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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


"...I suppose you could detonate the explosives. Hold on though, we have three other rail lines to blow up...we should blow them up all at once...to make things simple."

This was the main railway. All other railways connected to this one. What the hidden mist saw as a blessing to have such a simple railroad system, the Dark Horse were going to exploit to make it impossible to use the railway system.

Akuma pulled out a scroll, and brought out more explosives from it, an insane amount to be precise, all coiled up into long wire.

Akuma began to walk the wire out, following the length of the rail road. Steam left his mouth hole.

"If I give you details will that suffice? Fine."

He sighed. Inhaled, then exhaled steam. The usual thing before speaking. "I was the pride of the Hyuga clan. The finest, nothing surpassed me. Neji Hyuga couldn't have even beat me if he were infact still breathing, and even the elders never questioned me. I was a rolemodel to my clan, and I was honored among the ranks of Konoha. That honor caught the Hokage Naruto Uzumaki's attention. He appointed me as his personal body guard. As his personal body guard I would literally go everywhere he went, even live with him in his own home. However he turned my duty into a training surprising me, teaching me his tricks, showing me how to be a better shinobi. A true shinobi. I watched over his family with him...watched them grow. I grew stronger...And never left my Master's side."

Akuma stopped walking them, almost choking up on words as he spoke them. He began to breathe heavily, and shaking his head before rubbing his fingers against his mask, then slowly squeezing his mask. He let out an angered breathe. "Now are you satisfied? I'm not one who likes to stick in the past."
A cloaked figure watched as two unusual people set explosives, of course they had no idea he was there, and even if he blew up the railway system, they still would have no idea.

He had been doing this for too long to be noticed, for years he has remained hidden, always watching but never making contact.

These where actually the first two people he had seen in what 50-150 years?

So as the cloaked man started to disappear in the shadows he clicked his fingers.

A small explosion erupted in the railroad system.

(You can delete this post if you want, it's not very good...

But if you are not going to delete it I have left it to you two to decide the effect/outcome of the explosion.)
Koga listened intently. He was saying, "So how was it you were so good? Forbidden jutsu?" Koga ha just finished his sentence when he heard the explosion. He had not known where it had come from an he turned to look where it came from. He turned back to Akuma. "What was that? Should we go check it out?" Koga took out his scythe and got into a stance ready to run.
(For future reference Madara, if you think a post is bad then don't post it.)


Akuma immediately scanned the area, for miles with his Byakugon trying to get lock on who set the explosion off.
(Seems a bit much. I was thinking after the situation in Mizu no Kuni finished up, as well as the interactions between the members of Black Horse. Also, mind having Riku turn away?)

Ikari nods, taking back the scroll used to heal Ikari. He rises and places a hand on Harou's shoulder, smiling. "He ran. Riku and I exhausted the pair." He says.
Aoi smiled. "That would be nice as it is getting to the village in my current state would just end up with me dead or at the bottom of a ditch somewhere quite literally." Aoi said following Mizu its not like she could get lost at this point in time as well she was holding hands with her. "Konoha just got attacked and destroyed so yeah bad things are happening, its a shame we don't have anyone with the wood release as they would make rebuilding easier."

((sorry for the post delay been busy lately.))

Koga looked panicked. "Someone could be exploding the explosives before I get to do it! What do we do?! If they are I'm going to kill them! No one messes with my explosives!" He wanted to run after it but he knew he should stay with Akuma. Koga would kill the person messing with his "bombs of joy" as he calls them.

Mizu quickly did a transformation jutsu to slightly edit her appearence more, hiding her jinchuriki markings. She guided her through the village, marveling at the destruction...

"Who did this?" She asked.
Aoi turned to face Mizu it was good to see even after leaving the village she still cared. "I don't know their true names but it was the rouge known as Ying and Yang which is also the reason I started to lose my vision as I needed to use as much power as possible to be able to fight against them."

Mizu took another good look around. "Two people did all of this? Sister, you may be an Uchiha but I think you're a little outgunned here..."
Aoi shrugged. "I fought and nearly beat one of them one on one so its not all the impossible but hard to say the least, very hard." Aoi said she basically fought one of them one on one anyway just not fully she had three people that each did one or two things to help. "Least its not like the incident that happened with pain were it was just one person god knows how long ago."
"What got the best of you?"

The Demon of the Mist said as he reached the regroup point and he looked at his young apprentice, burn scars covering parts of her body. She starred daggers at him, her eyes ruthless enough to kill a person.

"Stop looking at me like that; we didn't flee. We simply regrouped so we can plan how to kill them all the better next time. If it was just the kids we could of accomplished it, but my fellow Demon will have to wait until I can truly clash blades with him one on one."

