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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


"No...We don't know the appearence. As I said before the nobles were absolutely no help."

Suddenly Harou heard what Onyx said...

Of course...THE BINGO BOOK, Why didn't he think of it before! "That is a brilliant idea Onyx. Let me get dressed and we'll head down to intelligence and we'll pick up the latest issue of the Bingo Book!"

With that said, Harou ran into his room and dressed himself before coming out. "Let's go!" He said.



Katsuro woke up, and coughed. The painkillers in his back made him weezy. Katsuro glared around the room for a bit, before locking eyes onto Neji.

"Well, my back is bandaged, I'm stuck laying on my stomach, I'm going to be here for at least a week. Hmmm, I'd say I'm rather fine." Katsuro said sarcastically. Katsuro then sighed. "Okay kid, what are you here for? I know you may give a damn wether or not I'm in pain, but I know for certain that wouldn't bother you enough to come here."

Seeing how Katsuro normally wasn't that pleasant...especially when stuck in hospitals, this was as nice as he was.

Hokage Mitsorugi

"Border guard?" Mitsorugi asked curiously. He thought for a bit, then shook his head. "Never mind. I don't want to know."

Mitsorugi skimmed through his files....boy there was lots of work to do...especially in the special ops category...

"Well, since you were by the border...you probably saw the bridge be blown up. You can assist in tracking down those who did it, and watching them and finding out what you can or...I can find something else."

"Either one is fine by me."
"My point was, it doesn't matter what we name ourselves, if our goal is in fact the same then there will be plenty of people that catch on to our plan. Plus, despite all the skilled rouge-shinobi they had working for them last time, they still managed to fail in the end. Why do you think we'll have any better chance at succeeding this time?

Still, your suicide mission has intrigued me. Perhaps if we could work out a better profit for working we'd be interested."

Zabuza said temporarily looking towards Crystal to see her nod her head yes, signaling she was fine with this. His attention then once more went to the ease-dropper that he could sense out in the mist.
"I won't reveal much now, I just want to know if your in or not...I' know how to accomplise this task but it's up to you wether your in or not you trust me with this matter...if so We will welcome you with open arms...and if not I'll leave you alone and never bother you again until our plans start to unfold,as for payment, you will get to be in charge of this peace free world,after all someone needs to make decisions on taxes and missions to help others"He stood up and put his mask on and held out his hand "are you in or not?'
Zabuza closed his bloodshot red eyes more or less the only call sign he was still hung over from last night while he pondered this question. If The Demon of the Mist had heard him correctly then this man was offering him a seat of power in the new world they would build. And power was something Zabuza certainly would never like to turn down..

In the end he stood up, opening his eyes. He shook the man's hand before saying:

"Consider both of us in, we'll help you on your insane cause."
Iak smirked under his Anbu mask"brilliant, oh and this might sting a little"Iak stood up and clicked his fingers and Zabuza and Crystal seem to fanish from existance.He then turned his head in the direction of the spy"hiding their isn't the best option...also you might want to get your sharigan fixed, Its clealrey slipping"And with that he also blurred out of existance.
Neji sighed as he looked at Katsuro bandaged in bed. "Look I wanted to apologise to you okay. It's my fault that your in here. I didn't warn you in time about the traps. I'm sorry."

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The task had been easy enough. The house now in smolders behind Quintus was but a mere temporary stay, it had no value to him. The mercenary would wake up soon, though by the time he did, Quintus would more then likely be gone. And then, the mercenary would go deliver the message that Quintus had given him. The mercenary didn't know what had happened to him, but he'd realize soon enough.

At that, Quintus took his leave.
(So if I understand correctly from the PM, all that happened in a dream and Zabuza & Crystal are now waking up?)

Zabuza stirred from his sleep, waking up coming immediately to his senses. It would seem Crystal was doing the same if only just a bit slower. He thought back on the conversation and what he had just signed both him and his apprentice up to. Still, he had never told them anywhere to initially go or do for a start so he assumed they would just have to wait for further word from him.

