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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Neji kept his head down. Everything that the hokage was saying made sense. "Yes lord hokage I understand. Is there anything else you need from me today?" Neji looked up at the hokage.

Mitsorugi of course felt bad for having to lecture Neji but it was necessary. He kept his normal poker face to not let off. "Just go home and get some rest. In the morning we can discuss what we will do next."
Ikari approaches the gates of Konoha at a casual pace, taking note of weak points and guard locations. Despite the high tensions, he proudly displays his forehead protector. Normally, one would be more worried, due to the threat of capture, but even if he is captured, he will be brought to the Hokage eventually... He could do without the hostile stares sent his way, though, but given the state of affairs, they are hardly unwarranted. As he reaches the gate, he takes in the village. The place had long since become a place different from the one he had heard tales of. Whether this was better or for worse, he did not know, not did he particularly care. He would examine the area more closely, if the guards were not able to see him. He boredly notices that he had, for all intents and purposes, looked like a possible enemy scouting the area. With that in mind, he approaches the guards with a nod, not wanting them to get the wrong idea.

"I am an ambassador from Uzugakure." He states with a serious tone. What he does not know, however, is that so little is known of the place, it has become a myth. The people who dyed their hair red and did similar things to take advantage of it's reputation over the years didn't exactly help. Thus, his entrance may not be the most believable. "I require an audience with the Hokage at his earliest convenience." Nothing serves to differentiate him from the average ninja, save perhaps the belt with an abundance of pouches he wears, each pouch filled with what appears to be the outline of a scroll.
(I guess I'll just control one of the guards then.)

Guard Jonin


Two guard Jonin sat at the gate. They both looked at each other with a weird look when he said Uzagakure.

"...Right..." One of them said awkwardly.

"You know, I remember the last few guys who said that."

The other Jonin guard spoke up. "Yah, we were on guard duty when it happened. They said they had business too, but not with the Hokage. They claimed to be from the myth of a village Uzagakure. When we let them in they ended up robing very important nobles. Hence why we are still stuck on guard duty."

The other guard then spoke up. "So, what did you use to dye your hair? Tomato juice, just dye, or flowers?"

"In all seriousness though, if you want into the village, AND get a meeting with the hokage you're going to need to cough up some documentation..."

The other guard then spoke up. "Legitimate Documentation."
Ikari sighs, unsurprised by the previous occurences but a bit annoyed regardless. "Very well." His father, thankfully, had anticipated this, and made such a thing, marked with the unmistakeable symbol of the Uzumaki. "Here." He says, offering them a rolled up scroll. Within, in calligraphy so fluid and graceful only a master of seals could conceivably produce it, is a formal greeting and an explanation of Hikari's presence. "I understand just reading that may not be enough, thus..." He bited his thumb unti it draws blood, swiping it cross the Uzumaki's symbol. The symbol glows brightly... only for the scroll's contants to dissapear, replaced by an image of an island.

However, once the image swivels, it is revealed that the scroll is now showing a massive spread of establishments, and that the image is, in fact, a video. "That is Uzugakure." The scroll abrubtly returns to normal, but the fact that an unprecedented level of sealing was displayed by said scroll, one impossible to achieve by normal means... unless one had access to the techniques and arts of Uzumaki fuuinjutsu. "Is that sufficient proof, sirs?"
Both Jonin's eyes opened widely. This wasn't a fake?

Both were silent with surprise for a few moments, then one finally spoke up. "Yah that's...sufficient alright..."

The other one spoke up. "Sorry about all the things we said earlier but...I'm sure you understand."

"Anyway though, yah, you can go in. I'll ring up the Old Man that you're coming in."

"Old man? Our hokage is more like an old hag."

It was obvious the two guards were not very fond of Hokage Mitsorugi.
He takes note of the chatter, but focuses mainly on his mission. "At least now you know that Uzugakure is real, hmm?" He reveals nothing in his features or his words. It is far better that few knew the villages true capabilities, as a lack of information tended to cause rumors, rumors that would lead to the intimidation of other countries, or their underestimation of Uzugakure. Either way, he remains silent as they contact the Hokage. Perhaps the man would live up to the tales told of the Hokage past and present...
Hokage Mitsorugi

Mitsorugi sat in his desk, finishing up his book, the same book he was reading when Neji was in earlier, which was Naruto Uzumaki's biography.

He had just recieved information that an ambassador from Uzagakure would be coming to visit him. Something he never thought he would hear about, but he instructed his secretary to let the man through when he came by and send him straight up into his office.
Upon arrival at the building, he was sent straight to the Hokage. Efficient. He looks over the man, observing his demeanor before giving a curt bow. "Hokage-sama." He greets simply, rising. "I hail from Uzugakure. I was sent to negotiate an alliance with Konoha. We know of the ties your village and the Uzumaki had in the past, and wish to remake them." He portrays himself flawlessly, without a hint of submission nor arrogance. All business.

"Awh, so it is business you come to discuss then."

Mitsorugi folded his fingers. "I assumed as much. Though I must say I'm honored to be in the presence of an Uzumaki."

Mitsorugi got up out of his chair, and slipped on his Hokage robes, covering up his casual apparel. "I believe an alliance is Negotiable. I'm going to have to run it through the village elders though." He said, sticking to business instead of small talk.

