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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Ikari smirks, and the veritable pillar of flesh on the beetle lowers, giving Zabuuza a prime view of the hole within, a faint glow in the back. "Thinking isn't us Uzumaki's forte. Thankfully..." The makes a cross seal, generating a horde of clones that form out of the murky water/mud, draining the water just enough to allow the beetle movement. "We don't need it. We throw logic out and do the impossible!" The clones each throw a kunai at the bandaged man, a huge mass of steel zooming towards the man. But they aren't done yet. "Kunai kage bunshin no jutsu!" They shout, and the wall of metal becomes an ocean, blotting out the sun itself. From the cannon-like apparatus of the beetle, a ball of highly corrosive and volatile material is fired, obliterating the front of the mansion before bursting and slowly dissolving what's left. "That's how we Uzumaki roll!" Meanwhile, somewhere in the Multiverse, a blue-haired, muscular man sneezes violently.
The figure of the man seemingly dissipates into nothing right before the mansion is struck by the ball of highly corrosive and volatile material decimating it. Despite this fact, with the over the top destruction, none of the party probably even noticed the Demon vanishing right before it struck.

"An Uzumaki then..."

A voice directly behind Ikari remarks. The Demon had reappeared just a few feet behind him, on top of the beetle. He was clearly agitated, but his sword was still not yet drawn.

"... that would certainly explain a lot. I hope you realize while I was standing there I was doing more than just nothing. Now I'm going to enjoy making you pay for my house in blood."
Koga jumped in the air. "Yahoo! Lets go right now! Me and you big boy!" He ran out of the tent and took out his scythe. He waited for Akuma.

Mizu's head immediately shifted toward the sound of her name being called. "What was that..." She mumbled to herself, jumping into the trees and slowly approaching the sound.


Akuma walked outside...for some reason he wasn't very enthusiastic about it...perhaps because sparring was never really his thing...


Harou quickly chucked a kunai at Zabuza's back, he didn't want to get up on top of the beetle, but he needed to assist somehow...
Aoi activated her Sharingan looking around with it on. She noticed a chakra source nearby and began heading towards it at a full sprint hoping that it would be who she wished to see Mizu. Aoi finally got eyes on the person she was walking towards this was a risk not only was she a rogue ninja but a jinchūriki as well if she saw Aoi as a threat then Aoi would die simply with her eyes the way they were fighting using her Sharingan would only end with her blind that's if she lives either that or death. "Mizu?" Aoi asked she never really knew her from the village.
Koga screamed to Akuma as he walked out, "Lets go Buddy Boy!" He laughed maniacally and charged Aluma with his scythe out. He threw his scythe towards Akuma and had a loose grip on the rope attached to the end of the scythe.
"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed." Ikari replies, leaping into the air and withdrawing an oddly-shaped kunai with a seal on it. He throws it down just as the beetle dispels, covering the area in smoke. "Kunai Kage Bunshin!" Can be heard from within. When it clears, all traces of the Uzumaki are gone, but the field is littered with kunai and the mud has disappeared. A piece of paper lays in the middle. Zabuza might feel the drain on his chakra as the seal draws in chakra from it's surroundings, and an urge to inspect said seal...

Akuma leaned down in an instant, much more flexible than anyone Koga had seen before, dodging the scythe and swiping out Koga's legs from under him. "Byakugon!" Akuma then activated his byakugon. He backed up, drawing out his dai katana and getting it ready.

Steam left Akuma's mouth holes. "I know you're holding back. Come at me with all you have."

Then in an instant Akuma made a handsign, emotionless, quick, and calculating. "Dragons Breath!"

Melting hot fire left Akuma's moutholes, blasting in a constant stream at Koga, much like a dragon would breathe. He knew he couldn't kill Koga, so there was no use in trying to be careful with his techniques.


Three Mizu's dropped down from the trees around Aoi, surrounding her.

"How do you know my name?" Mizu asked, getting straight to the point. Gripped in her hands was her fighting staff, and she gripped it truly, showing that she was experienced in using it.
Aoi shut one eye and quickly deactivated her Sharingan. "I guessed and if I was wrong I would have just headed somewhere else plus your tailed beast gave it away." She said tapping her eyes to give a hint on another reason why. "Before you ask I am not here to hurt you nor try and take you back to the village well ruins of the village but I need your help."

