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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

"Before we begin, I must ask if you have guards stationed here. I am worried, as a certain missing-nin using the name of one of your Seven Swordsmen... My contacts say he killed a caravan of nobles recently, and I need to make sure I am not in danger." Imari gives a curt bow.

The Mizukage waves his hand casually. "They are Konoha shinobi, allies, they are welcome. Now, may I ask why you are here?"


Harou casually listened, playing the role of a bodyguard.


"He would be wanted, for a LOT of money if his existence was confirmed. Akuma is the stuff of legends...yet sightings of him continue to go."

Yamamoto went through one of his drawers, pulling out a new issue of the BINGO book. He opened up a highlighted page. "Read this."

Yamamoto then tossed Koga the book, page opened. (I'm just going to post his CS in here since it fits an informational format such as the BINGO book well)

In it contained a very disturbing file on a myth of a shinobi, with a rough sketch of a strange mask for the indenity picture.

Name: Has been given the Title of Akuma

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Appearance: (I'll be posting custom made artwork made by myself to show his appearance in a few months or so, until then here is an extremely detailed description.) Akuma's true appearance is not known. Akuma stands at a towering 6'5, average build or so it appears. Akuma wears an infamous mask, made of a golden-copper colored material. The mask looks mechanical in origin, but lacks gears of any sort or machinery, made of a strange metal allow with eye sockets covered in a strange glass as if the mask were air tight sealed, the mask does not conform to human shape and is a smooth shape, and at the area of the mask where the human mouth would be under it are six horizontal slots, in three horizontal rows with 2 vertical columns (3x2). The only physical characteristic of Akuma are his Hyuga eyes visible through the eye sockets, under a mask that looks to be the works of horror. There are no other physical characteristics of Akuma visible. His entire skin is covered by a skin tight black material, and he wears a black robe over it. Visible under the robe is a few protective plates of the same material used for his mask, which is extremely durable and unknown in origin. Akuma truly looks to be the stuff of nightmares. On his back he has his favored Dai-Katana in it's sheathe (A Dai-Katana is a two handed Katana, basically a Katana longsword)

Rank: Rogue

Chakra Afilliation: Unknown, believed to be steam and other natures.

Clan: Hyuga.

Jutsu: Akuma is a master of ninjutsu, and taijutsu, unknown if he has experience in genjutsu, as he has mastered the Hyuga Byakugon, able to track targets for upwards of miles away, and having a variety of his own Byakugon techniques as well as multiple devious ninjutsu to back it up.

Subjutsu: Akuma is truly a formidable oppenent. Akuma is a
master with weapons and stealth, being able to pick up any weapon and use it as if he had wielded it for years, and being able to fade into the shadows virtually undetectable.

Village: Believed to have once come from Konoha.

Personality: Nothing is known about this as well. All that is known is that Akuma has no remorse, and is a stone cold killer. That mask hides little emotion, and Akuma barely speaks at all.

Backstory: Akuma is simply the talk of legends. He is a nightmare among the shinobi world, as stories of him have been told for over 65 years, various sightings and other escapades. Normally he wouldn't be in any bingo book since he is beleived to be a legend, but all reported sightings of Akuma always bear such striking resemblance, and the way he acts in each report is also extremely similar. So it raises the question: Is Akuma really a myth? The Hyuga clan will not speak of him, he is more of a nightmare to them then to any other Shinobi.

IMPORTANT, READ!: Akuma is extremly odd. He is nearly impossible to track, he leaves absolutely no trail, and he has no chakra signature. Also every attempt to put him under genjutsu has failed due to unknown reasons. Through all the various reports of him, each one states that he has no chakra signature, not even a life force signature. This probably helps explains his ability to remain undetected. Akuma rarely speaks, and when he does it is usually in mysterious sorts with a strange mechanical like voice. All sightings of him have been reported at night, and each time Akuma is well aware that he is being watched, sometimes even making comments toward his witnesses, such as 'You are of no concern to me.".

"I believe he's not just a myth. A cold decisive killer that just wants to be left alone...but no myth. And to back this up, I've been told that recently a Kazekage has mysteriously vanished. I think the two are connected somehow."
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"Uzugakure? That's actually real?"

With that being said, The Mizukage's advisor soon came in. "Sir. We've been getting reports of Zabuza in the country." He whispered into the Mizukage's ear. Harou keened in on listening on this. "We'll discuss that later." The mizukage said to his advisor.
Koga caught the book and read up on Akuma. "We'll it's good that I can't die. All thanks to Lord Jashin." He beat his chest with his closed fist and continued, "So how do I find him if I can't track him? It might be impossible."

Yamamoto was intrigued by Koga's statement, but continued on. "We can't necessarily track him. We can roll the dice though and chance encounters. According to all of the sightings of him he only travels at night, and favors the sandy deserts of the land of wind. I can only assume that that's where he is, so we have to leave everything to chance to find him...or make him find us. My plan is simple: We travel the desert at night searching for him, leaving messages for him in abandoned campsites. Either we'll find him, or he'll find us. Judging from the reports he's going to find us. We have to make him curious, so he won't just slit our throats...or my throat for that matter."
Koga laughed. "I like the way you think Yamamoto. I like you and that's why I haven't killed you yet." He smiled deviously and said, "Shall we get started?" He was ready for the adventure.

Quintus had ventured far from where he had met up with the Akatsuki individual, through the wilds of the forest. He knew that he was getting near a village subtly guarded by corrupts who had been payed off by members of the criminal underworld. This was the location where the meeting was to take place. He could sense chakra signatures in this general location. Those guarding this area wouldn't be a problem to take down, but Quintus wanted to get in without detection, as to not give the one he was intending to kill a chance to escape.

