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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


"GRAHHH!" Harou grunted loudly in pain as he felt the crystal move through his side. Immediately his teeth grinded together has he tried not to scream bloody murder, the crystal was so smooth and precise in the wound, most likely made to be painful. All he could feel was just the stabbing pain in his side, and it traveled up like frost crept up on an open stream during winter.
Ikari's smile slowly fades, slowly replaced by a frown. His gaze is no longer playful, only cold, with a deadly edge. He blurs away, to the spot where the mansion once stood. He grabs the chakra-sucking paper from earlier, blurring back as quickly as he had left. The paper in his hand, he forms a cross with his fingers, creating a veritable army of clones, at least a thousand. Even with the massive reserves that came with being an Uzumaki, and built up through the chakra-intensive art of sealing, the battle is tiring him out, and a quick iryo-ninjutsu scanning technique reveals that he's at about 30%, lower than he's been in a while. Despite this... he doesn't care. Having been rather isolated, he's never been subjected to seeing a friend get hurt so visibly while being unable to stop it. Well... he sure as hell doesn't like it.

Emitting a veritable ocean of killing intent, he grits his teeth as the clones chuck and flash to their bastardized Hiriashin kunai, appearing all around the pair. Roaring a challenge, they all flash through seals, their anger causing them to fumble a bit. "BUNSHIN DAIBAKUHA!" They glow brightly before exploding, filling the air with smoke and flame. However, while the explosion is massive, it is by no means impossible to survive. In fact, the slight fumble, while only lasting a few seconds, lasted long enough for one to construct a defense strong enough to at least survive the blast. Ikari puts a hand to his head and emits a strange mix between a growl and a groan, the memory backlash of a thousand or more explosions being too much for him to properly process.

"Erm...Konoha is that way-"

She stopped talking and redirected Aoi to point toward the village. Quickly she did some hand signs, making a shadow clone then transforming that shadow clone to look like someone else, just a civilian. The clone grabbed Aoi's arm and start gently leading her to konoha.
At the realization of what was about to occur, a crystal dome is hastily formed just managing to encompass Zabuza and the girl who created it. Without the second of a fumble it may of been a far more sketchy feat of whether or not the dome could be formed in time. Still, assuming the barrier manages to hold, this gives just a moment for the two to talk over their next plan of attack.

"More of my chakra was used than I like to admit from constantly forming and reforming my mist. Still, I'll need you to keep his clones within check. I'll attempt to locate the real one. Whether I can or can't, I'll need you to cover me afterwords as I'll be using up the last of my chakra."

The girl nods in acknowledgement.

"I believe we're only dealing with the Uzumaki now. At nothing else his friend is beyond injured, and I didn't see him get out of the way when the explosions occurred. He may of been engulfed in the explosion by his friend's reckless attack, poetic."
Perhaps... but the attack was in the air, and, seeing as the clones are essentially Ikari himself in terms of personality, they aimed-or as much as one could, given that it was an explosion- away from Harou.

Ikari himself sinks to one knee, using what little mental capacity he had to Kawarami with a clone in hiding who mimics his actions. He emits a muffled groan. "Dammit, exploding sucks..." He grumbles. He calls upon what little (in the Uzumaki sense) chakra he can spare, calling forth about 300 mud clones. They nod, grim expressions on their faces, before Ikari hands them a storage scroll. The clone that takes it unseals its contents; a massive scroll, and the whole horde of clones gets to work.

I’m at 15 percent…’ He starts to walk out of cover, his clone dispelling. ‘My teammate is down…’ He unseals a black katana, his expression deadly serious. ‘And I’m not sure if the enemy is down, or even hurt.’ He plants his feet in front of Harou, holding the sword forward. But… He grits his teeth, forcing the pain out of his mind and settling into a ready position. I will hold the line, no matter what! “Come at me, you bastards!” He roars, killing intent flaring.

Out of the sheer pain of the crystal, and the explosive force of the explosion, much of it covered the explosion but the shock wave still knocked him unconscious.

Riku (CS MADE!)

@Zabuzas Son @Naruyashan

Slowly, from out of the shadows Riku walked in front of Ikari from behind, standing in front of him and gently pushing Ikari's black katana down. He cut the mercenary act, and a grim expression covered his face. He turned to Ikari.

