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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]


I tightly gripped my swords, I wasn't going to back down. I wasn't going to allow them to harm Tuso, not when he's done so much for me. I would take down these people. I wouldn't allow them to hurt him.

"Why do you want to hurt Tuso so much? I don't understand! He's a kind soul that will do anything for the people" I growled, unlike the others who were poisoned I was ready for battle.

Jassur Batal

The mercenary curses under his breath at the angel's tatics. He's like an impenetrable fortress. Lucky for Jass, he wasn't alone. Darrius's attacks cause the guardian to leave an opening for Jass. The shield reveals an opening for his blade. Jass swings in the narrow space. The mace blocks the attack, clashing with the long sword.

The mercenary grits his teeth, pushing his magic to strength. The sword slides on the mace's handle, cutting the angel's forearm and then slides down, piercing the ground. Jade uses it to push himself up into the air. It wasn't high but that wasn't what he wants to achieve. He pushes towards the guardian with the support of the blade; his leg now reaching close to the shield user. With a strong twist of his body, his leg catches the side of the shield and with all his strength, he kicks forcing the shield to uncover the upper half of the angel. He hopes Darrius can get a direct hit with this.

In hang time, the guardian regains a bit more of his strength, throwing Jass off from him with just a bat of his weapon. The clash of two strengths help cancel out any damage towards Jass. He lands on his feet, sliding a few feet on the marbled flooring. He lets out the breath he was holding. Fuck, this isn't going to be easy, he tells himself. The spot where the weapon hit him looked like a monster took a small bite out of the metal plate.

| Tag:

@CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: Fighting spirit | Animus's Mood: Wonder | Music |

"Fool!" Said Morgrim to the young angel. "Go into the slums and ask anyone there what Tuso really is, now out of my way I don't have time to deal with you. "Morgrim sprinted off down the secret escape, Tuso still not very far away from the whole mess, Morgrim woudn't let the angel interfere and planted a rune on the wall beside him, anything passing by would be knocked out with a potent sleeping gas. Unless of course the angel had knowledge of dispelling magic. Morgrim eventually catches up with Tuso, the fat bastard got his robes stuck on a jagged rock in the tunnel and was trying to dislodge himself without stripping naked. Morgrim snaps his wrist up so that the bone blade lodged in his wrist could slip free, coating in a specialized poison to attack the brain in whichever way was desired by the poison master, he gave a small nick to Tuso neck so that the poison could slip in and then he went cold, falling down flat on his face. "Heh heh heh, you are mine now! Everything you had is forfeit, you are alone with nothing but the monster you should've killed all those years ago." Morgrim pulls out the teleportation stone he had stashed away and smashed it against Tuso's chest, where he is now is only known to Morgrim.

The Angel fighting Jass and Darrius let's out a roar of pain as metal slices cleanly through the flesh of his forearm, he was going to make those two pay for that, but with two against one and the venom still working it's way through his veins he is feeling overwhelmed. Though he would die happy knowing he could take out those two to prevent the death of Tuso, but little did he and the other angel know that it was all ready too late. Morgrim had claimed his prize, and he was making his way back through the tunnels. A gift that all angels have is that when they are close to death they can activate a special ability called the Resurgance, allowing them to access all knowledge and skills of the past life, the mace wielding knight tapped into primal knowledge of the beserker. He throws his shield right at darrius with a speed too fast to dodge, and then grips his mace in both hands and charges at Jass in a bloodlust.

(And for you Java A edited post for your edited post.)

The Angel with the greatsword notices that she had an arrow aimed right at him, and in a flash of near death his resurgance activated, luckily he had the skills of an honourable rouge in his past life, stealing from the rich and corrupt to pay the weak, sick and the temple to provide housing and food for said sick and weak people. With amazing reflexes that exceed his weakened state he positions his sword upright and uses the hilt to narrowly block the arrow, only receiving a small scratch on his cheek. He's almost at half his original strength and it shows as he puts all the weight and momentum of a sideways swing to bring the sword down at frightening speed in Java's direction, only an expert in speed and agility to dodge it, or someone with special magic to phase through the attack. Either choice for Roxii should work.

