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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


While Koga was thinking of rather humorous things, Akuma simply walked down memory lane...Naruto Uzumaki...seems he can't escape that name no matter where he went.

Yamamoto heeled back on the beast, and it took off for flight. Within hours they were near the canyon. Yamamoto raised his hand, and pointed toward the leaf ruins. Curious, someone had already destroyed the leaf? Strange...maybe it had something to do with that masked man...maybe.

Yamamoto landed the beast, which entered the seal in his back and he entered the tent.

"Now is the day. The day that the Champions of Dark Horse rise. You shall represent us, as champions. Thus you will be dressed like one as well." Yamamoto said, and he opened a trunk in his tent. He tossed Akuma and Koga each a pair of robes, very similar to those of Akatsuki, yet instead of red clouds on them it was all just solid black, with a large white dot on the back, much like the banner of the Dark Horse.

Akuma glanced curiously at the robes...so now they would actually be representing this strange group. He just nodded, his mind was elsewhere right now, though his guard was not let down. Akuma never lets his guard down.

"Now then. To business." Yamamoto said. Yamamoto escorted Koga and Akuma to a war table, which had a map of the entire continent. "Here we are, with my forces. Currently scattered, can't get an accurate number right now. There is Konoha, and the rest of the great nations. Konoha has been dealt with...for now. They're going to be busy rebuilding, so our location is not in jeopardy...for now. Then there is the Sand: We don't have to worry about them...due to the 'dissapearence' of their Kazekage, they won't be able to get anything done for quite some time. So, we only have three ignorant nations to stay under the radar of until the big moment, which we'll get to later. I have considered many things, but if Iak is up to what I think he may be then every move must count. There is no room for error in our operations, we are a small organization, therefore we must cut each Snake's head off, the snakes being the great nations. But our moves must be discrete: We can't attract too much attention...no...we would be brutalized."


Harou glanced around the bar...this was definitely not the finest place in town...

Scum were everywhere...and oh...that pungent smell...rotten fruit?
Koga laughed. "Me? Brutalized? You are aware of who I am and what I'm capable of right? All thanks to Jashin up there." He pointed upwards. He sat down on the floor because he preferred the floor over anything else.
Neji stood up as he bruised and had cuts all over from his own battle with those white. Features he fought, he looked around and saw all the devastation all the buildings destroyed all the hurt shinobi and civilians. This was awful and there was nothing he could have done to prevent it. Neji struggled and made his way to where Aoi the hokage and the anbu were his sharingan still activated. "I don't know what I fought but they were these white creatures that the man who attacked us had under his control. I fought them off and killed most of them until the mans final attack." Neji winced in pain as he fell down to one knee, looking up at them.

@Bills352 @Gilzar

"You all fought well..." He said simply, ashamed that he wasn't there to help. "Now we must rebuild...again..."


Upon entering the bar, a strange figure in a shadowed corner seems to eye all of them, as he puts his feet up on the table, and leans back.

Though he's not the only one eying them down. All of the shouting, singing, and all the other shenanigans seem to stop with the appearance of three fine Shinobi entering the bar. They all begin to whisper to each other while staring...Shinobi in this bar? Even a noble? Not a common sight...

"You boys must have wondered into the wrong side of town..." The bartender said.

"Nobles and Shinobi don't come around these parts often..." Another person said from the corner.


"Well, we can't survive a full on attack by an army of Shinobi like you can..."
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"No, we're in the side we want to be in." He replies with a smirk. All pretenses of a snobbish, aristocratic personality are discarded. "And if you're willing to help us out..." He brandishes a hefty bag of rye the coins clinking as it moves. "...It'll be the side you want to be in too." He finishes, cocking an eyebrow up. "Now, any of you boys know where I could find one Zabuza Momochi the second?"

The man with his feet folded over the table in the corner speak up, while everyone else goes silent at hearing Zabuza's name.

"None of these fools would know where he is at. And if they say they do: Don't believe them, they are lying for you money."

His face still remained in the shadows, he tilted himself back on his chair casually. "Though, for the modest exchange of Ryo for information, I can not only tell you, but show you, through my various knowledge of the underworld it will be no problem finding someone's whose hands are as dirty as Zabuza Momichi II"
"I'll give you six thousand up front, and the other fourteen thousand when we get the info." Ikari offers. It is a sum larger than most bounties, yet trivial for a village as prosperous as Uzugakure. He smiles thinly. "Do we have a deal? Keep in mind that I am a shinobi, and not one to be trifled with."

"Why of course. When shall we depart, now, or would you like to have a few drinks in this 'lovely' bar?"
"I'd prefer t go as soon as possible." Ikari replies with a nod, signaling for Harou to follow before exiting the establishment.

"Alright then. I suppose we should get past the awkward introductions then. My name is....just call me Riku."

