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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Her smile immediately was replaced by a snarl as the half dead old guy spoke to her. "From that ring i've gotten more gold than you puny undead brain could ever imagine, prick!" She hissed, quickly dumping her gold into her bag and swinging it onto her shoulders, and jesus it was heavy.

Leaving her horse and stalking over to the guy, not really caring what else was going on, she flattened her ears to her head and growled, "What's your deal?" She spat, "it's the dog's fault, she handed it over without a fight or anything. Yell at her, not me." She snarled, flicking her tail towards the wolf girl.
Jass lets out a sigh before having his hand return back to his side. He takes a seat closer to Innocence, awed by the new form. He never thought it could do that and thought its only shape was a small dragon. He watches Roxii and Ana back off then the stranger spouting out his anger. The stranger was beginning to annoy him even though Jass just met him. True, they didn't own these woods but neither should he be saying that to them when he too doesn't own it. No one owns these woods; Jass has never heard of anyone owning a forest. Only the elves and the creatures that live here can call this home.

Now that most of the wood is in the campfire, the mercenary slides of the rest off his cloak onto the dirt. He frowns at how dirty the fur hood became then gets up and walks away from the fire to air out the layer of dust covering the cloak. Morgrim's interrogating the stranger so Jass paid no mind until the horse with cat thief come out of the trees. The damn thief almost killed Innocence! He glares at her, close to wanting to throw his blade at her though he holds back remembering what she did when they were fighting bandits. Now she's arguing with the others. His patience was starting to thin.
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He took the opportunity created by the confusion and made the campfire turn into a raging fire, not that you could tell it was him who did it, and sent it billowing into the canopy. "You question me? How do you know I'm not a hunter? Perhaps I am a hunter who hunts with a sword, you know not what I hunt, perhaps it is beast of power I hunt, those which a bow would be useless against." he said, his voice deep and booming this time, no longer hiding his power. Then the cat set down a load of gold, opportunity, the cat was clearly distracted by the wealth in front of it. He then rolled, grabbed his sword, and dived over to the cat. Attempting to hold her hostage with the sword resting at her neck as he did so.

@GoldenWolf and co
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The assassin's patience was wearing thin, and all of these people were overwhelming her. She agreed to travel with two males to take down a fat bastard. Not deal with two necromancers, a mercenary, some lying stranger, a reptilian healer, an irritating cat, and an unknown entity whom she hadn't even observed yet.

Then the stranger began acting, and Roxii was grateful that she kept her hands ready. The moment he positioned himself behind the cat, her bow was drawn and aimed straight for his forehead. She couldn't risk shooting him though, else she'd kill the cat.

(Bad post. Sorry. I'm using my phone.)
Nitiri hissed at the guy who had grabbed her out of nowhere. Growling, she clawed at the man's arm, leaving long red marks on his forearm. "Let me go! I never stole from you!" Wait, did I? She never really payed attention to the people she stole from anyway, so Nitiri guessed it didn't matter anyway.

The Khajiit stopped struggling when she saw Roxxi aim a bow at them. Was she aiming for Nitiri or the other guy? Whoever she intended to shoot, Nitiri needed to get out of there. Lashing her tail, a low growl emanated from the back of her throat.
His mind finally considered something Why did I just take the one person everyone seemed to dislike hostage and then it thought why haven't they killed me yet "So..." he started thinking "I would like to know why there is such hostility towards a simple hunter.. who could probably kill a couple of you before you killed him... You have nothing I want other than your lack of faith." He then decided that there was little he could really do and just let the cat free "Prius Gloria,

Omnes grandinem Rubrum Draco" he said as he took a knee and placed his fist against his heart.

Location: Hearthfire

Hearthfire was one of Sina's favourite places in Landfall, especially during the festive seasons. Everyone loves this place, it has cheap clothes, food and many more. As Sina entered the city, she brought a crystal like flower and put it on her left ear, as it is a tradition in Hearthfire. She down one of the streets and the smell of food made her mouth waters. She took out some money that she had brought with her and brought a few steamed buns before she continued walking. The street became more crowded and Sina found herself getting pushed from left to right. She was so grateful that she hid her wings when she decided to come here, or else her wings would have been broken by now. As she was about to get out, she lost her balance and stumbled into someone. She quickly composed herself and apologised, "I'm so sorry!"