SHIIIIING! Riku slowly unsheathed his carbon fiber katana from his back, gripping it firmly with both hands. His eyes glanced back to Ikari for a second. "Stand up. He can slit your throat easier when you're kneeling down. And watch your flank. He undoubtedly has scattered clones across the area to kill you when you least expect it."

His eyes then shifted back to where Zabuza and Crystal once were. "Don't stop moving, and don't let your guard down or else that girl is going to trap you the same way she did your Hyuga friend. But lets see them face a real shinobi..."
Cuts of varying length and depth cover sections of Zabuza's and the girl's body from where the explosion had sent some small crystal shrapnel inwards. From only a glance over, nothing looks critical and neither of them are in the kind of business to shy away from a little pain. With the explosions over, the girl sends what remains of the dome shattering and shooting out towards all the mud clones too close.

At that point both of them survey the situation.

That must be him, Zabuza thought looking towards the Ikari holding the black katana and somebody else beside him. I know him somehow... must be a Mist shinobi. More than likely works for me and intervened to take the Uzumaki by surprise.

"The plans the same. Cover me while I prepare for it. If the mystery man doesn't get out of the way then he'll just get caught in it as well."

The Demon of the Mist strapped his Executioner's Blade back to his back. He then began to perform complex handsigns, while muttering something just under his breath that it couldn't be heard. Whatever this was, it's what he was using the last of his chakra on and it seemed like it was going to take time.

As for the girl, she impales the closest mud clones by shooting out crystals towards them. She then takes a stance, preparing to deal with any threat that might interrupt Zabuza.

Suddenly from behind Zabuza and Crystal three Riku's emerge from out of the shadows: Riku's stealth tactics showing. Immediately two of them charge Zabuza, while the other one charges crystal. All of them immediately try and maim them by hitting vital muscles with their blades.

Meanwhile the Riku standing in front of Ikari charges with rather impressive speed. Immediately he focused his scorch style into his blade, and his blade was covered with a scorching red flame, so hot the heat could be felt off of it even if you were feet away. He charged Crystal along with his clone coming up from her flank.

SWOOSH! Riku heaved with a foreswing at Crystal, immediately following with a backswing. 'By now they surely know who I am because of my technique...' Riku thought to himself.
The realization hit Zabuza far too late of just who he was encountering. "The Demon Iseya", and to think I always admired the fellow demon and the stories told about him during the war. Still, he had started and there was no way he was stopping now. He would have to place his life in the hands of the girl.

Crystal quickly performs several hand-signs as crystal begins forming around Zabuza. It begins to take the shape of a crystal dragon, as it attempts to block the clones attacks with it's body and bite into them cutting them in half.

Meanwhile, she forms several long crystal blades forming out of both of her hands.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-17_17-40-37.jpeg.183e10b8796178073440820b95cbf5a5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="37098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/upload_2014-12-17_17-40-37.jpeg.183e10b8796178073440820b95cbf5a5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She uses these blades to quickly block Riku's blade, both times using both of them. She attempts to keep his blade stuck using both of her swords. If she manages this she then would attempt to then encase Riku's feet in crystal.


Zabuza continued the hand-signs in quick succession.

Whatever he was doing began to show noticeable effects. The mud that most of the ground was covered in began to quickly dry to rock, the mud clones' movement began to slow as they hardened, any grass still around withered and died, the leaves of the tree's all around began to die, and even the air itself began to dry out.



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'I gotta weed him out of the handsigns if I can't get through that dragon'

Though the attempt was good, Riku's blade was far too hot for crystal to form around though. Riku began shoving his blazing hot blade through her guard trying to break it with his sheer strength and the heat of his blade.

Then suddenly the second Riku swipes out of guard lock between the two blades, and quickly tries swiping Crystals feet from under her using basic yet effective taijutsu, moving quick enough to hopefully evade any traping crystal techniques.

Meanwhile the clones that were attacking Zabuza are taken off guard by the attack, they poof into smoke right away.



"It's simple. We need to destroy the remaining railroads into the land of Rain, and cause as much hell in the great nations as we can so they won't be worried about the hidden rain."
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As the fruit of the Demon's labor begins to show revealing what he's been preparing for, he begins to near the end of the hand-sign. All the water that was drained out of almost every single source within the vicinity begins pooling up into three separate pools. Figures begin to form out of this water...