He then traveled out of the shadows, revealing his face. He had tan skin, and a young looking face with some scarring on it. He had medium long black hair that he put into a pony tail, with a few bangs hanging on the side. One of them, on the left side of his face was beaded. He stood roughly at 5'9 and for clothing he wore a blue long sleeve shirt, sleeves rolled up, and Mist Camo pants.

"Follow me...if you will."

Then he departed out of the door, signaling them to follow.

Harou did as instructed, following before leaving the bar.
"Very well." Ikari replies, following the man warily. One never knows if these types can be trusted, especially in the Bloody Mist...

Riku led them through the darker sides of the bloody mist, heading northward. He slid between various stalls, crowds, etc moving quickly not to attract attention, even in some parts of town keeping his hand near the sword sheathe on his back. Eventually they made it to the outskirts of town, nearing their destination.

"So. Just out of curiosity, why are you willingly looking for Zabuza?"


"He's a criminal."

"Oh, really? I never knew." Riku sarcastically said.

"Recently ambushed a convoy of nobles, there were lots of casualties let's just say." Harou replied, rolling his eyes.

Riku chuckled to himself. "I heard about that. I also heard you diffused all of the traps."

Harou was silent in surprise. "H...how did you know that? The official report hasn't even been released yet!"

"I have my sources...and those sources just happen to be deeply rooted in your village. Anyway though, we're here. Unless he moved, Zabuza and his faithful companion should be right in that building ahead." Riku said, pointing to an ominous looking building.


Mizu simply sat on top of a tree, making a wooden statue with her Kunai knife. Great way to pass the time, something her old Sensei taught her. For hours she sat there, plucking away at it, every now and then she would glance up at the ruins of Konoha to see any signs of life, as her tree happened to be tall enough to get a good look at it.

Mizu sighed, and then made one last strike against her wooden figurine: It was just simply a dog, no specific breed. "So. Konoha now burns..." She mumbled to herself, then glared at Hokage Rock. She still had many confused feelings about the Hidden Leaf, preferably on wether or not she felt remorseful for its destruction. One side of her loved the village: It was all she was taught to do as a child. Yet the other side hated it: She bled for that village yet it outcasted her, setting her aside to rot. Not to mention of the incapable Hokage running that village...Mitsorugi...what a joke.

Mizu closed her eyes, and chucked her kunai into a wooden target she carved into a tree about 45 feet away. Bullseye. Her eyes then glanced down at the wooden figurine, and she simply tossed it down, waiting to hear it hit the ground.
As the party neared the Demon's abode, the mist grew thicker and thicker. Up until the point they could barely even make out each other despite the fact they were so close. Just as before, the Demon could sense them as soon as they entered the mist he had created around his dwelling. However, unlike before, Zabuza could only assume they were travelers that were just about to accidentally run into his home.

This was inevitable, of course, having is home so close to one of the villages within the Mist. However, there was a plan set in motion to get around this. As the party was engulfed into the Demon's mist, it did more than just obscure their vision. Unknowingly, their sense of direction began to be distorted. As the mist began to direct them on a course that would take them around the house, while still making them believe they were walking straight.

It was this method that has been used to keep travelers from reaching the Demon's house. Thus allowing them to simply walk around it without ever knowing...

"This mist...it's not normal mist..."

"Hence how you know he's here." Riku said. "You're bykugon can probably see through it."

Harou then turned his byakugon on, trying to get a sense of direction.
The byakugon could not clearly see through the Mist, so to say... However, Harou was able to see the chakra evenly spread out all throughout the thick Mist they had entered. It looked as if the chakra was directing them, around their destination. Moreover, out of the corners of his eyes he could just barely make out a house of sorts.

Every single time he tried to focus on the house and turn his head to look at it, his body instinctively looked away. It was the Mist, forcing his body to continue on the path around.

At the Exact Same Time...

"Something about his eyes..." Zabuza was relaxing back in one of the chairs in the parlor of his house; concentrating on the travelers that had stopped while being directed around his domain.
"Oh? Give me two minutes." Ikari smirks, forming several clones as cover while he takes out his fuuinjutsu equipment. He immediately gets to work, his hands no more than a blur.

"Are you getting rid of this mist? What's going on? My byakugon can't see through this...All that I can see is that he obviously doesn't want us finding the house as he's blurring our senses."


Riku stood patiently. He wasn't paid for this...
"Aaaand... done!" Ikari places down the seal, and it glows with chakra. Sure enough, the mist is funneled into the seal at a decent rate, dissipating after about a minute. "Better?" He asks in a chiding tone. He turns to Rika ad tosses him a bag full of ryo. The man was a criminal, but an honest one, and Uzumaki always keep their promises. "You can go. We'll take it from here." Rika may notice that a seal lines the interior of the bag. When he opens it, it displays a message: Put blood on the seal if you wart to contact me. I certainly might be in need of your... services... later on.


