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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Aoi Smiled and put her hand on his head. "Once and Uchiha always an Uchiha, no matter what anyone says your always an Uchiha well to me anyway." Aoi said she began trying to think of the reason why he betrayed the leaf but she couldn't, she had many reason to but him none that she could think of. "So why did you betray the leaf from what I know you had no reason, when most people heard that a Uchiha betrayed the leaf most thought it was me after all me and the leaf have a bad history." Aoi said she let curiosity get the better of her.

@Iak Destler
Koga dropped his arms and looked up slightly. "Huh. Ya. I am bored. But nothing quenches that thirst like blood. And yours smells delicious." He laughed maniacally and raised his scythe again. He threw his scythe towards Yamamoto and had a loose grip on the rope attached to his scythe. He just wanted his blood.

Yamamoto's beast's scales harden, as it is already wrapped around Yamamoto it acts as a protective barrier, protecting him from the scythe.

"You thirst for blood. But you must thirst for more. I know I do."

"Why don't we talk...I could use a man like you."


Harou stopped after a while in the mist.

"Guys. What should we do now? Should we look for leads of any sort?"

@Naruyashan @Supermariomania
Koga took a second and thought about what he had said. "Hmmm. Lets see where that goes and if it didnt end well then. Well I think you know." He retracted his scythe and attached it to his back. He stood still and stared at Yamamato.
"I could ask Kirikagure..." Imari suggests. What?! Such an idea is preposterous, especially since relations between Konoha and Kiri are horrible... but then, none know he's with Konoha. "I could act as if I were sent to negotiate trade and the like, and maybe the topic will pop up." Ikari gives them a sly smirk.

Harou thought for a bit. Well, it was better than anything they had so far. "Alright. I guess we could try that."


Yamamoto leaned against the wall, the beast still wrapped around him tightly. He folded his hands. "This world is beyond saving. I can tell...from the look in your eyes that you agree with me. This world needs to burn, and i think it's time that someone sparks the flame to ignite it."
Koga chuckled. "Or I could slice up the whole world by myself. Which is my preferred style of killing." He sat down on the floor. Who was this guy? As what is that beast?
Within the Mist...

A slow clapping sound is heard all throughout the mist within the room. As for the first time since the Demon had formed the mist he began to slowly walk towards Sora, clearing the mist just slightly enough for him to be visible.

"I can say without doubt you have given up all hope within record time the likes of which have never been seen before. I haven't even attacked you yet and you've called off your summons, sent a message out to your family, and even cut out one of your eyes."

The Demon of the Mist began to shake his head in disappointment.

"I was looking forward to taking my time to slice you up a bit, cover as much of your body in cuts as I possibly can. I was looking forward to killing off your helpless summons one by one. Alas, what a kill joy..."

Zabuza seemingly dissipated, as he had only been an illusion created from the mist. The real Demon of the Mist then impaled the entire Executioner's Blade through Sora's back impaling his heart and coming out the other side of his chest.

Yamamoto then proceeded to even uncloak the beast himself, and he sat down. "The other groups of the past...mainly Akatsuki, they all wanted to bring this world the peace that quite frankly it does not deserve..."

Yamamoto formed a fist in his hands, he closed his eyes and he tightened it, his muscles in his arm tensing with every passing second. "I've seen what a man can and will do to another man. I've seen it on a mass scale. A horrifying massive scale known as to some The Great Shinobi Conflict, or to others the 5th Shinobi war. War needs no name, it's always the same. A horrific slaughter of the masses, both sides relentlessly doing unto another the horrific deeds that Naruto Uzumaki suffered to try and stop. And all for what? To 'Solidify' their causes, protect their borders? Such ignorance, if Naruto Uzumaki were to look on us today what would he say?"

The fist then loosed into a single finger being raised into the air, and Yamoto's entire figure shook with his words. "I'll tell you what he would say, he would say his bitter disgust. The way both sides took up arms and slaughtered one another, devastating the smaller countries in the process and then taking no responsibility to make up for their mistakes. Then they talk of 'peace', that this bloodshed was necessary. That perhaps maybe the world can finally come to peace as long as they remember the teachings of Naruto Uzumaki, the 'selfless' teachings of that man are said to be timeless. It's all a lie. I saw for myself that as a medic on the front lines fighting for the land of fire. The more of it I saw, the more I hated LIES."

"And I am not alone. All of those men out there that you see unconscious agree with me, and those men make up not even half of my forces, the rest are spread out causing havoc among the great nations. Leaf, Sand, Earth, Lightning, Mist, I have Shinobi from all of them under my command. They all agree with me on one thing:"

Yamamoto stood up, bashing his fist against the ground. "That the bomb should be dropped: THAT THEY ALL SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED! Perhaps if the world is cloaked in darkness it may finally get a clear, truthful perception of reality!"

Yamamoto then pointed back to a banner hung up in darkness, and torches lit around it, illumining the banner. It was a large white dot, surrounded by black (Like the Japanese flag.) "That is why I formed the Dark Horse, the be the steed that delivers this world to darkness, and brings to it what should have been brought fourth years ago!"