(As of right now the angels are at 45% percent strength at the time of Java's post, and I'm making it so almost all attacks will fail to kill, but at a hundred percent it'll stop being so generous, and attacks will have a high chance of maiming and even killing. Remember everything is cannon, especially death. Best of luck.)
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I looked at the mage as he disappeared. What was he talking about? What did he mean the slums? I guess never going out of the castle has it's disadvantages. Was the mage trying to get me all riled up? I don't understand. I want to know what he means. I want to know what Tuso really is. I looked at the rune, I didn't know much about magic so I couldn't dispel the rune. I wish I could ask that necromancer what he meant I needed to know. I guess I had to find the truth out on my own. I mean the necromancer couldn't have been right, right?
TheSadMummy said:
Plumes of smoke flaked with red hot embers whirled through the air as the almost harmonic ringing of metal on metal echoed around him in the small cove that was his home. He could feel the very essence of the metal as he began to shape it into a small wavy dagger that he planned on fitting with a opal handle. The dagger was being created as a ceremonial offering at the next gathering of the clan chiefs. It would be presented as a token of peace to the Chief of the Runeglaive Clan by Tiercils own clan leader. This was meant to be the final point in ending the peace treaty negotiations that had been going on for years. As he moved to the flat punch in order to create the holes for the handle to be attached to. As he began to fine tune the edges of the blade he found his mind wandering to thoughts of battles past. He thought of all the Charr corpses he had seen littering the rocky ground of Grenstad, the hell hole of a village that he was raised in. He thought of the praise and glory he received due to his acts. He had never received such hollow praises in his life. He seemed to feel like he was the only one who felt guilty about killing Charr warriors who were only doing the same thing that he had been raised to do. He was tired of the petty disputes that took him away from his precious forge simply to fight for the egos of men too old to participate in the bloody struggles that they created.
( @Morgrim psst I wanna rp toooo lol still waiting on your response, no pressure though I know how busy life can be! just excited! )

She perked at the familiar voice and turned her head to see Lilif standing there,"Good." Her attention turned to Atraxia, also ruling out the options, until he chose the balcony. "Right then," she looked at both of them,"no use standing here." Her walk had a quick pace as she brush past Atraxia, almost bumping into him.

She was going for the edge of the roof behind him. Her feet stopped right where the roof top ended. Her gaze was downward, estimating the height. Below and to her left was the balcony. She walked along the edge so that it was directly below her. She stepped off, rather nonchalantly. Both feet touched the ground effortlessly, and silently. Her body followed to bouce with the landing, easing the fall. Her hair trailing behind her like a silver ribbon.

She straightened her stance, observing the room that leads to the balcony she stood on. Both arms reached for the twin daggers holstered vertically on her back. Each were about 11 inches long. They twirled in her hands while she stepped into the empty room, with light, feathery steps. Once she concluded the steps were clear, she went back to the balcony and looked up at the roof,"Are you coming or not?" she called to the others, growing a little impatient. Eleniel crossed her arms, daggers still in each hand, and her foot tapped.