The Nobleman
Koga smiled. "Ya I guess you could say that. But it not just because of that. I can take care of myself you know. I know stuff." He stood up and stretched. "I'd like to spar with someone. If anyone's up to it."
All the mist in the surrounding area appears to be gone, finally revealing... a massive mansion. It would seem the Demon had no money problems from all that he collected from his jobs. Outside were dozens upon dozens of crystal statues depicting various creatures in unbelievable detail. As well small pools of water seemingly covered many parts of the land.

Now standing at the front doors was a man, his face covered by bandages. Strapped to his back was a massive blade, the Executioner's Blade to be exact.

"So tell me, what are the names of those foolish enough to intrude upon my humble abode?"
"Howdy." Ikari greets, adopting a 'nice guy' pose worthy of the famed 'Bren Beast of Konoha'. "I am Ikari Uzumaki, legendary seal master!" He slams a hand on the ground, disappearing in a puff of smoke. The smoke soon clears, revealing Ikari standing atop a positively massive beetle, a growth akin to the barrel of an artillery cannon atop said beetle, towering over even the tallest trees. "The ladies love me!" He grins. "Me want to be me!" He points to the sky. "And even the heavens themselves bend to my will! 'Note to self: Do this more often. I can see why father finds this so fun...' He muses. The whole act is a total break of character for him, but the 'shock and awe' factor is priceless.
Aoi said and stood up pushing the ANBU members healing her away. "Heal him instead." She said pointing to Neji since he was the next generation of Uchiha it would be better if he was fine rather than her. She placed one hand over her eye as it was after all the use of the Mangekyō Sharingan was finally catching up on her and without a transplant soon she would lose her sight. She began to walk the way of the destruction. Walking around for a bit it seemed she may have been very lucky a jar containing eyes and upon closer inspection it was the very same jar and eyes as her fathers the ones she kept safe in case she ever needed it. She went back to where she left a few moments ago where the Hokage was. "Lord *((Just noticed I don't know which Hokage it is.)) I know this maybe a bad time but could I take some leave and borrow someone who knows how to transplant eyes its urgent."

He looks at Aoi curiously. "I suppose...just head over to the hospital, I'm sure someone there knows how to do such a procedure." Mitsorugi simply said...though he had his doubts. Such an operation required more than expert knowledge, such knowledge that Mizu had but she was long gone by now....


Harou stared up at the beetle in awe. Just who was this guy again? Harou did a few handsigns, then made a few shadow clones and kept his Byakugon active, getting into combat stance.

Riku simply watched...he wasn't paid to 'engage' Zabuza. Though it would be quite the test considering how they were both swordsmen.


"Spar with?" He asked...he didn't see that question coming. "Well I'm too old for that kind of thing but Akuma may be able to..."


Akuma thought for a bit...it had been a while since he had a good sparring match...and he wouldn't have to worry about killing this one.

Steam left his mouth. "Fine. But only to get accustomed to my presumed partner."


Mizu leaped off of her tree. She had had enough of watching Konoha's ruins for now. Maybe she'll pay that village a visit...no probably not. She quickly scanned her area, then began to walk Eastward.
Aoi bowed and began to walk away however if this surgery goes wrong not only would she lose her own eyesight but her fathers eyes which could have fixed it. She walked over to the hospital and talked to some of the people in it. It turned out that one doctor their had slim to no knowledge in eye surgery and that the only other person able to perform the said action was Mizu a rogue ninja and Jinchuriki but she could do it with ease. But still that would be a pain to try and find her not to mention without using kamui or at least only using Kamui a few times would be hard nearly impossible but she had to try. Leaving the hospital she had to try and think like a rogue which shouldn't be that hard since she had been thinking of going rogue not to long ago. "Well if the leaf was attacked she probably came back to see the damage or at least I would had so hmm well time to use a Kamui." She thought to herself teleporting herself into a forestry area near the hidden leaf. She bit her lip as she felt her vision getting worse and worse. "Well with nothing else to do why not." She muttered to herself taking a deep breath before shouting. "Mizu!"
The Demon of the mist begins to clap after the massive beetle is summoned.

"You should really take the time to think and be more considerate of your summons..."

The ground the behemoth was standing upon was not as solid as it might of thought. For the surrounding area around the house was extremely swampy/marshy with many seemingly small pools of water dotting the ground. Some of the creatures legs happened to fall into what should of been small puddles of water.

The creature began to sink deeper and deeper into the water pools, far exceeding how deep the puddles somebody would of possible thought. However, the massive creature's legs continued to be consumed until they were fully engulfed and the creature unable to move.

Zabuza was still seemingly standing still, not having moved since he appeared in the doorway.
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