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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Neji looked up at Iak and smirked. "Yes I guess I don't really have much of a choice do I. If I say no you will kill me right here, so yea I'm in." Neji got up and looked at Iak. His best friend and big brother that he knew was still somewhere in him even if it was very deep. Neji intended to break him of this hatred he had and restore him back to normal, but that required time and for now if he could work as a spy for the leaf village that would work well. "So what is it that you need me to do now?"
"just go back to the village for now, I will contact you when I am ready and in need of your Services...oh and pick up as much intel as possible" Iak let a small smile go before retracting it into a smirk "It's good to know your on the right side Neji"

Yuki rolled out of bed and immediately started doing pushups...quite odd considering he hated pushups.

He just...hated that feeling of helplessness he had yesterday...he never wanted it again. He showered, and then got his clothes on.

Knock, Knock, Knock!

"Who could it be?" Yuki asked himself. Cautiously he opened the door, only to see Katsuro, covered in bandages and with one crutch in his hand.

Katsuro puffed out some smoke, before looking at Yuki. "You look exauhsted, did you just do pushups or something?" Katsuro asked.

"What...what do you want?" Yuki blatantly asked.

"I wanna teach you a new trick...seeing how you had this look of helplessness on you a few days ago. You know...something to 'even the odds' with other shinobi. And I'm just bored as hell and want something to do. Couldn't stay in a hospital bed all day...no...that's the transformed logs job."

"Wait, so you're not actually supposed to be out of the hospital?!"

"Shut your damn mouth kid, you've never been in the infirmiry. I just simply made a substitution to take my place while I do my business around the village. Stupid nurses couldn't tell the difference between a real person and a substitute even if they had labels on em'."

"Now before you whine anymore, let's get going to the training grounds."
Aoi was slightly glad that she got one of them now the job would be to dodge to oncoming attacks after a very quick assessment of the situation she did the ram hand sigh "Body Flicker Technique" She rapidly moved back to her starting point she could tell at this rate she would run out of chakra before long. She was glad when one of the rouge ninja said they would fight her one on one. Upon a quick inspection she could tell it was a ex-Konoha ninja which made her angry her home village ex ninja. "If you insists" She said looking right into his eyes. She attempted used the Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique genjutsu.

Surprisingly the Shinobi is able to evade the genjutsu, as he utilizes his knowledge of Uchiha's genjutsu tactics by using a clone to decoy the tactic. (Hate to do a cheap clone trick but I want to make things interesting.)

A surge of lightning was then heard in the distance, and the man quickly charged up Aoi's flank with lightning around his sword, quickly lashing a foreswing, then a back swing at her. SWISH!
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Although Sora was blindfolded he looked in the direction of his captor, he let out a short chuckle.

"When's the last time you washed yourself?

Because you reek."

Sora did not give his captor any time to react.

He threw the handful of shuriken he has behind his back, and began his summoning jutsu.


Tobirama had slept in today, he knew he would later be rowed about it later on by at least one person.

He quickly got out of his bed and made his way out of his bedroom window.

Tobirama stretched out his arms and let out a sigh.

There would likely be no jobs that interested him today.

So he decided that he would have a day of relaxation.

First on his to do list was ramen, he didn't like ramen much but it's cheap, which is good enough for him.
Aoi began to think of several strategist that all rapidly ran through her head before she had the perfect plan. She used Kamui allowing her body to become intangible making the attacks pass right through her. She instantly looked at the rouge ninja and used Amaterasu in an attempted to finish the fight although this caused great stress to her even causing her eye to bleed. She began to pant quickly and heavily but even if he managed to survive she would still be able to fight just in case she quickly armed herself with her sword ready for the next attack.
(One last post before I have to go on a car ride.)

(I know this seems sudden as well, but I had to make due.)

"AHHHH!" The shinobi screamed, brought down to his knees by the eternal flames, screaming in pain as he furiously tired not to spread the flames across his body.


Yamamoto suddenly emerged out of the rocks of the canyon, with reinforcements. He jumped down, coughing as he approached Aoi. "He underestimated you. Pity for his mistake. However I insist that you release the flames. I can tell you're in a weakened state, and you're outnumbered."

Yamamoto then coughed violently again, eyes glaring at Aoi. "If you want to live you'll release the flames. You're in a weakened state. Don't test my patience."

