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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Koga nodded and said, "We shall indeed. Now. Up up and away!" He walked in a random direction not knowing where he was going.
"I have no intention of you helping but you can replay me by not getting in my way the next time we meet ok Aoi?"Iak smiled and tilted his head at Aoi "well you best be off back to the leaf before someone sends a search party for you"

Yamamoto followed, taking out a seal and summoning a walking staff to help take some of the energy off of his older body. 50's might not be that old, but he still didn't have the energy he had when he was younger. Stubborn as a bull he was though, and he would not let any weakness show. "Our best guess it to check near the rock formations...lots of caves and soft dirt worn away by years of water flow, when rain water gets captures and floods pools into the rocks."
Koga had no idea of where to look. Everything looked the same. Until he saw a cave. He pointed to it and then put his index finger to his lips to make Yamamoto silent. He walked slowly towards the cave and took his scythe off of his back ready to pounce. Was this the famous Akuma's cave? Or just a farce?
Neji continued to train. As he was training he finally perfected a very strong lighting style jutsu called the chidori! Great shinobi such as kakashi Hatake and his famous ancestor sasuke Uchiha used this jutsu and Neji was just like sasuke in the fact that he had fire and lighting nature types. And after practiceing this jutsu for a while now he finally perfected it's used. Neji ran at a tree and made have signs as lighting chakra firmed in his hand as he yelled. "Chidori!" He struck the tree completely obliterating it. He smiled, "yes I finally perfected it." He then took a seat and grabbed some food from a bag he brought with him. He wondered when Iak would contact him again and when he did what be I would do. Would he stay loyal to the leaf or follow his brother Iak.

Yamamoto cautiously followed Kiotaro into the caves. (We'll just roll some dice here...Since there are two shinobi entering the cave , there will be two dice, with 30 faces. We are looking to get exactly 21 for a roll.


"Nothing." Yamamoto said, looking into the cave. No signs of life whatsoever. Perhaps at one point this was used as a smuggler den, but that is all. No fire, no footprints, nothing. Not that Akuma would probably leave any of these things, but still.

Yamamoto looked out, seeing another rock formation in the distance. "We set out for that one now."
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Ikari gives a huff, acting annoyed. "Very well, Mizukage. I will return after this 'Zabuza II' has been captured or driven out." He bows curtly before leaving, gesturing for his 'guards' to follow. "Come along, then, Ninja-san."


A small white spot amongst the endless tan ocean, Suna's legendary desert. It is directly in front of Yamato and his comrade, about 50 meters away... and approaching quickly. It soon becomes easier to see, not that many would wish to see it in the first place. It is vaguely similar to a rat, save for it's opposable thumbs and strange eyes and- Wait. Those eyes, similar to the description of a legendary dojutsu. Yet... the rinnegan has not been seen in over a century. Perhaps there would have been more time to contemplate this if the creature didn't begin scratching kanji into the sand... a message? Yes, a question. One that has, perhaps, been asked many times before... but ever to the right man. "Black Horse?" It reads.
Aoi sighed and stood up. "Not good enough the leaf can burn for all I care that village lost my respect and trust long ago, now i'll ask you again what can I do to help you?" Aoi said did she really feel that way when she first lost her lover yes it did but now after so long does she still feel that way it sure felt like it just the leaf's name made her blood boil the only reason she was their was that it was her home.

Yamamoto paused at reading the message in the sand. He began writing back in the sand, while speaking out loud. "It's pronounced 'Dark Horse' and if that is what you seek then yes."
"Hmmm?" He hummed the noticed the sand message. "Is it from Akuma?" He really wanted to see if this guy was real. He was interested and intrigued.
"fine fine I accept you offer to help but just wait for me to contact you...I need some infomation before I have anything particular for you to do so just go about your buisness and ill contact you when i need something done...how bout that?"Iak smiled twitched as his patience was straining.
A smile of satisfaction came across Aoi's face. "That's perfect now all that's left is to think up a story on how I escaped to the hokage what a pain." She said happily. "O and thank you once again." Aoi said before she began heading back to the leaf at full speed she was sure either the Hokage would have sent someone or be in the process of sending someone.
The creature disappears in a puff of smoke, revealing a cloaked, rather tall figure. "Sorry about that. I thought it was Black Horse. Anyways..." Yang looks over the pair, his gaze unsettling when coupled with his eyes. "...I thought Yin and I would offer our services. Peace is the end goal for both of us, ain't it?" He grins cockily, not that either of those facing him could see it.

