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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Ana let out a shuddered breath and nodded, most of the pain subsiding. The only sort of pain that remained was a faint throb on the left side of her head, but it was something she could get used to. She understood that they had to keep the link due to the newcomers, so she smiled lightly at him. "I understand completely. And the pain is completely gone, so I can actually focus. And regarding your thoughts.." Ana stopped momentarily, as if considering the right words to say. "I know what it's like, the way that you're feeling." Ana thought to him, then kept her thoughts silent. She looked up to see the tall female turning to leave and shook her head. "It's unnecessary for you to go, miss, you're already here. Same goes for you, crazy guy. Just stick close and we can bring you to the city. There you can decide where you want to go and what you want to do." Ana stated simply and headed back in the direction they were walking, towards the outskirts of the forest closest to the city.

@shadowz1995 @Kiroshiven @FeIix
"Please please stay plant lady, you're actually nice to me." Felix said with hope on his face, turning to Ana he said, "Even though i am insane i would prefer it if you called me Felix, thank you." He finishes with a kind face.
Before Jass could say he didn't mind the pain, Ether has cut the link. "Damn. Oh well," he looks over to Morgrim and Roxii, "Ether says they'll meet us at the city. We'll have to contact them some different way." The mercenary ensures himself that the two will be fine; before the necromancer severed the link, it seems that they got company that hasn't turned on them.

Dunheim wasn't too far from now. The original three will have to reach there before anymore interruptions are to prevent them from progressing their goal. Jass hopes the group of Silver Legion men won't show up anytime soon. Making it to the city would halt any attempts on hostility towards them; he's sure the guards of Dunheim would hate to have to deal with an army disturbing the public. He does wonder on how Morgrim will contact the rest of the party - maybe some kind of high-level magic he wouldn't understand.

The former knight stays wary; who knows if knights would bum-rush them with their current change of plans. He feels like someone if following them already but Jass doesn't slow down his pace, thinking it may still be a Silver Legion knight on foot.

Viridia still was uncertain. She looked at Ether with concern. He was the one that had called her a temptress. If he said leave, she would. She didnt want to be a bother to anyone, she was just curious. And that was similar to the way shed been calmed by the woods around her when she grew up. "Is it okay if I stay?" Her voice was very quiet as she asked him while looking between Felix, Ana and him.

@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @FeIix
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The necromancer draws in a long breath and releases it with a shudder. Ether was exhausted from never truly sleeping, this journey, all this new people stress, and now having to watch out for Ana in the woods. He was certain she could handle herself but he doubted she was much of fighter overall. She didn't really have the build for it. His purple eyes seek the elf's and lock onto them before moving to Felix's. He didn't know how much more of this he could handle before he snapped altogether. "Yes." He says aloud. "You can stay elf. Its not your fault. It's....just been a long time since I've felt a woman." 'That wasn't drowning in her own blood' he adds in his head. Ether quickly remembers the link and explains, "Only women I've had contact with are the ones trying to kill me. Some used....persuasive means to get me to drop my guard. Though didn't end well for them.....Ahem its just been a few years is all." Ether now speaks aloud, "Just be more aware of your actions. Had I been someone else, they definitely would have succumbed to their desires."
Viridia smiled and became very bubbly in an instant. "Thank you!" She was about to hug him, but instead ended up hugging Ana, because she couldn't contain herself, also because she was still wary of Felix's very unbecoming "aura". She cuddled the human closely as she then remembered where they were going. "Off to the city then!" She pointed off in a random direction. "Which city and which way are we going?" She stuck out her tongue in slight embarrassment. "Also, how long is this going to take?" Viridia wasn't the most patient of people and she knew it, so she wanted to steel herself mentally so as not to push Ether too far. Anticipation, excitement and curiosity were boiling together inside Viridia. The plant life around her even seemed to feed off the energy as many of the plants that wouldn't have bloomed until the seasons changed came into a beautiful bloom around them.

