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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

"What in the-" Ether stops dead in his tracks and whirls around, eyes wide and alert. What in the world was that? Ether could have sworn he felt something behind him. Something seemingly building up like a fire. It didn't feel intentional, more like a reaction. Being a well versed mage, and naturally in tune arcane forces (Hence his name) Ether is able to feel out forms of magic at work. But there was three forms that would never escape his awareness. Water, fire, earth, air, lightning, nature. All types of magic that could get the drop on him provided they were skilled enough. But the big three for Ether, Darkness his own magic. Its why he can feel Roxii or entities like Aatraxia despite shadow walking. Raw arcana, spells of pure magical essence given physical form (Ether). Light or holy magic, Ether's polar opposite. Whenever that form of magic is at work nearby, warning signals blare in the necromancer's mind.

The dark sorcerer could still feel the hairs on his neck standing on end from whatever was behind him a moment ago. Someone or something with some powerful light was nearby and they had reacted to him somehow. This would normally cause Ether to be cautious but he was in an injured and weakened state. He wasn't just cautious, Ether was on full alert.

The necromancer punches himself in his wounded shoulder and let's out a small cry of pain as the wound reopens. The blood can be seen welling up through his tunic and his body takes on its signature red aura when Ether activates his blood magic though he only activated it. He did not augment his abilities like he normally did. Ether needed to conserve what little blood he had left in his body.

It was then that he noticed that Ana probably didn't know what the fuck was going on with him acting this way. "Ana there was someone behind us. A user of light magic and they reacted to me. They knew I was a dark sorcerer. And I don't think they approved. I don't know where they went but you have to believe me on this one. Please, let's just move quickly."

Ether begins gathering his mana and preparing to launch a deadly instant cast hex should they be attack by someone. The shadows of Ana and Ether, as well as any other nearby sources of darkness can be seen moving and swaying under Ether's will. The mage felt as if his life was at stake and while he was Injured and weakened he felt cornered. A cornered necromancer was always a threat to be wary of. Especially if he doubles as a blood mage.
Ana nodded and walked faster, aiding Ether in any way she could. The palace of Tuso wasn't too far, but Ana was concerned for Ether's health. "We need to meet up with the others soon.." Ana murmured to herself, her forehead creased with worry. She really cared for Ether, and didn't want him to be using his magic, especially his blood, when he barely had any to use. She would give him some, but this was no time for a blood transfusion and her blood was different. "So this person you detected, how come I didn't sense anything?" Ana said, trying to get Ether to talk about something, keep him from overusing his magic.

She walked furiously. If possible, she would leave a trail of fire behind her, blazing after each step. Her mind was clouded with words she was waiting to say...er...yell at the king. Everything else around her was blocked out, she had one place to go. One thing to do, and she was driven to do so. It was almost like tunnel vision.

"Do you need any help in giving the king a piece of your mind?" The voice was like mentally turning a corner and hitting a brick wall you didnt know was there. She blinked at the voice and stopped in her tracks. Eleniel turned to look at the source. It was the guy from earlier. She sighed and looked to the side while he explained that the two shared something in common regarding the king. When he finished she looked up at him,"I can not say for sure what is going to happen when i get there, Im not even sure how im going to set foot into the palace," she said truthfully. She shook her head,"But by following me, you become my responsibility. Its not that you are a burden, but I wouldnt want someone getting hurt because they tagged along. I can not guarantee your safety." That was all she had to say on the matter. She turned on her heels and took a few steps....before she felt it again....

That dark presence. She can feel it prodding at her. Poking and prickling her back and neck. It was behind her. She didnt turn, she didnt want to make it obvious. But as the necromancer moved past, so did the sensation. It moved from her back to her sides, her arm, the side of her neck. It slowly snaked around to her hip, her stomach and her chest. Very cautiously, she raised a hand to her back, gripping the handle to one of her daggers. She had to be ready for anything. But as she waited, the green haired female and tge necromancer continued on their way. Paying no mind. They, too, seemed to be going to the palace. But why? Did they work for him? They couldnt be, they were trying to help people. So why?

