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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

(Not at all. There are plenty of things you can do. You can join a guild hall where I can create some more characters, and invite more people to join to create a second group of heroes, or villains if it strikes your fancy. You can follow the group anyways despite having one of the rings. Just talk to me about what you would like to see happen to your character and I'll see what can be done. It would be sad if you left, really.)
(You can still follow behind ORRRR you get to meet the new character)

Jass freezes in place when he hears the voice. He dares not to turn around because of the despair feeling he's getting from the sound of its voice. 'Ghosts should go and just stay away,' Jass thought before steeling himself to turn around. He frowns at what he sees; a shadowy figure that looked like a wyvern but a bit larger. He responds, "Might I ask for your's before I tell you mine? It's only out of courtesy." He didn't feel any hostility coming from the creature or whatever it was. Oddly, it didn't scare him but at the same time he stayed high alert for any sudden change in its mood. He'll stay calm and see if he can leave the shadow thing without irritating it.

The voice reminded of sad children? That was an odd way of describing a sound but that's what it really sounded like. The weight of the sack of wood reminds him of his task. The sun was still up in the sky and he had time to spare for the shadow. He sets down the sack of wood onto the ground; the pieces inside make a noisy hollow sound when hitting each other. Maybe he'll ask why it was here - maybe it lived here?
"I.... I don't have a name... Not like you... I am Innocence..." Each word it spoke was with a pause, and its name was rather odd. For anyone who knew of the old religions could recognize it as a title instead of a name. (Time for major plot update and lore galore.) There were in the old religion twelve figures, and a mystery thirteenth. They are known as aspects, beings of incredible power that were basically gods. They were known as aspects because each one of the twelve possessed a particular trait that governed who they are, what they are, and what exactly they can do. They were two chief aspects, and ten lessers. Life and Death, the chief two. Life ruled the lands of the mortal realm and Skyshard, while Death had control over the un-mortal realms like the underworld from which most summons and spirits reside. The faith held strength for the first several millennia and had many devout followers, but after hundreds of years of wars and a surge of master thieves and conquerors most artifacts and scriptures had been lost, priests had grown old and died, and people and beasts alike lost their way, the religion was almost completely annihilated. There are no more than a hundred copies of the original book left, and 7 of those are in Tuso's personal collection.

Morgrim's school was one of the few places to still have a copy, and he knows what the book told of, and though seeing the being alone will not be enough to prove that it is an aspect, the name is certainly suggestive in the aspect. The truly strange thing about it though is that Innocence is not the name of any of the aspects, and this being is not in the Celestial plains where the other aspects live. This creature is an anomaly even amongst gods. Nor does it radiate with the power of a near unstoppable being. "Who are you....? May I come with you...? I don't have any friends...." It could be heard, it was sad and lonely. The being had no memories as if every day was the first and last day of its life.
"My name is Jassur Batal but you may call me Jass, Innocence," answers the mercenary. The answer"Innocence" was odd; he's never heard of any being called by that title. Jass was slightly torn. Its voicing reminded him of a child. But really, what was this thing? In his years of traveling, he has never run into any type of creature like this. This world still has so many mysteries.

Innocence seems vulnerable and looks to have been forgotten. He wouldn't mind having it come with him but he didn't know how the creature worked. He still can't tell if it's dangerous or not, despite being calm so far. Jass's problem is bringing it to his traveling group. They might deem it dangerous and kill it. He continued, "I am not sure if I can-..." Hmm, maybe he can bring it but not let it enter the camp. He could get Morgrim or Ether to look at the creature; they must know something right? "You know what? I might be able to bring you." He picks up the sack of wood, flings it over his shoulder. "Follow behind but halt when I tell you to halt, alright?" He leads the way back to the camp.
"Would you like to go for the boar or continue searching? It would be a good catch, a shot in the eye or in the belly would kill it, but it's up to you, Roxii. Since I'm new to the group." Ana spoke softly beside Roxii, staring at the boar while she did so. It made noises, trying to show it was dominant in the area, and Ana laughed gently, shaking her head. "I guess it just depends on how heavy it'd be to carry to camp." Ana said as she looked around, noticing that it would be dark very soon.

The grunting and obnoxious squealing the boar was making was enough persuasion to drive an arrow through its skull. But Roxii knew better than to react so harshly. Ana asked her if taking down the boar was worth it and whether or not they should take advantage of the opportunity. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and notched it, but kept the arrowhead pointed towards the ground. "I would prefer to not stay out here much longer," the hybrid responded. Then she raised her bow, aimed, and let the projectile fly. The boar didn't have nearly enough time to react, so the arrow pierced its eye and plunged into its brain.