Yamamoto then breathed heavily, and glanced back up to Koga. "So I ask you humbly, will you join me?"
Koga listened intently and when Yamamoto finished, he slow clapped. "That was beautiful. Thank you." He waited a moment. "I accept your offer. I will join you and your cause. Only if I am either your partner or if you prove yourself to be stronger than me, your right hand man." He smirked wildly.
Ikari nods, his smile disappearing in exchange for a cool, collected, business-like look. He heads towards the village with a purposeful gait, utilizing a seal within his ninja attire. It glows brightly, soon replaced by a crimson, flowing robe. It looks... rather regal, all things considered. Knowing, or at least having heard, that the Hidden Mist was known for being rather paranoid, he flicks open what appears to be a noble's fan. In truth, it has a complex seal woven into it, allowing for the detection of nearby chakra signatures. They appear as dots on the side of the fan facing him, showing the general location of any nearby ninja.
The beast looked at Yamamoto, eager for a fight. However, Yamamoto simply waved his hand down at it, shaking his head.

"If a partner is what you want, then so be it. Technically I'm not even the leader of these forces, but rather my word is so well respected they follow it. Now then, I need to know your...talents. My talents are... as you have probably noticed this vulgar beast that has to obey to my every whim as it was sealed to me by birthright of my clan."


"So what? Are we just going to be shinobi escorting you then?" Harou asked, as he just took notice of his rather Shinobi affiliated clothing.
"But of course." He adopts a slightly haughty, but friendly tone, with a facial expression to match. "Such a thing should be obvious. While I am-" He hesitates for a moment before opting against revealing his capabilities. "...Very skilled, an ambassador is almost always accompanied by at least two guards." He gives them a rather uncharacteristic wink. "And wouldn't you know it, we have just the pair to get the job done, eh?"

Harou closes his eyes. "I won't argue with you there." he says jokingly. "I just hope that Zabuza isn't in the mood to keep ambushing Nobles."
Koga laughed and said, "Why tell you when I can show you?" He grabbed his scythe and cut open his chest only to be healed immediately. "See? And I know I look young but I'm actually in my thirties." He chuckled and asked, "Who is in charge?"
Imari only chuckles unabashedly. "For his sake..." He mutters, just barely loudly enough to be heard. He picks up the pace, gesturing for their Chuunin companion to do the same.

"I guess if one needed to know it would have to be me. I run this with a tight fist, though as a partner you'll be able to openly object to my orders if you see fit. The lower ones, and by that I mean the common soldiers generally don't argue...when they speak of me highly don't be surprised. Years of isolation from one's village while surrounded by once enemy shinobi can do wonders on the mind."

"The main thing on the agenda right now though is recruitment, I need more stronger Champions, like yourself, to join our cause. That Iak Uchiha has been running around...going nation to nation...that's what my eyes in the forest tell me. I think he's up to something...I'm not sure of it yet though."


Harou follows Ikari, simply observing his surroundings.
(Eh. I'll just make a simple old man be him for now. I have rough drafts of the Kage made up...but they're pretty flat characters so...I'm not going to use them. Just enter the Mist and I'll take care of the good ol' paranoid mist.)

The Mizukage, a bitter old, rough man sat in his office.

"Sir...we have unidentified shinobi and nobles entering the village..." His assistant whispered into his ear. "The barrier signaled it, the eyes in our buildings identified them."

"Why is this of such concern?" the Mizukage asked blatantly.

"The noble has red hair. It doesn't seem to be dyed either. And he's being escorted by Konoha shinobi."

"Mmmm..." The Mizukage said to himself.

"If they ask to be brought to me, let them."


"So...what now? You're kind of taking lead right now...Noble Sir."
Koga nodded and said, "And what nation is this Iak in now and where exactly is he? I'll get him don't worry."
Ikari approaches the nearest high-ranking Kiri ninja. "I would like to meet with the Mizukage, on behalf of Uzugakure." He says boldly. Such a thing was good-a spy would go about it with far more subtlety... and the fact that the redhead walked straight up to a trained killer and bluntly asked to see the strongest trained killer in a village full of trained killers certainly affirmed his claims to be an Uzumaki. They were known for their lack of tact, after all.
The shinobi Ikari approached speaks softly into a microphone in his ear, and he hears a reply.

"Follow me Sir Uzumaki." The Shinobi says, and he leads them through a series of Corridors into the Mizukage's room.


The Mizukage coughed. His age showed more and more with every day that passed, obviously there would be a new Mizukage soon.

"I had heard of a Red-Haired noble enter my village. May I ask why I am humbled by your presence?"


"That, is a question I don't know. From what I've observed his eyes are far developed, he could probably warp wherever he pleases. My eyes in the forest only catch small glimpses of him, when he parades about blending into normal folks'. You'll get your chance. Don't worry. As for now though...I want you to look into a possible lead..."

Yamamoto went silent. "Have you ever heard of Akuma?"
Koga looked at Yamamoto funnily. "Sounds familiar. Is he some wanted guy for a lot of money?" He tapped his chin and looked around. Was this one of the most dangerous ninja around? He knew he'd heard of that name.

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