She released the weapon. But the darkness that shrouded him grew larger and enveloped them both. A defense mechanism? What ever it was, the elf didnt like it. She turned to the previous male who chased after her. Realizingg that he wanted to do something about the treatment of the people made her change her mind,"Come. Lets go. Anyone willing to stand against the king is a friend of mine."


Mentioned: @Anaxileah @shadowz1995
"Probably because you aren't as sensitive to magic as I am. Not to mention this particular magic is my opposite. Light magic. I'm VERY sensitive to that magic. Not to mention I'm not doing so well Ana...if this person attacks I won't be able to hold them for more than a minute or two." Ether let's out a shaky breath and picks up the pace. It isn't long before they reach the palace grounds and Ether can feel presence of Roxii's magic in the distance. Somewhere inside. "I can feel Roxii in there...." The necromancer eyes the front guards who seem oblivious to the problems happening in their town. Oblivious or indifferent and Ether didn't know which was worse.

"Ana, how do you want to approach this?"

I smirked when she said that I could accompany her, I wanted to help everyone I could. I wanted to change the treatment of the people more than anything. I wanted to save the people who were being oppressed by kings. I had been planning this for a while so I knew exactly how to get into the palace. I payed attention to the guards patterns any time I snuck into the district were the richer people live. I knew that the guards would be at lunch by now and I also knew that some guards would be guarding the front. Though I knew that they walked wouldn't be paying as much attention to people who came in and out right about now. Though they would be checking anyone for weapons. I had an idea though, we needed a teleportation stone though. I luckily had two on me, but only two since they were so rare to come by. It took me one and a half years to even get those two, luckily a client had give me one as payment for assassinating a high ranking official without being discovered as the client was next in line to take that officials place.

"I have a two teleportation stones to get us into the palace but we would have to find our own way out. So when you use the stone you'll need to stomp on the stone after thinking of your destination" I said quietly.



I was completely ignored by the two of them and I let out a sigh of annoyance. I really didn't like the fact that I was being ignored. So I walked back to the slums and waited. Even if I was annoyed and scared of it being bombed again, I just stayed there, waiting for the necromancer I first met to come here.

@Morgrim @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah
(^Percy Jackson series reference right there, bruh)

Ana suddenly stopped and sniffed, getting a whiff of the small male elf, the demon, and the light bearer. She didn't like the fact that there were multiple (and powerful) unknowns nearby, but she disregarded the scents as they continued to advance towards the palace. She wondered how the small male elf was doing, since he seemed to be the weaker of the three she had smelled. I'm guessing the light-wielder is the elf, as Ether had mentioned her previously, and the demon...hm. Ana wasn't sure about the demon, but perhaps they would find out later. She wanted to keep her focus on their objective, which was now consisting of several guards in front of the palace entrance, and there was bound to be more inside. What to do, what to do... Ana kept looking around, her bright green eyes surveying the palace grounds. This was unfamiliar territory to her, and it would be unsafe for Ether to enter because he would get caught or be sensed, and then they'd be in real trouble.

"I'm not sure we should enter, in all honesty. The three of them have plans, and if we were to enter and carry out any further action, we could cause a ruckus and ruin their plan entirely. Plus, you're still recovering from your wounds, and I'm not that good at hand to hand combat." Ana thought out loud, trying to produce a solution to their problem. "There could be an alternate entrance that we could find, but I don't know the layout of the palace well enough to risk that plan, and your dark aura emanates way too much to be missed..." Ana ran a hand through her hair as she continued to turn around, ending up going in circles. "And I don't have the herbs or ingredients to produce a distraction or something to make the guards sleep or become unconscious..." Ana continued thinking, racking her brain for ideas.

