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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent


He cringed. The beast wanted out, it didn't like being talked to like that. Yet Yamamoto restrained it in.

"So I let the Uchiha go, and loose my only trumph card? Which is the only thing keeping the wrath of Konoha from here...."

Yamamoto sighed. He went and he sat down, dripping water against his head as he thought for a few moments. "How about this: You talk to Aoi about whatever it is you need, seeing how I would most likely loose a battle with you in my current state, though I can still deal a significant amount of damage to both you and this canyon. You're not here on Konoha business...no. The response was too quick, Mitsorugi would never act this quickly to a situation like this, and an ANBU certainly wouldn't do freelance in uniform unless he wanted to risk loosing his position. (I'm just saying this to show Yamamoto's keen intelligence, if you don't like this I can change it.) So I give you this. Say what you need...if it goes the way you want you can have the Uchiha. If it does not, then leave her here where she'll be doing me a favor. I can't kill her, if I did Konoha would be in here in no time. Even with my large fighting force...We are not ready."

"an odd preposition...I know. But non ordinary situations call for non ordinary answers."
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Neji smiled at Iak "it just took a little Convincing from you for me to see the light. Just like it took some convincing from you when we were little for me to try and do things. Contact me when you need me I'll try and collect some information." And with that Neji was off. He headed back Into the village. "I need to tellies hokage about this," Neji quickly headed to the hokages office and knocked on the door before entering. "Lord hokage I need to talk to you right away. I went outside the village to an uchiha training ground just for some old memories and rougue shinobi Iak Uchiha paid me a visit. He trapped me in a genjutsu that even my sharnigan could not break. He asked me to join a group he creating which is going to be the new akatsuki and he wants to complete Madaras plan and put everyone under Infinite Tsukuyomi. He came to me and asked me to join his new akatsuki and gather information for him on the leaf village, and I accepted but I plan on spying on him for the leaf village." Neji looked at the hokage waiting to see what he would say.

@Gilzar @Iak Destler
"It's not answers I want it's the actual Uchiha...I came to rescue her from your clutches "Iak said smuggly"and the part about the damage...well lets just say you could try,and fail miserabley"Iak straitened his back and put his ahnds behind his back and bowed"now for the thrid time pleasue release the uchiha in your posetion or I will not ask again"

The burning sensation represented everything illogical in rage. Yet Yamamoto was not moved by insults. In his current condition he was not going to be able to put up with this Uchiha, and he had yet to recruit anyone who could deal with this Uchiha. He sighed, he parted from his emotions long ago. Most sighs now were simply of unfortunate events.

He coughed violently once again, then spoke. "I will release your Uchiha."

Yamamoto then made a handsign and all seals were released. He then stepped back, into the shadows of the tent, as if the shadows would fade his existence.


"Hold on, what? Iak visited with you?" Mitsorugi asked stunned, taking a while for him to take this all in.

He was silent, not saying a word. "Please tell me this again."
"As you know lord hokage Iak and I were very close growing up he treated me like his little brother and I treated him like my older brother. Just on the outside of the village there is a spot in the forest that the uchiha use for training that iak and his father and my self and my father would go and often train. You asked me to to check in on Yuki and I was on my way to do that but I wanted to go to the grounds first to just relieve some memories. As I was there Iak appeared out of no where. He told me he was recreating the akatsuki and he planned on using Madara's eye of the moon plan. He asked me to join him and spy on the village for him. I told him that I would accept his offer, but in reality I will be spying on him and his new akatsuki. He says that he already has members. I am not sure who they are yet though. He told me to wait for further introductions from him."

Mitsorugi stared at his desk, not knowing what to say. "The very plan that Naruto Uzumaki foiled years ago...is happening again..."

