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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


"This I can work with."

With his Byakugon activated, chakra formed around Harou's hand, as the only thing that can cut chakra is chakra. He made various shadow clones and lined them up all around the wires, and used the speed and precision that only a Hyuga could use to cut all the wire's simultaneously to deactivate the trap. Hopefully this would work.
(There needs to be a little tragedy and failure...)

Harou manages to easily cut all the chakra lines. However, as soon as he does so the crystal shoots out from the tree, impaling the noble he was trying to save through the back of the neck and then the throat. He ends up dying from drowning on his own blood as it chokes him, as well as spilling all over the floor.

It would seem cutting ALL the chakra lines was a bad idea. There were seemingly two sets of chakra lines within the trees, one that if cut would deactivate the trap and the other that would activate it. Cutting both of them only activated it.

He would need to be more precise to save the other nobles, and a little luck probably wouldn't hurt either.

"Damnit..." He said to himself softly.

Well, this had already taken a turn for the worse, and now even more worse. Keeping the rest of the nobles calm now would be very hard.

Harou took a deep breathe ,and tried to not let the casualty get to him. Back to the drawing board.


@Zabuzas Son

Holding back his emotions, Harou stretched out his fingers. There were still plenty of nobles left...he would just have to risk his luck cutting one set of wires, and seeing what it did.

So Harou basically rolled the dice, and him and his clones cut the second set of wires.
Harou was playing a fifty-fifty game of chance with a nobles life, something they couldn't of been happy about. Regardless his luck was with him that time, and the nobles life was sparred as the trap was deactivated. He could now be removed from the tree without harm.

Before Harou got his hopes up, looking at the other trees he sees that the chakra lines were different each time. Meaning he would still continue to have to play this same game with each noble's life.

Harou looked around, examining each set of lines, trying to not let his emotions not get the best of him. That was one noble saved.

The hazard team got to work freeing the alive noble from the tree, meanwhile Harou went to the next tree.

Him and his clones cut another set of wires, hoping to have the similar luck. (I don't know how many nobles are left.)

(I assume we should actually rolls some dice, like out of 10 or something and actually leave it up to chance?)
(Let's claim ten nobles are left trapped. So I'll roll ten 2-sided dies. A 1 is dead and a 2 is life.)


Luck was on Harou's side. As he saved six nobles while only killing four of the remaining nobles.

Harou wiped the sweat off of his face, and sat down against a tree that he made sure had no traps in it.

He bit his lip trying to hold back the tears of the Nobles that he couldn't save, but the personal went to work to free the Nobles.

"Alright...It's time we start questioning the nobles, we need to find out who did this."
Tobirama watched showing no emotion, even when the noble died, what he was really thinking about is the questioning.

Let's hope these nobles are useful.

Tobirama walked over and stood next to Harou.

Tobirama took the lead and said.

"Did any of you guys see the person who did this?

Or did you have your eyes closed?"

Tobirama asked this question in a surprisingly mocking tone.
One of the nobles stands up, walking up to Tobirama staring him down.

"We will not be talked down and mocked by the likes of you. There were two people, one male and one female, and both of them were clearly not from Konoha. Now how about you do your job so that we don't end up like this again."

These nobles are lucky. If Katsuro were here that noble would be down on the ground with a broken nose...I'd better break this up.

Harou walked inbetween Tobirama and the noble, and said in a calm tone. "Look. We're both trouble by what just happened and are cooping with it in different ways."

Harou was still holding his emotions back the best that he could. "But if you want those people to get justice you need to tell us all that you can."
The noble turned to look at Harou, he then became even more angry.

"You! What's your name? You're the brat that put our lives up to chance! The hokage will hear of this, and we will have your head."

Down inside, Harou was screaming with anger. He just saved this guys damn life, and he's threatening him? Oh how much he wanted to say that he could just put him back in the trap. Harou took a deep breathe.

"Understand that there were no other ways to get you out. If you're mad about the others deaths then don't blame me, blame fate."
The noble was seemingly not going to stop, as he was somewhat using this to vent.

"What about the shinobi that was injured? Should he blame fate? Or should he blame his fellow ninja that failed to report the traps? Why was there a Genin sent to help rescue nobles anyways?!"

The noble yelled, pointing at Yuki.
(I'll just say Yuki didn't go back to the village with Neji...)


Yuki glared. "You got a problem bud?" He said, tired and exhausted from the mission, he just wanted to go home but...it didn't feel right to leave. Yuki was almost have tempted to reach for his sword.


Harou glanced at Yuki in a way...it's almost as if his looks said everything, like it said 'Just keep your calm...I'll take care of this'

"That was Katsuro's mistake of his own."

Harou's fist tightened. "Now you need to stop testing my patience and tell us what the hell happened! None of us knew what the hell we were walking into, just like you probably didn't know that you're convoy was going to be ambushed. Now every bit of information that you give us will help before the case goes cold and the men who did this don't get away. I bet right now they're probably drunk as a monkey over a successful mission or whatever."