Mizu kept her staff near her side, and she got a curious but stern look to her face. "Okay Uchiha, if you aren't interested in bringing me back to Konoha, then what would you need MY help with?" She asked, being very stern, and cautious with the stranger. It was an Uchiha after all...have to be careful around them.
Aoi bit her lip. "I need your help no one in the leaf has your expertise in medical jutsu and I need it." Aoi said not wanting to get into much detail but without it she knew that Mizu wouldn't help. "Rather than going into a long thing i'll give you a straight answer my eyes are losing their light." Aoi said pulling out a jar. "I need your help to replace my eyes and get me the Elemental Mangekyō Sharingan so that my eyes will not lose their light again."
Koga laughed and said, "Oooh. We gr a love one kids!" He let the fire hit him after jumping over the sweep kick. He screamed, "Owwwww!" His skin was burned way passed thir degree. He was visibly healing and said, "C'mon! Keep it less painful!" Koga charged Akuma again and stopped half way. "Why don't you take the offensive?" He asked Akuma. "I don't bite." He said to him. He said under his breath, "I kill."
For Harou's kunai, it supposedly missed. It had seemingly been thrown directly towards Ikari right before he had leaped into the air. More over, with his Byakugon, he could once again just barely see the Demon's chakra suspended throughout the air. Despite this fact, there was seemingly no mist and he was the only would that just barely make out something afoot...

The image of Zabuza seemingly just once again vanishes for the time, as it would seem he was not directly encountering these people yet. He was watching, learning from their futile attacks for the moment...

Akuma's head turned a bit, as in curiosity. They narrowed.

Suddenly Kiotaro felt steam hitting the back of his throat, "Demon Pentagram: 66 Palms." His mechanical voice screeched out.

In Akuma's eyes, a pentagram circle formed around him, much like how a yin yang circle would form around a hyuga when they used a technique. Koga was right inside of this pentagram, directly in front of this particular Akuma.

Gentle fist activated, and Akuma launched a barrage of gentle fist against Koga, targeting specifically the internal chakra pathways to cause as much internal damage as possible to block up his chakra system...Preferably in his arms.


"Going blind huh? Well, sorry but I have no reason to help you. Helping you would simply benefit the very village that outcasted me."


"Damnit..." He knew he wouldn't be much help in this fight...Wait...where did the crystal bearing girl go? His Byakugon searched immediately.
Aoi sighed. "Do you have control over you tailed beast?" Aoi asked with Aoi being a Uchiha she could help with controlling the tailed beast of cause if she already had control then she would need to try and think of another way to persuade her. Which could go on forever and Aoi doesn't have the time to be wasting.

"Control? No...And you could help me control it?"

Mizu thought for a bit. Perhaps they could come ot some sort of mutual agreement that would benefit both of them...even though they were complete strangers to each other.

Tobirama stood up unharmed, he had been out for longer than expected.

Tobirama looked around to see what was left of Konoha.

Tobirama thought of his mother, but he knew his mother was more than capable of defending herself, so he didn't worry too much about her.

Tobirama started to walk to the Hokages office, after this attack the Hokage will need some help tidying things up.
Aoi smiled. "I can, i can make it bend to your will one of the many things that the Mangekyō Sharingan can do is control tailed beast however I haven't ever used it but I have knowledge of it but to do so I need my eyes so fixing my eyes benefits us both." Aoi said it of caused benefits Aoi more as without it she would go blind and then she would need to stop being a ninja. "Well I may have slightly lied you have a choice I know another jinchūriki who owes me a favor who has full control over his tailed beast so if you fix my eyes but don't trust me then I will call in the favor."

Mizu thought for a good long bit...she didn't want to have to bend this things will...but she certainly wanted to get along with it....

"You think you can control me girl?" Mizu heard Kurama say in her head. She ignored it, thinking more. "Give up and let me free." Kurama said in her head...

"If I do this, you have to do something for me: They're going to ask how you found someone with the skills to do such an operation...do not tell the people of Konoha I did it. Now sit down, and I'll start."
Aoi smirked as Kurama began to speak with Mizu or at least she guessed he did and she wanted to take this time to inspected the nine tails after all she had heard stories about it but never seen it. Using her Sharingan she got into where Kurama was sealed just as it said 'give up and let me free' and another smirk entered Aoi's face the nine tails was as deadly looking as all the stories said. She exited the seal and sat down her eye sight was nearly none existential now. "Trust me no one will ask."
Koga took the hits while saying "ow!" Making his voice waver from being hit. After it was over, Koga spun in a circle and brought his scythe with him, going right for Akuma. He just needed a little bit of blood.
As Harou searched for the crystal forming girl, he came up with nothing. This was no different than trying to look for Zabuza, but the truth was she actually wasn't here. She was still out, bribing and charming some hidden mist shinobi.

