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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

((You're pushing his buttons and you might have pushed the big red one.))

Koga started to fight the restrainment (if that's even a word.) he was okay with before. He was struggling and squirming wanting to be freed of the steam clones. If he got hurt it would burn but he would live through it because well. He can't die. He tightened is grip on his scythe and started to swing as much as he could.
(Sorry about that, I will try my best to avoid that from happening again.

And I avoided saying things that would lead into an argument.)

He stares at one of the Akumas restraining him.

"It was never my intention to fight, as I previously stated I did what I did to lend you a handy speeding up the process, I then threw a Kunai to get your attention."

He looked over at Koga.

"Are you sure you can place your trust in a man like him?

For all you knew I could of been anyone."

The shadows started to return back to their natural place.

"Now if you let go of me I will be on my way, but if I am attacked again do not expect me to be so nice."

(He doesn't care.)


Two steam clones popped out, and then Akuma appeared behind Koga.

The other Akuma's released this strange man. Steam left one's mouth holes. "I advise you leave...before things get out of hand."

Meanwhile the one behind Akuma spoke to Koga. "Do you have any honor?"
Koga calmed only enough to stop thrashing. "Do you?" He snapped. "You just insulted my father! No one does that and lives! So now I have to kill you. Unless you apologize. Then I will only think about killing you." He readied his scythe to throw at the Akuma that spoke to him.
He turns his back on the two strangers.

"I'll be leaving now, but count you're selfs lucky that I came across you people now and not later."

And after that he took his leave, he walked a father distance than he was expecting, but luckily he came across a waterfall, it had been a while since he had something to drink.

So he decided that he was going to stay at the waterfall for a while, he found it calming and peaceful.

Koga was enraged by what his partner was saying. He threw his scythe at him and said, "I demand an apology you filthy old hag!" He started to run at him and wasn't going to hold back this time, not like their last fight.


Lee had awoken to the sound of footsteps by his waterfall. He slowly opened his eyes but then shot upright to see who it was. He walked over to the end of the cave and peeked through to see if it was an enemy. He saw it was some quiet man enjoying his time in the waterfall, but Lee didn't trust him. He grabbed his club that he made from a stalagmite in his cave and walked out from under the waterfall and said to the man, "State your name and business." He had his club up, ready to swing at the man.
The man slightly jumped at the unexpected voice, but he recovered from it so well that it just looked like he was standing up.

He turned and looked at the man who came out the waterfall with kind eyes.

"My name and business...

Well I don't know my name and my business was originally to stop by to get some water but I found myself oddly attracted to this place,...

So I decided I was going to stay here for a while."
Lee kept his club up. "Ya. I know it's pretty. That's why I am here. What do you want from me? Because I have nothing." The sad thing is that he was telling the truth. He literally had nothing but his club and nature. Well and the five-tails.

Akuma quickly leaped aside, stepping away from the enraged Koga.

Steam then poured out of all of the Akuma's masks, rivers of it. The area was soon covered by a dense fog....

All of the Akuma's were gone.

"I am not sorry." Akuma's voice echoed from one side.

"The only thing stopping me from accepting your boast is that you and I share a goal."

Then from the other side his voice came. "You're making the same mistake your father did."

Akuma's voice then whispered into Koga's ear as if right next to him. "You're letting your emotions get the best of you..." But Akuma was gone whenever Koga would look in that direction.

Then from all sides Akuma's voice could be heard. "I'm going to leave you now. You need abandon this foolish emotional tie to your father."

"Consider this a farewell Koga." His mechanical voice echoed like a phantom shrouded in nothingness...
"Hey." Ikari calls, tossing a rather bulging bag full of ryo to the swordsman. "Thanks." He gives Riku a nod before gripping Harou's shoulder firmly and forming a half-seal. "We head back to Konoha, no?" The pair disappears with a red flash, reappearing back in Konoha after half a minute or so.
Koga screamed to the sky, "That's right! You run you wrinkly old hag! You weren't of any use to me!" He quickly trudged off towards Yamamoto's camp. Who did this Akuma guy think he was?

(So Riku is still in the Mist?)

"I don't need yo-"

Riku went silent. Where the hell did he go?


"Hello?" He asked awkwardly, looking around. He was going to stick to his manners but...

It would be rude to deny money so he picked up the money pouch, glaring around again. Uzumaki's always had their surprises, didn't they?



Mizu glared around the village, still in awe. "I'm going to the hospital...I want to help out. Is it alright if I lead you there?" Mizu asked.


"What the....No....No!" Harou screamed, his hands grabbed his hair and pulled slightly out of the horror even collapsing to his knees.

"Who....who did this?"

"We don't know. Someone who wielded the Rennigan. Our intelligence is looking into it."


Akuma set the explosion off on the rails, completely devastating over 10 miles of railroad over the land of Water and Hidden mist, completely disrupting their quick access trade system...

Soon Akuma then detonated more explosives he put in the harbor, completely cutting off the Mist from the sea...for the Hidden mist anyway. Roads were still in contact but that was it.


The Mizukage sat napping on his chair...in the bunker like building. He dreamed of...things that shouldn't be spoken of...

Quitely he rested.


The door bursted open, and a Mist Shinobi came in gasping for air. "Lord Mizukage!" He said, saluting quickly.

"AHHHH!" The Mizukage screamed, looking around in panick.

He took a deep breathe, and glared at the Shinobi. "DAMNIT BOY YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

"My dearest apologies!" The shinobi pleaded. "But I have urgent news!"

The Mizukage raised his eyebrow in curiosity. "Speak it out dammit!"

"The railroads and harbor have been sabotaged...Explosives completely destroyed it them!"