As Sina looked up and saw that the person she has stumbled into was an Arachne. Great, she told herself. The arachne has white hair and she could see the pointy ears from behind. Sina knew that she was small compared to her, well, she's small compare to everyone that she have met so far.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you," she apologised again, this time with an explanation, "it's just that there are too many people pushing."

@Minxa @Unwavering Knight
Jass unsheathes his large sword, turning it once in his hand. This situation has gotten out of control. The fire from the campfire roars to life; he glances at Innocence for a moment just to check on it. He then returns to glaring at the stranger now holding the thief hostage. The mercenary couldn't charge into the man, fearing he would cut the cat's throat instantly. He looks over to the others, wondering what they should do. He stands his ground with one hand gripping tightly on the blade. He could tell his group was starting to get annoyed by this turn of events.

Who does this guy think he is? He disturbs the group, talks away from the point, and threatens them. All they were doing was camping here for the night and watching for any unwanted visitors that could harm them. The world isn't friendly that they could just accept anyone to their numbers. The man now boasts about his abilities, pissing Jass even more. He then says something about their lack of faith, confusing the mercenary. He really didn't care if he lost a limb or two if it ment he got to stab a giant hole into the stranger. The man lets go of the overgrown cat and says some strange language Jass has never heard of. He was never religious even though most of the Verdant Knights pledged loyalty to the high priests and order. Jass got off the hook for that because of his skills being useful to them.

"We are tired, stranger. Random people showing up in the middle of the forest at night doesn't fair well with us. Many of us would have cut down any possible threat, if it weren't for him." Jass gestures to Morgrim. The sword in his hand faces down, meaning he will not fight if the stranger does not show aggression to them.
As soon as Nitiri was released she quickly heaved the heavy back pack of coins back onto her shoulders. Turning back to the guy, she hissed, "What was that for you bastard??" And what the hell is he saying? She thought with a raised brow as he kneeled down and started speaking gibberish.

Lashing her tail furiously, she looked back at the group. There were a few new- erm, creatures? in the group since Nitiri had last seen them. And most of these people looked pretty pissed off. Twitching her whiskers, the Khajiit didn't know whether to stay or leave. The corpse-dude looked like he wanted to slit her throat at the moment, Roxxi's face was rather hard to read, and the guy with the sword just looked pissed and tired.

((I'll be off for the night))
"You invited me here, I was not wanting to come and talk to a group of questioning heathens. You called me to come into the camp and then accuse me of trying to force my way into your numbers." He growled, a deep growl that felt like it could shake the trees about them, not that it could "Custodi me a Paganis et liberabo eas de ignorantia" He then looked up and stood "I asked my great one in the sky to help me educate you, perhaps he delivered my here to show you the true path, perhaps for some other purpose."
The wolf continued to growl in aggravation. This stranger had the gall to stumble into their camp's boundaries and accuse them of threatening him? The world was ruthless and merciless, which meant that you couldn't trust anyone. Fortunately, the male let go of the Khajiit, putting her out of danger. Though the assassin kept her bow aimed at him the entire time.

The stranger then began switching between the language they all spoke and an ancient, dead language. The assassin's ears laid back as she realized the mission behind this man's actions; he was a religious proselytizer. The man was apparently told by his deity that they needed his aid to be converted. The hybrid was aggravated by these types of people; she didn't care for religion, and she honestly didn't believe there was any great deity that looked over them and controlled the fate of every living and non-living thing. If there was, though, she didn't care.

Roxii hoped that her knowledge of the language wasn't too rusty, though she hadn't used it in quite a long time. "
Nemo vos vocavit hic," she spoke harshly. "Religionis nihil ad nos." Her fingers itched to let go of the arrow to make the man quiet, but she knew that that was not the intelligent thing to do at the moment.

@everyone around
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He sighed in irritation and then spoke first to the cat. "I'm not blaming Roxii for you convincing her to give it to you, secondly you should at least be kind enough to give her some gold considering you got it from her, and I assume broke a promise with her. Roxii look after the cat would you, our newest guest looks to need some attention."

