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Fantasy Natural Selection (Fantasy)[New Members Welcome]

Darrius Vrag

Darrius tilts his head at Jass' explanation of what the strange shadow creature is. The description rings a bell. He'd once dealt with a wizard who had an extreme interest in telling everyone he met about his studies and the many things he'd encountered on his travels. Darrius had thought the man a bit senile, though, so he'd taken everything the man said with a grain of salt. The man had mentioned creatures of shadow, beings that represented certain traits of humanity. Darrius hadn't put much stock in this, but apparently one of those beings is standing in front of him now, looking more like a recognizable shape.

The newly reformed Shadow Soul requests them to follow and heads toward a set of stairs to the second floor. Darrius mentally groans at the thought of climbing stairs in his current condition, but his strength is about halfway restored and he manages to limp up the stairs after only a couple of breaks. At the top, he follows Innocence to a glass case that contains a book about what could only be his kind. Darrius looks at the book for a moment, but looks away when the Shadow Soul brings their attention to his ability to take the ink from the books around him and wraps his arms around Jass, revealing his now corporeal form. "Whoa. That's actually pretty impressive," he says. A creature made of shadow shouldn't be able to interact with anything solid. But the ink is black. Maybe because the letters are solid darkness he can cover himself in them to give himself a shell-like covering of darkness. Darrius' face scrunches up involuntarily as he thinks.


@Morgrim @AnimusLight Mood: Intrigued Location: Library Second Floor Music

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Roxii Sicarius

There was a moment of silence after the wolf-elf gave her response, and she wondered what was running through the monk's head. She had just admitted that dying would be much better than how she felt at the moment. And those words were true. The most painful wounds were the facial laceration and soul tear, but the broken bones she acquired from the ridiculously high drop still poked and prodded at her insides, causing unnecessary internal bleeding, her fractured bones ached and stung, and her lungs burned ferociously. Now that she admitted how pleasing death sounded, it would be very easy for the man to suddenly turn on her and take her out with one quick swipe. It wouldn't be like she could stop him, anyway. Or would, for that matter.

Tai finally spoke, asking a short, unusual question. She was about to retort and inquire what he was asking to do, but the two fingers that made contact with her forehead made her pause. The blind elf stayed still, wondering what the man was doing. Then a wave of warmth and relief flooded her senses, surprising her. It was rather unexpected; the sudden switch from near-unbearable-though-slightly-eased pain to intense rejuvenation almost sent the girl into shock. But the assassin stayed conscious, allowing her body to accept and combine with the invigorating sense of spiritual healing.

After a few minutes, Tai removed his fingers from her head, and an ear swiveled towards the man as he asked her how she felt. The hybrid breathed in deeply and let out a slow breath, enjoying the feeling of breathing without it feeling like she was inhaling blades. Her tail waved side to side slowly on the ground. The pain had subsided, though not entirely. Although none of her wounds had been healed, she was able to do simple tasks now—aside from walking and wielding a weapon, that is. She turned her head slightly, hoping that she was somewhat facing the monk or it at least looked like she was responding to him. "
It is certainly a change," the Lythari answered.

The wolf turned her head back to the necromancer—well, she hoped she did—when he chuckled. It sounded pained and weak, and the broken words that followed it were even more pitiful. Roxii frowned at Ether's attempt at a joke, wondering if the "sparkle elf" was referring to the light elf who had aided her in the battle moments before. Once again, before she could say anything, the man had given into the comforting embrace of unconsciousness. The
thump of his head hitting the cold hard ground almost made her wince; she hoped that he hadn't busted it open, as that would only create more problems for the poor, exhausted male.

The Lythari took another deep breath, taking advantage of her ability to breathe once again. Now that she wasn't peering over the edge of death anymore, Roxii could tend to the serious wound that only she or another Shadow Walker could tend to: the soul tear. She instinctively moved an arm to her abdomen, wincing at the soul-like pain that accompanied it.

Without a word, the assassin began to shroud herself in darkness once more, the shadows crawling across the floor to her frail body and enveloping her in their familiar embrace. After a few milliseconds, the girl had become one with the shadows, turning invisible to all in the mortal realm as she was thrust into the Shadow Realm. Much to her surprise, she was still able to see in this universe. However, it was slightly distorted. The most notable difference was the blood red hue that tinted her vision. Perhaps a representation of the death of her sight. The lighting was also much more harsh than before, the white brighter than the light the angel emitted earlier and the black darker than the void.

The wolf-elf hybrid peered around the room, taking in the scenery for the first time. It seemed like the group was in a treasury, given by the mass amounts of gold and valuables. Why were they here, and who sent them here? Her eyes gazed over the others in the room, settling on each person. She recognized the lively green aura of Ana, the blood red of Ether—who's soul had actually slowed to minimal motion, much like a swirling cloud of particles on the verge of Absolute Zero—, the icy blue of Atraxia, the white of the "sparkle elf", the other lively green of Xochi, the burning orange of Tai, and the calm red of the new demon boy. She furrowed her brow, this time not feeling any pain from the motion. The purple essence of Darrius and forest green of Jass were still lingering, though they had moved rooms. Morgrim's soul essence was different from the others; it is normally an acidic green, but the rotting brown is slowly encompassing it in its power, though neither side ever wins. But the hybrid couldn't see him anywhere. Where was the rotting man?

She shook her head, wondering what the male had gotten himself into this time. Roxii then averted her attention to the stinging pain in her abdomen. It was an uneasy sight: the blade had sliced completely through her, creating a rather large hole in her abdominal area. Her shadow essence wasn't piecing the wound together correctly, so the black of her soul essence was seeping out of her body and steaming off of her like billowing smoke. It was similar to bleeding out. She needed to close the soul tear before she lost the entirety of her soul power.