(Sorry its a little crappy but im busy getting ready for halloween)
After about a half hour of asking around the Charr villagers, some spent coin, and a failed attempt at seduction Ellena had finally managed to find the legendary forge of Tiercil. The smell of smoke was heavy in the air, and with the little amount of ventilation due to being underground it was hard enough as if to get a nice clean fresh breath of air. Fire and smoke only did to worsen this, though she steels herself and introduces herself to the giant Charr smith. "Uh -cough- greetings smith. My name is Ellena, and I've heard stories about the metal you shape and things you make, I was hoping that we could come to a sort of trade. I can offer you the location of an Aristeel deposit, though I could use a set of armour, so what do you say?" She reached into her shirt and pulled out an old worn looking map with some markrers placed on them with notes, it seemed this one was designed specifically for the locations of different ore deposits, though the one with the number seven on it had a small skull in black charcoal marked on it as some kind of warning. "One problem them, there is a elemental there stopping me from retrieving the metal, so that's where you come in."
The smith was brought back to reality from his thoughts as a voice spoke from the entrance of his workshop. He turned and faced a young woman, elvish perhaps. The features were there but also they seemed minor as if his eyes could simply be deceiving him. He could not remember the last time he had seen an elf, but he was certain he had never seen one this deep in the Core in his lifetime. It dawned on him she was looking at him waiting for a response with her arm outstretched revealing a tattered parchment which seemed to hold a map within its wrinkled folds. He composed himself and calmly replied in his slow rumbling voice. "Aristeel....." he paused for the hiss of the blade he had been working on meeting the oil dunk tank at his side. He placed the simple iron short sword among a pile of nearly half a dozen identical blades. "I had believed that it had been exhausted well before our life times." He added with a false sense of disbelief in an attempt to hide his earnest.
"Luckily there is still some level, at least there, though it's been protected for as long as I've been alive and longer. I could really use your help getting, I'm good, but certainly not to take on an elemental by myself. So shall we be going?" She didn't even wait for a reply as she snatched the map back from him, there were other locations for mineral and ore, but they were written in elvish so that he wouldn't be able to figure out which or their exact location. "Come on, it's rude to keep a lady waiting." She would lead the oversized cat over to the caravan, they would be leaving in twenty minutes, though she all ready had everything she need for the ride. Whatever the Charr would need he'd best get it now, as it is a one way ride for the entire quest. The caravan leader, a bearded man missing most of his teeth tossed Ellena a few fruits and handled her a flask, she in returned gave the man 30 silver pieces for the additional company "Best get whatever you need friend, this is not going to be a short journey."
Darrius grins wildly as Jass takes advantage of the opening he'd made and looks for another chance to make one. The mercenary is aa ew steps ahead of him however and, after slashing a sizeable slice down the angel's arm, shoves the shield out of the way to make an opening for Darrius. He jerks the chain forward again, aiming for the exposed chest.

The chain manages to scrape across the angel's chest just as he throws his shield at Darrius with blinding speed. Darrius has no time to react before the shield slams into him, throwing him backwards and knocking the wind out of him. He lets out a pained wheeze at the impact and rolls over, pushing the shield off of him and standing up slowly, still trying to catch his breath. He dropped his chain when he was hit and the chain is now laying across the hall, the supernatural fire now gone.
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It was not that he didn't trust this woman, her intentions seemed honest enough in nature. He however wondered if she had laid eyes on the deposits herself or if anyone had. This map looked genuine and he was sure that this location she sought had indeed housed the rare ore once, if it still did to this day however was another matter.

Though the tome he had come across deep in the core in an ancient abandoned dwarven smithy was vast and full of many things he could not yet decipher. One thing that he had sought help and had translated was for a set of some the lightest armor known at that time. It was also said that in combination with some other rather rare minerals, precious metals, and priceless gems, you could create something roughly translated as "war regalia ethereal demi-god." He was the greatest blacksmith in the core, and few rivaled him in the upper realms, yet even some of his work with powerful elemental weapons could not help him imagine what lie in store for whoever could possess such an artifact. He had dreamt of creating whatever this was on occasion, creating something beyond the power of an ordinary blacksmith, or even some of the best for that matter. He could not let this opportunity slip his grasp even if there were only a sliver of chance it were real.

He exhaled deeply and nodded. "i will be just a moment. He walked to a nearby shelf and grabbed a pair of seemingly crude iron gauntlets though the hue was slightly off. He proceeded to the large stone bed of embers and stopped at its side. He paused in his motions and contemplated asking her to avert her gaze, though if she was here to rob him she wouldn't have walked in the front door asking questions and making demands.

He slid the gauntlets onto his hands and without a moments hesitation reached straight into the pile of embers without a sign of pain. His hands worked quickly and some grinding of gears was heard. He hoisted upward and two large glimmering metal doors swung up tossing a few stray coals to the ground. Tiercil raised himself quickly only to then descend into what had only moments ago been a pile of embers.

I followed the others in both excitement and nervousness. I hoped I got my shot at the king, though I had a bad feeling about that and I didn't know why. Why was I so scared? I mean he can't be that strong can he? No matter how I tried to convince myself I couldn't shake these feelings. I shook my head and casting these thoughts aside I made it to the balcony with Eleniel there.