@shadowz1995 @Anaxileah @FeIix
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"Huh." Ana thought back, but was then startled by the elf woman suddenly hugging her. Ana tensed, but relaxed after being released. People aren't allowed to get that close to me...geez. Ana thought to herself and shook her head. "We're going to Dunheim, and I don't know how far it is. What's your name, elf? I'm Anaxileah, or Ana for short. And sorry Felix, I momentarily forgot your name because of a headache. I apologize." Ana bowed her head in apology, then proceeded in heading towards the direction of the town, shaking her head and rubbing it where the throbbing was.
"If you want I can cut the link Ana. No need to cause any discomfort. " Ether thought. Though she couldn't see it, he had started to smile again. He was calming down from his fume and started staring out ahead, letting Ana take the lead. Ether didn't exactly know where this city was and Ana knew the area. So he was leaving it up to her. Another long sigh escapes the necromancer's throat as he stretches his sore shoulders and waits for the reply Ana might give.
"I have no problem with it. What makes you think I'm uncomfortable?" Ana turned back to glance at him temporarily and noticed his smile, then raised an eyebrow. She kept quiet, however, determined to reach the city. Her determination, however, was interrupted when they came upon a plant that was absolutely beautiful. "Oh!" Ana completely forgot about the city and rushed to the plant, brimming with glee. She plucked a sprout off of the plant, making sure not to touch the liquid that oozed, and used her finger to heal over the plant's now broken part, replacing the bud. She put the sprout in one of the vials that she pulled out of her satchel and grinned, watching a liquid ooze from where she broke the sprout. Ana was oblivious to the fact that she just left her spot as guide to look at a deadly plant.
"Come on, lets get going, I have a bad feeling about that Knight, we may be seeing him again." Morgrim trudged through the forest, making haste at every ample opportunity, at the speed they were heading the city would be in sight within the hour, and then they would actually be at the main gates within two of said hours. The forest was untamed, and just as unforgiving, seeing Roxii manoeuvre it so well gave him an even more impressed feeling about her, and her thoughts about being glad to be back to the original group he had intended was shared by him. "I'm almost tempted to leave the others behind, and proceed with the mission as planed. It would be easiest that way." He for once smiled at the thought, while watching his every step. Forests and him had a long history, though it was not a friendly one. He had lived in Eldergloom Sanctuary, and around said sanctuary was one of the most dangerous places in all Landfall, even more dangerous than some places in the core, and that is the Eldergloom forest, named for its perpetual state of night and darkness, and the shrouded darkness and dangerous lurking around every corning. "Come on let's get out of here."
Rai kept up with their pace, hoping to find out more about them. He didn't know why they intrigued him so much, they just did. Suddenly Rai tripped and came tumbling out of the bush.

"Ow, that hurt" Rai complained.
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"What is that plant?" Felix asked curiously, "Is it edible? I haven't eaten in awhile. My last food was stolen about say, 3 days ago."
Viridia walked up behind Ana. "It's a crossbreed between deadly nightshade and a tiger lilly if I remember correctly. I think it's called Forentia by a few that study plants exclusively or a nightlilly by commoners." She smiled as she looked at the plant. "It the nectar makes contact with the skin or is ingested, the likely outcome is death. It can even slay a dragon if used properly." She leaned over Ana's shoulder. "You have a good choice in flowers." Viridia loved flowers that protected themselves just by being there. She cradled the new plant and whispered to it softly. "In the shadows of the world, grow and bloom my deadly princess." The flower regrew and Viridia smiled.

@FeIix @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah
Sorry @Sheaon13, but I'll need a response better than that to reply to. #1 rule to rp No '-bumps into you- "Hi/Sorry"'
It seems as if the three of them agreed that the full-armored man will show up again. There pace hasn't reduced which surprised Jass; he thought Morgrim wouldn't be able to keep up with him and Roxii. He's well impressed with the range of capabilities these two had. They could be a forced to be reckon with. Jass is a bit envious of Roxii's movement through the obstacles through their path. The clunky mercenary with his medium armor, felt like an elephant running through the forest. His sword kept bouncing on his back, making itself know to him every time it clashes with some of the small plates of his armor. He didn't even have much metal on him and the sound made him feel like he was announcing their three-man group in the forest.

They'll reach Dunheim soon. It made the former knight remember a few unimportant things in the past. Most of it consist of visits to the religious higher ups. His home city, Doncaster, wasn't much far from Dunheim. He didn't want to set foot their yet without the bag of gold he's collecting to get the bounty off his head. Verdant Knights aren't considered weak among their ranks and the mercenary didn't want to tangle with them until he had leverage.