The Shadow Walker muttered
"Wyǐqal" and settled her hand just above the tear. "Mȕ", she whispered. The darkness of her silhouette began stitching together, making the girl whole again. She hadn't gotten far into it when the sigil on her chest began to burn furiously. The elven hybrid was using too much, but she couldn't stop now. Halting mid-spell could put her in more pain than she could ever anticipate. So the wolf-elf continued, the strands of her soul tying together one small knot at a time.

It took a much longer than she had hoped, but Roxii had finally mended the soul tear. However, her chest felt as though a hot iron was piercing her heart, and she could see the fiery mark clearly on her chest, glowing brightly against the environment of the Shadow Realm.

The wolf heaved out an exhalation as she disbanded the healing spell and let go of the darkness that encompassed her body. The girl was thrust back into the darkness of blindness as the shadows dissolved around her, seeping back into their rightful place within a blink of an eye. The soul tear still ached, but now the burning on her chest hurt the most. She clutched her left hand over it, wishing it would stop. The sigil's effect wasn't wearing off as quickly as it was supposed to. No, it was still lingering. Little did Roxii know, she had spent far too much power in those few moments, because now the sigil had begnn leeching her life's energy. Because of this, a soft, barely visible black smoke had begun to emanate off of the Shadow Walker, representing the sapping of her soul essence.


@shadowz1995 @Federoff Mood: Partially rejuvenated, though still pained Location: Treasury and Shadow Realm

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Xochi and Tai


Tai awaited for a response from the, now fully blind, wolf-elf assassin; her body movements telling him the most. She was more active, and able to complete simple tasks, that was good, she was slowly recovering. Her verbal response confirmed his suspicions, now hopefully they could all take it easy and not try anything craz-nope. That hope was shortly dashed as suddenly Roxii disappeared into the shadows, and even though he could not see into this realm; he could feel her presence. Being a monk, he was naturally in tune with the rest of the world and the realms on it, even if he could not go directly to those realms he knew they existed and could feel the presence of others on these realms. All he could do now was wait for her return, although he had an idea of what she was doing. He turned his head to the fallen Ether, if his presumption was correct, she was doing something akin to what Ether was doing. They were trying to save each other, but in the process; killing themselves faster then they could rejuvenate. When she came back to this realm, Xochi places a worried hand onto he girl's shoulder, she seemed to be in a lot of pain; a worried expression on her face. She didn't know what was wrong and didn't know how to fix it, she just simply knew she wanted to help somehow.


"Both of you need to stop this right now, you are killing yourselves" he stated in a firm tone, it not being a scolding or yelling, but it had a thunderous presence to it. He then turned to Ana, "I do not know your name, and I apologize for that, but may you perhaps find and gather the rest of your group? We need to bring your friends to a place to rest and where we can tend to their wounds properly, without killing each other. Xochi's family has a small villa nearby that we can use if needed be, but do not expect anything fancy" Tai spoke to her about what needed to be done, the situation was turning from bad to worse with the way they were sacrificing themselves for each other; his voice going from Stern to calm, back to the wise old man. He then turned back to Roxii, the sterness back in his voice once again, "You have expending your life force, you are slowly dying. I can only offer enough to stabilize you from death, but I don't want either of you doing anything else after that. WE are taking you to where we can naturally heal your Ki" he explained to Roxii and Ether before preceding to place a bit more of his Ki into the girls body, it would be enough to prevent her from dying but that was all he could offer at this moment, he would need his own strength to carry back himself and one of them, more then likely to be Roxii as it seemed she would need the most help getting back and he was the only one around with any semblance to enough energy to do that, Ether was basically just a walking corpse; almost weightless. It would be easy for him to be carried back by one of his teammates, if not two.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Treasury room



Relieved, Helpful, Stern

With: All, Direct speech with Roxii, Ana (@Javax @Anaxileah )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.


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Jassur Batal

  • Tagging: @Morgrim , @CarpeNoctem1213

    Location: Tuso's Library

    Character Mood: Calm

    Animus's Mood: 01001101 01000001 01010100 01001000 0001010

Jassur and Darrius follow the shadow through the dense library. The mercenary made sure the candle wasn't too far away from the creature, also lighting the dark path. The shadow must have been here for quiet a while if he knew how to navigate through this maze. They reach a flight of steps that spiral upward. The pace ascending the stairs was slow, beneficial for the injured two.

They reach another floor full of shelves and containers of sorts. The dust seemed to be more thick here; Tuso probably doesn't come up here much. Just sliding a finger across the wall received a large coat of dust. Innocence continues on without any word. Jass at the collection of this level; the items looked more old and valuable. Some even looked like they would break or disintegrate from mere contact. The glow of the small flame on the candle mesmerized the former knight until the shadow in front of him stops.

Innocence directs their attention to a glass casing. In it a book with locks lies on top of a worn-out pillow. The mercenary hands the candle over to Darrius, not bothering to break his gaze from the book. Is this it? Before Jass could do anything to retrieve the item, Innocence catches his attention. It looked as if the ink from the pages were being absorbed into the shadow. Jass hopes there weren't anything useful in those books. "Innocence, what are you doing?" the mercenary asks, bewildered to the now-different appearance Innocence has. The open books that were lying around were now full of empty pages; the writing stripped off clean from the old-looking paper.

The creature approaches Jass and embraces the mercenary into a hug. Jass eyes widen, "Wha- Innocence, you - I can feel you? ... Well. That's interesting." He hears Darrius also comment on how interesting this is. The touch felt soft and smooth, a texture Jass couldn't describe. After being released from the embrace, Jass looks at the shadow[?] from head to toe. He had the skill to take physical form? When did he have that ability? He crosses his arms with a small smile, "What did you do? You weren't able to do that last time, were you?"