He ran his hands through his hair, extending it back. "If what you say is true, then he has probably already began to form the Akatsuki. But we still have time. I need you to leave right now. There are people I must speak to."
Neji sighed. "Yes lord hokage I will give word when Iak contacts me again." Neji turned and headed out of the hokages office. He thought that since he brought this news to the hokage that he would've been able to be in important meetings such as that. Neji felt a little unimportant but he pushed that thought out of his head. For now there was nothing he could do except wait for Iak to contact him. So Neji decided he would go train a little. If he would defeat his friend Iak he would need to become stronger.
"I thank you and I wish that we will never have to meet like this again"Iak bowed and walked up next to Aoi and pushed her out of the tent "so Aoi, how have you been, I mean our old friends that I killed...are their familys ok?"Iak sounded deeply troubled and sadened by what he had done.
Aoi just watched and listened as Iak somehow managed to persuade to let her be freed. She stood up and was pushed out of the tent. "I'm not sure I have only just got back to the leaf after a year in the mist." Aoi said before looking at Iak. "and me personally I've been doing rather bad i'm getting old it seems, old and weak." Aoi said not to mention sooner or later her eyes are going to go blind she could already feel that happening still they was some eyes she kept just in case. Before he father died he gave her one last gift his eyes. "Now enough about me i'm more interested in whats you been up to?"
"nothing you need to concern yourself with,Any who did that man have anything strange about him, abnormality or any of that sort?"Iak asked curiously "tails strange Jutsu any of that sort?"
Aoi shock her head. "Not that I saw I never fought him one on one since he had forty men behind him all I know is he could destroy my strongest ninjutsu with ease." Aoi said she was now generally curious on what Iak has been doing now she knew he was talking about tailed beast just by asking about the any strange tails Jutsu meaning the initial jinchuriki form. "Now an even bigger question why did you save me?"
"because Even though I left the village...no matter what you guys say i'm still an uchiha and so are you so "Iak shrugged his shoulders and smiled warmly.
Rey sat on a tree stump underneath a decent shade. He was meditating in order to prepares himself for future conflict. On his lap his blade glowed blue as chakra was channeled through it. "Ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm...."

Yamamoto rolled back into his bed, and stared up at the ceiling. The burning sensation in his back had faded for now.


Mitsorugi sat at his desk with his hands folded, he thought long and hard

Sora thought hard about what his next move would be, he concluded that he couldn't beat this man, and would most likely have him an his friends (Dogs) killed.

So he decided to put on a fake smile and quickly called his Ninken back.

"I'm sorry guys, but this is it."

Sora unsheathed his chakra blade and a Kunai.

"This is my final task for you guys."

Inside Sora was on the brink of a breakdown, although he had been a well respected ninja for many years he afraid to die.

Sora continued to put on his fake smile, although without a doubt his ninken could see through it.

"I want you guys to tell my wife what happened, and to give Kakashi my blade, I also want you to take orders from him now, and to view him as you view me."

Sora then pointed his Kunai to his left eye.

He removed his left eye and gave it to Kiba his most loyal and skilled ninken.

Blood trickling down his cheek from his left eye socket he gives his eye to Kiba.

"You must give this to Kakashi once he has became a true ninja, and I am trusting you guys to guide him on that path."

Sora quickly sends his ninken back to the leaf, he then shakingly rises to his feet, his legs in agony he turns to his captors and says.

"I will not tell you anything about the leaf, but I will tell you one thing, if I'm going down, you're coming down with me!"

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Slowly, the blood rushed into a shinobi's head, and he awoke, gasping for breathe as he woke up, and gazing around the room, suspended upside down. It was a full stone room, probably something someone dug out. He was all alone in the room, he tried shaking out of whatever kept him hung up by shut one leg. It wouldn't come out, and his eyes traveled up to the top of his leg. To his horror, there was a meat hook stabbed through his ankle, immobilizing him. He screamed, all the pain finally set in. He closed his eyes, screaming in pain. After a brief few seconds he opened his eyes.

Right in front of him sat Akuma, on the floor, with his legs crossed, just simply staring into his eyes. Watching him suffer. In the corner of the room he got a glance of something, while he was trying not to stare Akuma in the eyes. It...looked like a kage robe...wait...more like a corpse with a kage robe...

Was that the missing Kazekage?

"L...LORD KAZEKAGE!" He screamed across the room. It didn't move though, nor did Akuma. Akuma took a deep breathe, then exhaled. Steam left the slots on his mask as he exhaled.

"What...what the hell are you?!"

Akuma then got up, and walked away back into the shadows. Then, from the darkness to the left of the man documents flew out, along with a bloody Kazekage hat. The documents were entitled: Akuma: official report.

"That...I wrote that...how did you find that..."

Suddenly the mans eyes opened in realized who this was. "No. You're not real...you're not real! You're nothing but a myth conjured by the minds of shinobi in distress."

Akuma remained silent, emerging from the shadows once again, walking up to the suspended man. His hand reached out and tightly gripped his ankle with the meat hook through it. He started squeezing it, watching the blood pour out the tighter he squeezed.

Akuma then exhaled steam again, and kneeled down to eye level with the man. Veins popped through the mans head and neck as all of the blood in his body was falling down to his head. If not for being suspended he probably would have died of blood loss by now.