He looks over at Crystal, a slight thought of concern passing through his mind.

"With what we're getting into, you should conceal your face somehow just as I do. That way if everything does go wrong at the very least they won't know either of our faces, which will certainly help..."

With that said Crystal goes to begins the process of designing, creating, and shaping/carving a crystal anbu mask. As a hobby she enjoyed creating crystal statues, so this wasn't much harder for her. It didn't seem to take long before she finished making an excellently made mask and tried it on.
"what are we going to do about our friend over there"Iak said from behind Zabuza hoping to to him be surprise. He indicated to the unconcious Senobi in the corner,"Or shall we just leave them there until the Genjutsu wears off?"Then he turned his head to the side"actually I'm going to leave him to you, see if you can find anything about the Leaf, hten dispose of him...I've got someone else to see"With that he jumped up to the rafters and fled from the house to his next visitor.

Eventually he found his next target walking away from what seemed like a burnt down house and dropped down infront of them,his Anbu mask and cloak on"Good evening Quintus and do I have a propersition for you?"

((@Dreadpool10 ))
"Whatever am I going to do with you..."

Zabuza mused to himself, at the wonderful thought of getting to torture and then dispose of this leaf shinobi when he awoke. Crystal was busy creating the crystal anbu mask which left the Demon of the Mist alone to get answers out of this man. First business was first...

He needed to be sure there would be no escape, as before the man even woke, he took the blunt side of the Executioner's Blade beating both of the Shinobi's legs as cracking after cracking sound was heard. Once Zabuza was satisfied with the fact that he had prevented the Shinobi from being able to move when he woke, he went on to his next task.

The Demon of the Mist took a blindfold, covering the unconsciousness shinobi's eyes so that he wouldn't be able to see him. Then he waited and waited until the man woke...

When he finally noticed the shinobi stirring awake, he spoke.

"Welcome to my parlor, said the spider to the fly..."

Sora opened his eyes, well he tried to at least since there was something preventing him from doing so.

Soras legs hurt like hell, he would struggle to make it back to the hidden leaf, that is if he could.

Sora tried to stand up but at the moment it wasn't possible, he could sense the others chakra no doubt it was the same man he saw earlier.

Sora looked up toward the chakra, well not look more like position his head and said with a smile.

"I have to say that's the first time I've been compared to a fly."

(Goodnight to you then)

"There's always a first time for everything. Now, let's make this easier on the both of us. Just tell me a little bit about the Hidden Leaf, and why you're here, and instead of being brutally tortured you just get one quick death. Or don't, and I get the joy of torturing you as I please. I assure you either way is a win-win situation for me.

I can say without a doubt you spied upon the wrong people, especially daring to spy on me in my own house."

The Demon in the Mist spoke, while casually walking around the shinobi observing him. Also, Sora could be absolutely certain at least one of his legs had it's bones no doubt shattered, possible even both of his legs.
"I'll help these tracking down who destroyed the bridge." Aoi said quickly running through her head what she already knew. "So is they anyone I should go and see to join them in this mission or should I start my investigation alone?" Aoi asked she knew they were other on this mission and shinobi normally did missions in a team of four so it would be easier for her if she had a team that already had more information then her but if she had to go alone she would be able to.
"Alright, then." Ikari follows Harou, putting a hand on his Kunai pouch. 'Hopefully I don't have to use this, but it's better to be prepared...'
(Not sure where the post I made went...)


I give a wry grin from under my mask. "Alright. Let's get going." My eyes flicker to the other man for a second, but I ignore it for now, and walk forwards, following Harou.
(@Iak Destler Sorry bro, didn't get the notification)


Quintus paused, turning towards the shinobi that had just arrived. He almost immediately began to think that this was another part of the sabotage... yet the Anbu mask that the man wore prevented Quintus from lashing at him.

