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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

Tobirama entered the Hokages office there he saw the Hokage and another Jounin Harou.

Tobirama was a bit dissapointed, but a missions a mission and Tobirama had a perfect record.

The Hokage then proceeded to say something to Harou.

After that the Hokage looked back at him.

"I need you to depart with Harou right away, don't stop for anything."

That brought a smile to Tobiramas face, Must be important then he thought to himself.

"Yes Lord Hokage."

He then looked over at Harou and said.

"We should get going then, I'll go ahead but I'll go slow enough so you can catch up, see you out there."

Tobirama ran out the Hokages office happy as can be, and now found himself running on the rooftops with the wind blowing in his face.

Harou took off, running with a pace that wouldn't wear him out quickly. He jumped up into the trees, and starting tree hopping (Classic Shinobi things).

"Byakugon!" Harou activated his Byakugon. Even at the distance they were at Harou was able to lock onto Katsuro's chakra signature, and with his experience as a tracker he was there in just half an hour.

"What's going on here?" Harou asked. Harou already sensed the medics on route, they would be here in a while though.

"It's bad...this place is full of traps, one of them got Katsuro sensei!"

"I see that...alright, I'm going to look for anymore traps around the area so we can send medics in to help him..."

And with that said Harou searched the area with his Byakugon for any other traps, adding to his keen eye was his sensory techniques to root out even the slightest hidden chakra signature.
There were several more crystal landmines hidden mostly in the ground around the remaining living nobles that Harou could easily sense.

More menacing though, there seems to be something in the trees that the living nobles are pinned to. It's no doubt another trap, set to go off if one were to attempt to remove them from being pinned to the trees.

Harou sighed, and looked at Neji and Yuki. "We can't do anything for these Nobles pinned against the trees. I don't know how to deactivate this sort of ninjutsu, and judging from what happened to Katsuro it's going to take an expert to do this."

Harou then started marking the exact locations of the traps, by drawing arrows in the ground pointing at the location of the trap with how many meters away it was, not wanting to risk actiating the trap by marking Kunai next to it.

"As for now though...I'm going to wait until the medical team gets here. Then I'm going to track whoever the hell did this. Being skilled in sensory it will be a lot harder for them to hide their trail from me."
Tobirama was now hopping from tree to tree with a slightly quicker pace than before.

He assumed Harou must of passed him even though he told him that he would go at a pace where he could catch up to him.

That's when he noticed just ahead of him was a noble, he was pinned to the tree by some sort of crystal, although the crystal wasn't like any he had seen before.

Tobirama hopped down from the tree landing on his toes, being careful not to make too much noise.

To his left was Harou, and two other shinobi, one looked like he was on his first ever job, and the other well the other was a Uchiha.

This made Tobirama scowl, he walked over to the three shinobi with his fists slightly clenched and his steps were more like stomps.

Now annoyed he tapped Hanou on the shoulder and with a slightly raised voice said.

"Hey, I told you to catch up not go ahead, and what's with these two?"
(If you're ready for the actual tracking post...)

After Harou was finished marking the traps, luckily enough not activating any of them in the process, and began to try to track the trail he was in for no easy task. It was hours cold by now, and both Zabuza & Crystal had plenty of experience hiding their tracks. Harou more than likely would of been ready to give up, until he finally found a small section of tracks. Most importantly of all the footprints seemed covered in sand that most certainly didn't come from anywhere near Konoha.


"I can only hope our plan worked" Zabuza silently said, waiting to see how Crystal would respond. She ended up putting more or less a skeptical look on her face.

"Come now, we both know our client came from the Hidden Sand. Planting a little evidence could be all it takes to spark another conflict or war at such an unstable time that this is. And war profits our line of work extremely well, especially if we play both sides."

"I understand you're frustration Tobirama, but I figured if a trap really had incapacitated Katsuro then the situation had to be urgent. I was right."

Harou pointed at all of the traps. "These are traps that act like land minds, when a chakra signal gets too close a crystal jumps out of the ground and explodes into shrapnel. They just so happen to be what stands between us and the nobles. Before you ask, no, I can't disarm them. These are far out of my expertise...we're going to have to get an ANBU to disarm this if we want it done correctly."

"Also...I can't pick up a trail, these definitely were extremely skilled shinobi if not even my Byakugon can pick them up. The ones that I did pick up, oddly enough had traces of sand in them. So these guys were in the land of wind."


"Weren't the land of wind our allies in the war though?" Yuki asked curiously.

"I don't see this as an act of war...just because they were in the land of wind doesn't make them Hidden Sand shinobi..."

Harou sighed. "The case I'm afraid has gone cold. All we can do now simply is wait for the medics to get Katsuro out of here, then close off the area while the specialist do their work."

Harou then turned to Neji. (@Timv9 ) "You. You're an Uchiha aren't you?" Harou asked curiously.
Neji ran over to katsuro as soon as he heard. He then stood next to yuki as he listened to what Harou was saying. Neji looked around the area with his sharnigan and could not pick up any chakra tracks either. He turned to Harou as he spoke to him. "Yea I am an Uchiha. Why do you ask?"