Remembering the current objective, the former knight turns to the glass casing. Now that his good arm is free, Jass pushes what little magic he had to strength and smashes the glass into pieces. Light scratches cover the back of his hand but it was nothing to be bothered with. Jass picks up the book, gently shaking off the bits of debris on it. The title read: Book of Aspects. The worn-out cover feels rough between his fingers.


Jass opens the book, and starts turning the old pages.

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"Die right here, hm?" An eyebrow raised, and her tone was indifferent. She couldnt help but smirk a little at his...threat? If she could call it that. Blue eyes scanned the assassain's body once again as she leaned over him slightly. Through observation, she could see his breathing was heavy, like he was putting effort into every breath. It was clear he was struggling. A brief recollection of his odd behavior from the outside of the palace, came into mind. He never said exactly what was going on, but it was clear he was fighting inner demons....quite literally too. She blinked at his voice, his words snapped her out of her thoughts,"Everyone seems to manage but," she looked at Roxii,"Some will struggle more than others after they've healed." Her head turned to look at Atraxia once again, some strands of hair sliding off her shoulders with the motion,"I fear the wolf hybrid may be blind," she shrugged a little. After seeing the arch angel attack her, she hasnt been with Roxii since. The others knew, but she made her judgement off observation. Eleniel looked at Lilif beside her then the large assassin,"Though i do expect a lot of recovery is going to be needed, and well deserved," she added the last part rather quietly.

Eleniel placed a hand on her knee and raised herself off the ground. Next, she extended a hand toward the fallen Atraxia. She was quite tiny, compared to him, offering him a hand was basically futile. He would put more effort into getting himself up even if she tried. She couldnt do much, hed probably pull her down with her. But there was sincerity behind the gesture, regardless.


Mentioned: @Javax



A half bunny girl sighed, though trying to hold back the giggles, at her draconian traveling companion. She shook her head at her friends antics. She was use to this by now, though she still wasn't comfortable with it. Even just watching it made her either want to laugh her butt off or back away slowly from her traveling companion. Either way her friend was having a good time. Sage just hoped that she wouldn't do something she'd regret in the morning.

"Freya what are we doing here anyway?" Sage asked, well more like complained as she was bored. Sage somehow always found a way to get bored, one way or another she would always find a way.


@shadowz1995 @Federoff Mood: Cheerful/Bored Location: Near the Villa

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Federoff said:
Xochi and Tai

Tai awaited for a response from the, now fully blind, wolf-elf assassin; her body movements telling him the most. She was more active, and able to complete simple tasks, that was good, she was slowly recovering. Her verbal response confirmed his suspicions, now hopefully they could all take it easy and not try anything craz-nope. That hope was shortly dashed as suddenly Roxii disappeared into the shadows, and even though he could not see into this realm; he could feel her presence. Being a monk, he was naturally in tune with the rest of the world and the realms on it, even if he could not go directly to those realms he knew they existed and could feel the presence of others on these realms. All he could do now was wait for her return, although he had an idea of what she was doing. He turned his head to the fallen Ether, if his presumption was correct, she was doing something akin to what Ether was doing. They were trying to save each other, but in the process; killing themselves faster then they could rejuvenate. When she came back to this realm, Xochi places a worried hand onto he girl's shoulder, she seemed to be in a lot of pain; a worried expression on her face. She didn't know what was wrong and didn't know how to fix it, she just simply knew she wanted to help somehow.


"Both of you need to stop this right now, you are killing yourselves" he stated in a firm tone, it not being a scolding or yelling, but it had a thunderous presence to it. He then turned to Ana, "I do not know your name, and I apologize for that, but may you perhaps find and gather the rest of your group? We need to bring your friends to a place to rest and where we can tend to their wounds properly, without killing each other. Xochi's family has a small villa nearby that we can use if needed be, but do not expect anything fancy" Tai spoke to her about what needed to be done, the situation was turning from bad to worse with the way they were sacrificing themselves for each other; his voice going from Stern to calm, back to the wise old man. He then turned back to Roxii, the sterness back in his voice once again, "You have expending your life force, you are slowly dying. I can only offer enough to stabilize you from death, but I don't want either of you doing anything else after that. WE are taking you to where we can naturally heal your Ki" he explained to Roxii and Ether before preceding to place a bit more of his Ki into the girls body, it would be enough to prevent her from dying but that was all he could offer at this moment, he would need his own strength to carry back himself and one of them, more then likely to be Roxii as it seemed she would need the most help getting back and he was the only one around with any semblance to enough energy to do that, Ether was basically just a walking corpse; almost weightless. It would be easy for him to be carried back by one of his teammates, if not two.

Natural Selection (Fantasy/Not Accepting New Members) | Page 2 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum
Location: Treasury room



Relieved, Helpful, Stern

With: All, Direct speech with Roxii, Ana (@Javax @Anaxileah )

Themes: Mystery girl, Labyrinth and Kami.



(Yo Ether is completely unconscious. That boy didn't hear a word you said so I think you meant talking to Roxii hahaha)


"Come onnnnnn~ What's the matter? Do I not appeal to you? You're making me feel self-conscious if I'm the only one making advances..." says Freya in a soft, sultry voice. This monk was a young one, recently inducted into this order. His brow was beginning to twitch and the young man eyes kept darting to Freya's breasts and away again. It wasn't the monk's fault. The draconian was using her long tail and lightly tracing the path of the young monk's back. Her left wing was softly wrapped around him, acting as a gentle embrace and as a means to cut off his escape should he try to run. The dragon woman had been holding his right arm in between her breasts while she whispered sweet nothings into his ear. The fact her armor accentuated her breasts didn't help the poor rookie either.

