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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


Akuma remained silent...that was...interesting?

He glared over to Koga. Waiting for his reaction. Akuma honestly didn't care but...that's Akuma.
Koga was infuriated for some reason. He threw his scythe at the jerk that just ignored him. "Get back here you little creep! You don't get away that easily!" He stuck out his tongue and wanted to taste this ones blood.

Akuma wanted to speak, but decided not to. Slowly he followed Koga's lead, intervening if it was necessary.


Akuma suddenly had second thoughts. He stuck his hand out and put it in front of Koga.

Steam left his mouth.

"When Yamamoto's plan is complete he will get what is coming."
The mysterious man turned and rose his arm towards the scythe, man caught the scythe in his hand. (Well not really caught, the scythe had almost cut through his hand but he held onto it.)

With his other hand he grabbed the chain (Assuming the scythe is connected to a chain?)

and yanked it forward.

"You have just made the worst mistake of your life."

He said this in a calm tone which did not really fit the words he was saying.

But even as he spoke he had pulled back the hand that stopped the scythe and it began to slowly heal.

Damn too late delete my post
(Well the scythe nearly sliced of the top half of his hand :D .

So yea there is blood, this will make both koga and the mysterious man happy!)
((Ok thanks.))

Koga notice the scythe had cut into the mystery man. He flew forward with the yank from the man. "Oh have I? Are you sure about that?" When Koga reached his scythe again, he licked the blood off of the scythe and landed. His skin began to turn black with white markings in an outline of his skeleton. He ripped his scythe out of the mans grasp and sliced his abdomen open spilling blood eveywhere. He quickly drew the symbol of Jashin with his foot. ((A circle with a triangle in it.)). He said to the man as he stood in the middle of the symbol, "You're mine now. You see this is my jutsu. You can't move and I control you. Anything I do to myself also happens to you." He started to laugh maniacally as he pulled out a very large needle from his coat. "Are you ready to die?" ((He will not die. Just tortured until he is stopped.))

@Madara ((sorry if I'm impatient it's just my character just pulled off his jutsu and I'm excited.))
The man did not appear to be effected by the pain which was being inflicted on him.

In fact he gave koga a smile.

"Unlucky for you, I do not have to move."

As he says this shadows begin to close in on koga.
((He didt hurt him yet. And he has to be affected by the pain. Just letting you know. Part of the jutsu.))

Koga notice the shadows getting closer to him and he waited for just the moment and when the shadows were just a foot away, he stabbed his left thigh with the needle and smiled. "Gotta love that feeling right?" He yelled to him. He stabbed his leg two more times while laughing.
(He is affected by it, he just dose not appear to be.)

He remained standing still, ignoring the pain in his left thigh the best he could.

"Far better people than you have tried to kill me, and it would be a mockery to them if I let you."

The shadows started to cover the mans body.
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((Umm. Alright. Because being stabbed in the thigh is very ignorable...))

Koga started to panic when he saw the shadows covering his body. He didnt know why to expect. He quickly put the need pointing to his heart ad yelled, "Do it an I do it. Get your little whatevers off of me or else I kill you. One centimeter closer." He stopped for a second. "I dare you." He started to laugh maniacally once more. He loved torturing people.
(He didn't completely ignore it, notice I put in the best he could.)

He smiled at the threat.

"We have now reached a stalemate...

You have me and I have you, now the only thing left to is for both of us to go seperate ways."

The shadows now covered his own body as well.
Koga snapped, "No! I always win! I ALWAYS WIN!" He continued to laugh and dropped his needle and picked his scythe up. He slowly ran the blade of the scythe down his forearm making it bleed, laughing all the while.
It was almost no time at all for the shadows from the other mans body to come over to his.

Soon his whole body was covered, the shadows looked like a second layer of skin.

He squeezed his left fist, he could move with the help of his shadows but barley.

Lightning started to form in his right palm while the shadows started to squeeze down on his own body.
Koga stopped. "Do you need that hand? Because I can get rid of it for you. No problem at all." Koga pulled his scythe up to his own hand and started to cut it up. Not off. Up. Just scratches everywhere.
He let out a deep groan as he felt his hand being cut apart, although it felt surprisingly odd since his hand appeared to be unharmed.

"I am growing tired of you, so I will just end this quickly."

He shoots a current of electricity out of the Palm he was forming it in, the current of electricity hit him in his stomach.(sorry but I've got to get him back for what he did
:) but I will let you decide how effective it was, but it should be enough to send him off his feet and a few metres back (not that good with distances))
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(Alright you two stop. It seems to me like you're arguing. These two characters probably shouldn't fight if it's going to cause conflict, so I'm going to end the battle.)



In less than three seconds there were 7 Akuma's restraining both sides. Two on Koga, five on this mysterious stranger.

On the stranger the five Akuma's had in perfect execution hold. One Akuma stood behind him him with the sharp edge of a sword to the back of his neck, another one restrained down his left arm and left leg, while another one restrained his other arm and leg. Then one sat in front of him, with Byakugon activated and Akuma's Demon pentagram activated, ready to deliver the 666 blows to shut down his chakra system and kill him with internal bleeding, while the fifth one stood roughly three feet away, hand sign ready to activate a ninjutsu to kill.

Meanwhile the other two caught Koga's scythe and restrained him...

No one knew which Akuma was the real one.

A voice could be heard from the shadows....Akuma's voice.

"Enough acting like Children. Fighting without reason is foolish. I'll kill you both if you don't agree to walk away. Stranger, first I'll slit the back of your neck, then shut down your chakra systems and kill you with internal damage. If you try getting away the two restraining you will char you with steam. Not to mention the one holding the hand sign just happens to be wielding my most powerful ninjutsu."

"As for you Koga, I'll dispose of you the same way Shikimaru disposed of your father: Blow you to smithereens with the explosives I planted around all of you."

"Now. Agree to walk away or to help each other. I don't care which, and I have no problem killing either of you."

(There. That should end the battle.)
((It wasn't really arguing. It was a loss of logic. whatever.))

Koga was restrained and when he heard the little tidbit about his father, Koga was furious. He said trying to stay calm, "Don't ever mention anything about by father or you die. You hear me you old hag?" He was twitching with anger.
(Well it looked like it was getting out of hand)


"Your father is nothing more than rotten flesh as of now. Nothing to hold onto about him."

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