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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Aoi began to following the fleeing ninja's until they reached a rocky area where it would seem they were trying to ambush her with Kunais, shurkien, and knives followed by a barrage of fire jutsus from all around. Assessing her situation her best cause of action would be to first cut her finger and make it look like something hit her letting a drop of blood hit the floor before use Kamui to erasing all traces of her chakra and then travel through the ground. "Time for a counter attack." She thought to herself smirking as she picked her first target and appeared behind him placing her hand on her sword. "Iai Beheading" she performs a quick and powerful slash with her sword in order to cut her intended target.
(@Timv9 , go to the out of character chat and I'll explain)

Missing Nin

Clearly the Shinobi didn't see it coming ,as it works with great success. However whatever victory Aoi might have will probably be short lived. The rest of them, experienced ninja quickly catch on, and start bombarding her position with a variety of ninjutsu.

Then, from the crowd one Shinobi stands out, he has snow white hair, fair skin, stands roughly at 6 feet and looks to be of middle age and wields a katana (This will be an unknown character for now. I'll make him a cs later)


"Men. Stand down. I'll handle this Uchiha..." He said. Scars on his face become ever more apparent, as he grips his sword. All of the other men, stand down, climbing up the rocks and surrounding them at a distance, as if making some sort of boundary. There was something about this man that set him apart from the rest, just the way he gripped his blade made it apparent that he was a seasoned Shinobi, and the gear he wears over the black uniform, which would happen to be a green balistics vest, indicates he was once a Konoha shinobi before this.

He cracks his head for a second, then gets ready. "Come at me with all you have, that is if you are what you appear to be."


"Alright then. Let's get heading out."

With that being said, Harou set out right away. They made good pace, getting to the border quickly.

He walked up to an unconscious guard. Harou was silent, thinking for a few seconds. He then kicked the guard to wake him up.

Border Guard

"AHH, What? Where did the Shinobi trying to cross the border go!? Who are you people!" The guard yelled.
Ikari rolls his eyes and slaps the guard lightly to snap the man out of his stupor. He opens his mouth as if to speak, but closes it and steps aside, remembering that Harou is in charge, as far as Ikari knows.

Harou chuckles quietly, finding some humor and Ikari's actions.

Harou knelt down to face the guard at eye level. "Who were these men you speak of, do any of them match this description?" Harou asked, showing the description sketches to the guard.

"Yah...those are a few of them. I saw them crossing the border before I went out...I tried to stop them but...They wouldn't listen...There was a Uchiha as well, she crossed the border when she wasn't supposed to..."

Harou sighed, he didn't have time do deal with a Uchiha. "We'll deal with that later, you said they entered the land of mist? Well then, I guess we'll have to follow."
Ikari sighs. "The old Uzumaki curse, eh?" He shakes his head in mock despair before gesturing for Harou to lead the way. "Well, no turning back now."
"It's an old wives tale, dating back to your Godaime. We Uzumaki always seem to have the worst luck when it comes to missions. I get assigned an investigation regarding the deaths of nobles, and it turns out multiple high-ranked missing-inn are involved. Hopefully it doesn't get worst than my last mission..." He chuckles. "But that's a story for another time. For now, we have a Momochi to catch, no?"


And wit hthat said, Harou led the group through the hidden mist border...the bloackade had been lifted...for now.


Yamamoto lay in the heat of his small, dark tent. All that was in his company currently was just darkness. Sickness had overcome the older man, and most of his days he rested, which has probably led to his gaining of weight. Slowly, he breathed, it was all he heard in the silence of the tent, aside from the sound of flowing water outside. Many things passed through his mind, and he thought long and hard about the various topics. Slowly he rubbed the sweat off of his forehead. Soon the time would come...his plans were already being set fourth by a squadron of Dark Horse.

In the distance he heard footsteps, obvious footsteps for that matter. Was it an assassin? No...the footsteps were to obvious...the figure that approached probably wanted him to hear so that he would not startle the sickened man. He prepared himself by the vastness of light that would enter the tent, by getting up and lighting a dim candle. The tent flap opened, Yamamoto reached down into his water bucket dipped his hand in it, rubbing water of his head to cool him off.

The man bowed, he was dressed in all black, just like the missing nins that had blown up the bridge, with traces of the village he once served being worn. "Sir, the bridge operation was successful but there is a situation."

Yamamoto glared at the ground, rubbing his hand over his temple. "...What has happened..."

"A Uchiha. She has followed them into the canyon, one of our best is currently engaging her."

Yamamoto rubbed his temple more. He raised his other hand, and started shaking it. "Then our position has been compromised. Compromised..." He took a deep breathe, then made a loud cough. His eyes traveled up to his associate. "Capture the Uchiha..."

"It's a Uchiha though..."

"Then use a seal to block the chakra flow...then take the Uchiha. Without the eyes they are a less formidable opponent."

"Why not just kill the Uchiha?"