"That will have to be done in the morning though, as it is getting late. Until then I ask that you simply accommodate yourself to one of our guest homes until then...my secretary can show you where it is."
Ikari nods, giving a small smile at the Hokage's respectful praise. "Of course, Hokage-sama." He replies, turning and exiting. He makes himself comfortable in the provided accomodations, taking out a storage scroll full of sealing paper and ceating intricate sealing arrays to calm his nerves and slow his rather rapid heartbeat. It is his first time doing something of such magnitude, after all, and have always always been a calming thing for him. His strokes are steady, sure, and with each time his brush touches the scroll, his heart feels a bit lighter.
It was late by the time the two of them began to finally walk out of the restaurant. Crystal walked rather unpredictably, stumbling and nearly falling over several times. She was clearly drunk off of all the Sake they had been drinking. Zabuza on the other hand, while having consumed just as much as her, was seemingly unaffected by it and able to walk in a straight line. As such Crystal was forced in the end to lean on him in order to be able to walk.

They had purchased a room for the night before hand, the exact same room they were headed towards now. Both of them were still clearly not from Konoha, evident from the looks some of the people gave them as they passed. They were soon to arrive at the room.

(Sure would be interesting if they managed to cross paths with Ikari.)
Ikari looks around, noting the locations of prevalent restaurants and the like. It is then he notices the pair he is about to bump into, and he slows, noting the girl stumbling, evidently drunk. "Need any help?" He asks them, raising an eyebrow. Either the girl drank alone, or the man had a good resistance to alchohol. He reaches into his pouch, pulling out a sealing scroll. "Alchohol cleanser."

He says this to the array, something one might consider odd, or insane... until another scroll emerges with a 'poof' and a puff of smoke. He hands it to the bandaged man. "My father has had the same problem, as have..." The villagers. "...Other family members. Just put it on her skin and channel chakra into it. It'll flush out the alchohol." He says.
The girl, Crystal, says nothing but drunkenly bows her head a little to try and show respect and gratitude. Zabuza, his mind still clear, easily notices that this man is clearly not from Konoha just as the two of them were not either. So in the end, the Demon of the mist decides to try and help him by giving a little advice.

"Thank you for this. As a token of gratitude, here's some advice. After tonight you should leave the village, otherwise all of us who are clearly not from around here will start to have the blame pointed at them..."

Zabuza argues with himself that he told this man more than he should have, that as soon as news of the noble killing got out more than likely this man would finally understand what Zabuza meant. However, what he said is still true, the village will more than likely start by pointing the blame at all those inside Konoha that are not from Konoha.

Zabuza attempts to use the scroll to detox Crystal. Once she was able to walk again they continued to make their way to the room they had paid for.

Harou finished up what work there was to be done, which wasn't much. The hazard team of specialist finally came and began the process to try and defuse the traps, Harou simply watched from a safe distance.
Tobirama backed up a bit incase the hazard team accidentally set of any traps.

He watched as they tried to disarm them, although he lost interest in a matter of seconds.

While he waited Tobirama started to slash up a tree with his sword.
As it would turn out, there were paper bombs encased in the crystal land mines. They were what was set to go off when somebody got close. To try and defuse one would require somehow destroying the paper bomb encased in crystal without setting it off. As for the nobles, there seemed to be a crystal shard ready to impale the nobles necks if they tried to move or somebody tried to move them.

"Anything you guys can do?"

"Well...we're not exactly experts on crystalized explosives, but if an explosion from the inside of the crystal can break it then there has to be other ways of doing it. It's going to be a while though I'm afraid." One of the explosives experts said.

"Maybe Katsurou would have known how to do it, but he's incapacitated right now."
The crystals structure was filled with cracks, on purpose. Created so that the paper bomb inside, when it went off, would be able to shatter the crystal and send it's shrapnel in all directions. Still the problem permits of how to do it without setting it off.
Tobirama now agitated from waiting shouts over to the Hazard team.

"Hey if you idiots can't disarm them why don't you just set them off from a distance?!?"

"That would kill the Nobles Tobirama."

Suddenly Harou was struck with an idea. "What if we simply put our chakra into the cracks on the crystals, muffling over the paper bomb?"

Ordinance team all discussed among themselves. "It's worth a try. Get back everyone!"

@Zabuzas Son

Shadow clones were made, and everyone got back at a safe distance. This would be their best shot at disarming them. The Nobles life would be at risk but it had to be done, either they would stay on the tree and die slowly or die quickly from the shrapnel.

Slowly the shadow clones began the process, trying to quickly muffle through their chakra through the cracks, trying to overwhelm the traps with chakra and deactivate it. All Harou could do now was watch.
Tobirama almost fell back in embarrassment.

How the Heck could he of forgot about the nobles?!?

He hopped onto a tree and watched the clone trying to overpower the traps.

He knew he couldn't do anything here.
The paper bombs weren't complex, and in all honesty the entire landmine trap was rather simple and could be created easily by Crystal. The overwhelming chakra surging over the paper bomb ended up disarming them quit easily. As the paper bomb fissiled, proving it's deactivation.

This didn't mean the nobles lives were any less in danger.

Harou felt a burst of relief. Now that the threat of being blown up was over with, they could focus on freeing the nobles.


Harou used his byakugon to examine the crystal that would impale the nobles if either side tried to do anything.
The trees seemed to have chakra lines running all throughout them, with a large crystal within the tree pointed straight at the back of the nobles' necks. If the tree were to be disturbed, or the noble, the crystal would shoot out impaling the noble through the back of their neck and out of their throat.

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