"You dont have to resist so much. I can help you cleanse those earthly desires. You'll let me wont you?" Freya is practically purring her words as she whispers. She had no intention of being with this young one. His own beliefs prohibited him from desiring sex or any form of vulgarity. But watching him sweat at the sight of her body flipped the sadistic switch inside of her and she began teasing him when the elder monks had left them. The young monk was charged with showing them the Villa and making them comfortable. Though the new one was probably anything but comfortable at this point and was having a major internal struggle between his beliefs and the scaled seductress hanging off of his right arm.

When the young monk begins to start shuddering, indication that he was giving in to her advances, Freya give a breathy laugh and nips his earlobe before disengaging her embrace. The draconian boasts a wide smile and lets out a hearty laugh.
"Hahahahahaha! I jest young monk I jest. I just couldn't resist teasing you. You are so young and new of course. Please forgive my vulgarity!" She gives a mock bow and beams a bright smile at the monk which causes him to blush and clear his throat. "Ahem! Y-Yes well it's perfectly fine. I-I-I will take it as a test against my beliefs that I surpassed. Yes, that's what it was....just a test. Yes...." The monk now flustered and slightly annoyed, continues giving them the tour of the Villa.

Freya jogs up to Sage, her traveling companion that she met sometime ago, and lazily drapes her arm over the hybrid's shoulders. Sage had looked amused at the whole scene and certainly it was nothing she hadn't seen before in all of their travels together. The draconian leans over rubs her cheek against Sage's cheek while they walk behind the monk, "Oh come on now Sage. You know that the only one that can have all this" Freya gestures to her body by shaking her rear end and flicking her tail back and forth, "is only you. Hahahaha!" -You or any man that can defeat me in a glorious battle- She adds in her mind.


Sage looked at her friend and traveling companion uncomfortably, a blush decorating her features. She was both embarrassed and ashamed that she was turned on by her friend. Her former parents teaching still rang in her mind. She couldn't like girls, it was evil for a girl to like another girl. Though she couldn't help it, she was turned on by other girls. Her teacher, however, said it was alright to like who she liked. She still had trouble believing that. She knew that Freya often did this just to make her like this. Though all the same she was very uncomfortable by her passes.

"Fr-Freya, you know how I don't like when you do this" Sage said barely above a whisper, she usually did so when she was nervous or uncomfortable. She also looked at the ground while she said this, also a habit of hers that she did when she was ashamed.


@shadowz1995 Mood: Nervous/Ashamed/Embarrassed Location: Near the Villa

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Atraxia continued his labored breathing as Eleniel continued to talk to him, he detecting a smirk from the girl. Did she think he was playing? Did she find amusement in his position? Perhaps he should let it eat them all after all? No no...that wouldn't work out at all, that would leave him in a worse spot then he already in. He nodded slightly after the girl finished speaking, "Agreed" was his reply, short and simple; to the point. When the small girl offered a hand to help him up, he didn't bother to stop and think about what would happen. He applied as much force as he could muster at the moment and tried to stand up with the help of Eleniel, mostly lifting from his legs instead of just letting Eleniel try to pull him up; but more then likely the inverse would happen due to size difference.

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed

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(HEH! The ice queen gets embarassed here xD )


My how that quickly became a regrettable mistake. Atraxia didnt hesitate on the offer. He took her hand, and began to raise himself from the ground. As he sat up, the elf quickly remebered how much bigger the assassin was compared to her. When he actually started getting up, her body instinctively tensed to ground herself. He slowly arose, and the longer he took, the heavier he seemed to get. The small female held her breath to concentrate, as if that would do anything.

She could tell most of his weight was being carried by himself, but the little that Eleniel had to balance out, felt like a lot! Eventually she resisted the gravity of his pull by putting herself in a rather,..comical position. Both feet were in front of her, while her body bent forward, and her bum sticking outward, his way she was somewhat lower to the ground, making it easier to balance. This position also allowed all her weight to move to her core. A one handed grip turned in to two, her free hand cupped itself over the back side of Atraxia's hand for a better grip. Her hands were so much smaller than his, they seemed so delicate and slender; dont be fooled though, she has quite the grip. Both hands tighted as the weight on his side of the scale began to tip. And for the life of her she was not going to let go. Her arms trembled a tad as she tried to muster what ever strength she had packed into that peite frame. Her feet slowly and involuntarily inched in their way closer to him, he was basically dragging her! Alas her efforts werent enough, both arms just seemed to...give out, but her tightened fists were still unwavering. As a result he began to pull her back down with him.

Halfway through the fall she had to let go in order to avoid completely collapsing on him. She staggered a bit, both of her legs on either side of one of his. Her hands prevented herself from falling entirely on top of him by placing themselves on his lower abdomen for support and stiffening to keep herself propped up. She was in a..sort of...bent forward-like, straddling position over his leg and lower part of his body, still not having body-to-body contact other than her hands (to support her own weight) but it was still just as embarrassing. She knew it too. After gathering herself and regaining balance too keep herself from completely toppling over, she straightened herself to stand. A gasp escaped her throat, both hands covered her mouth and she blinked for a moment, taking what she had just done. If he was in any pain, that couldve made it worse. Eleniel broke through that stone wall of a persona for a second when she cried,"Forgive me!" Her eyebrows furrowed, concern written all over her face. At this point she didnt know what to do, she didnt want to just leave him there, but she wouldnt dare try to offer a hand again. Clearly it went downhill once, no need to test if it would happen twice. She stood over him, waiting for his reaction, she wanted to run away from her embarassment, being as how the whole group was trapped in the vault, she knew that was unlikely. Eleniel was not the clumsy type, however, physics played master in their tug of war. Clumsiness was unavoidable, and the thought never crossed her mind though it shouldve been obvious to them both: he's bigger than her! The two just seemed to have overlooked that very important fact before the catastrophe occured.