"Ugh! I don't know what we should do. You're hurt, so that puts a major damper on things, and I can't handle them all by myself, so I'm not sure we should even be here! Maybe we can help them find a mode of transportation..." With that new thought, Ana's eyebrows furrowed further and she glared at the ground, deep in thought.
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"All right Roxii let's get a move on, and don't worry our smuggler friend is here with me." Morgrim walked pass Roxii and headed up the stairs, by now most of the guards should be incapacitated or have left due to the explosions outside, thankfully they have all calmed down, and they have quite possibly stopped all together. For now though they could focus on the original mission, and get the pay that they have been promised, and the revenge they desire. Jass should be waiting outside of the main dining hall, where most of the people dining with Marques Tuso would be completely unconscious. Or in Tuso's case weakened to the point of where they would be unable to put up much of a fight. Morgrim heads right to the dining hall, with only a few wrong turns, but let alone the fact he gets there and finds Jassur. "Good to see you did your job with no real trouble, are you ready to do this, because once we go in there it will be the end for either us or them. So?" He said turning to Roxii, Jassur and Darrius. "Ready?"
Darrius stares around the mansion as they walk toward the dining hall. Tuso really loves to see himself. The number of portraits of him down the halls is unnerving. Seeing his cold eyes looking down at them pretty much everywhere they go doesn't do much to lessen Darrius' tension. He keeps his hand on his chain, tightening his grip as they round every corner. He trusts that Morgrim's plan has worked out and that they shouldn't have much trouble getting the job done, but he still keeps at the ready, just in case. When they stop outside the dining hall and catch up with the half-elf mercenary, Darrius unwinds the chain slowly. The links clink together quietly as the loose end of the chain dangles from his hand. He nods to Morgrim when he turns to them. "Yep."
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Jassur Batal

Jass bobs his head as a greeting to his regrouped comrades. Everything has been going according to plan inside Tuso's place. He moves his gaze from Morgrim to the smuggler by him. He guesses the guy decided to come along; not matter, it will mean more advantage for their chance of everyone getting out alive. Darius seems capable of fighting - Jass not wanting to steer his reasoning because of the guy's demon-like appearance. He turns to Roxii; they all look ready for a major battle. Morgrim asks if they were ready and Jass only nods. It is time for this to end. A link in the chain of corruption that has taken part in the death of his friends is finally going to break and like a domino effect, the rest will fall in time.

The mercenary motions them to the entrances of the dining hall. The silence of the people inside have begun to make him wonder what the gruesome scene looked like. He reaches to one door, and unlocks it. The first thing - or instead person - to slide down the door's frame is a bearded man with expensive clothes. The corpse lands with a thud in front of them. Jass trails his sight on the corpse to the other stacks of aristocratic bodies, almost crowding the entrance. He takes a deep breath, suppressing flashbacks of the town slaughter. Men and women alike were on the tiled floors. Jass repeats to himself in his mind, This is for Elizabeth and Gavin. This is for their justice. He takes a step over the bearded aristocrat's body to a clear spot on the tiled floor.

Jass heads further in first, not wanting to touch the lifeless bodies. Fucking Tuso must of invited so many. They must have all been working under him. He eyes turn cold while staring at each of them, thinking of all the shit he's seen as a mercenary traveling: poor towns fending for themselves, a mother and child being sold into slavery - which he couldn't unfortunately stop, rich people like these assholes parading their power through towns they partially own, and the sick who can't receive help because the good doctors are inside this shit city. The guilt flies over his head, only anger building as its replacement.

The armor clanks at every movement he makes as he reaches the long tables. A few other rich people are either dead or slowly dying in their seats. The former knight scans the room, looking for Tuso's double or Tuso himself to appear. The angels should be close by too.

| Tag:

@Morgrim @Javax @CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: "...." | Animus's Mood: MATH | Music |

The dining hall did not hold Tuso, but it had his two royal guardians, two of the divine nine. The angels stood an imposing nine eight feet tall with a giant wingspan, though compared to the true king they were nothing. Speaking of the grand kind he was heading on his way back to the palace after having completely quelled the forces of the rat king in no more than an hour they proved a pathetic endeavour for him. Along the streets people bowed down by the dozens in fear for this being, but not in respect or admiration, but in fear and awe of his great power. For the first time they have all seen their god before them. So that means they had little time to take care of the divine guardians and find Tuso, before they take on a living god.