Harou's face started tightening, he felt his frustration rise with every second. "Now tell me what the hell happened here!" He yelled. Venting just as well.


Katsuro laid face down on a table in the hospital as bit by bit, the crystal shrapnel was taken out of his back. He cursed after every one, the only thing probably keeping him in line was the medical alcohol he downed to numb the pain.
Ikari stares down the bandaged man... before nodding, and continuing on his way. Perhaps the Hokage would be interested in hearing of this man... He enters the building, locking the door and setting about double, triple, even quadruple-layering seals to fortify the place. Better safe than sorry, and better secure than dead. He needs to watch his back, just in case...

I wince as light pours through my window, the curtains opening with a scraping noise of wood against wood.

"Yo. Onyx. Geddup, you're already late" a gruff voice states, and I groan slightly, turning over to face the chunin sent to wake me up - one of the few close-ish friends I've got here, away from my home. I groggily push my body into a sitting position, covering my eyes from the sunlight in one hand and slowly rubbing my eyes with the other.

"I thought... it was my day off..." I murmur quietly, and he chuckles.

"Nah, you've got to go pay rent. Day off or not. You missed last week's, and this week's is tomorrow - I already checked your funds, and you're out after buying all that specialized ninja wire. Don't even know why you'd need anything more than the normal one, but whatever. So get up."

I curse in a hushed voice, and he laughs louder, grabbing my arm and helping me work myself into a standing position. He heads towards the door as I stumble around, grasping my sunglasses and placing them over my eyes so the light doesn't completely stop me from seeing. The darkened vision is heavenly, and I give a small sigh of relief.

"By the way, it's nine..." Kanjara says just before leaving, pausing outside the door as I freeze. Everything goes quiet for a second, before I swear loudly, and hear further laughter from outside as I rush around, trying to get ready for the day.

The noble finally calmed down, thinking and stating one last key point of information.

"The girl seemingly did all the work, she was the one with the crystal power. The man just seemed to oversee her, we have no clue what he's capable of. The girl never talked, he did. That's all that we can think of."

"Thank you. Now then, the team of Shinobi will see you back to village, where you'll take the railroad, if you please to, back to where you wish to go."

"As for us, Torirama, let's get heading back. I need some damn sleep..."

Quickly getting dressed into my normal uniform, I pat my pouches to make sure they're filled. Check... check... all there. Alright. I take my mask out of the drawer, and with a few clicks extend it to cover my face. Putting my sunglasses in one of the pouches, I push the door open and leap the stairs, jumping onto a nearby rooftop, and start jumping to catch up to Kanjara. I live pretty close to the center of Konoha, so he's probably already there. The Hokage tower rises infront of me, and I head towards it, hoping to get a somewhat decent mission.
After a long rest within a storage seal made for that purpose-a month within was a day outside-, Ikari rises and heads to the Homage tower, waiting for the Homage to arrive. While waiting, he sits on the floor and pulls out his sealing paper, ink, and brushes. From there, he begins drawing sealing arrays. The array seems almost like that for the flying thunder god technique. He grins. "Do I have it?" He mutters in an excited tone... only to frown as the seal emits a pink powder, dousing him with it.

"Damn! I almost had it, too. I guess I'll have to go with my bastardized version, for the time being..." His eyes snap to a kunai with two slots on the sides, and a seal wrapped around the hilt, before snapping back up. He takes out a scroll, activating it and letting it suck up the powder like a vacuum. It seems like this has happened before, if his exasperated expression is anything to go by.

Silently Mitsorugi approached Ikari from behind.

"Busy with sealing today, are we?" Mitsorugi asked.
Ikari notices a presence behind him, leaping up into a stance with said Kunai ready just as the figure speaks. IT is then he notices who he is brandishing a Kunai at. "My deepest apologies, Hokage-same!" He says hurriedly, sheathing his Kunai with a deep bow. "Someone was approaching silently, and I reacted as I normally do." He shivers, as if there is a good reason he is so paranoid about being approached from behind. He then notices that he left the seal he was trying to make out. Hiding it would only draw attention and suspicion, so he can only hope the Hokage does not recognize the sealing arrays.

Mitsorugi chuckled to himself softly. "Don't feel bad about it...It's my fault for walking so quietly."

Mitsorugi's eyes traveled down to the seal, but he ignored it. "So, are you here to see the elders or for different reasons?"
(Do you know of any way to get rid of the Autocorrect?)

Ikari nods, breathing out a sigh of relief as the Hokage overlooks the seal. "Regardless, I should have paid more attention." He replies, rising from his bow. "Anyways, I was waiting for your arrival, so that we may discuss relations between our villages. The elders and your advisors may be present, if you wish." He gathers up his sealing equipment, sealing it into seal located on the outside of a large scroll on his back. "If it is alright, though, I'd like to keep this relatively secret. The other nations need not know of our involvement." His true meaning could be gleamed by anyone with an education regarding diplomacy. We'll ally with you, but we don't want other villages at our door, so keep this quiet.
(Google it. I have a mac so it would be different for me.)


"If we are going to have an alliance, we must discuss it with the council of Elders."

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