It now seemed obvious the amount of Shinobi surrounding, clearly an able fighting force made up of over 40 able bodied shinobi.
Neji smiled at Iak "it just took a little Convincing from you for me to see the light. Just like it took some convincing from you when we were little for me to try and do things. Contact me when you need me I'll try and collect some information." And with that Neji was off. He headed back Into the village. "I need to tellies hokage about this," Neji quickly headed to the hokages office and knocked on the door before entering. "Lord hokage I need to talk to you right away. I went outside the village to an uchiha training ground just for some old memories and rougue shinobi Iak Uchiha paid me a visit. He trapped me in a genjutsu that even my sharnigan could not break. He asked me to join a group he creating which is going to be the new akatsuki and he wants to complete Madaras plan and put everyone under Infinite Tsukuyomi. He came to me and asked me to join his new akatsuki and gather information for him on the leaf village, and I accepted but I plan on spying on him for the leaf village." Neji looked at the hokage waiting to see what he would say.

@Gilzar @Iak Destler
Aoi let out a chuckle. "You underestimate me never do that." She said before getting rid of the fire and then scanning around at least 40 able bodies were surrounding her sadly for them she was a tactician that knew what her body can handle. "Come on body just three more jutsu and this is all over." She thought to herself. Now first she used the Kamui jutsu but this time the teleportation part of it. She teleported to a location still in sight of it but far enough away that she wouldn't be noticed for a while at least well hopefully only then did she notice how much stress was really on her body. "No time to rest." She muttered taking a deep breath. She next used her Susanoo which was similar to madara's in every way expect the color hers was pink . Now for the grand finally. she used the hand sighs Ram, Snake, Bird Simultaneously. "If this doesn't get rid of them then I've lost." She muttered taking a deep breath and using the Tengai Shinsei jutsu. However unlike madara's it was on a smaller scale tiny compared to his but it was big enough for that rocky area and a small area around it. After it Aoi couldn't move, she just fell to the floor. "Now rest." She didn't even care if she had won or not more like she did care but didn't have the energy to tell.

The Demon of the Mist was taken back by the unexpected attack of shuriken, bringing his blade up a little too late to block them. However, gladly enough it would seem he wouldn't need to. They were encased in crystal, before falling to the floor harmlessly from their new weight.

A girl wearing a now incredibly detailed crystal mask was sitting up against a wall watching the whole thing take place, giving Zabuza a thumbs up.

Zabuza's attention finally went back towards Sora, as he noticed he was attempting to... summon something? Mist began to engulf Sora, as Zabuza prepared for whatever was about to be summoned.

Sora had summoned all nine of his ninken at once.

Sora orders the ninken to all attack at once.

Meanwhile Sora grabs some more shuriken from his back pouch.

He was going to need luck to even hope to survive this.
"What a shame it will be to have to kill all nine of your worthless mutts alongside you"

The Demon's voice was distorted, more over it sounded like it was being whispered into Sora's very ear...

Yamamoto immediately begins softly mumbling to himself, and begins doing his handsigns for his special ninjutsu.

Suddenly a giant marking on his back lights up, and from behind it a giant dragon like serpent immerged from it. Right away Yamamoto did a hand sign, and wind encased the front of the beast as it slammed into the meteor-like technique, crumbling it before it can completely form.

"Track her down, she was weak, she couldn't have gone far!" Yamamoto yells. The beast glares down at Yamamoto, growls, and then tries to move toward Yamamoto but suddenly chains made of chakra appear around it, binding it into place. Slowly Yamamoto's eyes traveled up to the beast's eyes, and they stared at each other for a few seconds. "That means you as well. Search, beast."

The beast then began to start sniffing, trying to pick up on Aoi's scent.
Aoi sensed something was wrong using all of her remaining strength she stood back up to a sight she didn't want to see. Her attack failed which means and theirs no way she could fight even a genin in her current condition there was one thing she could do but it would get her spotted but for the good of the leaf should would do it. She pulled a scroll out of her bag with a feather pen she quickly wrote. "Engaged people who destroyed both bridges, rouges ninja the lot of them, one killed large number of at least 40 remain, my status soon to be captured or KIA." She wrote this as her mission report now the part that would get her spotted. She whistled a certain whistle and a Messenger Bird appeared. She give it the note and it flew away while she waited to be found.

