting their bodies where the poison was flowing, but it was far too late.

The third man was smarted though, he ran Not with a scream, but with a look of determination, he would be back at some point. Living to fight another day. Next up was the giant. The man still didn't notice, and Morgrim lunged forward sticking the blade in his back. He roared out in pain, and while the poison coursed through his body it was pushed out by some sort of magical means. Every last ounce was poured right back out through the open wound. The giant was wearing several rings, which turned out to be enchanted one of which granted him an immunity to poisons, even of ones as powerful as Morgrim's. A couple of seconds later the wound where Morgrim had plunged his bloodied bone blade it closed. Great on top of poison immunity he was also given regeneration. It would take the whole party to unleash their most powerful attacks, or someone with swift enough fingers to remove the rings from him mid-fight.


The man that left the fight with Morgrim noticed Ana sitting out there, he still thought she was a bandit, but people from his clan were fighting and dying, and this one was sitting out in the sun enjoying the weather, and the view of bloodshed. The man was fuming, and pulled out his sword. It was an elegant blade stolen from a noble. It was enchanted steel that used the adorning emeralds and sapphires as conduits of magic. Lightening of blue and green shot up and down his blade. "What the hell do you think you are doing, get back in the fight, or I'll burn you to a crisp and serve you to the boys!" He spat on the ground, being as menacing as he could.

Jass charges into the sea of bandits; not smart but he knew he could handle this. The blades were already up when he rushes them. With one large swing, he knocks and cuts through a few of his enemies. The bandits were packed so dodging his blade is inevitable. Killing them created a bloodbath. The men who weren't caught in his blow strike at the mercenary. With his enhanced speed, Jass tries to avoid the incoming attacks. They give him a couple of good deep cuts around his body; Jass wasn't going down with that. His slight talent in magic and his adrenaline are the only things keeping him going at this point.

With a roar, the former knight swings his sword again low but slow enough to react to incoming attacks. The sound of an agonizing scream reaches his ear; it sounds familiar. Roxii? The scream emits from the entrance of the basement. There he didn't know what to do; split with the decision of aiding the assassin or continuing the plan with Morgrim. "Shit!" he curses before going to find Roxii. Jass believes Morgrim can hold himself for a while if the robed man doesn't confront the leader yet.

Six bandits were spread out from the entrance of the basement to the stairs surround the assassin. What was she doing? The mercenary notices the odd high-pitch noise but not connecting that the assassin was being effected by it.

"Roxii!" he calls wondering if she can still fight in her state.Two of the bandits are alerted and charge at him. Jass blocks the first one, sends one flying into the other with a push of his sword. He reaches to the assassin, pulling her out of harm's reach when the other bandits make their way closer. "Snap out of it!" She doesn't look good, he thought.

A bandit exits the basement, thrusting his sword while Jass was distracted. The blade piercces through the mercenary's shoulder. With a pained grunt, Jass elbows the bandit, letting the blade come in more. He stabs his sword through the guy when the enemy falls back. The last three bandits reach the entrance of the basement.
Nitiri, panting, took a few steps back as her arm took a blow from a sword. "Goddamitt!" She hissed, growling low as the bandits approached her. Most of them were around a large troll-like creature, protecting it it seemed. Nitiri lashed her tail and hissed, taking a step forward and slicing a man across the cheek. Deciding the cat was dead anyway, they turned back and fought some other attacker. As long as it wasn't her, who cared who else was being killed. In the corner of her eye she saw the guy from earlier at the basement entrance. Being stabbed. Nitiri's eyes widened as her moved forward to kill his attacker. Gross. She could hear the bandit's blade squish into the man's shoulder. Rushing over, Nitiri saw 3 more bandits approaching the wounded man. Slicing one in the throat, the bandit fell to the floor were he lay in a pool of blood.
Despite her jumbled thoughts, Roxii realized that the high-pitched noise was being emitted from a whistle. She remembered when a bandit used it to get her to behave and obey him, back when she was first kidnapped. A dog whistle, she thought they called it. Whatever it was, it needed to stop.

She faintly recognized the mercenary coming to her aid, but the whistling... It was so
loud. It was ringing in her ears, her head pounding and ears still bleeding from the ferocity at which the bandit was blowing. Her vision was out of focus, and she couldn't focus on one thing. The wolf seemed so delicate and vulnerable, it was practically unreal; she was never like this.

The bandit with the whistle paused for a moment to gather some air in his lungs, then continued his torture. Attempting to pull some thoughts together, Roxii gazed and pinpointed the man with the whistle, the silver glint catching her dazed eye. She frantically pointed at him and closed her eyes, clenching them tightly in a desperate attempt to block out the sound. "
Make him stop," she begged, tears beginning to form at the corner of her eyes.

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Thankful that the cat, he and Morgrim was threatening not too long ago, seems to be on their side, he watches when she takes down one of the bandits; the feline must have been thought to be a traitor. When Roxii points to what's been causing her distress, Jass glares at the bandit. He quickly charges the man blowing the whistle. Was that whistle really a problem for her? He'll ask about it later.

The mercenary swings his large sword diagonally for a killing blow but the bandit barley jumps back in time before he takes lethal damage. The bandit lets out a yell of terror before Jass follows up with a thrust of his blade. The sword stabs through the bandit cleanly and is pulled out swiftly. He then rushes into one of the two bandits with a flying sidekick. The enemy crashes into the wall with a loud thud. "Are you good, Roxii?" he asks the assassin while catching his breath. The other bandit growls at him.

@Javax @GoldenWolf
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Glaring, Nitiri let out a pissed hiss and stabbed the remaining bandit, giving him a claw to the face for good measure. Sighing, she leaned against the wall and put a paw to her head, trying to regulate her breathing once more. Her tail lashed, she twitched her muzzle, blood dripping from her long whiskers. Licking her paws and claws free of blood, she rubbed her dagger on her pant leg, staining her pants but restoring her blade to it's shiny glory once again. Looking over at the man, she narrows her eyes. Ugh, that girl he's holding. Smells like dog. Looking away, a look of disdain and obvious disgust on the Khajiit's face, she watched the battle go on, the bandit's numbers dwindling but not gone.
Once the sound ceased, Roxii opened her eyes and looked up at the mercenary. Tears had spilled—much to her displeasure—, her head was still pounding, and she felt somewhat dazed. The noise was still ringing in her ears, but it had subsided significantly. She could now think and hear clearly, but it took her a few moments to register that the man had asked her question. It took another moment for her to understand what he had asked her. "Are you good?"

Once she comprehended the words he spoke, the wolf nodded a couple times and pushed herself off of the floor with shaky legs. Another thing she hated:
dog whistles. "I think so," Roxii answered honestly. She picked her daggers up off the floor from when she dropped them and looked at the remaining bandit with pure hatred. She was about to react and kill the man then and there when a cat-like humanoid ended his life.

She looked at the cat with caution, wondering if she was helping her and the two males. If she was, Roxii could tell she already didn't like her. The glare she gave the assassin held an obvious tinge of dislike, but the wolf couldn't blame her. Dogs and cats weren't necessarily destined to get along.

@AnimusLight @GoldenWolf

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