Yamamoto rolled back into his bed, and stared at the tent ceiling. "Capturing one would be considered a tragedy. Killing one would be considered a crisis. Mitsorugi would surely retaliate. We must capture it, then we'll decide what happens from there."
Neji sighed "yes lord hokage." With that neji left the hokages office with nothing Except to go check in on Yuki. He sighed as he left the hokages building and decided to go and check in on Yuki. On his way to yukis house he began to think of Iak. Iak was an older brother to neji. Neji had looked up to him and followed him around a lot. One day Iak left the village and hasn't returned he is now a rouge ninja a disgrace to the village and the uchiha clan. Neji wasn't sure where he was but he hoped Iak was doing well. Neji decided to go to a spot he had trained at with Iak and their father when they were both in the academy. It was a little bit outside of the village in the Forrest but not very far. He wanted to go and just see the area for a little bit before he went to Yuki's. Neji talked to one of the guards and the villages main gate and then headed out of the village and into the forest. He finally reached the area where they use to train. Neji smiled as it brought back many memories of the good times he had there as a child.
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An Anbu Ninja from hte leaf jumped down behind Neji "hello there Neji"Came an all too familiar voice,Iak's voice but When Neji turned around Iak was no were to be seen"over here Neji"Again Iak was not there"What's hte matter Neji"came the voice from hte left of Neji"Can't find me Neji"this time the right.
Neji activated his sharnigan and looked around the area as he kept hearing voices. "Whoever you are show yourself. If your here to fight then fine with me. I am the prodigy of the uchiha and will have no problem taking you down. So show yourself!" Neji continued looking around, he had no idea who would known to find him here at this point he had to assume it was an enemy from another village doing a spy missin on the leaf, but then why would this shinobi go out of his way to blow his cover none of this made sense.
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This time the voice came from right behind Neji and was whispered in his ear "have you already forgotten my sharigan's special ability Neji?"
Neji's eyes widened as he stood there. "No it can't be I though that you were gone." Neji turned around his sharnigan staring into Iak's sharnigan which was stronger an his. Neji had a very surprised look on his face as he jumped back and grabbed a kunai blade and had it ready. "Iak what what are you doing here?"
"I came to say hi to you, how has it been with all your friends I used to lo....oh wait I killed most of them"Iak says laughing sinisterly with a evil smirk on his face"and for why I'm here"with a wave of his hand the Kunai is thrown to the ground "I came to talk to you"
Neji looked upon Iak as he walked closer . "How could you do that to he village to our clan. You were suppose to be the next great uchiha you would have become hokage and changed the world. All the good times we had growing up and you throw all of that away for what to kill people I just I don't get it." Neji was angry he hadn't seen Iak after what he had done to the village and the clan. He had killed a good amount of their clan members dwindling the uchiha to just a few members. Next thing neji knew Iak had somehow forced him to throw his kunai to the ground as he watched Iak walk towards him. " what is it that you want?"
"AND WHAT WOULD OF BECOMING HOKAGE DONE, SKEEM AGAINST THE OTHER GREAT NATIONS, DEVISE EVIL PLOTS TO TAKE THEM DOWN! NO I LEFT BECAUSE THIS WORLD SHOULD HAVE, NO, NEEDS PEACE OR IT WILL DIE!"Iak said clearly frustrated ((if you couldn't tell from the caps :) )).Iak takes a deep breath and clears his throat"I am making a group to bring about this world peace and I would like you to be one of my groups admins"
Neji stood looking at Iak their sharnigans looking into each other's. "What do you mean forming a group? And do you think killing people like you did will bring about peace. As hokage you could have changed the world but something has changed in you Iak."
"no, you've seen what happened last time the great nations formed a alliance, It crumbles...also if killing a few people means saving billions I can handle that on my conscience"
"Saving billions? And how do you plan on doing that? You're a rogue ninja that every village in the world is after. How do you plan on saving billions of lives Iak?" Neji tried backing up but he couldn't move. He was under some sort of very strong genjutsu from Iak, even nejis sharnigan couldn't break it.
"you remember those storys of Naruto and the ten tailed beast right?"Iak says moving closer slowly."well I'm bringing that plan back and I already have some friends who will help me accomplish this and that's why I want you"Iak smiled warmingly like he had when Neji and Iak used to hang out here.
Iak was now right In front of neji with neji being unable to move. "Iak that was Madara's plan to put everyone under the Infinite Tsukuyomi. That plan failed and Madaea our ancestor is considered the biggest criminal of all time. The most evil shinobi to have ever lived. Putting everyone under that is not creating true peace. You are just controlling everyone and everything so there can't be any more hatred, but that's not what true peace is. You can't believe that this plan will work." Neji's eyes began to tear up a little but he wiped the tears away. "Iak you have to give his up and come with me back to the village."
"and do what, watch as another great war ends up with thousands killed no way a forced peace is better then a extinction and if you can't see that so be it.I am doing what is logically best for this world and you do what is illogically best for this world,If that's how it is ment to be so be it, but I would recomend not stepping in our way, because otherwise you'll be seeing Madara yourself"
Neji sighed. "Iak if I go with you what is it that you want me to do?" Neji was thinking of going with him but acting as a spy for the leaf village. "What you're saying does make sense I guess a forced peace is better than no peace at all."
"Just do what ever you can, and since the leaf stills trusts you you could get us some useful Intel so we don't have a repeat on what Madara failed to do"Iak smirked and walked up to his placing a hand on his shoulder"on and by the way this might sting"He flicked the top of Neji's head causing Neji to be released form the Genjutsu and awake on the floor of the training grounds with Iak over him"so you in?"

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