@HoneyBear-Kat @Federoff @Anaxileah @shadowz1995


Atraxia kept watch as the small Elf and the demon descended down to the balcony, the demon taking his sweet ass little time while the elf actually went down with a purpose; she moved quickly and silently. Good, at least he would have at least one person who knew what they were doing. Once the demon went down, Atraxia took one more quick survey to make sure they would not be followed and approached the end of the roof, dropping down and catching himself on the edge of the roof with his clawed hands before dropping below to the actual balcony; no sound made from him to no surprise. Once he was down he approached the doors blocking the balcony and quickly picked the lock with a single claw; it taking no more then a few seconds. He silently pushed them open, "Indeed lets go, do not drop your guard either of you, demon you stay in the back" he whispered to them before entering the room, it belonged to what appeared to be one of the royal staff, perhaps a cook as utensils were spotted here and there in the room. "Most people are dead, I smell and hear movement coming from the inner part of the palace; multiple people there. Angels, the dead, and wolf-elf" Atraxia informed Eleniel and Lillif as he waited for them to enter the room, the door leading into the hallway was closed, it appeared people have not been to this room the whole day.

@HoneyBear-Kat )[/color]

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

(@TheSadMummy Your post is definitely long enough, but could you continue it so my character can interact with yours in a way that allows me to make an adequately long post.)
(I was leaving it kinda of openended thinking you might follow down to his private armory. He would discuss terms of voyage, and possibly let you take a weapon on lend to help with our task but i can just wrap it up and take it in another direction if you want)

(I'm so sorry all, I've been grounded. Still technically am...shh...but I wanted to get word to you guys. <3 I'll return Monday or Tuesday!)

Lilif came first. He made his way down and stood near the elf. He seemed a little off though. She eyed him, studying his face and body language. He looked tense, buried in the pile of his own thoughts. Shes had the same look before, shes felt the same way. Eleniel grabbed his attention before they moved further; she rested a hand gently on his shoulder, of course she had to reach for it a bit,"Dont worry." Was all she said to the demon. That was her reassurance. Despite her rugged persona, Eleniel was quite kind and caring, especially to those that could use a little encouragement. Her hand removed itself and she looked upward again, watching Atraxia come down last. She took a small step sideways, making way and giving room for him. The assassain picked the lock with ease, and with in a few moments, the doors were cautiously pushed open by him. For someone his size, he has a gentle touch.

The elf maiden tucked her long glimmery locks back into her suit, behind her neck, and pulled up the hood over her head. If theyre going to lurk in the shadows, better do it properly. "Do not drop your guard, either of you," he warned. The elf nodded. Her eyes scanned the room,'Empty, good.' As they advanced further into the room, Atraxia whispered to her. He mentioned what he can hear and smell, also noting that most are dead. Pointed hers perked slightly at the name of one being,"Wolf-elf?" she repeated questionably in a hushed voice,"Thats interesting." After centuries, most of the pure blood lines of elf dissapated, including her own. It was hard to come across an "Ancient Elf" as she calls them, that is of pure blood. Now they are mixed,"Common Elves" as shes labeled them. Their bloodlines are almost untraceable from mixing races. Their origins are blurry. And most would not know of their heritage and old customs or traditions. It was sad to see, really. The ways of elves starting to slowy disappear through time. Shes heard of Elvish-human, mostly, and few other peculiar mixed types, but its a first for a Wolf-Elf hybrid.

Eleniel silenced herself almost instantly after speaking. With daggers in hand, she spread out from the other two, getting some distance between them. Still with in range of assisstance (if needed) but enough space so that they wouldnt be seen as one moving thing. The room was dark, uninhabited at the moment, and still. As she separated, she seemed to have almost vanished in the darkness surrounding them. Wearing a black suit, does have its perks in cases like this. Each step was carefully placed, as she made sure not to bump into any clammering kitchen ware. That would be awful.

Just as Atraxia could smell/hear whats left breathing in the palace, her Light could sense their life forces; just as it did with Ether. And as they moved closer, her light picked up the aura of the other dark-magic user, that is the Necromancer, in the infantry group.

Bingo. He was located. It was strange though. She could sense the dark magic but couldnt sense what living thing it was coming from. Perhaps that was the "rotting corpse" Ana had previously mentioned. If he wasnt living, then she couldnt sense him, only the faint trace of dark aura he released as a necromancer.

