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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

The figure drops to the ground, slamming a gloved palm onto the concrete. Like a white tide, misshapen, animalistic creatures, no, monsters, pour from a rapidly-formed sealing array. They charge the Shionogi, killing many but only injuring the majority of the ninja. "MWAHAHAHAHA!" A booming, menacing laugh erupts from the man. "People of Konoha... No, people of the Shinobi nations altogether: I am the bringer of your destruction! Shinra Tensei!" As if to emphasize his point, Yang extends his hand towards the shadows, forcing an ANBU out of hiding. However, such a thing is trivial compared to what he does next. He rears his fist back and then, with a grunt, slams his fist into the ANBU's head, the power behind the blow splattering the appendage and cratering the ground.
Aoi finally made it back to the leaf and what did she see in front of her the one of her fellow ANBU being killed with ease and the village was heavily damage she activated her sharingan guessing a fight would be happening every seen she guessed it was luck she got captured when she did since it have her time to regenerate her chakra fully sine it seems she would need it. Jumping onto one of the few remaining building she could see a strange looking man someone she recognized fro the bingo book known either as 'Yin' or 'Yang' looking right at her target this person known either as 'Yin' or 'Yang' she already had a plan in mind which was attack first. She used Amaterasu on her target hoping to end the fight sooner rather than later.


Tobirama heard the carnage, he rushed quickly to the source of said carnage and saw a bunch of dead ninja some of which were even Anbu.

The attacker had just finished another member of Anbu when another Shinobi appeared opposite of where Tobirama was standing appeared.

Aoi Uchiha used her Amaratsu on the attacker so Tobirama decided to help out by attacking on the opposite side, making the attacker need to block two attacks at once.

Tobirama attacked his enemy with

Water Release: Water Shark Blast.
Neji with his sharnigan activated watched as this figure slammed his hand into the ground and these white monsters came out. Neji bit his lip and charged at the white monsters. With his sharnigan he is able to see attacks coming at him and he can easily dodge the attacks. Neji made hand signs. "Giant fireball jutsu!" He shot off one of the uchihas famed fireball jutsu killing many of those white creatures. He then took out his kunai and began to fight many if them with his taijutsu.
Yang notices the Uchiha approaching through her chakra signature and smirks, using Shinra Tensei to launch a large chunk of debris at her. Naturally, when the rock is disintegrated by Amaterasu, his eyes widen imperceptibly. "That Uchiha has the Mangekyo, eh-" His musings are interrupted by the water sharks coming at him. He leaps back, flipping through hand signs. "Sutton: Suiryudan no Jutsu!" He has to deal with the Uchiha first, as she presents the greatest threat. Using the moisture in the air and the water remaining from the sharks, which had crashed into the building beside his former location, he creates a massive dragon made of water, sending it at the girl. After doing so, he morphs his hand into a gun-like apparatus, and launches a rather large beam of what appears to be black chakra at the water user. "Your resistance is futile!" He booms.


The white creatures are weak, Chuunin-level at best... but there are many of them, an endless sea of creatures. The gap in their ranks quickly fills up as more and more of the summons are released. A creature vaguely similar to a spider leaps at Neji, trailing an inky black substance, just as several wolf-like creatures charge from behind.
Neji sees the spider like creature coming at him and jumps into The air. He makes more hand signs. "Giant fireball jutsu." He again shoots another giant fireball Justu down at the spider killing it. "These things are not that strong but there are so many of them. He sees a wold like creature jump up at him. He makes more hand signs and yells "chidori!" Lighting chakra forms in his hand and he strikes the wolf like creature in the gut killing it. He lands on a roof panting a little. "Who is this guy?" As he looks up at Aoi attacking the man.
The spider bursts into sticky, heavy threads. Most of the threads are destroyed by the technique, but a good chunk still heads towards Neji. At the same time, the rest of the wolves, about 5 or so, continue charging, using their sharp teeth and claws to their advantage. From the sides, praying mantis-like beasts lash out at him with lightning-quick blows. It's odd, though. The blows seem... almost soft. Granted they still carry more than enough force to take down a ninja, but it almost like the creatures are holding back.

Tobirama leapt out of the way with time to spare, he could tell he was focusing more on the uchiha, which really ticked him off.

Tobirama leapt back a couple of paces and made a few Wind Clones.

Tobirama then sends his Clones at the odd attacker as Wind Explosion Clones.

(These explode on impact.)