However something strange began to happen. To all those there, it began to seem like a large, dark, shadowy figure was forming behind Harou. It grew and grew, until it raised over the tree line. It looked like a horrifying demonic creature, as it began to ball it's clawed hand into a fist. In one strong powering blow the fist came crashing down onto Harou.

To all those others watching, it seemed like Harou was just crushed. As blood went splattering out in all directions, alongside a massive imprint into the ground. The Demonic figure bellowed out a distorted laugh before vanishing yet again.

In Reality...

As Harou now looked around, he was trapped in heavy and thick mist yet again. More over, Zabuza could be seen with his Executioner's Blade drawn. His friends were no where to be seen.

"With those eyes of yours, you had to be first..."

The Demon of the Mist began to speak, his voice somewhat distorted.

"I can distort so much more than you puny fools think. While standing in the front door of my now destroyed mansion, I recreated this mist while distorting all of your sight so you could still see like it was not even there.

Don't bother calling out for help. I will distort everything you say, and distort everything you do so that they can't see it. As far as they are concerned, you were just brutally murdered.

I now intend to make your death a reality..."

"Am I in a genjutsu...or are my comrades..." Harou said, looking around the mist... Slowly his fast turned to a determined poker face, not letting any fear show so that his enemies could gain an upper hand on him. He slowly controlled his breathing, relaxing bit by bit, and readied himself into fighting stance...now he waited...


The Akuma that he had lashed out for was hit, but bursted into scorching hot steam. A steam clone: Akuma's specialty, and the ultimate antagonizer of the Shinobi world.. (FYI, this is Akuma's attacking style, won't be the same for every character.)

Just then the other Akuma that was at a distance from Koga was in front of him, already in attack stance. "Demon Pentagram: 33 Palms!"

Akuma then turned his fist into Gentle Fist format, and aimed for Koga's most heavily inflicted chakra spots. But then after the 12th palm, whether they all made contact or not, Akuma faked one more hit, and instead of hitting a chakra point near his head he blasted steam out of his hand at Koga's eyes to stun him with pain, following through with a drop kick to bring him to the ground.


"Alright. One second..." Mizu reached into one of her pouches, pulling out a small bottle of medical alcohol. "I know this isn't much, but drink this. It will numb some of the pain out..." she then took out a bottle of Sake that she used for....'recreational perposes' and poured some of it into the medical bottle, shaking it around. Stronger drink, more numbing of pain.

Mizu's more human side slowly began to show...someone showing some sympathy for the Uchiha. Most of them were killed in the war: Targeted by enemy officers to deplete moral. The numbers are certainly more promising than during the time of Naruto when it was just Sasuke Uchiha, but still low. Only a few family branches left in the old Uchiha district. She poured the crude mix of medical alcohol into Aoi's mouth like a parent would to a small child...and waited for the alcohol to take effect.

Mizu opened up her backpack and laid out a thin sheet, setting various anti-infectants and other bottles on the sheet. Normally such a procedure could be done by a medic, such as Kakashi Hatake's transplant when Obito gave him his...but that was the basic form of the Uchiha's dojutsu...Aoi had an advanced form of the Dojutsu...so it would require more experience, finer hands if one would say. Mizu had very fine medical hands, sadly she had only put them to use a few times, mostly on herself.

"Now...I have to ask. Do you want both eyes replaced?"


Mitsorugi resided in the village ruins, assisting rebuilding and trying to keep things calm....He awaited for Tobirama to arrive.
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Koga panicked when Akuma burst into steam. E turned around just in time to dodge about half of te punches from Akuma. When Akuma let the hit steam out of his fist, Koga closed his eyes and swung his scythe just trying to knick Akuma. He covered his eyes with his sleeve for a second out of pain and screamed for a second. He started to heal and he said, "I like you."
Naturally, the Genjutsu fails, as the seal sucks the chakra used right out of it. Using his fan, Ikari scopes out Zabuza's location, using a Dotson technique to maneuver underground.

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