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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


"Just tell her you're off on Shinobi business."

Mitsorugi gave Sora a serious glance. This was no laughing matter of a mission.
The Demon of the Mist as well as Crystal walked freely out of the Hidden Leaf, the same guard that had been there when he arrived that he had already paid off looked the other way without asking any questions just the same as before. As soon as the two of them were out of sight of the village they picked up the pace, cutting through the forest headed towards home..

They were headed towards the Hidden Mist.

"My apologies Lord Hokage."

Sora paused for a moment before he said.

"I will take my leave now."

Sora hastily left the Hokages office and made his way back to his house as quick as he could.

Rin was still asleep as was Kakashi so he wrote another note on a piece of paper on the bedside table simply saying.

Gone on shinobi business be back soon.

Sora packed his stuff and left the house for the second time this morning.

He exited Konaha from the rougher part of town.

Sora started to hop from tree to tree with great speed out of Konoha.
@Zabuzas Son

A Border guard shouts across to Zabuza and Crystal, behind him lies the bridge that unites the land of Mist and Fire has been obliterated, destroyed, all that remained were its ruins

"I'm afraid you can't cross the border. It's been shut down due to terrorist activity. Nobody is allowed to leave or enter."
"What a tragedy"

The Demon of the Mist remarks, staring at the ruins of the Naruto Uzumaki memorial bridge that his great grandfather had died over trying to stop construction of. There was not a day that Zabuza hadn't considered destroying this bridge himself to finish the contract from so long ago. Still, this would of made it harder to receive more customers.

"Are there not perhaps any boats that could be used to cross over to the Hidden Mist? Or could we simply just walk over?"
The Border guard shook his head.

"No one is allowed to cross, all borders are shut down. I apologize for the inconvenience, but there is a large group of Shinobi heading about the area that destroyed the bridge. No warning, nothing. We don't even know what village they hail from."

After reading the message Sora changed his direction, he traveled to the borders as fast as he could, hopping from tree to tree running jumping, everything.

Once he got there he saw the bridge destroyed.

He walked up to three people, One was a guard and the others were a young woman and a man.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me what happened here."

Sora said in a friendly manner.

"The bridge has been destroyed. A group of shinobi destroyed it. The border has been shut down, no one is allowed in or out until this is resolved." The border guard said.
Zabuza had just been considering dropping the bridge guard dead so that he could enter the Hidden Mist anyways, when another person had showed up. So instead he stepped aside, so that the bridge guard could do his job of telling the new arrival of what happened.

He could still do it, he would just rather wait until this new arrival left. One way or another, Zabuza intended to return home.

Sora kept smiling while he said.

"Oh okay, do you mind if I have a little look about though?"

"I'll stay close enough so you can see im not up to anything funny."


I shout a quick thanks up, before entering the estate. I walk slowly down through the complex, taking my time to look around and take in some of the sights, before continuing to the house I was told about. I give two short knocks.
Hyuga Estate-

The gate keepers see Ikari's seal, and let him in. They instruct him on where to find Harou.



Harou awoke, opening his eyes wide. "This early already..." He whispered to himself. He barely slept last night...All he could think about was the lives he lost.

He quickly dressed himself before opening the door. "Can I help you?" He asked curiously. He was surprised to see someone...wait, two people who weren't Hyuga's here. The first one stood in front of him, and he already saw the second one walking through the gates.
Aoi was returning back to the land of fire after lending some assistance to the land of mist for whatever reason they needed it but it didn't bother her it was just some time away from her home like a working vacation. Nearing the edge of the hidden mist she noticed something was missing a bridge. She took a seat by the now destroyed bridge stuck in the hidden mist borders. She sighed "I guess I have to use that" she muttered activating her Mangekyō Sharingan and focusing on the other side of the bridge using Kamui to teleport there. "Ah home sweet home." She said allow not noticing the bridge guard or any other of the people around there.
"What the hell? How did you get...Wha..."

The guard had a look of pure confusion, looking back at the bridge and then back at Aoi. Immediately the Guard noticed the Sharingan eyes.

"Damn Uchiha's...." He muttered to himself.

"I sound like I repeat myself often...Ehem...Due to the terrorist activity on the bridge, NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO CROSS THE BORDER, IN OR OUT!" He screamed.
Aoi turned around with a face of confusion. "My apologies I couldn't hear you at the other side of the bridge and to be honest I just wanted to return home." Aoi said while she curtsied. "Now then if you could tell me what happened I may be able to lend my assistance." Aoi asked she should probably return to the leaf first but this seemed more important.
If only these people could of seen under the bandages covering Zabuza's mouth they would of noticed how amused he was by the new comer. Clearly there were too many people, one of which was an Uchiha, now to just blatantly kill the bridge guard and cross, but that's certainly not the only way.

"It would seem this Uchiha just crossed out of the border of the Hidden Mist, and you seem to have no intention of detaining him. What's to stop us from entering? It's not like the two of us are the large group of Shinobi that could have destroyed the bridge."

Zabuza mused, headed towards the water with intention of walking over to his home the Hidden Mist.
The border guard was completely confused, not knowing of what to do.

"Hey w-w-www-wait!"

The border guard drew out his kunai. "Stop right there! Both of you!....ALL OF YOU!"
Zabuza's right hand immediately grabbed the handle of the Executioner's Blade, as it was strapped to his back. For the moment he kept it where it was, but the blade was clearly massive which made it all the more surprising the Demon of the Mist could carry it so easily.

"You'll need more than that tooth pick," Zabuza indicated to the kunai with his left hand, "especially for the Uchiha."
Aoi shock her head. "I have no intention to fight but if you are going to stop me returning home then I maybe forced to." Aoi said these two other people not the bridge guard nor the other ninja but the ones who he didn't know were obviously strong or at least looked it but with them being covered up it was hard to tell but just by the way he acts Aoi could tell.
"I don't need this toothpick."

The guard immediately reached up to his ear and turned on his radio. "One more step and You'll be crawling in shinobi from both sides!"
Aoi shuts her right eye and concentrates on the radio with her left using the Kamui jutsu. "You know I really hate this jutsu." Aoi said before trying to pull in the radio since she would rather not fight her own people nor the people she had just been working with so this was the best choice in order not to hurt the guard in anyway mentally or physically .
The guard gasps, and falls down to his back. He shivers. "What the...what the hell..."

Even the Demon of the Mist couldn't refrain from a chuckle, laughing at the border guard's now pointless threat. Zabuza's hand fell from clutching the blade back to his side, doubting there would be any actual conflict. It was long since time to return home, as Zabuza made his first step onto the water with Crystal right behind him.

They began to head towards the Hidden Mist, not even waiting for any other pathetic threat the guard could produce.
Iak Uchiha,a rougue Ninja from the Anbu in the Leaf village, Watched this spectical from afar a smirk hidden behind his Anbu mask. 'I think I found my next target' he thought to himself making sure to stay hidden behind the leafs of the trees and always staying ahead of Zbuza and Crystal so as to not be sensed just in case on of them was a sensory type.

(( anyone still here? @Zabuzas Son @Bills352 ))

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