Even though the two types were opposed to eachother, it did make it easier to locate where the power was emitting from. All she had to do was follow the feeling she hated the most. You know, the gut feeling that usually tells you to go away, and not to it. Eleniel stopped at the door leading into the hallway. She was crouched slightly, and she moved to press her back against the wall closest to the door. She waited for everyone to catch up, and took a few second for them to gather themselves. With a nod, she signaled they were moving forward. With out removing herself from the wall, her hand extended to the knob, and ever so quietly turned and pushed. Good thing this was a room that usually remained unlocked. She slid half way down, crouching even lower, and peeled her back off the wall to move closer to the door, still holding onto the knob. Her hand pushed the door open just a crack. Through the sliver of space, she could see no one was own the hallway to one side. For the other side, behind the door, she relied on her Light, telling her no life form occupied the hallway. Then she pushed it further, and motioned with her hands that if was safe to enter the corridor. She entered first.


(Not a lot of dialogue but a lot of people mentioned here xD here we go...)


@Anaxileah @shadowz1995 @Morgrim @Javax

@Morgrim, if he is not entirely undead, please correct me, so i could fix the whole "Eleniel not sensing the living part of him" thing)


Atraxia moved through the dark room on his own, his eye's partially tracking the small elf to his left, she actually has a decent technique he thought to himself, a small grin on his face; it had been years since he last met someone who could even come close to impressing him on anything; not since his years with his clan, each person there almost on par wit him. A whole army of Atraxia's, minus the supernatural aspect that is. Under normal circumstances one would probably not see the elf, but with his trained eye, and the ability of the spirit within him to see the motion and heat given off by her moving, it was no work for him.

Juxtapose to his statue and height, Atraxia moved with relative ease and absolute silence in a normal casual walk, not needing to adjust anything of his to achieve anything. He seemed to almost be nonexistent, even to the point of phasing in and out of reality, perplexing to anyone who might not know him or see him in action.
They approached the door, and the man stopped. He listened for anything, nothing was close to the; good, it was safe. He swiftly and silently placed a clawed hand onto the door before turning the knob and opening it inward, darkness was throughout the castle it seemed. Good; people would not notice them until it was too late. Atraxia walked out of the room and into the hallway, it branched off into the left and to the right. Once more he stopped and began to analyze through his senses. "To the left I smell fear,the survivors are hiding in terror. To the right is fighting, they are there" Fang informed Eleniel and Lillif in a whisper before pausing his head turning left and right in a confused way, as if it something was wrong. "No no no, something is wrong...very wrong..." he stated to them, not yet revealing what it was that was wrong.

@Sheaon13 ,@HoneyBear-Kat)

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed[/color]

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Jassur Batal

Regaining his prepared stance, Jass watches Darrius strike the angel, leaving a critical wound on the winged-man's chest. The guardian's shield is then thrown at the smuggle, sending him flying. Jass turns his attention to the now-charging angel. The guy's only got his mace in both of his hands; what the hell is he thinking? The mercenary notices the unnatural bloodlust coming from the angel.

"What the-" The mace swings from above and Jass blocks it with the blunt end of his sword. He then feels an enormous amount of strength from the guardian. Jass grits his teeth, pouring all the magic to strength. The ground below his feet is smashed, making footprints in the marble. "Raaaaah!" yells the former knight, pushing all his might to get the angel off of him. The two slide backwards, creating a distance. The guardian continues to charge in; it was as if his abilities were another person, though Jass. They exchange a few blows, each were powerful that increased the mercenary's exhaustion.

Jass lets his mind race for possible strategies. He is the shorter of the two, making him able to dodge slightly faster than the angel. The damn guardian is strong though and he didn't know how long he could parry those attacks. - He jumps back, barley dodging a swing from the mace. - The guy's only got one weapon and it didn't have much range like Jass's. - Another sickening clash of metal from the two. Jass pants harder. - Fuck, what could he do. Lady luck has to be on his side to win and Darrius got to somehow recover from whatever state Jass wasn't able to examine.

The mace catches the side of his face, letting the blade cut against his cheek. The former knight's sword makes contact with the angel's shoulder, slicing deep through the top. Jass ducks in time when the mace the swings at his head. The mercenary turns from below, sending a back kick straight towards the guardian's metal plated chest. It sends the angel sliding back only a few feet. Jass's combat that didn't use the sword was the unorthodox methods his mentor taught his knight students; he didn't think it would be helpful for lethal battles until now. Jass catches his breath, trying his best to recover but the angel was already at him.