He then looked over to the religious man. "As I recall I did not invite you into the group, my companions found you skulking about and then you so rudely lied to them and me as well. As for your religion I do not speak for all us, but I for one am not interested in anyone who preaches and lies in the same day, let alone the same conversation.. Stated Morgrim with a solid resounding voice. Though Innocence came a little closer and spoke up. "I would like to know...... What do you have to say hunter.......?" Morgrim looked to innocence and was slightly surprised by his finally taking an active role in the conversation. He wanted to know more about religion, along with most other things in the to find out who and what it is exactly.
"The Uncaring Creator, he made the Gods, many of them, thousands. These gods began creating things, there are many worlds like this one they created but most are filled with evil and malice, much more so than ours. One being from this land is Dracos, She Who Watches, she protects us from the uncaring and malice of the other beings of her world, the world of the Gods. She finds he strength to do this in out faith and our belief, but this has waned lately, hence the gates. If we do not grow steadfast in our devotion of her then she will be unable to stop the coming invastion." He said to the one who would listen "Hodierno mundo insunt, solus in sanctuarium. Or, Our world is alone in sanctuary. in the common tongue" He then looked at the one, apparently, incharge "I told no lies, I am hunting, though I know not yet what, I am not a great man and am Indeed a simple follower of Draco's Divine wish."
The necromancer's irritation was rising through the roof at the events unfolding before him and as his frustration rose so did the amplification of his magic. The aura started to become a deeper red and scarlet colored lightning spell Ether had used to defend himself against Roxii was crackling in his off hand. His irritation reaches a high point when the stranger starts preaching his religion to them as if they cared or was in anyone relevant to their mission. "ENOUGH!" Ether's voice booms out and is heavily warped by the dark arcana he is exhuming. The necromancer sounded more like a primeval wraith then the human he was. With his eyes shining menacingly and anger become obvious on his facial features, Ether pours a great amount of mana into his spell and points it at the stranger's head. The scarlet energy bolt dances at the end of his pointing and middle fingers angrily. "You have to the count of NOW to leave this place, you over zealous garbage! Else, I will turn your head into a cacophony of brain matter and your body will be a buffet for my thralls! I will dye this soil crimson with your blood. You think you move faster than lightning ?Leave this place now!!" Ether's words are dripping with arcane energy, just as the stranger's was, though with dark magic as its source making it sound more twisted. Ether was rapidly approaching the point where he wouldn't care about the opinions of his allies if it meant he could kill this pompous religious cannon fodder and painting the trees red with his blood.
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(Woww ok hold up)

(I had previously saved the post for when I got out of work. I didnt read the rest. My bad. I just edited it.)
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His voice began booming, echoing from the world around, much like the man threatening him "You are threatening me! My god protects me, but I am not without my own defences!" Fire began to enshroud him "Shaded one, you seek to learn what I preach? Travel to the Order. Your party is filled with close minded scum!" he said as he moved about within the cylinder of fire. "I am of the ORDER OF DRACOS. IM A PYROMANCER. YOU DO NOT THREATEN ME MORTAL!" Then he took a deep breath "I will commit no harm on you, because there is one among you willing to learn, one willing to find the truth of Dracos, you, false mage and false friend halt me from my ambition and duty to teach her. YOU are the dark one, YOU are the evil in this forrest." While it would be hard to pin point his position he was still readying an attack should the other mage feel the need to commence a battle as he began to back away.

((Its cool))
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"That is damn right you little ember of priest! I AM A NECROMANCER! I am a practitioner of death and blood! Your pitiful flames are but fleeting embers upon the wind! Your words dont sway me and your flames do not frighten me flame mage! The only thing that is false here is this pitiful cur of a God you call Dracos or Draco or Drakin....WHATEVER THE BLOODY HELL YOU CALL HIM!" The necromancer's fury was now at a peak. The darkness from the forest seemed to surround Ether, drawn to him. The shadows danced and writhed around his person as the dark crimson hue of his blood magic became marred with shadows and darkness. "You are damn right to refer to me as the evil of this forest pretender! I am everything your pitiful order fears!"

