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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Clapping could be heard getting louder and louder behind the Mizukage. As he turned to see, the Demon of the Mist alongside his apprentice had been escorted in by six Hidden Mist Shinobi, three on either side of them.

"What conviction! I remember why I liked you and left you in 'power' as the face of the Mist. Well worth the other candidates going missing. All the bark and promise of action without any actual results. As you should of been informed, I've set up a meeting with you because we need to talk. Little birdies tell me that you've crossed unspoken agreements between us, and I do hope my sources are wrong.

We've worked so well together so far in the past without stepping on each other's feet, and I would hate for tragedy to have to strike the Mist."

He narrowed his eyes.

"What? How the hell did you..."

He stared at his men....slowly beginning to gain an understanding of what had been going on. "All of you..."

He pointed his fingers at all of his men. "Are just a bunch of god-damn traitors! Whatever happened to loyalty to your village?"

"And you..." The Mizukage pointed at Zabuza

"Just a god damn War Criminal. When I signed that treaty you were one of the names that were to be executed! You and every other god damn demon infesting this village."

He then went silent...glaring around the room. "So what? Is this your ace in the hole? Just what do you want to discuss?"
"They're loyal to who pays them Mizukage. And we both know you don't give enough for a person to even live on with their family. You can't blame them for their loyalties being elsewhere. Tell me, you don't honestly think you ever had real power right?

I've even helped you all along the way. Your candidates all either dropped out or went missing and you never questioned your good fortune for getting the title? I've read over and had the final say on what laws are truly passed by you. In exchange for you being the face of the Mist I've done my best not to step on your toes and let you stay in 'power' without being questioned."

All the advisers that had been talking to the Mizukage just before began to look down at the floor getting rather nervous. It was clear where their loyalties lied.

"Now as you might know, tragedy has struck me. My house was destroyed by a shinobi from the leaf and an Uzumaki that broke into the Mist and attacked me. At least, I hope they broke into the Mist. Little birdies are telling me you gave them passage to the Mist and allowed them to attack me.

Tell me, tell me those are lies. We can come to a peaceful agreement to overlook this. I would hate for tragedy to have to strike the Mist. I plead you to understand just how thin ice you stand upon Mizukage."

The Mizukage's faced turned to bitter anger. A flame lit up under him.

"Hmph. You've never experienced the true feeling of being in charge...especially during a war. I don't want anyone to ever have to go through that again!"

"I allowed the Leaf Shinobi to enter because I wanted to repair the relations with the leaf after the conflict. Now I..."

He paused for a moment, glaring down.

"Now you have an economic crisis on your hands. In case you didn't hear...the rail road was blown to smithereens, Uzumaki bridge, our main commercial highway has been blown to pieces, our harbors all have been blown to ashes! I know why you're here...You came to play your final card didn't you? Cut the head off of the caged snake?"


The man could hear a whisper in his ear. "What brings out traveling out this late...." But nothing was there...
"Where is the logic in hurting the very village that I go through great lengths to exert my control over? I hadn't known about the attacks, and they most certainly won't help me either. More over, I like having you in the Mizukage position. It would be troublesome to find another shinobi I could easily control through the shadows and make sure they get the position.

It hurts me to know you let those Leaf shinobi within our village, but I can overlook such things. More over, I even have a proposition for you. I have illegal smuggling routes and ship convoys. This village seems to be lacking rail roads and harbors now.

Maybe if we drop the act and you accept who truly holds the power in this village, I can help this village recover from it's losses using my resources."
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His reflexes were superb. His melee weapon was out and he was poised to kill... However, there was no one there. But... there must have been someone somewhere nearby, perhaps in stealth! "Now would I tell such things to some stranger?"


The Mizukage paused.

"You want me...to be your puppet? An honor-less puppet that is merely for show?"

"And you would have the Hidden Mist survive off of black-market routes? What the hell do you want this village to become? I'd rather die than be apart of this, whatever the hell this is for that matter!"


"What if your life depended on it?" Another whisper asked.

"What if didn't?" He asked in turn, haughtily. "Are you going to try and stop me?"
Zabuza began to scratch his head, mildly amused at the Mizukage's response.

"You've been my puppet. I simply wanted you to accept it now. As for my plans for the Hidden Mist, the sounds of a rogue safe-haven sounds more than appealing for me. But if you truly wish to make your bed, then you'll sleep in it as you wish.

Raise your weapons."

At that command, one by one, the Hidden Mist Shinobi slowly revealed their variety of blades and other weapons. In the end there was only one shinobi that wouldn't draw his blade.

"Would be a shame if your family went missing..."

And with that the last remaining hold out drew his weapon without a single bit of hesitation.

"This is your final chance Mizukage. Accept my offer and we can move on and have all of this become water under the bridge."

-Just Outside the Mizukage's Location, Mizu no Kuni, Kirigakure-


Yin had intended to raze the village a bit, after recovering from his one-man assault on Konoha. "Would be a shame if your family went missing..." The man with cloth over his mouth says, the words reaching Yin's ears due to his listening by the window. Something in Yin snaps at this... then again, it may be some long-repressed memory from before he had the eyes. It may be some long-forgotten sense of justice. Doesn't matter. Yin steps out from behind the corner, strolling right through the guards and secretary with the use of a cleverly crafted jutsu that gives others the irresistible urge to pay attention to something else while looking in his direction.