The room was great in size, and was only interrupted by a large table able to seat about 52 people in all, while the room stretched on for several hundred feet in all, making for a great setting to have a small scale skirmish or dual, which is undoubtedly however it would turn out. The angels ate the meal though, and they were weak enough so that they could hardly lift their weapons off the ground and their wings hang limply, dragging against the floor. "Poisoners, I should have figured you cowards, it will do you no good, we will punish they wicked and impure!" Said the bigger of the two angels, the one wielding a mace and tower shield. The other was a half a foot short but carried a great sword, and for him a great swords meant 6ft of Arctic steel, a metal that is twice as durable as regular steel and doesn't bend or break in the cold like most metals do.

"Jass and Darrius take the one with the shield, flank him so he cant block both of you, Roxii I want you to take out the one with the sword, I'm going after Tuso." Morgrim's only lead was the fireplace, it was opened up and the logs hidden under a secret floor panel. It was a secret exit that lead to who knows where, and Morgrim knew that Tuso would have made his way through there, so that's where he is going.

@AnimusLight @Javax @CarpeNoctem1213
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The Core was without a doubt one of the most dangerous places in all of Aldurin. Whatever the creatures and monsters living there wouldn't destroy and consume, the harsh natures of the elements would end them, as there are very few places where water and food could be found naturally. These few oasis's acted as checkpoints and landmarks that settlements could be built around and nearby, their size depending on the size of the oasis. Thankfully the oasis's were actually a gift given by one of the aspects during their time of rule, and were blessed by powerful magic to make it so the rocks at the bottom secrete large quantities of water indefinitely so that it is never without water, taking usually only a week to fully replenish after being depleted. It seems that it was here a tribe of cat like warriors have made their home in the subterranean expanse that is the Core.

Among some of the Core's defining features are it's lack of food and water, dangerous monsters and precious metals and gems where many go to seek riches beyond their wildest dreams. Tales of a blacksmith named Tiercil have drawn a merchant from the surface world of Landfall to this desolate places in hopes of a trade. The merchant a woman named Ellana had received word of her fathers death, a great warrior from an elf clan the fought for the Verdant knights, a band of warriors hunters and mages that value the natural balance and order of the land before man as their man goal. Ellana a half elf wishes to honour her father by joining the knights, but she needs armour and weapons, something this Charr could provide for her given that she offer something in return, the location of a precious metal, guarded by an elemental. With a little persuasion and gold she manages to bribe a caravan escort to trade a little bit of food and water, and safe passage to the Charr colony. The journey is only a few hours, giving her enough time to rest, and when she makes it to the tribe she finds their leader and asks them where she can find the man named Tiercil
"Gladly," Darrius growls, glaring at the angel. . "I'm no coward, and far as I'm concerned, you're the most wicked thing in here. Tuso should keep his pets on a shorter leash." He takes a step forward and the runes on his chain flare brightly before black flames tinged with purple wreathe the chain. The flames lick up the metal and onto his arm, casting black shadows around him where normal fire would be casting light. To anyone who could sense dark magic, the origin of the flames should be glaringly obvious even if they have no experience with it; the flames come from the hells themselves. Summoning hellfire was one of the first things Darrius' father taught him. the second was how much it hurts. Hellfire doesn't just burn the body, it burns the very soul of whatever it touches, causing incredible suffering.

He whirls the chain restlessly in a circle a couple of times, sending purple sparks into the air, but remains still. The angel, while weakened, is still powerful, and charging right at him wouldn't be smart, especially with that shield protecting him from the front. Darrius' eyes dart around the room, looking for anything he could use to get around behind the angel and attack from there. He remains tense, ready to dive out of the way at the first sign of an attack; these angels serve Tuso, there's no telling how many tricks they're willing to pull to protect the bastard.
(So sorry! College...meh... Working on post right now gimme a few :3)