(Oh my lord xD i had fun exposing the brief non-bitchyness)

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(*is ashamed of lack of content*)

Darrius Vrag

Darrius is tempted to read over Jass' shoulder as he flips through the book, but opts instead to check out a few of the books on the shelves around them. He wipes a few bits of glass off the case the book was sitting on and puts the candle onto it in the now clear space. He wanders about five feet away, running a dark red finger over the spines of the books. The dim light cast by the candle is the equivalent of a bright light to his devil's sight, so he's able to read the covers without any trouble.

Poisons...Angels...Predicting the future, huh? Guess he never caught on with that. He chuckles, taking the book on angels off the shelf and flipping through it. It seems really detailed, which is probably why Tuso had it hidden away in his private collection in the first place. The book contains detailed illustrations of angelic anatomy and abilities, something that anyone who wanted to target Tuso would've wanted to have, seeing as it would allow them to get around his angelic guardians with relative ease. Not that it's very useful now; he puts the book back where he found it and looks back at Jass and Innocence. "How's it coming over there? Find anything interesting about our friend?"


@Morgrim @AnimusLight Mood: Curious Location: Library Music



As soon as Atraxia began to stand up he began to realize trusting the girl with a simple task like helping to lift him up was a mistake, the girl was struggling with all her might to help the man up; and even though he was doing all the work essentially, the light-elf was tiring. He could not help but give off the slightest of smirks from the corner of his mouth as Eleniel was looking quite ridiculous in how she was acting, first hearing her draw and hold breath while straining to keep him from falling over. Next she entered into a stance, which seemed to have worked for a while, in where she had both feet in front of her body to help leverage the weight up. You look fucking ridiculous he thought to himself as he continued to strain to lift himself up as well, most of his energy was still lost to him and what was left was aimed at preventing it from going loose, he did not have much to spare for other tasks, if any at all.

Despite having small petite hands, compared to Atraxia's clawed hands, but the girl had a good grip; even if she had to switch to using two hands to grip his one.
Slipping was the next though to come to mind as he felt himself crash towards the ground after feeling Eleniel's resolve waver, he landing with a large thud from his impact; his back arching up slightly after the landing and his clawed hand swooping upwards towards the light-elf; it pausing half way as he strained to stiffen his hand. Atraxia's breathing was quicker, his eyes now back to the raging red that they were for brief moments when he was angry, his claws and fangs sharper then normal once again. He let out the most guttural growl one could hear, unnaturally low and loud; ringing throughout the room and hammering a sense of fear into all those who heard it. The man looked like he was being possessed, and the feeling of contact did not make it easier for him.

He strained for a good few solid minutes before the signs of transformation began to go away, his arm dropped slowly to his side as his breathing regained to a regulated state; even if it was still heavy. In though the nose, out through the mouth at a slow pace.

The man's back slowly unarched back towards the ground before he adjusted his head for him to be able to see the small girl hovering overhead, a look of both worry and embarrassment was on her face; making it hard to read her. Emotions always did, it's why he didn't bother with most of them, he preferred to kill. He smirked slightly,
"It seem's we forgot something" he eluded to the obvious factor that they had completely forgot about, height difference. His hand searched behind him for something to prop itself against, finding the wall a few moments later. Atraxia took a while before being able to completely shift so her was up against the wall, that being as far as he got before having to stop to breath and regain some energy,

@HoneyBear-Kat )

Theme: The Monster- Disturbed[/color]


Anaxileah Wylloh

Ana was quickly becoming overwhelmed by everything around her. The smells of the treasure, armor, books, and blood were quickly numbing her nose, making it useless at the moment. She still had the activated herbs in hand when she watched everything occur in slow-motion. Ether, trying to save Roxii, losing blood and weakening his soul essence in the process. Morgrim disappearing. Jass and the other demon male heading out to a library and then disappearing themselves. The mute girl fretting over Roxii, and the monk man giving Ana commands. She could barely hear anything now. Her heartbeat was in her ears, her throat, her head. Ana looked around the treasury, tears streaking down her face unknowingly. Her senses were shot, except for sight and touch, and turned to look at Roxii and Ether. Ignoring the monk, mainly because she had no idea where anyone else was, she knelt down beside both Ether and brought Roxii down, taking the salves she made in the vials she stored them in out of her satchel. One of them would only require a drop for each, then Ana could hold onto the liquid.

She let gravity do its job and dropped a bit of the one liquid that restored cell damage onto both of their faces, meant to restore any broken bones or bad hemorrhaging within them. The next thing she grabbed was the salve that healed open wounds. She rubbed the salve onto Roxii's wounds with her pale, gentle hands. Roxii's skin was paler than usual, and that concerned Ana, but she knew Roxii would be better soon thanks to the help of the monk and the healing salves. She finished rubbing the salve on Roxii, then took the tonic that was meant to be swallowed and wondered what to do with Ether. This would him regenerate his blood cells faster, same going for Roxii. Ana figured if it fell into his mouth, it would still work. She leaned over him, pouring the tonic into his mouth, which she opened with her other hand. Then she handed the vial to Roxii, gesturing for her to drink. "It'll help, please drink this." Ana brushed the vial against Roxii's hand so she would know where it was.


@Javax @shadowz1995 @Federoff Mood: Worried/Numb Location: Le Treasury

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Morgrim felt at least a little bit confused about the faery, and what exactly what to do with her. She was small, but they had a way of taking care of themselves, though her condition didn't look all too great. She must have felt completely weak, hungry and thirsty at her imprisonment. Morgrim also actually felt sad for the girl. Once to be free and happy without trouble and worry and a family and many friends, but then being bound by a familiar contract, and enslaved for who knows how many years given Tuso's age. The man himself was just over fifty years old, which means the faery could have been a prisoner for a great deal of that time. "Sorry about the stink and the setting, I'm sure it's quite unfamiliar to a Fae such as your self." He offered her the cleanest of the rags he had, and went over to his own little botany garden. Most of it contained different poisonous and deadly compounds, but there was a troll blood flower, know for it's healing properties of even some of the most flesh wounds. It would he had some other plants and mushrooms that could do well to restore her energy as well. All ingredients he used in his healing water to prevent the worst of his condition, not something he parts with easily but he had a soft spot for her.