Ether's thralls began screeching alarm and now gathered to his position. As they grew closer to their summoner, they too, started to glow with the same hue Ether was glowing in. Their physical abilities now amplified several times, they turn to the flame wreathed priest and start to moan menacingly. Their masters ire was their own.

"BEGONE YOU FLAME WREATHED MAGGOT! OR ELSE I WILL SHOW YOU JUST HOW HOT THE FIRES OF HELL ARE!" These last words Ether screamed out reverberated throughout the entire forest permeated with rage and dark arcana. Ether is at the brink of attacking the pyromancer should he linger any longer, and will lose himself to his rage.
"My flames will light your darkness of lies with my truth, clearing the way for those true of heart!" He said as he summoned a small fire drake which sat upon his shoulder. "Maerkos, be my eyes" he whispered as he drew from his strength and, melting the rock and dirt below him, rising it into spears and dotting it about him, to catch the lightning. "Face me if you wish, you child of death, raising the departed like playthings for your amusement!" He set his sword alight and, as Maerkos flew above, watching and waiting for an opportunity to help his master, the Draconian prepared to fight fiercely "But surely you will allow these innocents to avoid this bloodshed, this death? Only one shall walk away from this, perhaps non. Dont make them suffer."
"Don't you DAR-" Ether's words cut off as the pyromancer brings up his comrades safety. The dark mage is shaking with anger and malice but now he had been reminded that people could get caught up in this. A battle between two powerful sorcerers always ends up with massive destruction to the area around them. Ether had come to actually care about these people in his party despite their short time together and he certainly didn't wish them any harm. The necromancer looks around him, where there once was rage there was now concern mixed in with the anger. He wasn't....couldn't bring them into this battle now without them wishing to enter it themselves. But the young man's wrath had been provoked and he truly wanted to put this overzealous priest into the ground. "I.....GrrraaauuaaaHH!" Ether roars out in frustration and takes a few angry steps towards the priest before stopping a few feet from him. "This isn't over priest. You and I will settle this. And I will bring an end to you pryomancer." His words come out dripping with venom and distorted by anger and magic. Ether fully intends to make good on that threat as he turns around and walks away from the priest. He stands next to Jassur and his ire hasn't decreased in any way. "Jassur don't let me drag everyone into this fight. Stop me from ripping that damn pathetic flame slinger's head off." His eyes are locked onto the pyromancer's as he spits out these words between his teeth.
The provocations the stranger sends to group were close to making Jass rage. He couldn't risk everyone getting hurt because of his actions so he holds his temper; he wasn't sure for how long though. Religous fantatic, why did it have to be one of those? He didn't feel like dealing with this shit at the end of the day. He's already slaughtered bandits and have dealt with interesting people today. This was something he didn't want to put up with. Everyone seems high alert and ready to fight. Morgrim asks for the cat to be under Roxii's protection; Jass knew that would piss her off but he didn't want to volunteer to watch over the thief. He understood Innocence's curiosity in wanting to understand the stranger's religion; the shadow wants to know things now that it has a chance to leave the cottage. It'll probably like the books they find at the city.

Jassur knew this fight with the pyromancer wouldn't end well. They have just finished a battle not too long ago and most of them were tired from the long day. When Ether - Jassur still wasn't used to the man's long hair - snaps, the mercenary feared they all had to fight. He watches the two magic-users yell at each other with loud voices. Ether yells out his frustration when the pyromancer tells about the possible outcome of their fighting. Ether comes to stand by him asking for the mercenary to hold him back if he succumbs to his anger. Jass nods in response still glaring at the stranger; he feels that they all had to make sure they wouldn't fling themselves into a fight with the pyromancer. He focuses over to Morgrim, giving him a look that he couldn't take anymore of the shit this damn "hunter" was telling them.