"What? Who would do this? Is it an act of war? Or is it that god damn Zabuza!"

"We don't know! They didn't see who did it...it's like the explosives just appeared there!"
He looked at Lee in confusion.

"I don't want anything from you, I thought I was alone."

It was true that he did not want anything from Lee, but he was well aware that he was not alone, he just did not expect Lee to introduce himself the way he did.

"And you can put that club down, I can assure you that you will not need it any time soon."
Lee slowly lowered his club and then dropped it, only to raise his fists up and get ready to fight the man. His attention was changed to a squirrel that was taunting him. He growled at the squirrel and brought his attention back to the man. "State your name and business." He repeated, forgetting that he already said that.
Ikari turns, looking out the window... then sighs. "Well, shit. It's a good thing I used my ace..." He forms a cross seal. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" He shouts, and a mass of clones appear, helping with the destruction. "Well, we still need to torture the Genius someho- I mean have a steady supply of D-Rank missions... Yeah..." He explains.
Sorry guys, not going to be able to post much due to the holidays. Sunday is when I should be back.

Merry Christmas, enjoy your families!
(Happy new year, I'm finally back from my family.)


Mitsorugi gazed at his surroundings and just slowly shook his head. Among the surrounding Shinobi he could hear whispers, all of them asking things such as 'Where was the Hokage?'

He sighed, before looking up again. Slowly he began to do handsigns, making a mass of clones himself to help with the rebuilding.

Just who the hell was the man who did this? All he wanted to do right now was clash with him...make him pay.


Riku wandered the wilderness of the land of Mist....strange. He felt like he had no place now. He couldn't go back to the mist, Zabuza's men would simply capture him and more than likely send him to some god awful ship prison...the idea of that sent shivers down his spine.


Mizu casually led Aoi to the hospital.

(Bit of a lame post. I'll probably go back and edit it later.)
((I will be going on a short hiatus for reasons. If you would please save my characters that'd be great. Thanks.))
The sudden detonation of a great bit of the railroads within the land of water and hidden mist put Dakureisu on high alert. He was sure a sudden bombing like this would most certainly disrupt goods being swiftly shipped and traded. Not only that, but it would mean that the war (He had taken the assumption that this had to do with the war) was extending to even the hidden mist, the location where Dakureisu had been heading next...

Why he was currently heading to the hidden village? To examine the site where the one known as Zabuza Momochi had resided. The capabilities of that individual had inspired a few of Marukomu's techniques. As well, learning to control the mist would be useful, for situations involving stealth.

A strange figure...with a bow caught his attention. Curiously Akuma watched from the darkness...
(I'm back! And I'm doing a small time-skip if that's alright)

It had been several days since the fight, giving time for both the Demon and his apprentice to lick their wounds and recover. The girl, Crystal, had used her medical knowledge to help speed up the process of healing their cuts and bruises, as well as her burns. In the meantime, Zabuza had easily been able to keep up and speak politically with the nobles of the Mist as if he were one.

He was rather well informed of events happening all around the nations before tragedy had struck his house, and the nobles looked up to him with a mixed feeling of respect and fear. They knew who was truly in power in the Mist. Who truly allowed them to live such comfortable lives.

Now the time was right, he had checked with several of his sources over the days at it was finally time to speak with the mock leader of the mist. Certain birdies had told him of who gave the green light for the leaf shinobi as well as the Uzumaki to enter into the Mist and perform their mission.

The Demon was now headed towards his meeting that he had his contacts set up, with his apprentice following behind him.

Riku trudged through the woods...listening to everything around him. He had to get out of the land of mist...but he had to get across the border first...which would be a process in itself.


Mizu sat down for a bit...getting a hold of her surroundings. She sighed. Being on the road was boring...

Slowly though she closed her eyes, thinking of her next move...

@Zabuzas Son


Exhausted and Irritated, the Mizukage stood hunched over a map, his advisors huddled around it in the meeting room of his bunker like Kage Compound. Made specifically for war times, the Mizukage never disassembled it. The elderly fowl man slammed his fist against the table

"That's it. I want full patrols out in the forest. We need to find the bastards who have been sabotaging us!"

He then pointed out at specific points. "I want real cut throat units stationed in these parts...the kind that can just slit your throat without knowing it. Better yet, put our vets out there! The ones from the front lines! Not any of these green shinobi..."

One advisor with glasses raised his hand shyly. "Um sir..." He said awkwardly.

The Mizukage glared. "What..." He asked in an irritated tone...

"If we do this we severely weaken our defenses...we need to be on guard incase whoever does this comes back."

A darker skinned advisor interrupted. "You know just as well as I do who did this. No one can just go undetected carrying explosives of that magnitude from all of these points in just a small window of time."

"Pfft." The Mizukage waved his hand mockingly. "You don't actually believe in those legends do you? Akuma is nothing more than a myth conjured by Konoha to make their enemies fear the Hyuga."

All three of the advisors stared at the Mizukage. Awkwardly the Mizukage glanced around. "It's just superstition. You're all fools."

"Don't say his name...It's bad luck wether he's real or not." A blonde advisor interrupted.

The Mizukage bashed his fist against the table "Silence! Enough of these interruptions! I want these bastards found, I want their asses strung up on a pole for all to see!"


Silence followed.

The one with glasses awkwardly pushed them up "Is the language really necessary? I mean we're all adults here."

The others nodded.

The Mizukage sighed. He hated these new advisors. "Why are you all just standing there? Don't you see we have a village to run!"
As he couldn't sense Akuma's chakra signature, Dakureisu continued onward towards the village hidden in the mist.

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