"Hm. Just making sure. It's not every day you see one yah' know." Harou said. It was true to a certain extend...while the Uchiha clan was larger than it once was (By that I mean it's not just a single person anymore) it still was relatively small.

"Did your Sharingan pick anything up? Or did my Byakugon cover everything?"
Neji sighed. Harou was right the Uchiha clan was a very small clan, it still hadn't recovered from the massacre of very long ago, also many died during the war so the clan was small again. "No I didn't pick up anything just all the same things that your byukugan did. It's my fault katsuro got hurt. My sharnigan can pick up these traps but I did not get to katsuro in time to warn him. This is all my fault." Neji looked down at the ground.

"Don't beat yourself up too much. You may be right about some things, but Katsuro should have known there would have been traps."

"Just...try not to forget next time." Harou said. By now the medics had arrived and were treating him enough so that they could carry him of on a stretcher.

"As for now for the both of you there's nothing more we can do here."
Neji looked at Harou. "What do you want us to do now? Do you want me to take yuki back to the village or stay here with you and make sure katsuro gets back to the village." Neji was still upset with himself about what happened to his sensei.

"Your sensei will be fine. Believe me when I say he's been through much worse. This should be about a week or two in the hospital for him: That's if he even stays there."

"As for you and Yuki, take him back to the village and just get some rest. You've had a long day. I'll stay here and see things out with Tobimara."


Yuki was silent, his first mission outside the village went horribly wrong. Normally he wasn't this quite, but then again normally he wasn't this nervous, nor did he just have his life saved by someone.

"I'm..." Yuki sighed, brushing off his emotions for a second. "I'm ready to go when you are." he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
Neji looked up at Harou. "Yes sir right away." Neji turned back to Yuki. "Come on Yuki let's go." And with that they wet off on their way back to the village. Neji didn't have anything to say that mission went horribly wrong, Neji could have saved his sensei from that but he didn't get to him in time, and Neji wants to be a Jonin. He scoffed at himself for that thought. He was no where near ready yet. They finally reached the village. "Well Yuki I hope you're okay go Home and get some rest okay. I have a feeling you're going to be a great shinobi one day." Neji looked at him a lot of emotion on Nejis face. "I'll see you around." Neji turned and headed to the hokages office, he figured he should check in with him for a debriefing. Neji knocked on the hokages door.
Hokage Mitsorugi

"Come in." Mitsorugi said.

Mitsorugi sat in his Hokage chair, but he wasn't dressed in his Hokage robes, rather in a long sleeve black shirt and black pants. He was reading a book with just a mere candle lighting up the entire room.
Tobirama started to search the area to see if he could pick anything up, although it was highly unlikely since Harous Byakugon had trouble finding anything.

He made sure to keep a safe distance from the markings Harou had placed to point out the traps.

Tobirama was not sure on what to do, well there wasn't much he could do anyway he had a limited knowledge of tracking.

He loosened up a bit since the Uchiha boy had left, What a surprise, an Uchiha causing problems! He thought to himself.

Tobirama turned back to Harou and asked.

"Any ideas? Or are we just going to be standing about here?"

"Well you don't have any ideas on how to disarm these traps...do you?"
"No idea... So I guess we're just going to stand about then."

Tobirama sighed now bored, he leaned back onto a tree and folded his arms.

"Any ideas on who did this?"

Tobirama asked.

Seeing that Tobirama was bored, Harou went straight to the point.

"No. I found tracks with sand on them though, but that's of little significance. Anyone can wander through the land of wind."
Neji walked into the hokages office. "I was told you wanted to see me lord hokage." Neji stood there looking at the hokage. The position Neji hoped to have some day.

Mitsorugi flipped the page of his book. It was a biography on Naruto Uzumaki, one of many of course. l

"Yes Neji, you were told correctly."

Mitsorugi closed shut the book, and turned over to Neji. "Tell me what happened back there. Why Katsuro is in the infirmary as we speak."
Neji looked up at the hokage. "It's my fault lord hokage. I didn't warn Katsuro in time about the traps. My sharnigan picked them up underground but I couldn't warn him in time. He saved Yuki and was struck with these pink crystals the same ones that were holding the nobles to the trees." Neji stood there not knowing what the hokage would say.


Mitsorugi thought to himself for a bit.

"I understand you want to become a jonin very much. But you need to understand that you still have much to learn."

"I'm not going to lecture you, from the looks of it you already understand."

Mitsorugi then looked down at his book. "You know...Naruto Uzumaki was a genin for the majority of his life until he made it up to Hokage."
Neji looked up at the hokage. "Yes that's true but he is a very special case. He left to go train with jiraya one of the legendary Sanin and then he was in hiding for a good part of the war. He's one of the greatest shinobi ever."

"Yet he still remained a genin."

"What I'm trying to say Neji is that you still have a ways to go before becoming a Jonin. I'm sure your elders also want you rebuilding your clan as well but...that's a different topic. Right now I need you to focus every day, and treat every day not as an opportunity to advance to Jonin, but as a learning opportunity."

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