He walks right into the room... then cancels the genjutsu. Should he do it...? It would be too cliche, but... "Ready for the main course?" Dammit. He never could resist one-liners anyways. He switches over to Yang, and under the mask a grin forms. "We have a very wide selection. After all... you're all on the menu." Yin-now Yang-'s eyes gain a predatory gleam, his rinnegan all but glowing despite being behind a mask. He spreads his arms. "Shinra Tensei." The effect is immediate, a wave of force flattening the Mizukage's workplace, and a good chunk of the village. "Ittadakimasu..."
The old man closed his eyes. He breathed in what would probably be his final breathe.

"Go to hell. All of you-"


He was interrupted by the force of the Jutsu, crashing against the concrete ground, eyes locked shut as he shivered from the pain.


Akuma was about to unsheathe his sword and kill this fool...when he heard a roaring crash in the distance.

Immediately he went off to investigate it.


"What the hell...I gotta get out of the mist...Now..."
"Who the fu..."

Was all of the question the Demon could even get out before a crystal barrier attempted to build itself up in time to provide some defense to the surprise attack of the shinobi that nobody had apparently seen coming.
Dakureisu whirled around, hearing the tremendous noise as well. "Looks like I've got other things to worry about than you..." He hissed, before darting in the direction of the crash, not knowing that the silent shinobi was going to investigate as well.
"Perhaps it is a bit rude of me to interrupt your meal, but I have a rather important announcement to make: The five elemental nations will be conquered by myself. I'd go into detail, but I never was one for monologuing. Thus, without further ado..." He flashes through seals, slamming a palm on the ground. An array of seals sprouts, and smoke fills the area... only to be cut through by hundreds of misshapen creatures vaguely reminiscent of animals. "Let's get started, shall we?" 'Three seconds left...'

The elderly old man stared up blatantly in horror. His knees trembled from his weakness...

"If you think...that we will all just roll over and let you try this then you are a fool."


Akuma got a glance of the destruction...

Steam left his mouth holes...and he thought...

He inhaled again, then made a hand sign, bursting into steam.

Meanwhlie the real Akuma who had been meditating opened his eyes, as he had received all of the information from his steam clone. He rose from out of the shadows near the canyon that the Dark Horse had set up shop in and jumped into it, landing casually as if it were a mere foot drop.

He opened the main tent flap, and gazed in at Yamamoto.

"Yes?" Yamamoto asked.

"The Hidden Mist is being razed as we speak. If you want to assault the hidden rain without attracting attention now is the time."


Yamamoto looked up at Akuma...

Why was Akuma speaking? He had never heard him speak so openly before. "No. Now is not the time."

Akuma's eyes narrowed, and slowly he approached Yamamoto. Steam left his mouth holes. "When will it be the time?"

Yamamoto simply raised his finger. "When gods blink."

Akuma simply closed his eyes and shook his head. "The hidden leaf was raised, and now the hidden mist has been raised."

Suddenly Akuma was face to face in front of Yamamoto, steam coming out of his mouth and splitting into two paths upon hitting Yamamoto's face. "All attention has been diverted. The gods have blinked."

Casually Yamamoto turned his head...thinking. He opened his mouth to reject but...he stopped. Now was the time. The five great nations attention would all be on the hidden mist...the gods have indeed blinked...

Slowly Yamamoto raised himself, the fires of the torches inside of the tent illuminating his face. His expression turned eager, as if he had been waiting for this moment for centuries.

"Raise the flag. The men will know what to do."
(May I ask why none of you have posted in days? Is it something I did? Have you all lost interest? What?)
"Now why would I think such a silly thing? You're going to let me do it whether you roll over or not. The might of a single village cannot possibly compare to me." Yang shoots back, hoping that his emphasis on the word single would reach the Mizukage. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll be razing your village." Flipping through the seals for a Shunshin, he blurs off, the creatures charging the ninja in the room. Outside, Yang hovers in the air and extends his arms over the Archives. A good choice for minimal casualties- important and protected, perhaps, but rarely visited. "Shinra Tensei." Rubble is all that remains of the immediate area. Yang can't help it. "MWAHAHAHAHA!" Letting out a booming, villainous laugh, Yang looks over the people of the village. Clearing his throat, he gives them his most disdainful stare. "Run, hide! It will do you no good against me, you weaklings!"


@Zabuza's Son

The Mizukage quickly raised himself up...

"Ergh...." He slowly held his back as these strange creatures charged at him. His eyes narrowed as he observed as much as he could.

"You're all foolish for underestimating the Mizukage!" He screamed. "Water Style, Fury!"

Suddenly Water formed under the Mizukage, and intense waves of chakra generated water bashed out in all directions multiple times at the creatures and at Zabuza and his men.

The Mizukage heaved back, then jumped on top of one of the waves, riding toward this strange figure. "Come and face the Mizukage you coward!" He screamed.
The vast majority of the creatures are taken down, but more and more pour from the seal, a flood of monsters. The walls suddenly shake, the building's ceiling losing a few chips.- Tensei!" As Yang uses his signature technique, he looks out upon the devastation. The whole village is flattened, though he waited until evacuation was done before doing any real damage. 'Time to head back...' Suddenly, the monsters dissapear, and Yang along with them. Their blood splatters the remains of the village, appearing as a message if viewed from above.

I would not underestimate you, Mizukage-san. That doesn't mean I won't do plenty of damage. Have fun with reconstruction.

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