Crystal still didn't look convinced, still she was using her medical justu on herself as she walked. It would take time, but she could eventually heal the burns. In the past she had accomplished healing worse.

"Now, with our house destroyed, we need to stay where they won't expect it."

Zabuza said as they arrived at a rather large house. They passed several sets of Hidden Mist shinobi that all bowed their heads, before finally reaching a set of doors that two people opened. Inside was one of the Hidden Mist's nobles.

Both the Demon and Crystal bowed their heads, just as the noble did the same. Zabuza's influence within the Mist seemingly reached all the way up to the nobles.

"Old friend"

Zabuza greeted the noble, as he explained that they would require a place to live for the moment.
@Gilzar @Kiotaro

He smiled after hearing what the man said they would do.

"Yes, you will find me."

He placed an explosive tag on a single Kunai and then proceed to throw the Kunai from the shadows.

The Kunai stuck into the ground in between the two men.

"But only if you catch me."

He began to run at a leisurely pace, he hadn't enjoyed himself for quite sometime.



Little did this figure know that throwing the kunai with the explosive tag had revealed his exact location to Akuma.

Akuma immediately entered the shadows, disappearing. Absolutely undetectable.

He left a slight trail that only Koga would recognize to follow.

As this mysterious person ran Akuma emerged out of the shadows in front of him, blocking his path. He was curious about this person...

Slowly steam left Akuma's moutholes, and he glared at this person, scanning him down with his Byakugon.

"Who are you."
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Koga looked at the kunai that was thrown and when he looked up to panic to Akuma, he was gone. Except Koga did notice a subtle trail. Koga said to himself, "Oh Akuma. The nicest weirdo. Always running around. Kids grow up so fast." With that he was off towards Akuma and the mystery man.
(Just so you know.

He wanted to be found and purposely gave away his position.

But that dose not really matter.)

He let out a short chuckle at Akuma.

"Now what's an honourable Hyuga like you're self doing setting explosives."

He got up close to Akuma at an incredible speed. (He vaguely knows who Hiro/Akuma is but only basic stuff, like he was the personal guard of Naruto.)

He placed a finger on the Middle of Akumas forehead and said.

"I would appreciate it if you don't move."

(Well, only one who knows he was once Hiro is Koga)


Akuma just glared. It becomes apparent right away that this mysterious figure of a man known as Akuma has no chakra signature, but making it even more mysterious was how he had no life signature either.

Suddenly this man felt steam on the back of his cloak. Steam not hot enough to sear...but hot enough to burn the hairs off of his neck. Another Akuma stood right behind him, just staring at him.

The Akuma ahead of him took a deep breateh, then exhaled hot steam to burn this persons' finger off of his mask.

The dark, mechanical like voice spoke again. "What is your name."
Koga had finally caught up. He stopped about twenty feet from the two and the clone. Koga caught his breath and watched, ready to jump in at a moments notice. He saw the stranger put his finger to Akuma's forehead. Koga new that this guy was long dead.
The mysterious man kept his finger on Akumas mask and his finger began to burn.

He let out a sigh of relief and even seemed happy to be burned.

"Thank you for that, it's been a heck of a long time since I have felt pain...

I almost forgot I could even experience pain."

The man took his finger of his mask and replied.

"As for my name...

I have been called many names in my lifetime, and to be honest I have been called so many I have forgotten my true name.

But I suppose I am better off without one."

The man let out an exhausted sigh.


I will ask once again, what is an honourable Hyuga like you doing out here?"


Akuma's eyes narrowed. Irritation and some anger grew in his voice. "Don't call me honorable."

Steam slowly poured out of his mouth again.
Rey suddenly opened his eyes and the glow dimmed completely. He was missing something...he stood up and let his senses lead him.

Hail Leviathan! And Tapatalk!
"Okay then, what's is a Hyuga like you're self doing out here."

He had already sensed the other man and he said to him without turning his head.

"Are you shy? Or are you just trying to hide?

If it is option number two then I will tell you now it is useless to hide from me."

He looked back at the hyuga, this time the smile was off his face, the man had grown tired of acting.

"Let me make one thing certain to you. I want you to see me right now. If I didn't you wouldn't. What were you doing throwing explosives at us."
Koga said from behind a tree, "Ya! You think you are allowed to do that? Do you know what we do to people who explode MY explosives?" He started to walk out and grabbed his scythe taking it off of his back and was ready to throw it at the loser in front of him and Akuma.
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The man did not pay attention to the man with the scythe.

"And I could say the same to you, why do you think the explosive tag never exploded?"

And also I was helping you.

And before you ask why the answer is simply because I wanted to."

The Mysterious Man turned his back and began to walk away.

"And I would advise both of you to not follow me, I will not be responsible for what happens."

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