The she-elf's sapphire eyes widened at the mention of teleportation stones. Shes been around for a lonnggg time. And even so, shes hardly seen any in her life time. Too bad now wasnt tthe time to fawn over them. She nodded at his instructions,"How do we know where in the palace we are going to appear?" She looked up to the magnificent building not too far from their location,"What if we appear right in the middle of guards?" Her eyes furrowed a little with concern. She shook her head, her long hair swaying as she did,"Nevermind that, you can explain on the way up," she tighted the strap to her back quiver, which held her arrows and kept her bow in place. It made a quick whip noise as she did so,"We should get moving." She grabbed and removed her blades from their sheaths on her back, giving them a quick inspection before she put them back,"Lets go then, stranger." She turned and quickened her pace in a jog, passing the Necromancer and the green haired one with him. As she did so, she could feel the change of pressure on her body. Passing through that force field of dark magic had a physical effect on one born of light. It didnt harm her or anything like that, but it was a physical sensation that made her uneasy, like a small change of gravity. Except the gravity around her became a tad more dense and heavy. But as she left them behind her, out of of the dark proximity, everything was returned to normal, and she felt light on her feet. The sudden distortion in pressure did leave her feeling a little light-headed but it went away as quickly as it came. She didnt turn to check if Lilif was behind her, if he wanted to accompany her she assumed he could keep up.

They reached the palace grounds, but she kept a safe distance so as to not be noticed. She stopped Lilif,"I dont know whats in there," she shook her head. She was just being honest with him, and reminding him that anything could happen. Not to far from them was another voice her ears picked up. It was faint and she couldnt pick up much. She recognized it as the duo from before. The green haired girl mentioned there were three people already in there with a "plan". Eleniel didnt know what that meant, but theres a chance there are others carrying out what Eleniel wanted to do. She tried to listen more but after that all she caught was that the dark-magic user was unfit for anything physical, and that she couldnt handle things alone. Eleniel didnt know the wole plan, but just from the snippets of conversation she picked up, she could tell, it was for the right cause. Her eyes darted back to Lilif, with the stones in hand. She plucked one and motioned him to follow her. She snuck her way to the pair, crouched so she wouldnt be noticed. When she was with ear-shot distance, she spoke,"You dont have to be alone," she said in reply to the green haired girl's comment. "As for an escape," Eleniel tossed the stone in her hand once then caught it,"I think that could be arranged.." Her eyes moved from the object to the pair infront of her. She was especially interested in the male. Usually anything so dark, shed attempt to kill in an instant. But shes never been this close to something wielding this much dark aura and not be attacked by it. It sure was a sight. Her eyes narrowed at him, she inspected him further, looking for those wounds the girl had mentioned. Upon looking at him, she mentally pointed out some things that suggested what he was. She didnt know exactly, but she knew he used dark magic,'Morgûl...' she thought. She cut herself from observing too long. The elf turned her head slightly back to Lilif so he could hear,"Tell me, stranger, can these stones teleport multipule people at once?"

(Translation of elvish: "Necromancy...")


Mentioned: @shadowz1995 @Anaxileah

I followed her and noticed her walk over to the two other people and I frowned. Those people did help at first so I didn't know what to think of them. They wanted to get into the palace too so I guess suggesting we go with them would be best. Though the elf beat me to saying that, I smirked in amusement as she called me stranger. It was quite amusing actually.

"The stones can only teleport one person at a time, but I can get us in without having to use the stones. I did monitor the guards and it seems they have a thing for women. One or both of you will have to try and seduce them while the rest of us go past" I stated.

"Also my name is Lillif" I said with a smile.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Anaxileah @shadowz1995


I looked around the dining hall I had just arrived in, to see the others severely weakened and about to fight. What was going on? What happened? I had been running late and that's why I didn't arrive till now. It looked like the others were poisoned. I quickly drew my swords from behind the group that was trying to kill the other guards. I wouldn't let them hurt them, they were kind and caring to everyone, as was Tuso. I would defend Tuso with my life for him saving me. I rushed towards the necromancer, aiming an attack on him while his back was turned.

@Morgrim @Javax @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213
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Despite the reassurance provided by the necromancer, the wolf-elf couldn't help but feel uneasy around the demon. But if Morgrim truly trusted him, she would allow him to stick around. Either way, the small group they had established seemed skilled enough to be able to take on even the most trivial enemies if it came to it. If Darrius decided to betray them, it would be highly unlikely that he would make it away from the half-rotting male, the large mercenary, and the assassin unscathed. Or even alive, if it came to it.