After Tobirama is done with that he jumps into the air and uses,

Wind Release: Severing Pressure

(A Moderately sized Tornado is sent towards him.)
Aoi used one of her more specialized jutsu Kamui making herself intangible hence making the dragon pass through her and since she had Kamui in both eyes it mean she could also teleport at the same time. She didn't know if it would work but hell if she was just going to sit there using her weak ninjutsu. She teleported right into the face of the enemy ninja looking right into his eyes if this didn't work she would be in a problematic situation. "Tsukuyomi" she used her strongest genjutsu and one of the if not the strongest in the world if this hits they is a good chance this fight is over.
Neji with his sharnigan was able to predict where all the blows would come from, but he was outnumbered pretty bad in his fight right now and who knows how much longer he would hold on for. Neji made hand signs "burning ash accumulation!" Our his mouth he shot a large cloud of ash around him and these white creatures attacking him. He the clicked his teeth together and the ash ignites into flames burning all the creatures to a crisp around.
Perhaps the pair might have succeeded... if the masked man hadn't reacted quickly. Growling, he extends his hands. "SHINRA TENSEI!" He roars, and for a split second, all is still. Then the technique activates. A wave of force erupts from the man, cratering the earth and flattening any buildings that still stood. The clones and the tornado fall quickly, and the cloud of ash around the creatures is blown away violently before it can ignite, followed by the creatures themselves, and then the very ground they stood on. Outwardly, the man appears impassive. Inwardly, however... 'Yang, you idiot!' 'I'm sorry, jeez! How was I supposed to know it would do this much?' What sounds like a facepalm is the only response Yang gets.
Aoi saw what was coming before it did using her Sharingan which means she had some time even if it was only a few seconds to know what to do. It was simple in her mind what to do. She quickly used her Susanoo. She got hit back but due to her Susanoo the damage was small if not there at all. "Nice try." Aoi said she had no idea how to follow up but with the destruction that has already been caused a bit more wouldn't do any harm. "Guys you may want to move way from this location." Aoi said her most destructive jutsu was coming out. Repeating three hand signs Ram, Snake, Bird "Tengai Shinsei" and a massive meteorite began to fall out of the sky.
The man only chuckles, extending his hand towards it. His hand morphs into an odd apparatus, with a hole at the end. The man's chuckle grow louder, and a massive beam of chakra is released from the 'hand cannon', blowing up the meteor. "Nice try, Uchida." He shifts, aiming the apparatus at her before firing again.
Aoi smirked. "The thing with this jutsu is that well lets just say you may want to aim up rather than at me." Aoi said cockily as the bullet passed through her the good thing with Kamui is that intangibility requires no hand signs and since she has it in both eyes she can use it and still use jutsu at the same time. Repeating the same three hand signs Ram, Snake, Bird and using once again "Tengai Shinsei." She as it was the last time she fought people she was tired from her last mission this time she had a little rest meaning she is a lot stronger with more chakra that last time.
Neji was in awe at the power of the 2 one he knew of being from his own clan but their enemy was just as powerful. Neji struggled to stand up as he had got hit by the last jutsu. There were no more of those white creatures that was good, but now he had to find a way to help aoi with this guy.

Tobirama was blown back into what was a house, now it was nothing but rubble.

Tobirama was laying on his back when he saw a huge meteorite begin to fall from the sky, Tobirama new this was his chance.

Tobirama rose from the rubble trying to put aside his pain for the moment, Tobirama made a few water clones as well as wind clones.

Both him and his clones unsheathed their swords, they rushed the man from all directions.