The former knight notices the large increase of strength coming back from the angel. His blocks with his swords were beginning to be more difficult than it already was. The two continue to exchange attacks: some were scratches and dents to the armor. Jass couldn't believe he was still keeping up - until that's when he hears cracking in his sword. His eyes dart to the noticeable crack in his weapon; the strong blows from the other must have pushed the sword at its limit - which wasn't much. In his time of distraction, the mace catches the side of his armor, tearing a chuck of the metal out. Jass jumps to the side away from the angel. He can feel the sword wanting to shatter any moment.

The angel seems to have increased in speed, closing in on Jass in milliseconds. The mercenary blocks the mace's powerful swing at his head, using his other hand to support. The two weapons struggle a bit and the cracking sounds increase. Jass curses using his whole body to tackle into the guardian in front of him. The metal armors create a loud noise when smacking into the marbled flooring. Jass is thrown off him in seconds, making him slide on the floor a few feet away from the angel and his weapon fly out of his grip. "Ughhh," he scrambles to his feet and notices that a shoulder piece is missing from the guardian's armor. He must have been able to tear it off in their struggle. The intense killing intent intensifies from the guardian.

Jass takes this breather to search for his weapon despite its fragile state. The swords lies a couple of feet behind him. The former knight makes a dash for it. He hears noisy steps heading towards him when he finally reaches the weapon. The mercenary picks it up and turns just in time to parry a strike from the angel. The block finally shatters the weapon into pieces, sending its shards all over the place. One cuts the side of the angel's face. "Fuck," Jass curses weakly.

A hand shoots straight for his neck, grabbing hold of him. The mercenary's eyes widen, his free hand gripping the hand at his necka and the other still holding tightly to the broken blade. His vision begins to blur, feeling the hold on his neck tighten slowly as if the angel wanted Jass to feel his life being squeezed out of him. With the last of his strength, the mercenary stabs the broken blade deep through the other's shoulder, the opening in the angel's armor. A small smirk spreads on his face. He feels the grip on his neck weaken a little, allowing him for gulps of air.

Angered, the guardian throws Jass so far that he hits the long table. It sends most of the abandoned contents and tablecloth, flying off the edge. The mercenary lets out a groan; he probably broke something in the terrible collision with the solid table. He was surprised he didn't break it but it's probably because the table is carved stone- revealed when the tablecloth came off. He hopes he's tired the angel and left enough damage for Darrius to finish him off; if not, Jass will push himself to aid the smuggler. For now... "Ughhhhhhhh..." The cold surface of the table felt pleasant against the side of Jass's face. He struggles slowly to get up. The red marks of the angel's grip on his neck were noticeable; it'll leave a great bruise for the next few days.

| Tag:

@CarpeNoctem1213 | Character's Mood: In pain | Animus's Mood: Insane |


By the time Darrius recovers and gets completely to his feet, Jass is being strangled by the angel. Darrius curses loudly in the infernal language. His eyes dart around and catch sight of his weapon lying about ten feet behind the angel who is now rearing back with the mercenary's blade embedded in his shoulder. Darrius takes a deep breath and sprints forward toward his abandoned weapon.

When he reaches the weapon and grabs it, he doesn't stop running, instead he continues running at the angel who has just thrown Jass into the stone table. As his weapon bursts into black flame once more, Darrius whips it forward. This time it is aimed at the base of the angel's right wing, where it meets his back. When the chain makes contact with the wing it whips around a few times, wrapping tightly around the base. The chain seems to have no effect on the wing because of the armor encasing the appendage, but the wing isn't his goal.

Darrius pulls the chain taut and jumps, using his momentum and the chain now secured around the wing to pull himself up onto the angel's back. He straddles the being's shoulders, wrapping his legs around his throat, and pulls his fist back. The hand bursts into flames and he drives it down with unnatural force onto the base of the angel's neck. The angel jerks and lets out a pained shout, but doesn't go down like Darrius planned. Darrius has just enough time to mentally curse himself for allowing the angel enough time to regain some of it's strength before the angel rears back with the butt of his mace, which hits Darrius in the side of the head.