The amount of tension the assassin put onto the string and the arrow caused the shaft to basically be submerged completely in the prey's flesh, the arrowhead emerging from the other side. The hairless pig was thrown back a bit by the force, its soul ripped from its body as it lay motionless on the ground. "
It should not be too heavy." Roxii slung her bow over her shoulder and began walking towards the carcass.

Ana nodded at the hybrid girl and followed her, helping her lift the boar. "This is probably all we'll get tonight, since it's dark, unless we come upon another creature that seems meaty enough. Although it's getting really dark." Ana looked to the sky again, and grunted as she shifted the weight of the boar between hands.
((Eh, I would love to continue but you have a lot of people joining, and i think they would be more of a 'main character' than i would be. Just tag me whenever you need a Khajiiti thief by your side.))
The boar was a good catch almost a full fifty pounds, most of which being useable meat and fat. Every part could go to good use. Picks and skewers could be made from the bone as utensils, the fat would make good for lantern fuel and the meat obviously to eat. The tusks could also fetch for a small price or being sharpened into a concealed weapon. By now the bugs were dominating the forest while most of the day creatures return to their holes and homes to catch some sleep.

@Anaxileah @Javax

"Okay...." The being nodded its head and followed Jassur. It posed no threat and was completely intangible, meaning that physical it can not interacted, or be interacted with. Everything would just pass through it, it's like trying to catch light in your hand. "I hope you don't mind..... But if I can come..... Could I sit by the fire....?" If he stayed out away from a light source for any longer than half an hour he would be gone for the rest of the night, but with a fire he could stay there through the night, and for the first time in forever being able to see a dark sky lit up by the stars and floating islands of Skyshard.
(You could always be a part of the secondary band of characters that are joining if you'd like, and if the story needs you I'll be sure to call on you.)

"I'll see if what I can do," says Jassur, looking down the path he took to get to the cottage. The mercenary wondered what the purpose of a creature like this does; how does it even survive? Jass asks, "What were you doing there? You can't have been alone there this whole time?" He pauses on the path fro a moment. There lies a fallen tree in the middle of the path, that wasn't there last time he passed by. It must have fell after because he would have cut that wood and not find the cottage. He vaults over the fallen tree with ease, the wood knocking into each other in the bundled cloak he carried. He glances over to Innocence to see it go through the tree. It really was a shadow, he thought. Was it made by magic or some kind of old forces that Jass has never heard of? One of his companions must know what it was.

After a half hour of going through the forest, they make their way towards familiar trees. They were almost to the camp. Jass takes a step forward then freezes. He senses some kind of magic - a barrier perhaps? He holds up his hand behind him, "Innocence, wait here. I'm going to need to talk to someone. I don't want anyone finding you yet. Whatever you do, don't come any closer." The barrier must have been put up by either Morgrim or Ether. He begins to head towards the camp. In a few minutes, he reaches the camp. He spots the two men pretty much finished setting up everything for the night. The mercenary approaches the camp fire and drops the cloak full of wood at the side. He calls Morgrim, "Hey, I need you to see something that I found." He gestures to where he just came from and begins heading back to Innocence. @Morgrim
"It ought to be enough for you all," she told the healer, crouching down to pick up the rather heavy carcass. The assassin didn't plan on eating. Her comrades ate first, especially Morgrim and Jass. They were of high ranks than her in this pack of misfits. Even then, she had begun to trust these people—which was actually very unusual for the assassin—and deemed their needs worthy enough to be put above her own needs. She has survived days without food before; the hybrid would be fine for one night.

Roxii peered up at the darkening sky. The hostile creatures of the night would reveal themselves soon, which meant the two had to get back to camp as soon as possible.

Ana tredged alongside Roxii, listening to her speak. "Well, I'll eat when you do." Ana smiled at the hybrid girl, wanting to be friendly with her group of adventurers. "Besides, if we don't have enough, I have extensive knowledge," Ana tapped her head with her free hand jokingly, "of what plants can and cannot be eaten. So we'll all be fine." Ana said as she looked ahead, squinting slightly. She didn't have very good eyesight in the dark, but her sense of smell was always keen. She could smell the camp, not far from where they were, and tugged on the boar a bit more.