Roxii followed the two males silently, her ears swiveling slightly as she listened to their surroundings. She didn't want them to be caught unexpectedly; if she heard or smelled them before they got too close, she'd be able to warn the other two. Fortunately, that wasn't necessary. Most of the guards had either stationed themselves inside the dining hall or were out pursuing the external threat.

They regrouped with Jassur, and the elf's feet itched to go ahead and enter the room without hesitation, slaughtering all in her path. These aristocratic assholes had ruined her entire life, both directly and indirectly. But she knew better than to succumb to temptation. Morgrim asked if they were prepared, but she stayed silent. There was no need for a verbal answer; he already knew what reply he'd receive. The mercenary opened the door and revealed the gruesome sight. Well, to most others it'd be a lurid scene, but the hybrid had encountered many situations such as this. At this point, she was numb to feeling any sort of guilt or empathy or pity for the men and women.

The wolf hybrid entered the room after the others and tilted her head slightly at the angels. They appeared to be weak and rather pathetic, but she knew better than to underestimate their abilities, even when poisoned. She accepted her job by removing her daggers from their leather sheaths, approaching her target calmly. She stopped a ways back from him, wielding her daggers in a defensive stance. Just as she was about to attack first, she saw the newcomer begin heading towards Morgrim in her peripheral vision. Reacting quickly, she sheathed her daggers and retrieved her bow, notched an arrow, and let the arrow fly towards the male, hoping to either hit him and or for it to skim in front of him, both of which would capture his attention.


I just barely had time to react when the arrow headed my way. I had barely anytime to dodge, so I ended up getting nicked my arm. If I hadn't seen it at the time I did it would have done a lot worse. I wasn't scared though, all it did was catch my attention. I growled at the people that were here. Why did they want to kill him? Why did they want to harm such kind people?

"Why do you want to kill the king? He hasn't done anything wrong! He is a kind soul who cares for the people!" I shouted at them, angry for they wanted to kill my king. He has been nothing but kind to me and others. He does everything he can for the people, at least that's what he tells me.

@Morgrim @Javax @AnimusLight @CarpeNoctem1213
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"Tch....Elven Lightborn of course. I've run into many of your kind. And I haven't met a single one that hasn't tried to kill me by the end of it." Ether body tensed up as she stayed crouched so close. The inner light she wielded felt like it was burning him to a crisp at such close proximity and Ether subconsciously pushed out his dark magic to reduce the effects her light made him feel, giving her the sense of pressure change that she had been feeling. Ether looks up from his cloak to lock eyes with her. His eyes were radiating from the use of his magic but they took a darker shade of violet due to his anxiety. The necromancer was already in very bad shape. He had given almost 3 pints of his blood to Ana and Ether was forcibly speeding the circulation of his blood using blood magic just to stay conscious.

"Fine then. Let's see what the light user's plan is Ana shall we? Its better than anything we got...."
Ana looked at Ether worriedly and then in the direction of the elf. "I don't think it's a very good plan...We don't know what's inside, and I don't know if teleportation stones can take more than one person per stone." Ana continued, her eyebrows furrowed in uncertainty. Ether was doing worse, Ana could tell, and he wasn't fit for battle. She looked back up at the elf light-wielder and shook her head. "He shouldn't go anywhere. He's low on blood, and needs food, drink, and rest." Ana's green eyes hardened when she looked back at the town, messing with her wraps absentmindedly. It became a sort of habit, and she didn't realize she was tearing at the wraps near her stomach because of how upset she was. Morgrim, Jass, and Roxii need to take care of that asshole. Ana thought to herself, her expression full of anger and sorrow.

Plumes of smoke flaked with red hot embers whirled through the air as the almost harmonic ringing of metal on metal echoed around him in the small cove that was his home. He could feel the very essence of the metal as he began to shape it into a small wavy dagger that he planned on fitting with a opal handle. The dagger was being created as a ceremonial offering at the next gathering of the clan chiefs. It would be presented as a token of peace to the Chief of the Runeglaive Clan by Tiercils own clan leader. This was meant to be the final point in ending the peace treaty negotiations that had been going on for years. As he moved to the flat punch in order to create the holes for the handle to be attached to. As he began to fine tune the edges of the blade he found his mind wandering to thoughts of battles past. He thought of all the Charr corpses he had seen littering the rocky ground of Grenstad, the hell hole of a village that he was raised in. He thought of the praise and glory he received due to his acts. He had never received such hollow praises in his life. He seemed to feel like he was the only one who felt guilty about killing Charr warriors who were only doing the same thing that he had been raised to do. He was tired of the petty disputes that took him away from his precious forge simply to fight for the egos of men too old to participate in the bloody struggles that they created.