"Might I ask you your name, and your plans now? You have a whole world before you now, and I could do with a sunny perspective after such events." He asked from the other side of his lab while he ground up the varied ingredients in a mortal and pestle, and add water until it all turned into a potion that could be consumed. The lucky thing about the girls four inch height is that the potion in her current form could last her at least a year if she sustained injuries every single day. (Have yet to decide how long a year is by Aldurin standards considering different worlds means different time for orbit.) "Here you are, just a few sips and you will be right as rain."


The book was a wellspring of amazing knowledge of aspects, from their origin, to speculations from the authors about what might have happened to them if anything. There was a section close by to a speculation about the demise of aspects that talked about shadow souls.

Shadow souls, the creatures and manifestations of aspects in the mortal planes of Landfall and the Core. Shadow souls are as the name implies the soul of an aspect taking on forms in the shadows. They have almost none of the former powers and even fewer of their memories. Though completely immortal and intangible they are merely spectators in the world they once helped shaped. Despite being creatures of darkness they have no actually connected to the element or any element for that matter, and as the sun sets and the light fades they are lost for the time being. Nothing is known of why this happens or where they appear, when they return they return to where they were last seen. All memories are lost when they return from this place, though they seem to retain partial short term memories like names and places. Documentation has shown that the longer an aspect remains tangible and present the more of their former memories they retain, though the farther back the memories the longer they take. It is unlikely that an shadow soul will ever retain memories of their time as an aspect if ever at all they were an aspect. On a final note shadow souls seem may have a reaction to ether, the substance of magic in this world, though we have never been able to get a hold of any samples of ether. This is merely speculation and there is no evidence to prove ether will do anything, but if a shadow soul retains enough of it's memories to learn matter manipulation they could interact with ether. Further testing is needed, but the only place to find ether is in the core, and our team is not prepared to go down there.

"What did you find.....? Anything useful.....?" Innocence was there over Jass's shoulder as he was reading the book, though not reading it himself. Innocence may not have admitted it, but he was unable to read, far to many of his memories had been lost, and it was a large reason why he felt no displeasure in taking the words out of the books to make his new body.

@CarpeNoctem1213 @AnimusLight
Once the man had helped the fairy escape from her iron shackles, she breathed a small sigh of relief. For the first time in 15 years, she felt freedom. Sibil didn't feel the weight of the contract or her bonds. She was light as a feather. And it felt great.

"It's quite alright," the Fey smiled, her voice gentle as could be. She had learned not to be picky with her surroundings. As far as the fairy was concerned, it was a miracle that this was the first thing she saw and not some poor innocent creature being tortured by Tuso.

"This may sound strange to you, Mister, but it's a lot better then nothing. Tuso kept me locked up in the dark for so long, I almost forgot what everything looks like. Even life and death itself." Her tone held many different emotions as she spoke; anger, resentment, sadness, despair, and even a little bit of regret.

Sibil sat up slowly, her wings fluttering lightly as she flew to where he was mixing the potion. It was getting hard to talk to him when he was so far away. It also didn't help that she was 4 inches tall either. The fairy couldn't muster enough strength to even project her voice across the room, let alone change into her human form. She then sat down on the edge of the table, looking between the things on the table and the man. Her head then tilted up whenever she heard the figure talked.

"I really don't know," she said softly, thinking over that mans question. Sibil then tilted her head back and looked at the dark ceiling. "I'm a familiar before I am a fairy, sadly. That means that my need to have a master is far greater then my need to have freedom. I can usually only go about 2 years without having a master before my life force starts depleting. The whole purpose of a familiar is to serve their master. And if we can't do that, what good is our existence?"

Her eyes then wandered over to the man. They held a hint of surprise. Usually no one asked her that or they just gave her a name they came up with. "My names Sibil," she smiled widely. "What about you? What's your name?" she questioned eagerly.

Sibil then looked down at the odd yet interesting potion. She listened intently as he explained. "Are you sure? You could be using this to your own will. I can heal. It may take a few days but since I have the iron off, I can regain most of my strength." A stab of guilt went through her. She couldn't possibly take one of his healing potions whenever he could use them for himself.

( @Morgrim )
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Freya Banten

"Oh does it? Does it really? Hahaha alright I'll keep that in mind when I'm teasing you!" The draconian gives the hybrid another playful nudge before finally releasing the hybrid and twirling Sage to face her with a wide grin upon her face. "Say Sage? How about a sparring match? It's been awhile since you have gotten some training in and you know you get rusty without practice. I wouldn't want my favorite girl to fall prey to savage men out there simply cause she didn't keep up with her conditioning. Freya's tail flicks back forth in an eager manner. She wanted to fight really badly but she kept herself in check with Sage. Sage was good but she was no fighter. Freya had been teaching her how to increase her swordplay so she wouldn't be taken out so easily if people could slip past Freya's ire.