Yamamoto gets a slight look of relief over his face. "Peace is somewhat of an end cause. I can tell you that we of the Dark Horse don't believe that this world deserves peace, but rather extermination of a sort. It deserves to be cloaked in darkness for the atrocities that it has committed, and the Dark Horse is the steed that shall deliver it to it's fate."
He growls, before his appearance shifts. "Cloaked in darkness? That will simply quench what little light is left. I plan to provide a great threat, one that forces them to discard their grievances and work towards a greater good. If you remember, the only time we had lasting peace was after such an event occurred." Yin replies, in a bit of a disdainful tone. "We need not surrender to fate, but create a better one, a brighter future."

"Yet ask yourself this: Does this world really deserve peace? Honestly, do you truly believe this?" Yamamoto raised his finger into the air.

"The very man that made many sacrifices just to make peace, Naruto Uzumaki, his teachings were completely abandoned by these people you want to give peace. Right after they abandoned his teachings they all started up the single-handedly most bloody conflict in years, and none of them took responsibility for their actions, leaving the smaller nations decimated with no help from them."

Yamamoto's eyebrow then began to twitch, it was obvious he believed in this cause an awful much. "You still don't believe in what I speak? Fine. But just consider this: If Naruto Uzumaki were alive today, what would he say? I'll tell you what he would say, he would state his utter disappointment in them all, how they abandoned his teachings after all of his selfless sacrifices, and went out of their way to slaughter their brethren like cattle! It's disgusting, I experienced it first hand on the front lines of this war, and I'm not alone. I have this man next to me as my partner, and under my command I have shinobi from the Mist, Fire, Earth, Lightning, Wind, all of them! They all bow to me under my command and are willing to do whatever it takes because they have all seen first hand what mankind does and how peace is a lie."

"We are not surrendering to fate. We are the steed that is going to deliver it. If you don't like our cause then by all means necessary walk away."
"Peace is not a lie. When my plan succeeds, you will see the truth." Yin turns, morphs into Yang... and disappears into a puff of smoke, replaced by the rat creature from earlier. It dispels quickly, leaving no trace of the masked man.


A white creature in the sewers of Konoha is replaced by a masked man, the smoke signaling the transportation dispersing quickly. With a calm, measured stride, he heads to a Ladder and begins to climb. 'Now that I know of Dark Horse's plans, I'm going to need to speed up the plan. I can' let them succeed.' He emerges from the sewer, using the Diva path to reduce gravity's influence on his body, allowing him to 'fly', or appear as if he is floating in mid air. Perhaps the ninja here saw him, perhaps not. It doesn't matter. "Shinra Tensei." It's as if a deity ground the area to dust with It's fist. Houses collapse inwards, people are flattened against the ground, leaving bloody smears. Oddly enough, few people are actually killed... but the devastation is far more significant.
Koga listened to Yamamoto quietly and let him speak. He really was a master with words. When the man left Koga stated, "Didnt he look a little suspicious? Or an I just being paranoid?" He shook the thought off and said walking towards the cave, "Whatver lets check this pace out." He quietly walked in and took his scythe off of his back once more.

Yamamoto entered the cave, glaring around for any signs of Akuma. (Forget the diceroll. We'll just get lucky.)

Yamamoto immediately locked onto signs of life, as smoke spots could be seen on top of the cave.

He went silent. "I think we found him..."


People flee, the usual, and immediately Shinobi are on the seen. "Sound the alarms!" They shout out.

Security immediately begins, villagers all flee into buildings, alarms ring throughout the village, and Shinobi forces mobilize trying to get a hold of what is going on.
Koga smiled maniacally when he saw signs of life. He almost let out a loud scream of excitement until he remembered he was suppose to be quiet. He walked in and waited for something to attack him.
Neji was out training in the uchiha training grounds when he heard explosions. He Immediately ran to where he heard the explosions. He heard the villages sirens go off. As Neji rushed to the scene he began to think. Could this be Iak no Iak wouldn't do something this rash by himself. He would have told neji since Iak believes neji is with him. Then who could his be? Neji with his sharnigan activated ran to the area. He saw the area destroyed. Buildings crumbled to the ground and many people hurt. "Who the hell could have done this?"

Nothing is heard...

Nothing is seen...

Yamamoto's eyes glanced up and down the cave, searching for Akuma. Slowly Yamamoto walked around the cave, trying to see if there was a hidden passage or something, surely a simple cave like this couldn't hold Akuma?

Yamamoto turned around to speak to Koga. That was the original intention. Instead he found himself staring into the eyes of a golden copper colored mask, Hyuga eyes visible from under it. Yamamoto let out a scream of fright, and felt a hard cold grip against his throat as he was slammed up against the cave wall, lifted up.