The...not-so-tall...elf raised an eyebrow at the necromancer's comments. She tilted her chin up and glared at him, straightening her posture, often times her large personality made up for her height. Even though she was shorter than most, she never really backed down. His words were filled with poison. Like he had resentment packed with every word. She took a deep breath, now wasnt the time to get into it. But more than her words, she could feel his darkness pushing against her in defense. If his words didnt already say enough, his power sure did. "I dont think your tone is appropriate for someone in.." Her eyes moved up and down his body,"...your condition." He was vulnerable, and she knew it. "You've dealt with my kind, but Ive also dealt with yours," Eleniel placed a hand on her hip,"All i see is a another Necromancer trying to envelop the word with your dark filth..." a small smirk tugged at her lips but she tried to keep it from revealing itself. If he wanted to take down the king, he cant be all bad. Which is exactly what she thought,"Prove me wrong, Necromancer." The smirk broke through. Ending that conversation with that note, she was implying to him shed give him a chance. As much as Eleniel disliked dark-magic (usually because theyre wielded by evil) she also believed in chances.

Her attention turned to the female, who also realized that they dont know whats inside the walls. Then she mentioned the necromancer again, and his health condition. "Normally i could help with such things but seeing as how we are polar opposites, Im afraid I'll more than likely do more harm than help. Ive never attempted my people's method of medicine on the Dark." The elf handed the stone back to Lilif,"So no group teleportations thats lovely." She continued to listen as he mentioned how the guards have a weakness with women. Her ocean eyes glinted and looked back to the green-haired one,"Seems like a possibility but..." She looked away,"I dont ever recall, trying to be so...tempting... It may be a failure waiting to happen." She looked at everyone,"But...perhaps...stealth may work?" She shrugged. "Or...maybe taking out some guards," she jerked her head back to the ones standing at the large doors," could aid in the escape of your friends in there. If we cant do anything inside then perhaps he could help some how outside."

"And your arrogance doesn't fit your stature elf but you don't hear me pointing it out...." Ether growled out. His vision was starting to swim again and the darkness had returned. It threatened to once again take his vision and senses from him. -Not now.....not now.... not with this Lightborn so close....not with Ana nearby I cant ....- The necromancer heard Ana and the elf conversing somewhere far away and he could feel his power beginning to ebb away from him. -I need....I need to stay conscious...- Ether's thoughts ran through his mind at what felt like a snail's pace. He couldn't think of any ideas and his senses were failing him. It felt as if the fire that lit his life energy was fading from him and fast. -Fire.....fire fire....light....- in a flash of clarity, Ether reaches towards his arrow wound and digs a finger into it, once again using pain to drive himself and fuel his fire. Ether wants to scream in agony but somehow holds his pain back, storing it, using it as fuel.

His eyes fly wide open and he shoots a look to Ana then to the elf. He was ready for action now and Ether knew it wouldn't last long. "Whatever we are going to do we better do it soon!" The necromancer's shadows reach out and start searching the area. Only those sensitive to magic would feel it but Ether was searching with the shadows. Probing around for any possible options. Of course, the necromancer finds several bodies in the area and dark mage's temptation to raise them is deep. But if he did he would have to deactivate his blood magic just to have enough to use it and even then it would cause him to pass out from blood loss.

No one could help him here. No person could save him. No one could pull him out. No one could have his back. These thoughts raced through Ether's mind as the basis of his attunement to the darkness revealed itself. He didn't even notice as shadows began to cloak themselves around his person, much like they had when he was protecting himself and Ana. - No one is going to save me. So I have to save myself.- Ether would only hold on for a a little while longer before his baser instincts would take over and he would simply attack the guards with everything he has at his arsenal
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