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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

If you planned on marching over the Bridge, just say so! Although my men weren't too far from where the barricades are so they arrived there pretty quick. I'd say it was 4 miles, 7 miles MAX.

And to get inside the city itself? They were less than a mile away :P So they could get inside within like 10-15 minutes. Although once inside it'd take a bit to get situated,. If Necro wanted to attack during that time i'd be more than happy to allow that to happen.

Again, i never did the timeskip. I merely stated what they would be heading off to do.
*sighs* ... Horses...

I thought infantry would be infantry... That messengers would just be runners and not riders...

*longer sigh* Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggghhhhhh...

Oh boy. How many disadvantages I have all because I was under the assumption that we are all the same.

Did a time skip really happen @Shireling ? Because I am thinking about counting two days in the date.
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NeoLeaf said:
*sighs* ... Horses...
I thought infantry would be infantry... That messengers would just be runners and not riders...

*longer sigh* Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggghhhhhh...

Oh boy. How many disadvantages I have all because I was under the assumption that we are all the same.

Did a time skip really happen @Shireling ? Because I am thinking about counting two days in the date.
Well, most messengers would just be runners, just a few with horses.

And I'm taking stuff from the British Military. The Officers were on horses and so my COs are on horses as well.

And Neo, everything is still balanced. Your army is cheaper than mien but not as good/well supplied. meaning you will have more than more at a cheaper cost. Play into your advantages and you can easily have double my army size.

My army is better equipped and trained than everyone else's (not a ton better, like Britian army versus Austria Hungary for example)and I get a small Military tech boost. But at the same time I get NO economic bonuses like many do AND I don't have a good reputation. So i get a diplomatic debuff.

Our Armies are not the same and they shouldn't be. Your Russia and I'm Britain/Germany. Its Quantity versus Quality.

You can beat me easily. You have more men (Well, you COULD). When you have more men than your enemy surround them. It doesn't matter how poor your troops are (And there not THAT bad), unless i'm in a fort or on a hill I won't survive being shot at from multiple angles.
And plus I haven't used mounted Messengers yet so if @Shireling doesn't want me to have them I wont.

And I dont think it was a two day timeskip. More like a few hours. Like 6-8. Of course we'll need to see Shireling about that.
Horses aren't non-existent so I assumed the officers would ride them. Probably their own personal mounts. The way I figured the timing for all of this was that the Slonians arrived the night of the day that Praustein reached Toneyton. They were already in the city by the time the Prausteinians marched in.

The Rumankans arrived and fortified on the western side of the river the same day the Prausteinians arrived at Toneyton, on the east side. Their spies entered the city that night, but were presumably captured by the town watch or the garrison. All of what the Prausteinians have done has happened within the span of a full day. So it is now evening.

ALSO, I feel I need to describe the landscape on the western banks. On the city side of the river, where the Prausteinians are dug in, there is an old dirt road with a covered bridge leading up to the gate. The land around it is mostly marsh with some points of high ground and large willow trees. There is some farmland and a farmhouse or two between their entrenchment and the wall. The breach in the wall is directly behind their main force.

On the Rumankan side, there is some farmland, farmhouses, but it is much more dry and open with scattered clumps of oaks and birches. Basically a simple grassland with a thin strip of floodplain and a few rocky outcroppings on the river's edge.
Shireling said:
Horses aren't non-existent so I assumed the officers would ride them. Probably their own personal mounts. The way I figured the timing for all of this was that the Slonians arrived the night of the day that Praustein reached Toneyton. They were already in the city by the time the Prausteinians marched in.
The Rumankans arrived and fortified on the western side of the river the same day the Prausteinians arrived at Toneyton, on the east side. Their spies entered the city that night, but were presumably captured by the town watch or the garrison. All of what the Prausteinians have done has happened within the span of a full day. So it is now evening.