"We're almost at the camp, I can smell the death from Morgrim and the other necromancer." Ana said as they soon reached the camp, and stopped short. Well...this is interesting. Morgrim and the tall mercenary guy aren't here...
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Morgrim nodded at Jassur and put down some tent spikes and canvas, and followed him. "All right, what is it you need me to see, I trust it is important." Morgrim didn't say it in an insulting way, he said it hopefully, he had come to like Jassur a bit. He was different from the average day mercenary and was incredibly useful of all things. "Oh and thanks for getting the firewood, it'll be very helpful." Meanwhile innocence had been waiting where it was told, looking around at the few stars that had all ready made their way into the sky. Violent hues of orange and red streaking through the sky as the two suns sink under the horizon slowly. Just twenty more minutes of daylight. If Jassur and Morgrim didn't hurry he would be gone unwillingly. Right before Morgrim departed though he made sure to start the camp fire so that when Roxii and Ana make their way back they would be able to start cooking.
The assassin flicked her gaze over to Ana and nodded. Vegetation was not her favourite thing to eat, but she has had to deal with it before. It was good for the winters when most prey was hibernating, and it aided her in healing when she had to tend to her own injuries. Though she would much prefer meat any day.

The healer told her that the camp was not far, and Roxii agreed. The stench of death that she pointed out was one that the hybrid herself couldn't miss. As they were getting closer though, Roxii could feel an odd aura in the air. It felt as though there was a barrier surrounding the camp, most likely Ether or Morgrim's doing. However, it made her feel... unusual. As if the magic was pushing her away and trying to push her back to the border of the barrier. Perhaps it was because she was a shadow elementialist, a magic user that was seen as someone who delved into dark arts and evil magic. Though she kept moving; this was her camp, too, but the magic didn't know that.

Upon arriving at the camp, she noticed that no one was around. Jass had been sent to gather firewood, but Ether and Morgrim were supposed to be setting up the camp. Where were they? She help Ana set the boar down next to the fire that had been set up then glanced at her. "
It still smells strongly of the corpse and death. They cannot have gone far. And there is no blood or struggle, so they are fine," the hybrid told Anaxileah. "We ought to get started on the food."

Ana nodded and pulled out both of her daggers. "I can start skinning the beast, would you mind lopping off the limbs? Those can be skinned separately, correct?" Ana offered one of her blades to Roxii by placing it on the ground beside Roxii as she crouched by the boar. She pushed it over on its belly with some difficulty, but managed it. She then took her blade and dug her blade from the throat of the beast down the center, as if it were a dissection. She used this to begin skinning the animal. "You reckon they'll be back soon?" Ana asked the girl, since she was the only person there, and Ana had taken a liking to the girl.
An ear flicked in response. "Technically, you can skin the entire carcass at once, but yes." Accepting the reptilian hybrid's dagger, despite having her own, she began carefully severing the limbs of the boar from its body.

Roxii took a slow, deep breath, capturing all of the surrounding scents. The hybrid replied, "
They are still nearby." She finished her part and spun the dagger around so that she was holding the blade. The handle was pointing towards Ana as she waited for her to take it back. "They will be back soon."

The sun was starting to set. Jass had a feeling he wouldn't be able to see the acquaintance he made when it gets dark because its a shadow. This urged the mercenary to quicken his steps, knowing his employer will follow his pace. Jass and Morgrim reach the part of the forest where he left Innocence. He sensed the shadow was a bit worried about something. The mercenary directs the half corpse to the creature. "Morgrim, this is Innocence - well that's what they call itself. Uh Innocence, this is Morgrim. I just wanted to get approval for you to join us at the camp. I have no idea what you are but Morgrim might be able to explain to me." He wanted to be sure if he was doing the right choice in letting the creature stay at their camp. It wasn't like him at all to help someone without a reward but he wasn't joking when he said this shadow reminded him of a child even though its shaped looked like a small dragon. It seemed awfully lonely; a feeling Jass could relate but not bother with. @Morgrim
Ana nodded and grabbed her blade carefully, then flipped it around and sheathed it on her thigh once more. "I guess I just find it easier to skin it in separate parts." Ana shrugged. "I'm weird that way." She continued messing with the carcass, but the smells were beginning to overwhelm her. She reached an arm up to her nose, wrinkling it in annoyance. "Sometimes I wish I couldn't smell this well." She griped, then bit her lower lip. "Sorry, didn't mean to complain." She continued skinning the beast in silence, waiting for the others to return.

(Sorry. I was finishing up my day three drawing for Inktober.)