Freya folds her wings back and takes a confident stance in front of Sage, crossing her arms while she does so.
"So? What do you say?"
(Okay everybody pick one of the treasures listed. Bag of holding with number one thousand on it, three available. Aristeel amour. A aquamarine stone with a water symbol that glows faintly. A perfectly round white orb that pulsates with light magic. It is locked away behind a glass container with a plaque that only says warning. A blade that vibrates several thousand times per second called the banshee's blade. Lastly there was a specially designed crossbow on a pedestal, the bow had dragon wings for the guard, and an enchantment on it to make it so each launched arrow would seek out the wielders target. Each character also gains 8,000 gold pieces, if you take no special reward you will be reward with an additional two thousand gold. First one to say they take the item gets it.)
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He pushed the potion to the faery any ways despite her reluctance. There was no way that she didn't want it given her current state, she was just trying to be polite. "Me? I am Morgrim, I came from a place called Eldergloom Sanctuary. It is no more, but I stand, and it is the reason I did what I did to Tuso. He sanctioned the order to destroy my village long ago." Morgrim looks off into a dark corner of the room as memories past have been recalled and flash through his mind. He was tempted to take a pic and drive it through Tuso's head right then and there, but Morgrim could find some peace in the fact that TUso would never be able to rest again, his body and power taken away from him, but his mind held in suspension to be nothing more then a spectator in everything that Morgrim will do. If Morgrim had any clue as to the fact Tuso did the exact same thing to Innocence but in a different way he would have laughed as he rammed the spikes into his head.

"I suppose I have some work to take care of though, the king gave my group and I two options, take out some sort of diseased creature, or fight him. I'm sure you've seen the king a few times as Tuso's familiar, there is no way my group will be able to take him on, not for a long time, and not without a great number of talented fighters. We have no choice but to comply. I doubt you'd want to, but if you'd like to come along you may." He left the potion on the table she sat on, and went to get a chair of his own. For now he was content with talking with the Faery and the king did not give them a time limit so long as they undertake the mission. Recuperating would be good for Morgrim, and especially Sibil.


A cloud of Ionizing lightning reigned down in flashes of red and white, though not from the sky. The ceiling and floor was stone and earth, with the occasional glimmer from some precious stone or rare metal. A creature emerged from the black water in the ground, the being was horrendous and indescribable. It looked like a cancer, a rotting green and beige muddy colour. It had no eyes, nor ears and patches of hair growing in different places all along is bloated body. It did have a mouth though, with teeth in hundreds of rows spiralling down from the back of it's lips all the way down into it's belly. It unleashed a roar that sounded clogged with flem and spit. It's mouth distending large enough so that it was almost as large as it's head. The freakish abomination could probably find some way to eat it's own head if it tried hard enough with a jaw span like that. The creature was no larger then a human though in size, a large human but still human, though that's where it's similarities ended. Cells on it's body started to grow and spread where an arm would be, and that's exactly what it was growing. The water it tainted black was being absorbed through the recently grown appendage and more cells grew on it's body though when it was about two feet long the cells would fall off in a clump and mutate, growing legs and chitin blades for arms looking like some really demented sort of hairless beige dog. This creature spawned fifteen more of the animals, and sent them all off in different directions through tunnels and the stony muddy plains of the core. "HUNT!"

(Enter Chapter Two: The Sickness)

Morgrim said:
He pushed the potion to the faery any ways despite her reluctance. There was no way that she didn't want it given her current state, she was just trying to be polite. "Me? I am Morgrim, I came from a place called Eldergloom Sanctuary. It is no more, but I stand, and it is the reason I did what I did to Tuso. He sanctioned the order to destroy my village long ago." Morgrim looks off into a dark corner of the room as memories past have been recalled and flash through his mind. He was tempted to take a pic and drive it through Tuso's head right then and there, but Morgrim could find some peace in the fact that TUso would never be able to rest again, his body and power taken away from him, but his mind held in suspension to be nothing more then a spectator in everything that Morgrim will do. If Morgrim had any clue as to the fact Tuso did the exact same thing to Innocence but in a different way he would have laughed as he rammed the spikes into his head.
"I suppose I have some work to take care of though, the king gave my group and I two options, take out some sort of diseased creature, or fight him. I'm sure you've seen the king a few times as Tuso's familiar, there is no way my group will be able to take him on, not for a long time, and not without a great number of talented fighters. We have no choice but to comply. I doubt you'd want to, but if you'd like to come along you may." He left the potion on the table she sat on, and went to get a chair of his own. For now he was content with talking with the Faery and the king did not give them a time limit so long as they undertake the mission. Recuperating would be good for Morgrim, and especially Sibil.


A cloud of Ionizing lightning reigned down in flashes of red and white, though not from the sky. The ceiling and floor was stone and earth, with the occasional glimmer from some precious stone or rare metal. A creature emerged from the black water in the ground, the being was horrendous and indescribable. It looked like a cancer, a rotting green and beige muddy colour. It had no eyes, nor ears and patches of hair growing in different places all along is bloated body. It did have a mouth though, with teeth in hundreds of rows spiralling down from the back of it's lips all the way down into it's belly. It unleashed a roar that sounded clogged with flem and spit. It's mouth distending large enough so that it was almost as large as it's head. The freakish abomination could probably find some way to eat it's own head if it tried hard enough with a jaw span like that. The creature was no larger then a human though in size, a large human but still human, though that's where it's similarities ended. Cells on it's body started to grow and spread where an arm would be, and that's exactly what it was growing. The water it tainted black was being absorbed through the recently grown appendage and more cells grew on it's body though when it was about two feet long the cells would fall off in a clump and mutate, growing legs and chitin blades for arms looking like some really demented sort of hairless beige dog. This creature spawned fifteen more of the animals, and sent them all off in different directions through tunnels and the stony muddy plains of the core. "HUNT!"

(Enter Chapter Two: The Sickness)

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"It seems we forgot something," he sounded so....calm?! And with a smirk no less! Eleniel raised an eyebrow, a little shocked from his reaction. She took a deep breath and collected herself,"Forgot something?" she questioned, her face returning to is normal form. The blood that had rushed to her cheeks and ears quickly parted when the heat from embarassment cooled off. She thought for a moment. It didnt take long for the elf to realize what he was referring to. She could feel the blood coming back again. How could she have been so stupid? How could she totally miss the fact that there was no way she could lift him on her own? One if her hands rubbed the opposite wrist, she felt a little tension in the joint after the mishap that just took place. She watched as Atraxia struggled to get himself upward. She wanted to help, but felt like she had done enough already...