ALSO, I feel I need to describe the landscape on the western banks. On the city side of the river, where the Prausteinians are dug in, there is an old dirt road with a covered bridge leading up to the gate. The land around it is mostly marsh with some points of high ground and large willow trees. There is some farmland and a farmhouse or two between their entrenchment and the wall. The breach in the wall is directly behind their main force.

On the Rumankan side, there is some farmland, farmhouses, but it is much more dry and open with scattered clumps of oaks and birches. Basically a simple grassland with a thin strip of floodplain and a few rocky outcroppings on the river's edge.
Alright so, what happens if Necro wanted to attack within that time?

Personally, given the way hes spread out his forces, i believe it would take some time for him to organize an effective attack.
Bobisdead123 said:
Alright so, what happens if Necro wanted to attack within that time?
Personally, given the way hes spread out his forces, i believe it would take some time for him to organize an effective attack.
It'd take at least a day for him to organize it.
Shireling said:
It'd take at least a day for him to organize it.
That's both good and bad for me. Good because He won't get a super big Jump on me and it's likely I would be alerted that some sort of event is happening and therefore I can call upon my men to help.

Bad Because it takes men away from stalemating Neo and my 6k troops will be a day and a half march away.
I expect this to go down somewhat like this:

Necro's insurgents organize, I will likely catch whiff of this just before it happens. The launch their attack and overwhelm the Militia on the walls, a few stragglers remain but most probably surrender. My men are stuck inside the palace. My Army outside it abandons its plan to go around the river and sends in men to help take back control of the Capital.

Neo potentially uses this as a chance to charge me. THe outcome will have to be seen.

Meanwhile my 6k marches to fight Necro's 4k
I'm going to wait for Necro before I do ANYTHIGN else. As well as give Neo to do anything if she wants to (@NeoLeaf if you wanted to attack my army or do anything during the period Shirelign had a timeskip you can do it, its np)
I can't do much. I am waiting For Necro to go in on the offensive and I'm sorry to disappoint all of you but my second army doesn't have horses. They have donkeys that carry ammunition, food and the like but riding is a big no no.

*Thinking while rubbing forehead* Disadvantageous and advantageous... Boooahhh...

  • Second army has no horses.
  • Outnumbered by the enemy.
  • Can't move from the spot, essentially sitting ducks.

  • Solid ground. Faster movement and easy to maintain structures.
  • First army coming to assist in a couple days.
  • Slonian ally(?)

I have to ask, whose spies were captured by the militia?

Mine or Rumankan? Since I had a few Slonian spies in the militia - who'd sabotage your effort with the Rumanka front.
Mine, although I wouldn't call them 'spies'.
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NecroKnight said:
I have to ask, whose spies were captured by the militia?
Mine or Rumankan? Since I had a few Slonian spies in the militia - who'd sabotage your effort with the Rumanka front.
The militia is only stationed in The Capitol.
NecroKnight said:
Oh, okay. I can have them deliver the messages then.
That's a good idea.

Also @NeoLeaf idk if you can bring down your other army this turn as you already used it to invade a country. That's why Deth hasn't been involved. @Shireling am I (well Deth actually) right or wrong?
Kasrul's rivers are too big. You cant cross them on foot :(

Plz nerf

@Shireling would it be possible to get Engineers in my army to construct Catapults and Trebuchets?
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When I declared war in my first post I mentioned that parts of the first army were heading out of Donbresch to assist in the war effort. I also mentioned my Navy, but they aren't too significant and were ignored by us.

Leaving them out just because they were too far away at the time seems pretty stupid.
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Yeah but you still used them this turn in a war. That's the point. Deth is in the same situation as you, his war ended before our war began but he says that he cannot enter the war.

I don't really care if a few thousand of your men are allowed to join the frey. That just means my Ally will be able to send his own men so its no problem :)
NeoLeaf said:
*Jazz hands*
you cant brings a Man of War up a river. There too big and rivers tend to get shallow and then deep, and then very rocky at random. The only ships that can travel up rivers are Viking ships becuase there so small and buoyant.

I'm calling BS on this. If this happens in irreversibly fucked. Plus it has no merit
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