Roxii's ears twitched as she glanced over at the other hybrid. "There is no reason to apologize." Her own senses were being bombarded by the stench of the carcass. However, the wolf had become so used to death that it has become second nature. But she remembered how horrible it used to be to her.

{ Not sure where to start. Ahh, here we go. } Minxa sniffed the air, her wet, black nose twitching ever so slightly. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the perimeter as she stalked the scent of a rabbit. Light paw prints were in front of her, barely leaving imprints on the heavy snow, unlike her padded paws that made her mark as she inched forward, every step. She caught a glimpse of the plump rabbit, sitting on a patch of lightly snowed grass, ears high. She began creeping up, her haunches raised high, shaking slightly as she slowly moved closer. Her nine tails were held low, but not to the point of dragging against the snow. Unsheathing her claws, she pounced onto the rabbit, her nails digging into its shoulders and her sharp fangs latching onto its neck. The rabbit squirmed and struggled a bit, but as she lifted her head, the rabbit flailing in her mouth, it began to go limp until it stopped moving at all. Carefully sprinting through the trees, careful not to drop her prey, Minxa arrived back at her den; A small hole in the ground in which only a fox or smaller animal could fit into. Dropping the rabbit into the hole, she dived in and slid down the dirt tunnel. The tunnel got wider and wider until it broke into a large hole, in which through it lay a wide, dug out room. The room had dried grass flooring, and a few dead vines in certain places where stepping would be easy. In width, the room was large enough for a grown man, and in length, the room was about the size of a modern castles bedroom; roomy, at the least. Around the room are various decorations and weapons, as well as tools and materials. In one corner lie a wood made bed, made out of wood and a stone like headboard, with two woolen blankets to lay on and cover up with, as well as a moss filled, wool covered pillow. Different lanterns lit up the room, tables and such in corners and near the bed, with paper and different objects scattered. Near another side of the room is a kitchen like area; A stone pot with different sized and shaped pans hanging on the wall, and a stone rectangle like box that opened and closed, keeping different items cool inside. A fireplace is near the bed, with a large woodpile nearing it, and different fire poking sticks laying on the ground. There is more to the burrow like room, making it almost like a normal room, but crafted out of natural materials. Minxa placed the rabbit down on a small stone table next to a few small and large knives, then morphing into her human like form. She skinned the rabbit easily, placing the rabbits pelt on a rack to dry and be crafted into something. She lit a match, throwing it into a miniature fireplace, and placed the now skinned and gutted rabbit on top of a pan to cook. Minxa washed her hands off with well water that she had in a stone bathing like sink, that was the size of an actual bath. The water drained out through a pipe system she connected to a nearby spring fed well. She then wiped her hands off and sat down on her bed with a sigh, awaiting her dinner to be half cooked so she could add seasoning and such. { That was kinda suckish, sorry. Didn't know where to begin and give a summary of what Minxa is like and where she lives. }
Ether is in a trance as Morgrim leaves the camp,adjusting his thralls positions and their mindset it was only when Roxii enters the barrier that he snaps out of it. Jassur passing through didn't really call his attention but the dark magic in Roxii did catch it. He jumps up and starts to test the feel of his barrier. As he feels Morgrim leave the barrier he sense some kind of being just on the outskirts. Some type of ethereal being. Ether decided that Mogrim and Jassur could handle whatever threat was out there. He walks over to the camp and finds Roxii and Ana working over a rather large boar. No external wounds minus a punctured meaning one of them shot this thing in the eye and killed it in one arrow. Ether chuckles and shudders at the skill of these women. He kneels down a respectable distance from them to admire the kill. "Damn ladies, remind me to never piss you girls off. Heheh." Ether's luminescent purple irises regard them both with fondness. He liked this group of people very much. It brought a smile to his face.

Ether sighs and pulls his hood off, revealing his face. His face is that of surprisingly attractive young lad. His skin has a warm, natural tan and and has a rough 8 o clock shadow on his face. He is decorated by various scars on his person, with a defining scar running across his left cheek. As his cloak comes off, messy raven black hair falls down almost to his shoulders. With his hood off, his irises stood out even more than they did under his hood.

"Ahh....need to cut this damn hair again. Gets out of control." He runs a hand through his hair and shakes it around lightly. He then take a stretch and rubs his eyes, deep shadows are apparent under his eyes due to major lack of sleep. Ether looks up at them again and smiles at them, " You guys need any help with the cooking? I'm actually not a bad cook."

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