"Myths don't hang you by hooks." his dark mechanicle voice said, exhaling more steam as he spoke. The steam was hot...but it didn't burn the mans face.

Akuma then stood up, and walked into the darkness again. The sound of a chain rattling was heard, then the sound of something sliding across rails was also heard. Out of the darkness, the Kazekage's corspe emerged, with immense battle wounds on him. He probably was near death before being hung on the meet hooks.

More steam left Akuma's mouth "They also don't dispose of nosy Kage. Inching closer and closer to your to revealing you."

The man had no words. "You...killed the Kazekage? Why!?"

Akuma said nothing, he thought he had already thoroughly explained himself. He simply reached into his robe, and pulled out a kunai knife, sharpening it against a small rock he kept in his pocket. Each time he rubbed teh blade against it, the man's muscles tightened up.

"The longer you're chakra signal is still pulsing...the more at risk I am of this place being discovered...."

Akuma inhaled one last time, before stabbing the kunai knife into his tormented subject's chest in the blink of an eye.

Akuma then sat down in front of the two hanging corpses, staring at them as he cleaned the blood off of his favorite Kunai.
Neji was outside the village again training at the uchiha training grounds. He waited to hear anything from the hokage or from Iak. He started thinking more and more about what Iak was trying to do with the new akatsuki and neji was still in shock he was trying to do this, but neji began thinking that it did make sense I mean a world with out war or hate would be great right? Neji didn't really know what to think but as for the time being he would train until he heard from Iak or the hokage.

In the distance...away from the Uchiha training ground, Yuki and Katsuro were training, and it could be heard in the distance, next to Neji
As Neji was training he heard noises coming from a little while away. His sharnigan was already activated and looked in the direction of where the noises were. He clearly saw 2 chakra outlines of people. He decided to go check out who it was. He quickly came to the area and saw it was Katsuro and Yuki training. He landed on a tree branch and then landed on the ground. "So I see I'm not the only training out here today."

Yuki was on his knees, breathing in and out heavily while Katsuro simply leaned on a crutch. "Hi...."

Yuki breathed in and out a few more times. "Hi Neji...."


"Get back to training damnit!" Katsuro yelled. "Now watch again."

Katsuro picked a kunai knife out of a tree. "Perhaps you need a direct demonstration..."

Katsuro focused his chakra into the kunai, and it quickly became covered in chakra. "This is an extremely deadly move."

"I don't get it. What will covering a knife in chakra do to it."

"Just watch." Katsuro said. Katsuro breathed for a second, before chucking the kunai into the same tree he brought it out of.

The tree collapsed, and the kunai nearly broke through the second. Yuki's eyes opened in amazement. "I was barely trying that time kid. Imagine if I was."
Koga was looking at a canyon and enjoyed its beauty. He didnt even know where he was but he liked it. He was looking around when he saw a tent across from where he was. He had to go check it out. If it was occupied Koga would kill the person then take the tent for his home since he didnt have one currently. It took him a while but when he got there, he looked inside and saw a man on his bed. He must've been asleep. Koga grabbed his scythe from his back and slowly approached the man. He raised his scythe about to strike.
Neji walked over and stood next to Katsuro and laughed a little. "I remember you made me and my teammate stat out here all night with no food until we figured out how to do this." Neji grabbed one of his kunai and covered it in chakra. He tossed it at a tree completely destroying it and then it went right through a second tree leaving a huge hole. "Yuki this is a great trick to learn. This is something no one would expect a genin to know how to do."

Yamamoto's eyes suddenly opened, and he rolled out of his bed, and backed up across the room. Immediately the markings on his back glowed through the black robe, and from his back the large beast emerged, getting into a defensive stance. Claws outward, floating into the air, looking partially like a chinese dragon, but black and gray, full of rage. Slobber slowly came down from its teeth as it wrapped around Yamamoto to deflect any attacks.

"Who are you..."

"Are you an assassin...?"


"Exactly." Katsuro said, replying to Neji.

"See, now Yuki you're not leaving here until I at least see a glimmer of chakra around that Kunai."

Yuki sighed. This was going to be a long day.
Koga striked the mans bed and didnt get him. He sighed and said, "Awww. You're alive. Come here so I can kill ya ok? And I'm not an assassain I'm a rouge ninja. Now come at me." He beat his chest and stuck out his tongue. His eyes were as wide as they could be.

"Rogue, as in no goal, no allegiance, nothing? Don't you tire of it?"

Yamamoto then took a good look at Koga. "I am Yamamoto."

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