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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Koga stopped walking. His eyes widened. He was silent for a while. He finally said, "Oh. That's amazing. That is why you are really good at fighting. How did you get him to teach you?" Koga was awe struck.
Ikari gives Riku a confused look, seeing as he was standing and in a ready position, but shrugs and allows Rika to charge, using the time to recover... then he notices the giant dragon. "...Shit." Yet... as one of his clones dispels itself, he grins at the memories. He shoves the katana into the ground, adopting a wide, open stance, staring the dragon in the face. "COME ON!"

Akuma was silent, still reminiscing about the past. It wasn't his favorite topic, and he had spoken more than he normally pleased. He just began to walk forward. "Come on. We have a railway to blow up."

He then started walking forward.
Koga pursed his lips an narrowed his eyes. He said a prolonged, "Okayyyy." He followed Akuma and stared at him the rest of the way, pondering about him.

"That's all gone and done now. Naruto is nothing but a rotting corpse now, and his teachings are dead."

Akuma continued walking, not looking back.
Water erupted outwards in a blast as the water dragon took the explosive hit for Crystal. Water soaked both her and the Riku fighting her. Meanwhile while the water dragon can be seen slowly reforming, for the moment it was just the two of them to fight. With no choice, the girl once again forms crystal blades on either of her hands.

With any luck, it would now be much harder for her opponent to form his fire hot enough to melt the crystal. After all, he was now soaked in water.


Zabuza had just reached the head of the water dragon he was running on top of, as he cut the Riku that had been flung up into the air in half, when he was then hit by the blast of the wind. This sent him flying off, however the water dragon looped around in order to catch him before he hit the ground.

The water dragon also charged right towards the remaining Riku, tearing a path into the very ground. The water dragon attempted to knock Riku onto it's back, where as Zabuza and Riku could finally clash swords upon the back of the beast.


The water dragon that had been tearing apart a path as it charged towards Ikari, now surrounded him. Looping around him, as it drew closer and closer attempting to engulf him within the dragon.

The Riku that was near Crystal eyed her down, his face turned to anger as he cringed, eyes staring coldy at her in rage. It was easy to see how he achieved the name of a demon with such a stare.

Riku let out a battle cry, and his sword glowed with scorching red flames again. Though he was wet, he could still manipulate flames. It would just cost more because he had to dry off the blade prior to lighting it. His goal right now was simple: Kill or incapacitate Crystal so that he could make this a one on one fight and wouldn't have to be so aggressive with his fighting style and chakra usage, which had depleted his reserves already down to about half way. Immediately Riku was on Crystals front again, swinging a foreswing to break her defenses, followed a backswing with the full intent to kill.

Meanwhile the Riku in the air poofed into smoke, meaning the one on the ground was the real one. The real Riku couldn't react in time for the dragon, and quickly barreled onto the dragons back, using his chakra in his feet to stay above the water and on the dragon. Hastily Riku pulled himself up and readied his sword. He eyed down Zabuza, and his blade. "So, you're the demon of the mist I hear so much about these days."
Zabuza held the Executioner's Blade at ready with both of his hands. Other than that, the Water dragon continued to raise higher and higher into the air. If one or both of them were to fall it would be a long ways down...

"I am. I'd show you my famous mist, but that's impossible right now." The Demon of the Mist's mind reluctantly thinks back on all the chakra he spent trying to keep the mist up around that damn Uzumaki.

"Are you the Demon Iseya I heard so much about during the war? From what I remember, you're a sword for hire just like me. So, I don't care who hired you, how much are they paying you for my head? I want to know how much I'm worth, and if you're willing, I'd like to think I can probably pay more."


Crystal held the gaze of the Riku staring her down. After all, she had spent most of her entire life with a Demon anyways. Still, she more than easily notices that her enemy is attempting the exact same attack as last time...

The exact same of a foreswing and then a backswing...

Crystal prepares for what she's about to do while her enemy is charging at her. She plays dumb, attempting to block the initial foreswing exactly the same way she did last time.

Except this time she ends up rolling underneath her opponent as crystal spikes shoot up from the hard ground attempting to impale her attacker, as she raises she also tries to stab both of her crystal spikes into the back of her opponent.

Crystal's attack works, fully killing the clone. However though, this was the Scorch Clone Riku immediately bursts into glowing red hot flames.

"That is the name I went by at one point. And believe it or not I was only paid to show them your mansion."
At such close point range there's nothing the girl can create in time to completely help her. The best she could do was brace herself, place her crystal blades out in front of her face to block the flames, and attempt to be knocked back into a pond of water.

Whatever burns and scars she would receive certainly wouldn't be her first, and probably wouldn't be her last.


Zabuza almost relaxes, confident this can be talked out and not end in either Demon's bloodshed. His Executioner's blade is still out and ready however.