Ana had been watching this whole spectacle and flinched whenever somebody yelled, but she hadn't become as hotheaded as the rest of her group had. Slowly, she approached the pyromancer, her hands out and in the open. "Um... I'm sorry for the way my group has pronounced itself, mister...Dracos? We are merely a group of travelers with a common desire, and have had a long day of fighting. We all just want to rest here for the night and be on our way. I don't mean to sound offensive, but nobody here preaches what you do, and it's not acceptable to force it upon another who is unwilling to learn. At this point, all of us are pretty unwilling. So if you could be so kind as to calm down, perhaps we can reach an agreement?" Ana wasn't entirely sure how to handle the situation, but she tried her best, seeing that her group members were already fuming.
"That is fine to me, but I am not Dracos, she is who I serve. No I am Darkos Drameos. I merely kept preaching as the shaded one seemed interested, it was this mage of yours that escalated the matter. Threatened me out in the forest, then when I was here he summoned his power against me." He looked over at the man "No, I hold no ill will to the rest of your party. Infact I feel a fondness towards some, especially the shade." He then took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he attempted to put out the various fires that had spawned from the intense heat he had created around him, hoping that the damage caused would soon repair itself to balance. Walking toward the group he, again, laid down his sword and asked them "May I rest with you, for without you I am alone and I would like to teach the shade in the morn, perhaps even find out why your mage hates me so also."
Her eyes narrowed and ears laid back as Morgrim ordered her to watch over the cat. Last time she was told to take care of her, they almost killed each other. What did he expect to happen this time? Still, she was exhausted and didn't feel like arguing, so the hybrid made her way over to the thief.

The assassin glared at Nitiri with a cold gaze, letting her know just how much she
did not want to do this. The feline irritated her to no end, somehow getting on all of her nerves at once. Where the wolf once felt at least a little grateful for the Khajiit's presence, now she only feels hatred and annoyance. Whether it be that fate has the feline and canine pitted against each other for no reason other than for entertainment to the other species, or for some other unidentifiable reason, it would seem that Roxii and Nitiri would not be able to avoid the destiny that fate had already decided for them.

The hybrid was about to ask if the cat was injured at all when the situation before her began to become heated. Ether's patience had run out with the religious male. He hadn't spoken almost the entire time, so when his voice boomed with anger and irritation, she was fairly shocked. The necromancer and mage began to fire each other up, their powers beginning to reach the edge, threatening to spill over and most likely harm everyone within the vicinity. Roxii worried that she'd have to intervene and calm the necromancer down—and most likely get hurt in the process—, but once Ether was reminded of the others around, he seemed to calm down.

The dark necromancer removed himself from the situation, settling beside Jassur. Her multi-coloured irises followed Ana as she attempted to calm the situation down further. The wolf's gaze flicked between everyone present. Ether, Morgrim, and Jass were simply irritated and pissed, which was expected. Nitiri was just being a cat. Ana seemed somewhat fearful yet hopeful. The new traveler, Darkos, seemed to be tired and aggravated with the group.

And then her eyes settled on the shadowy character that she hadn't smelled before. She had sensed its presence, but never cared until now what it was. It took a human shape, and the wolf felt sort of a bond with it. Innocence, she thought someone called it, reminded her of the Shadow Realm that she traveled in. Roxii hoped that the shadow didn't leave or go anywhere; she wanted to learn more about it, and maybe find out what it was. The hybrid felt as though she already had its species name imprinted on her mind, but it was as if it was just out of reach...

The small creature's collision elicited a short hiss from the spider hybrid, sharp teeth bared and halberd-armed hand twitching before she composed herself, humanoid torso going low, looking through her legs to spot the fairy.

The growing snarl slowly twisted into a devious smile "My, my." her voice intoned with sick sweetness "A fly, in the spider's eye..." turning around with practiced grace, Praxedes towered over the small creature, even as her humanoid torso remained on height with her. Slowly a chitin-plated claw reached forward, one sharp-tipped finger gently tracing over the fairy's cheekbone "Say, little thing..." she spoke, twisted smile never wavering "Can you imagine just how many things could have gone wrong, bumping, stumbling, falling in a large crowd...?"

Lightly, the arachne tapped Sina's forehead, all eight eyes bearing a predatory shimmer "You might just vanish from sight... never to return..."

@Mistic - addressed

@Minxa - witnessing
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