"A proposition?" Quintus inquired. What sort of proposition could this man be talking about? Then other questions began popping up in Quintus' head. How did this man know his name? Had he gained some sort of information from criminals? Had he somehow managed to find some kind of reports?

It seemed slightly suspicious...
((that's fine I'll see if tagging you works from now on @Dreadpool10 ))

Iak took of his Anbu Mask looking up at Quintus with his sharingan eyes "The Akatski, everyone has heard of them right?"With waiting for an answer he continued "yeah well Last time their goal was to stop this entire world from murdering each other in these stupid wars...I want to remake that dream, remake that plan, try and bring world peace once more"Iak took a deep breath before looking about directly into Quintus's eyes "I want to to be a part of this, new Akatski"
@Iak Destler


Quintus almost chuckled a the prospect of a new Akatsuki, to bring peace to the world. It was an interesting concept, to revive the old ideals that the Akatsuki possessed. And, it would benefit in ending the constant wars throughout these lands. Still though....

"Your idea does sound rather illuminating... however, how do you intend to go about creating the rebirth of the Akatsuki? I assume you already have other contacts and connections?" He inquired.
"yes yes of course, and we will do it the same way as they did before us...through the genchuriki"Iak stood up right and looked of into the distance and thought out loud "the ten tails shall rise again and The eturnal Tsukuyomi will bring peace, all I need from you is your help"His gaze onece again fixed on Quintus.

((@Dreadpool10 ))
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(Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! My notifications didn't update, so I thought nobody had posted all day. I'm very sorry.)

(Hopefully this covers everything.)



"Awh, I knew you would take it." Mitsorugi said.

"I believe Sora Hatake was on it. I believe he is somewhere near the border, as I messenger hawked him the updated mission details about the bridge. Anyway though, read this document. It will tell you all you need to know, it's similar to the one I gave Sora."

Three days ago there were sightings of Shinobi that were thought to be missing in action in the Northern Land of Fire (Exact coordinates given). These sightings all included the fact that there were numerous Shinobi, nearly all identified as Shinobi missing in action from the war, all making movement toward one direction. Motive is unknown, do not make contact with the shinobi. You are to track their location down and relay it back to Konoha. If the squadron of Shinobi leave the land of Fire DO NOT FOLLOW.

UPDATE: The Shinobi you were assigned to follow have just recently destroyed the bridge uniting the Land of Fire and Mist together. You are to head to the border and begin tracking immediately. Once again, do not against the MIA shinobi, follow them as long as you can and discover possible motives if you can. DO NOT ENGAGE THE MIA SHINOBI. We have no idea what their motives for these terroristic actions are.

Once again, the document you have just read is highly classified, S ranked personal only. Do not speak of this document to anyone, doing so will result in immediate punishment, such as jail time or even execution.

"Go now, hurry. I don't want the trail to go cold again..." Mitsorugi said, as he stared outside the window toward the direction of the land of Mist.
Ikari grabs one copy each of all the bingo books from the last ten years... and appears to ignore them, drawing up a complex seal.
Aoi first began by reading the letter which was just about whats been going on about the bridge and the whole situation on the missing ninja's. "Wait it couldn't have been could it." She muttered staying in the hokages office and pulling out her bingo book flicking through it until she came to the name Zabuza Momochi II she read through what they had on him and then remember the sword the man at the bridge had it was the Executioner's Blade which meant she walked right past a S-class criminal. "how could I be so stupid" she said aloud before walking out of the hokages office and back towards the bridge.
Quintus smirked. "Suit yourself, I'll join your reborn Akatsuki. If it is everything you claim it is, then this should turn out to be... rather interesting," He drawled.
Iak smirked before putting his mask on "oh it will be and one more thing this might sting a little"He clicked his fingers releasing Quintus from his Genjutsu and tapping him on the head in the real world "I'll call on you when i need you but before then, go about your normal murdering way"

((@Dreadpool ))
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