When Morgrim mentions leaving the others behind and going off on their original plan, Jass almost agreed. Almost. He wasn't expecting to meet many types of people on just one large request to take down the high priest. He didn't respond to the half-corpse's comment.


After the hour it took to get into view of the city he raised his hand to signal them to stop. "All right hold up." He said panting and bending over to catch his breath. He had the stamina of a zombie which was to say limitless, but too much physical exertion and he may break something just from wearing it down. He took a swig from a flask he always kept handy, what exactly was in it is unknown to all but him, but it has special properties to keep him in one piece and functioning. He then took out two more things from his robes. A pair of shackles, and a single dog leash. "Sorry guys, but my plan to get you in there is a little bit of misdirection. I'm going to take you prisoner, and bring you into a contact I have in the city. A smuggler, he can sneak us into the temple while passing through security. As you can no doubt guess Roxii the leash is for you." He couldn't resist grinning, and then laughing in a low, under his breath kind of way. His plan amused him to say the least. "Now do be a dear both of you and give me your weapons while putting these on." He handed over the shackles to Roxii and Jassur, and the leash over to the elven wolf.
Dunheim's walls were just as he remembered; well, what was he expecting, it wasn't going to change in any way shape or form. Jass halts to a stop, watching their employer catch his breath then taking a drink of unknown contents from a flask. Jass glances around, the forest is only a mile behind them. He wondered if Ana and Ether would reach Dunheim's other entrance. The mercenary turns at the sound of rattling metal. He freezes in place; what the hell? He did trust Morgrim more than the others he have met and the plan is clever but Jass didn't feel well with it. The former knight has understood, with their brief few days together, that the half corpse has been thorough with most of his plans. He couldn't think of any better way of getting in without forcing himself in."You're pretending to take us in to get past all the guards?" questions Jass. He knew he would be taken to higher authority when they notice it's him. Roxii will most likely have the same response, seeing that she's a notorious assassin.

Jass lets out a sigh, complying with the plan. He frowns as he takes off his sword within its holster and exchanges it with the shackles. Damn, this plan better work; he's vulnerable without a blade, even if its not his preference, at hand. Jass could brawl with an increment in strength, in desperate measures but that wouldn't end greatly for him. The former knight reluctantly sets the shackles in place, already wanting to breakout of it.

@Morgrim @Javax
Kiroshiven said:
Viridia walked up behind Ana. "It's a crossbreed between deadly nightshade and a tiger lilly if I remember correctly. I think it's called Forentia by a few that study plants exclusively or a nightlilly by commoners." She smiled as she looked at the plant. "It the nectar makes contact with the skin or is ingested, the likely outcome is death. It can even slay a dragon if used properly." She leaned over Ana's shoulder. "You have a good choice in flowers." Viridia loved flowers that protected themselves just by being there. She cradled the new plant and whispered to it softly. "In the shadows of the world, grow and bloom my deadly princess." The flower regrew and Viridia smiled.
@FeIix @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah
"So there is no possible way to eat it?" Felix says with a frown, "How common are these flowers?" He asked with curious on his face while staring intently at the flower.
Viridia sighed. "This flower is very rare. It blooms only once every three thousand years. To see two bloom in the same dame is a miracle." She gestured for Ana to not mention that she just made the same plant regrow. "Anyways, we're going to Dunheim right?!" Viridia started to walk off then stopped to look at the others. "Ana was it? You need to lead the way." Viridia smiled warmly as she lightly tugged on the young girl's arm. She was like a little kid getting to go to see a grand show.

@Anaxileah @FeIix @shadowz1995
"You act like you've never been to a city before." Felix states, then with yet another curious look at you, "You have been to a city before correct? I mean you couldn't have spent all your time in the woods and other such places."

(Please wait for me...I'm going to sleep, but I'll be on in not too long, so please...wait..gnight... >.<)
"Lived in the forest my whole life I have." She smiled warmly at the person she deemed mentally unstable. "I am the last of a very long lost elfin tribe. I've survived out in the woods with just nature to help me. So I really don't know much about the world outside of a forest. So I'm really just trying to get as much information as I can. I want to live, to learn, to experience and maybe even love." Viridia had dreamed of meeting someone that she could consider an equal, preferably another dragon or something similar but it didn't HAVE to be.


(Last post for a bit. going to bed)

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