Eleniel cleared her throat,"Well, I'll leave you be," she said, trying not to let her lingering shame slip through her voice,"I suppose if theres anything you need, you can let me know," it was the least she could do right? Besides the others were tending to Ether and Roxii, and it was obvious Atraxia needed some attention as well. "But please dont..." she added bluntly before walking away. She had to keep that icy wall up, right? It was typical for that harsh facade to come crumbling down after stressful events like breaking into the palace and attempting to bring down angels. The rest of the group hasnt seen what Eleniel is like when not in situations such as this. During conflict, she just means business, shes serious, and doesnt have time for anything that will hold her back, but when its all over, she can relax, let her guard down, and reveals a much softer and plaful side.

The elf went back to exploring. Most of the stuff she saw already but it was still appealing to look at, even if she wasnt going to take anything....or was she? (OMG MORG IM SO NERVOUS @Morgrim) Towards one of the back corners of the vault was a large pile of gold and other valuable doo-dads. However one in particular caught her eye. The pile surrounded a podium that held a curio encased in a....well in a case. She was still quite a distance away from it, but the light that emitted from the shielded orb was unique. She could feel her own light energy being drawn to it. Her curiosity was piqued. As she slowly grew closer, she felt entranced. The light-elf placed her small hands on either side of the case. Eyes still fixed on the orb inside, she lifted the only thing protecting it from her, missing the warning label that stuck to the glass. After placing the box on the ground near her feet her hands moved to hover around the object, debating whether or not to touch it. It called to her, she wanted it. Both hands moved under the relic and she raised it from its podium to get a better look.


Mentioned: @Javax @shadowz1995

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Sibil glanced at the potion. Her hand twitched slightly as he offered it to her again. Reluctantly, she flew up to the top. The bottle was almost as big as she was!

With a sniff, she turned whenever she heard the man start talking.

She listened as he continued to discuss why he had killed Tuso. When he was done explaining, she gently patted what she assumed to be his hand. "You need not explain yourself to me, kind one."

Then she turned her attention back on the potion. It was clear that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. But that didn't change the fact that she felt guilty about this. After a hesitant glance at the man named Morgrim, she leaned forward and took about four drinks.

The Fey then sat back, her eyes closing. It wasn't the most pleasant tasting thing she'd consumed, but it wasn't the worst either. Sibil waited for a moment until she felt the potion working. Her eyes turned from a bright forest green into a shocking electric blue as the potion coursed throughout her. It worked its way in her body, healing the wounds caused by Tuso under his care.

She felt herself getting stronger already. After a couple of minutes, her eyes faded back to their forest green color. The fairy breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at Morgim. "Thank you. I feel much better," she said softly, her voice ringing out. While the potion had healed her physically, it couldn't heal the emotional and mental damage she had gone through.

Her eyes widened as he told her about the King. "You met with the King..? So he's still alive then," she whispered. Her eyes then floated back up to Morgrim. "Join you?" Sibil blinked as a smile graced her face. "That'd be absolutely wonderful!" She then stood up on the table. "Maybe I could find a new master in your group! You may not know this, but since I'm a familiar, my life force will deplete if I don't find someone to serve."

( @Morgrim )
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What Eleniel doesn't know is that the orb is one of the star artifacts. For clarification a star artifact is the item that made Morgrim what he is, half undead, though that was the dark star, giving the first to touch it the absolute power of death itself. What Elenial just touched is the light star, something with the ability to transform one's abilities and even appearance into something that is the ultimate embodiment of the element of light. The orb glows even more radiantly in her hands as it starts to dissolve in her grasp shattering into thousands of tiny fragments like petals from a cherry blossom tree. Each petal dances over her and is absorbed into her body, and the light fades. At first there is no immediate change, at least that can be seen, but the very energy from the artifact starts to change her and what she is capable, first her abilities.

The orb passes on it's knowledge giving her a new advanced element, auramancery An element whose basis is changing the very aspects of reality for whoever is targeted by it granting positive or negative effects. (Talk to me if you would like some examples of star artifact level spells for aura magic.) Of course this is where the real mutations will begin. The magic will start to prove to prove to be too much to be contain within a body of flesh and blood, an in a desperate attempt to prevent the energy from destroying her it will change her on a cellular level. Two slots in her back with open up as flesh parts way several inches apar vertically and horizontally to make way for protrusions of pure energy. The energy takes the shape of tendrils moving outward and growing spreading apart and thickening to mould into wings of pure light. Some how intangible and physical at the same time. As powerful as the strongest metals and lighter then air they will never dim nor waver. Her irises would be the next to change turning changing to a pure radiant white, but this is more than aesthetic her vision would be able to spot the element and the moral alignment of any who she looks at. Lastly for appearance would be new marks showing all along her body, runes of pure magic, though they are actually seals, each seal guarding the next level of the artifacts powers with ten seals in total all different from each other in pattern, though each also glowed. In fact now she more resembled a mythological firefly then an elf. Though at least the element would suit her.

Like Morgrim though even her skin will change in property. Morgrim has rotting flesh obviously, but that means he is resistant to normal damage a sword wound still piercing flesh and destroying it, but without affecting his actual well being. He could loss his arm and be un-fazed. In a similar way Eleniel would have different properties than that of a human or elf. While Morgrim is immune to almost all physical damage Elenial would be immune to almost all forms of magical attacks, except for elements that oppose her own, such as darkness, curses and poisons, and a resistance but not immunity to elements not entirely considered magic like natural elements such as fire,earth,wind,water and metal. Her body would now be able to absorb elements other then these to add to her own power.

(@HoneyBear\-Kat You got an overhauled girl. If you don't like it you should have listened to the warning label.)

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