The blow disorientates him and his legs loosen enough for the angel to grab one of them and fling him off and onto the floor, where he rolls and comes to a stop on his knees, his teeth gritted in pain and his eyes slightly unfocused. He's pretty sure his horn saved him from sustaining a more serious injury than he did, but he's still seeing stars flashing across his vision.
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I looked over to her as she gave me reassurance that everything would be okay, I could only hope she was right. I walked with the others as they looked for that group that the other girl told us about. I heard the assassin say something about something being wrong, but was wrong? I didn't understand, I was confused. How could he even tell there was something wrong? If there really was something wrong then what was it?

@HoneyBear-Kat @Federoff
The angel's reaction to her attack was unexpected, and the wolf-elf took in a sharp breath as the sword was headed straight for her, intent to strike an immediate death blow. She knew that she couldn't dodge this attack; she was quick, but not that quick. Within less than a split second, the assassin had shrouded herself in shadows and attempted to slip into the Shadow Realm. Unfortunately, the dining hall was well-lit, so the elf was only able to partially step into the alternate realm. She was still barely in the mortal realm, so to others she would look like a very light, fading apparition. Unfortunately, because of this split-realm travelling, the blade passed right through her, but still sliced into the part of her that existed in the usual universe. The greatsword slipped right through her abdomen, stinging pain resonating throughout her body.

The moment the weapon cleared through her, she let out a pained yell and wrapped an arm around her abdomen, doubling over in pain. The shadows fell at her feet and dissipated, removing her from the Shadow Realm completely. However, she couldn't stop now. Pushing the pain to the back-burner of her mind, she grabbed three arrows between each of her fingers and began rapid-firing them at the angel's face and throat, to either puncture something or to at least distract him.

Once the last arrow was released, she slung her bow over her shoulder and removed her dual daggers from their sheaths. Her last arrow was still in the arrow at this point since she was using her speed to her advantage, so while the angel was still transfixed on blocking the arrows she sprinted forward to the large man that significantly towered over her. Unfortunately, none of their arrows made any mark on his skin, but they did distract him enough to where she had the chance to get close. The greatsword was swung downwards, hoping to cut the assassin off. But Roxii was already close enough. She fell to the ground and slid underneath his weapon and him, easily passing between his legs. She popped back up to her feet behind him and put all her force into her leg as she kicked the back of his knee, hoping to get him to falter to the ground.


(I'm not too good at these NPC fighting things. I dunno. I try. .w.)

The sneaking elf stopped in the middle of the hallway just outside the door of the previous room, listening to Atraxia. He i formed the pair that the action they were searching for was down the corridor to their right, and thats where she headed. She sheathed her blades and took hold of her elvish bow. Even in the dim hallway it seemed luminous from the chromatic Eldar silver, forged centuries ago by her people. Her free hand plucked an arrow and notched it onto the string. Then Atraxia's voice distracted her. She stopped,"What do you mean? I dont understand." she was genuinely confused. Her gaze stared down the corridor in the direction she was going. What was going on. Eleniel took a deep and steady breath, closing her eyes, she tried to focus on the Light with in her. Hopefully doing so will show her what it is that Atraxia thinks is wrong. But she still got the same thing. The group they were looking for. Thats all she sensed. However, focusing more than usual, she did catch another creature's Light. And it was strong. She was never trained to search for other Light. And sometiems, she never sensed them at all. Other Light matches her own, and there for becomes almost invisible, slips under the radar. Think of it this way: in the dark, you can see a beam of light that a flashlight shines, right? Well, in a lit room, it would almost seem like its not even on. You dont notice the difference; the light blends with the other light. Its the same concept.

But for a brief moment, she thought she noticed this...other light. It was on a bigger scale, thats how she was able to feel it. Pointed ears suddenly rang at the sound of a yell coming from the same direction. It sounded distressed. Painful. Chills ran down her spine at the shriek. Big blue yes shot back open, and she turned back to the others,"I dont think we have time left to spare." straightening herself from a crouch, she quickened her pace into a jog, if she could help someone then she was going to. She left Lilif and Atraxia behind, knowing they could catch up, she didnt have to worry about them. When she reached the end of the hallway, she turned the coner on a dime and met face to face with a stair way. One by one she made her way down as quickly as possible. The hasty elf stopped at the bottom and searched for the next place to go.


(Having bit of a writers block >.< sorry and im just making up what the inside of the palace looks like @.@)


(I know
@Anaxileah is grounded for a few days but im also trying to think of a way her and @shadowz1995 can come back in)
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