As their form takes more shape it's noticed the three figures are water dragons. As they continue to finish up forming they raise above the now dead tree-line, towering over all that opposed the two of them.


As the girl fell to the ground, her feet swiped from underneath her by an unknown assailant, she had no choice but to attempt to roll of out the way. She for the most part had fulfilled her duty of keeping them off Zabuza.


The Hidden Mist shinobi that had been watching the fight from afar begin to flee. It was clear that it wasn't a smart idea to be here, as the chance stood they could get caught in the Demon's rage.
Koga jumpe up and said with a strong fist in the air, "Lets do it! I call killing as many people as I can! You guys want to have a competition and see who cankillmore people?" He smiled like he was insane. Wait. He was insane.

The two Rikus went into action straight away. Riku started doing his hand signs now, both of them using the same hand signs. It wasn't a long chain, very simple. Perks of Kekkei Genkais: One Riku ponted at Crystal, the other one charged Zabuza still doing the hand signs.

Both chanted at the same time- "Scorch Style: Searing Blast!" and Riku heaved back, taking a deep breathe. Riku then heaved forward, blasting a glowing red scorching hot fireball, the size of roughly a basketball once expanded, one riku fired it toward Zabuza and his water dragons in an attempt to evaporate the water using the sheer heat (Look up scorch style for references) and one at Crystal: Trying to finish her.



"I want you to head to the mist, cause as much chaos by whatever means necessary. But take our their rail roads, understood? If you want to slay a beast you must take out its throat." Yamoto said, with a closed fist.


Akuma was silent, just staring at the map.

"In the anime, this chakra nature was shown to be weak against Water Release techniques."

Just as a point of reference for my post...)

"Too late..." Zabuza remarked. It was unknown whether he was referring to himself or to Riku.

That is, until two water dragon rushed towards both of the of the fireballs, one to each. Both water dragons engulfed the fireballs in their mouth, as they then spewed steaming hot steam towards Riku and his clone(s) hot enough to burn a man's skin.

The third and final water dragon headed towards the Ikari holding the black katana that had been standing there watching the entire fight take place(?). As it rushed towards him with such great force it knocked dead trees over in it's wake.

Crystal finally tried to get back up on her feet.
Koga clenched his fists and his jaws. "My specialty. Chaos. You know that is my middle name." He laughed a little and walked out of the tenet and was on his way to the land hidden in the mist.
(Good point. Glad you referenced it!)

(I'm also loving this fight scene so far.)


Riku didn't want to give either of them the chance to recover. Nothing he could do to save Ikari, most of his protection techniques were short ranged. Best he could do would be to divert attention.

Riku quickly did hand signs. This would cost some more chakra than usual....but he needed to use it. His reserves were fine, for now. He had spent a little too much with his sword technique, but it's necessary. He can't drag this fight on for too long, not unless he improvised.

"Scorch Style: Scorch Clone." Riku finished the hand seals, and a glowing red white flame floated out of his body, and formed a another Riku, making a third clone.

The scorch clone quickly charged Crystal, trying to slash her leg with the bare sword, but ready to burn its way out of any crystal techniques.

Meanwhile The other two Riku's charged Zabuza. The closest one took the front, mounting a frontal assault with his blade, aiming lower so defending with that bulky sword would be harder as he would have to extend his arm out more.

Meanwhile the second charging Riku began to do his handsigns while charging Zabuza's flank.


Akuma simply nodded, and began to follow Koga.
Koga could feel Akuma following him, it was strange. He turned around and started to walk backwards. "So, buddy. Tell me about yourself." He didn't know why he was asking but he just wanted to.

A sigh could almost be heard, then steam left Akuma's mouth. "I'm nobody." Is what Akuma simply said. (I'll start getting into flashbacks to explain his past to you through later post)

Koga pursed his lips. "With moves like that? Ya ok. And I'm the missing kage." He joked around. He turned around and started to walk straight.

Akuma glared. Steam left his mouth. "In the eyes of history I'm nobody. Simply a shadow that walks among the cattle, that are eager to be fed.

He inhaled again, he inhaled, then steam left his mouth again. "I've known many in the centuries I've walked the earth."
(So the third water dragons on standby for Ikiria, whenever he gets back on)

A smirk appears on Zabuza's face as he jumps onto the back of his water dragon, Executioner's Blade out as he runs up the beast attempting to make it to it's head. In the meantime, the water dragon swipes it's tail towards the two Riku charging Zabuza. It swipes them upwards, attempting to knock them into the air for whatever the Demon of the Mist had planned next.