This man couldn't possibly take out the meteorite and his clones, or could he?
The man stares at her impassively, noting the charging clones. "Have you forgotten?" He draws a kunai and thrusts his hands out, the one with the kunai in its grip stabbing at the Uchiha. "Shinra Tensei." The infuriatingly powerful technique blasts away everything nearby. He looks to the meteor, dramatically increasing the gravity of the moon's effect on it while reducing the effect of earth's gravity on the meteor. The result is the meteor slamming into the white celestial body soon after, creating yet another crater on its surface.
Aoi stopped using her Susanoo after it was hit directly with a Shinra Tensei it would be used less for now however she had a better plan knowing where she would be stabbed using the sharingan he moved her body slightly allowing herself to be hit but no where that could killer her. Even as she was injured as fast as she could she used the hand sighs Ox, Rabbit, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, Bird, Ox, Snake, Dog, Tiger and Monkey and a simple smirk came over her face since they were touching this would be stronger "Chidori Current" and this particular Chidori makes the body of her opponent that was touched by the Chidori misinterpret the lightning nature as 'electrical signals from the nerves', making his muscles contract. This causes his body to involuntarily go stiff, while at the same time receives damage from the lightning. Afterward she spat out blood even if it was in a non-lethal location a kunai is a kunai and it hurt.
He stiffens and hisses in pain... before his body seems to shift I shape, his cloak becoming white. He seems to regain control over his muscles, and shifts back to his previous appearance. "Congratulations. That actually stung a little." He swipes his hand to the side, attempting to use the Kenai embedded in her to slash into her vital organs. At the same time, a sharp, metal 'tail' sprouts from his back, curving to impale the woman from behind. He leaves it there after it does so, so that it still harms her if she uses her 'Kamui', or whatever she had called it.
Aoi quickly used Kamui in order to make both attacks pass through her and escape. She moved back only to noticed that the person is walking away luckily she didn't know how much more her body could take. She quietly sits down breathing heavily holding where she allowed her opponent to stab. "Someone do my a favor and call me a medical ninja please and get ma the Hokage if he lives I need a word with him tell him its urgent." Aoi order she was in no mood for fun and games and she needed help fast.
The man stares at her for a moment, then begins to rise, floating until he is visible to all within the village. "Consider this a message, Konoha." He says, his voice carrying far. "You have no chance of defeating me alone. Your doom, and the destruction of the ninja world is inevitable." He 'poofs' away, reverse-summoned. It's rather odd that he specifically said Konoha couldn't beat him alone...
(Page 40!!! Thank you all for bringing my roleplay this far, and for making it so interesting! I'll probably throw in a few special things as a reward, but those will come later.)


Mitsorugi slowly walked by the side of Aoi, hands in his pocket, just staring.

He stared at the ground bitterly as he took in the surrounding destruction. Slowly his fist tightened...he would have came out and done something...if it wasn't for his advised protection. He sighed, staring down. He looked around, examining the destruction...few buildings left (I don't know if the whole village got destroyed by this?)

His personal team of ANBU soon followed, immediately tending to Aoi's wounds.


Katsuro and Yuki both watched at the distance. He bit his lip in anger, trying not to shout. "God damn...that bastard...." he mumbled...

Yuki wanted to feel frightened...but instead he felt a glaring anger inside of him....one that went deep into his gut, and made a burning sensation.



"Yes. Back to the canyon where we have a few preparations."

With that the beast hence forth came out of his back. Yamamoto climbed onto it, signaling Akuma to ride on as well. Akuma reluctantly got on.


@Naruyashan @Supermariomania

"So. I suppose we should go and find this bad part of town, now that our previous plan has been shot down?" Harou asked on the way out of the office, far enough out not be heard of course.
Aoi wiped the sweat off her forehead before looking at the Hokage then the ANBU helping her. She thanked them quietly before looking up at the Hokage. "Sorry I couldn't protect the leaf." Aoi said sadly she never thought that seeing the leaf in this state would make her upset but for wherever reason it did. "You wouldn't believe it but to be honest not to long ago this is what I wanted to happen to the leaf because of an incident seven years ago but now that its happened why, why do I feel sad?" Tears began to flow down Aoi's face as she looked around did she give it her all defending her home or did she not either way it didn't matter the leaf was in ruins and she couldn't do anything to stop the one who caused it and to make matters worse it just occurred to her that her father Sharingan may have been destroyed the one's she was going to implant in order to achieve eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. "Why am I so weak its like when I was a child all-over again. She didn't even know what she was saying anymore was this just all tired up inside of her and now after seeing what has happened she was just letting it all out it seemed that way.
Koga jumped on the beast and yelled a loud, "Yeehaw!" He started to think about the beast and how it got out of Yamamoto's back. He shivered and thought about other stuff like Akuma on unicorns with a rainbow in the background. He smirked.
(Most of it.)


Oddly enough, while there are many injured and huge amounts of property damage, there are startlingly few casualties, only about 30. Even more strangely, the medical facilities in the village are relatively untouched by the destruction...


"Indeed." Ikari replies, withdrawing a rather heft sac of jingling ryo. "Now, let's see if I'm still as... persuasive as I usually am..." He smirks, heading towards the worst looking bar in the bad area.

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