"Only paid to show those two brats my mansion? Then why exactly are we about to fight to death? You've done your job. What, did they not pay you up front? Are you worried that if I kill them you won't get your payment?"
Due to it just being a clone, there is no explosion of scorch flame. Riku was still working that part of the jutsu out. Instead just a flame form, not explode. Badly it burns crystals arms, and 2nd degree burns are scattered throughout her front side. But the wounds are survivable, though painful.


Riku thought for a moment. Why did he get himself into this again? Justice? No. Riku could care less about the hidden mist. Nobles? Riku hated nobles as well. Maybe he felt that helping these people who clearly don't know their way around these parts would make up in part for what he had done. No. That definitely wasn't it. He didn't know...he just acted.

"I don't know. Something about seeing that Uzumaki on his knees still screaming at you to come at him 'inspired' me." Riku said with a stern expression.
With the clone gone, and her part of the fight finished, Crystal soaks her wounds with water. She probably would of let out some sort of sound of pain, if she could have. Something about her vocal cords being beyond damaged,..

She thought back on the day her house was invaded by the war marauders. She could talk then, and she was happy with her family. However, her family was brutally murdered in front of her. That and one of the marauders ended up kicking her straight in the throat. She could never talk after that.

Still, despite how terrible a day that was, that was also the day her guardian angel had rescued her. Zabuza took her in after seeing how she had killed them all.

This wasn't the time to be reminiscing. She sat back against one of the dead trees as she used her medical ninjustue to help with her burns. She had struggled to learn her medical skills in hopes she could fix her vocal cords, it had never worked.


"What an inspiring story," The Demon of the Mist remarked. "Still, is it not a cold day in Hell when demon fights demon? I would look forward to hearing more of your stories, especially about the war. I also wouldn't be against telling you some stories of my own."

"We can't very well do that if we kill each other."

"Those days are long gone. Nothing glorious about them. I'm sure we both know enough about each other from the stories we've heard about one another. We'd be better off killing each other than speaking about them." Riku said...drifting off for a second into memory lane. He snapped out of it though, now wasn't the time to think back on the memories when he fought just Hyuga and Uchiha. He bit his lip for a second. He hated his past. He hated it more than most. Every single man he killed back in that war...he remembers. Any given day he could recall that exact moment, when he heard their last breathe after his blade cleaved the life out of them. They were always close enough to hear them breathe, wether he was slitting their throat, exposing the Hyuga blind spot, or blinding Uchihas with his blade so he could move in for a kill strike.
"I have to disagree. I have nothing but glorious memories of the war. After all, it's where I made the majority of my fortune by playing every single side. By selling myself as a sell-sword to all the sides each paid more than the other to have me back."

Zabuza stared Riku down, unsure what to think of him.

"I once heard that overall you killed or helped kill over a hundred Hyuga and Uchiha. If that was anywhere near the truth, you should be proud of all your accomplishments during the war."

Riku grew more irritated upon hearing that. It was true, that staggering number he reached. Alone. Majority were Hyuga of course, thanks to him and a few other Iseya the Hyuga's numbers were back down to what they were around the time of Naruto.

"I don't consider that targeted slaughter an accomplish." Riku said, not denying.

"I'm a bad man. But from the stories I've heard of you, you're worse."
He allows the dragon to circle him, but just as the pressure becomes too great... "Subarashī Chakra Tenteki no Jutsu!!" Three hundred voices shout, followed by three hundred pops. The massive seal glows brightly, almost like a second sun. Within the water dragon, the same glow appears, in the shape of a man. In a great explosion of energy, the dragon bursts, revealing Ikari. The wounds he has scab over, the smaller once healing within moments. His body is changed, almost deformed-feathers lining his arms, whiskers on his cheeks... it seems like he has the traits of every animal- and he doesn't bother glaring at Zabuza. 'I've only got a second...'

He seems to blur out of existence in a way similar in appearance to a user of the Eight Gates, the sound barrier shattering like a pane of glass. Not even a moment later, he appears beside the crystal user and sends a devastating kick her way, the sheer force and recoil sending him flying through several trees. The burst of energy disappears just as he slams into the ground, his body making a long trench before stopping. Ikari shakily makes his way to a sitting position before setting to work mending the many fractures he has, his chakra refilled by the technique. With the force behind it, the kick should send Zabuza's partner out of commission, at least. However, Ikari is, once again, in no shape to rejoin the battle.
The water dragon explodes. More over, it's unable to reform simply from the distance the Demon was away and the and his chakra exhaustion.

More over, it would seem the fight had moved a tremendous distance leaving Ikari behind. Crystal was nowhere to be found, and Zabuza was currently riding on the water dragon miles higher up into the air a distance away.

Ikaria was more than likely unable to find either of them.


Zabuza understood he was reaching his limit. He couldn't keep this up and adequately deal with Riku.

"Regardless of your opinion on me, I'm going to have to cut this conversation short. We shall meet again."