Then undetected from the shadows near Koga, a figure knocks Koga off of his feet and pins him to the ground as well...As if he had done this thousands of times before, a succinct professional.

Silence followed...


Akuma, the one holding Yamato took a heavy breath, then steam left his six mouth slots on his mask. "Why do you seek that which does not wish to be found?"

The other Akuma pinning Koga down makes sure to secure hims limbs, even readying an explosive tag next to him, any sudden unwanted movement would blow him to bits, of course Akuma was ignorant of Koga's...Talent, this was just an effect restraining measure.

Slowly Yamamoto's hands reached up on Akuma's hand. He gasped out a few words. "A modest preposition of course..."

Akuma turned his head down a bit, eyes traveling across the room staring at the wall as he thought for a second. He inhaled, then exhaled steam. "Speak then." Akuma's mechanical, cold voice rang through the cavern.

His grip released off of Yamamoto, and Yamamoto dropped to the floor, catching in his much needed breathe. "So you know that we've been seeking you out since our arrival then..."

Akuma narrowed his eyes at Yamamoto, as if telling him to get to the point. "I came to gather your assistance...We of the Dark Horse are in need of a Master Shinobi such as yourself."

There was just silence. Neither Akuma spoke a word. "I know of your hatred for the world...and we of the Dark Horse share that with you."

Yamamoto then took a deep breathe...he felt like he repeated this statement often. "This world does not deserve peace. Especially after abandoning the teachings of Naruto Uzumaki, even after all of the sacrifices he made, they ended up just becoming blunt words on paper to them! Some considered him the chosen one, and to return to the ultimate state of ignorance by waging bloody conflict on your brethren? Peace can never be achieved, and we're not going to make that mistake like Akatsuki did by ignoring that. No...this world has always been destined for a darker fate...and we of the Dark Horse shall deliver it to it's fate."

Akuma exhaled steam. "Naruto Uzumaki." Is all he simply said, as if he was speaking about some dead relative...

Yamamoto went silent, wondering what he just said.

Akuma's eyes narrowed. More steam left his mouth slots. "Is dead."

He took another deep breathe, then steam left his mouth holes again. "Worthless. Nothing but rotting flesh."

The second Akuma then unarmed the explosive tag, and released Koga, helping him up, then backing up and poofing into melting hot steam. Be glad Koga didn't pop that, it would have been painful.

Steam once again left Akuma's mouth. "If you are true about what you speak, then I will join you."


Yamamoto found himself interrupted, in not even the blink of an eye he was pinned up against the wall, the pointed blade of a kunai knife against his throat, barely piercing the skin. Akuma's soulless eyes synced onto Yamamoto's. "But if I find you have deceived me in any way..."

The blade tightened against Yamamoto's throat, and he found himself pinned up even more. Steam left Akuma's mask, and broke into two separate streams upon hitting Yamamoto's face, not hot enough to burn...but hot enough to take the hairs off of his face. "Then I'll kill you. Simple as that."

With that being said, Akuma put his knife away, and made a hand sign. A trap door became revealed suddenly, and Akuma kicked it open, motioning with his hand for Koga to follow.

Inside, it led to a cold stone basement, two separate body's hung by meat racks and hooks, one so happened to look very much like the Kazekage, there were even Kazekage robes covered in blood in the corner of the room...
Koga was still when he was taken to the ground. He knew that he wouldn't be hurt. He knew that Yamamoto had it all under control. When it was all over he followed them down to the basement and saw the Kazekage robes. He chuckled and said to Yamamoto, "Guess we found the Kazekage." Koga wasn't sure if he trusted this Akuma. He kept his eyes on him closely.

Katsuro and Yuki both stopped training at the sound of the alarm roaring through the forest, birds immediately took off when hearing it, as rabbits fled and even the slightest insect was gone.

Katsuro was in such a state of shock that the cigarette in his mouth dropped like a leaf in autumn.

"Katsuro Sensei...what's going on?" Yuki asked.

"We're under attack..." Katsuro said. Immediately Katsuro tried running to the village, but he was crippled by his still healing injuries, falling to the floor as the state of shock had made him ignorant of them. He bashed the ground in anger.

"Kid, stay here. We can't go near the village."


Akuma grabbed no baggage, just simply a few scrolls and that was all.

"Are you ready to depart?" Yamamoto asked him.

Akuma nodded, and led them out of the basement, sealing it behind them after they both left.
Koga knew how it felt to only need to take a few things then leave. He left his home with only the clothes he was wearing and his scythe. He left the cave and said, "So to the camp now?"

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