Yamamoto's beast hovered slightly above the canyon, as far as the ninjutsu allowed for him to go. Immediately his nostrils started sniffing, and his smell locked onto Aoi's scent. He pointed his known at the location, and all 40 of the shinobi charged toward the position. Within moments Aoi was surrounded, and many spears and kunai were all pointed at her.

Yamamoto called in his inner beast, and it sealed back into his back. Slowly he approached Aoi. He looked her in they eyes for a few seconds, before doing a handsign and slamming it onto her forehead, creating a chakra seal to block chakra flow through her eyes, as well as the rest of her body, so long as it was able to maintain it into reasonable amounts.

Yamamoto then said nothing, he just turned away. The Shinobi were all silent, and they hauled off Aoi down into the canyon.

"Sir. I think I saw a messenger hawk."

"We'll deal with it later. But for now we must deal with this Uchiha. Bring her into my tent where I will ask the questions."
Aoi didn't struggle or even try and fight back they was no point it would just give them a reason to kill her right there which to be honest she didn't want to happen at all she liked life and didn't want it to end before she was even thirty. She was brought down a canyon and then into what seems to be the leader of someone high up in command tent. She could tell she couldn't use her sharingan at this moment in time it must have been when he that guy slammed something onto her forehead.

Yamamoto entered the dimly lit tent, and sat down onto his bed. Surrounding his bed were piles of books, documents, and other essentials. It became ever more apparent that this was where he musth ave spent most of his time. He rolled into his bed, and stared at the ceiling. He reached his hand into his water bucket, and piled water into his hand. Slowly he ran water across his forehead, something that helped tame the headaches he often had. He violently coughed again.

A guard came in, the one who had escorted Aoi into the tent. He was a large man, and he wielded a spear. He motioned Aoi to go down onto her knees, and her hands were bound behind her back with a variety of seals and knots. The man then stood back, entering the shadows of the tent, blocking him from view. His presence though could be felt.

Yamamoto's eyes traveled over to Aoi.

He breathed heavily, obviously exauhsted. Maintaining the beast inside of his back was hard to do at his age, especially as it became harder to tame the more it grew. The more he aged, the stronger the beast, the the harder it was to keep within the bindings. If not for his knowledge of seals he would have been overtaken.

He sighed, and he rolled up, sitting on the bed. His eyes peered into Aoi's soul. "Uchiha. What is your name?"
Aoi followed all of the orders that was given since they was no point in angering them and putting her life in danger. She looked up at the man who began to question her the one she thought was the leader of this group. "My name is Aoi Uchiha." She said giving away her name was nothing to big of a deal it was only a name. "Now I gave you mine how about yours in return?" Aoi asked well she may as well try and get some information out of her interrogator.
The sound of grunts and something htting hte ground could be heard out sound.It was very brief but you could easily tell what was going on,people were being knocked to the floor by something...someone.Once it was silent again the sound of footsteps could be heard walking towards the tent,one,two,one,two a steady pace, not running, not trying to sneak up, just a good pace like someone was taking a stroll.

"My name. It doesn't matter. I've had many names but...never any true names."

Yamamoto's attention then shifted toward the footsteps outside. These weren't familiar footsteps...no...walked with too much confidence.

The spearmen immerged out of the darkness. Yamamoto waved him back.

"Is it an assassin...?" Yamamoto asked himself, he backed away a bit, readying to release the beast from his back once again.
The tent flap was slowley oppened and threw it came an anbu black ops member, cloaked and masked as he started at Yamamoto he waved a hand "hello, um sorry to interupt But I'll be taking that uchiha now"Under his mask hte anbu member was smirking.

Yamamoto stared bitterly. This wasn't good timing. He sighed.

Slowly the markings on his back, which began to evermore look more like a pentagram became apparent.

"You hide under a mask not because you don't want your face recognized, but to simply hide true motive. What are you hiding under that mask..."
Aoi listened and watched the event she was slightly annoyed that she didn't get a name out of the person who captured her but the of cause it would be dumb to give your name way to your prisoner. When this masked ANBU member came in she reconised the voice someone she didn't expect to hear from in a long time and especially not like this.
"Ahh your a smart one, here I thought today was going to be boring"He slowley pulled of his mask, Sharingan in his eyes "now I will repeat what I said before I'll be taking the uchiha now or you will die and I'll still take hte uchiha...it's up to you which is which"He shrugged his shoulders still holding his mask on his left hand.

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