The Water dragon they were both riding made a nose-dive to the ground, quickly crashing into it. When Riku got back up the Demon would be nowhere to be found.
@Bills352 (Sorry if you didn't see my last post with you in it, I'll retype it.)


"Eh. Hold on a second....I'll walk you to the village. With it's current state they won't recognize me... just give me a brief moment or two."

(I changed a bit about Mizu as I wasn't satisfied with her character. She now has natural black hair, still has the same facial characteristics but now has the same Jinchuriki markings, the fox whiskers, as Naruto did. She also now carries around daggers similar to Asumas instead of the pole arm.)

With that Mizu quickly washed the blonde dye out of her hair, revealing her natural black hair. She liked to change hair color every week or so. She also quickly went for a different outfit, wearing a black dress-like shinobi outfit with grey undersleeves. "Come on. I'll take you as far as the gates." Mizu said, taking Aoi's hand and guiding her.

"So." She said on the way there. "What's goin' on with Konoha?"


Riku quickly got up, and recollected what had just happened before skimming his surroundings...

"Damn...he's gone..."

He immediately looked for Ikari.


After hours of walking...the duo arrive in the Hidden Mist. The aroma of this rotten place immediately filled the breathing holes of his mask...he remembered why he hated this village very quickly. Corruption, anger, a village built on blood, having redeemed the title blood mist.

Akuma just glared at Koga, waiting for him to make the move.



Riku approached Ikari. "You alright?" He asked, kneeling down beside him and glaring at the crystal Harou was cuaght in.
"I'm fine." He replies, rising and looking to Harou before slamming a fist-chakra enhanced this time- into the crystals, shattering them. He withdraws a scroll, applying it to Harou's wounds. Channeling his chakra into the scroll, the scroll manipulates and controls it for him, acting as a medium for him to perform an advanced healing technique. Harou's wounds quickly heal, and Ikari looks over to Riku. "He's gone?"


"So, that's your plan?" Hebi leans forward, his chin resting on a hand. "Indeed." Yin replies. "I'm assuming there's a reason you came to me with this." The snake's son replies, prompting a nod from Yin. "Yes. I ask that you provide aid to the recently leveled Konoha, and the other, soon-to-be-destroyed lands to come." Hebi's eyes glint in the faint light. "...Very well. A pleasure." He says, and Yin nods, dissapearing. Hebi leans back in his chair, his arms extandign to grab writing equipment. He quickly sets about drafting a letter to Konoha. A thin smile makes it's way onto his pale visage. 'Things are soon going to get interesting...'

(Thought I'd forgot about them, didn't you? You'll see more of them post-timeskip.)
(Hm. Now I really don't know what to think of Hebi right now.)

(As for the time skip I have yet to decide when. Perhaps around the 100th page maybe?_


"Yah. Makes sense though, in his current chakra state he would have had to fight me with bare steel. Going up against my scorch flame that's suicide." Riku said. Slowly his eyes gazed down as Harou began to regain consciousness.


Harou woke up, immediately grabbing his side in pain. He wanted to scream but...the wound was gone? He looked at both Riku and Ikari. "What...What happened while I was out?"

"We fought them. They left. I would like to say fled but...they're not that sort of people." Riku replied.

Riku then looked up to Ikari.

"I'd say you need to return to your village right now..."
Koga finally reached the Hidden Mist and sighed and started to stretch. "That was a workout. So where are the railroads that we can blow up? I might not be much help though. I... I can't really... Use chakra. I haven't been able to in the past. Only the one technique." He scratched the back of his head and almost shed a tear. He was so jealous of shinobi who could use ninjutsu.

Akuma's byakugon activated, and with it he was able to scan miles of the village...finding the precise location of the railroad.

"Near the outskirts..." Akuma said, and he began to take lead. Slowly, he unsheathed his sword, and tossed a few explosives to Koga.
Koga moaned out loud as he caught the explosives almost missing from the suddenness of the throw. He followed behind Akuma and still wondered about him. "So. Can you tell me anything about you past? I'm curious. You're so... Mysterious." To be honest, Koga had no idea whether he could trust Akuma or not.

Akuma sighed. "If it gets you to stop asking then fine." He said. He continued to walk without speaking until they reached the railroad, then he followed the tracks up to a point that it had to cross water, a bridge of sorts. Something that wouldn't be easy to repair. Akuma began setting his explosives down one by one on the bridge, signaling Koga to do the same.

Finally, Steam left Akuma's mouth holes. "Nearly two centuries ago my name was Hiro Hyuga. I served as Naruto's personal body guard..."

Akuma then eyed Koga. "Is this enough to satisfy your curiosity. Or do you wish for me to go into detail?" He spoke, as he finished lining one of the columns of the bridge with explosives.
Koga felt as thoug he won when Akuma started to talk. He finished setting his explosives and was disappointed when Akuma only shared one thing. "C'mon. You gotta share more than that." He moaned again. "Can I explode the explosives please?"

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