The girl is on alert, but she understands there's little she can do. Besides her crystal release and her medical capabilities, there wasn't much she could do. These attackers, whom which she didn't know, managed to melt her crystals before she could use them.

Thus she had to rely on the water dragon. As it came barreling down towards the Riku clone after her, it's mouth wide open ready to snap him in two with a single bite.
Koga finally got Akuma to talk. "But how are you so good at combat? Someone must have taught you." He turned around again, walking backwards.
Think conservatively Riku...bad things happen if you don't think conservatively

This was the main thought racing through the mind of the Riku near Crystal as he used his agility to barely make it out of the way, due to his small time to react. Immediately he dashed to the side about three feet, spinning in the air and quickly launching a paper bomb kunai at Crystal, trying to get the explosion to either knock her or the water dragon off balance.

Meanwhile on Zabuza's side of the battle field, the frontal fighting Riku was knocked into the air, he flung his arms and sword out to balance himself out in the air. The Riku approaching Zabuza from the flank however had enough time to react, diving over the tail and finishing up his hand signs, which he had to change up to quickly change technique. "Wind Style: Wind Blast!" Riku yelled

He then blasted a gust of wind at Zabuza. Riku's wind techniques aren't impressive techniques meant for emitting high damage, but instead for being able to blow a person forward or back for both offensive and defensive purposes. Little damage done by it unless you account for possible fall damage. Makes sense though, the Iseya were known for their fire techniques, not wind techniques.

The blast hurled toward Zabuza, trying to knock him off the dragon so he could actually get some attacks on him.


Steam left his mouth. He stopped for a moment. "I had many trainers...for many fields....My Uncle..."

He inhaled, then exhaled steam. "The ANBU."

"But none of them compared to my last trainer, master I should say." Akuma said in his voice.
Koga was interested. "We'll you can't just stop there! C'mon tell me more. Who was your uncle? And your last trainer or master?"

Akuma looked down, shaking his head, as if reminiscing about the past almost.


A much different Akuma stood in the Konoha training grounds...one who was in his early 20's

He had no mask. No robes, he was dressed as a typical shinobi of the time, and looked like a Hyuga but with very short brown hair, handsome facial characteristics, little scarring on his face, and a medium very athletic build. He went by a different name during this time: Hiro Hyuga. One of the most prosperous yet daring members of the Hyuga clan.

He inhaled slowly, staring at completely destroyed target and giant gap in the ground. "Damnit..."

"I still didn't get the technique right...." He mumbled. Slowly he held his hand out, trying to form the jutsu again. He could always get the first step down but...completing it into the final phase was always a challenge...Slowly he focused, his eyes narrowing and sweat dripping down from his face as his arm began to shake.

"GAHH!" He screamed in pain, his arm cramped up due to lack of chakra. Hiro then slammed down into the dirt face first, struggling to even pick his own body weight up. He used too much. Slowly his fist tightned, and his eyes closed. "Damnit..." He said.

His face tightened almost in tears. "God damnit!" he gasped out to himself, hearing his uncle's voice in his head mock him...

The wind ran across his face, and everything just went silent. He was alone, with his thoughts, with dangerously low chakra levels. He wasn't worried though, someone would come and find him. All he could do now was...

"So that's it huh? You're just going to give up Hiro?"

Hiro's eye opened, only to see the figure standing in front of him. "....Lord Hokage what are you doing here?!"

"Watching you try and get my technique down of course! You know you're not actually doing that bad with it."

Hiro closed his eyes again. He was too weak to look at the Hokage. "I failed the technique, I can't get the final phase down! You call that success?!"

"I never called it that, I said it was progress. You happen to be making lots of progress! You can do trust me."

The hokage then began laughing. He grabbed Hiro's shoulders and brought him up to his feet, taking all of his weight to help him stand. "You can't give up, not when you're this close. You've come too far to give up."

"Lord Hokage I've only been practicing this technique for three days now."

"Stop calling me Lord Hokage. You're my bodyguard, but I consider you both a friend and a student. Call me by my actual name, Ok?"

Hiro grinned. "Yes Naruto."


"You know my last master as the 7th Hokage. I knew him as Naruto Uzumaki."


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