His eyes squinted with concentration, Quintus carefully took out his dagger, just in case. By taking care of this loose end, he believed he could possibly gather more followers to the Akatsuki's cause, or in particular, his own cause...

"Yes...Let's go."

Yamamoto's beast then traveled outside of the tent. "We'll travel by flight. It's faster."

With that Yamamoto got onto the back of his beast, which highly resembled a chinese dragon. "Get on."
Koga followed Yamamoto outside of the tent and when he saw the dragon like beast he was in awe but he couldn't show it too much. He jumped on the beast and said, "Yee-hah!" Jokingly. He giggled.
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"The reason I left will be a secret only known to me and the people who have joined me in my courses...but I'll let you in on a little secret, I am doing this for the good of the entire shinobi world and no one, not the leaf, the mist or any of the other nations will stand in my way. Nothing can stop what I'm about to bring on the world and I won't LET anybody try"While he was talking he made hand gestures to show that he was serious and his eyes, cold and sharp daggers, stared directly into Aoi's.
Neji smiled at katsuro and Yuki "well I'll leave you guys to train okay I'll see you around." Neji ran off back to the uchiha training grounds. He continued to train. He had to be stronger if he wanted to stop his brother Iak. The only problem was he was starting to think that maybe Iak and his views were right maybe he should actually join him. Neji sighed as he continued to train and he was going nuts as he continued to go through all of his different thoughts and emotions about Iak.
A smiled came over Aoi's face as she looked right into Iak's eyes it seems she might be able to get some information out of him not alot but a little. "So Iak what is this causes of yours I maybe able to help." Aoi said although it may not be very smart to help a rouge ninja he did just save her so she owes him something. "And i'm not offering from the good of my heart but as payback for you saving me I never leave a debt unpaid." Aoi said which was true no matter who she owed it to a friend or enemy she would play them make in double.

Before he departed, one of his soldiers ran up to him asking for orders. "When platoon A, B, C, and D return tell them simply to fortify this position. I intend on keeping this canyon." Yamamoto said.

"Hand on." Yamamoto said back to Koga, and with that being stated Chakra chains formed in his hands, leading up to the beast's head. Yamamoto whipped the chains, the beast growled, then took off for flight.

Off they went to the sands of the land of Wind.
"It is indeed real, yes." Ikari replies smoothly. Being a ninja certainly had it's perks... including the ability to channel chakra to his ears. Time for an age-old political practice: Veiled threats. "My sources tell me Zabuza has been seen in the Mist, and that is why I am so concerned." From a ninja? Suspicious. From a noble? To be expected. "I can't think well if I'm fearing for my life, I'm afraid. I need to know where he is at all times, or I'm afraid doing business here will be impossible for the time being." From any other nation, such a statement would be trivial... But Uzugakure is an economic powerhouse, and thanks to seals their goods are beyond height-quality. Daimyo and nobles fight over eating the foodstuffs they discard. As such, the threat was exactly that.

"Well we believe he is either somewhere north of village, or inside of the village. Exact details are hard to find." The Mizukage stated, though he was eager to forge this alliance.
"...Very well, but I expect updates. Uzugakure can't very well ally with a village that can't determine where a dangerous missing-nine is whilst the man is in their borders." Ikari replies. Pushing too hard would b a bad idea. "Anyways, we have drafted up a contract..." He takes out a scroll and unrolls it. It appears to be a contract that gives many advantages to Kirigakure, bt not enough to make them suspicious. It just seems written by someone who doesn't know what they were doing. If Ikari had judged the Mizukage right, then the man would jump at the opportunity...


"No, please!" A Kirin Jounin pleads to a man with a black cloak, adorned with black and red symbols. "Insolent fool! Accept your death like a man! Shinra Tensei!" The cloaked man extends hi hands, and the Jounin is set flying, knocking down several trees before rolling to a painful stop. "Run, and tell your Kage that Godhand has come for him!" He booms, and the man scrambles away as quickly as he can to do so. The cloaked man grins. "Whaddaya think, Yin? Too much?" His appearance seems to shift, and he becomes taller and thinner. Most noticeably, his cloak becomes white, and the symbols on it become white and black. "...It should be good enough for our purposes. Perhaps we should go ahead and find that 'Black Horse' group we've been hearing about..." He shifts once more, into 'Yang'. "Alright, then." He replies, flipping through hand seals. He slams his palm on the slightly damp ground, a sealing array spreading from the aforementioned appendage.

"Summonin'!" He bellows, and a myriad of vaguely rat-like creatures emerge from a cloud of smoke, darting off. Once one of them finds a member of this 'Black Horse', they will gather Nature chakra into a sealing array on their back, transporting Yang(or Yin, depending on what's going on at the time) to their location via reverse summoning. It's times like these when Yang/Ying is glad they don't have an entry in the bingo book listing anything other than a 'flee on sight' order and mere speculation regarding his abilities. It allowed the rumor mill to work freely. Hell, by now the villages must think him a deity, considering the rumors about this 'Akuma' Fellow that have been circulating...

Sora did not make a sound as the executioners blade was pushed through him.

Instead he turned his bloody Kunai around and threw it backwards into the rogue ninjas stomach.

"Don't be too full of yourself, as I said before...

I could smell you."

And with that Sora fell forwards.

His last conscious thought was of his son Kakashi.
"Oh, how wrong you are. The mist has been distorting more than just your sight this entire time..."

The Demon of the Mist that was standing behind Sora, the one Sora had impaled with the Kunai, dissipated into the mist. Only then did the mist finally clear, revealing the truth.

Zabuza the second was standing directly in front of Sora, having actually impaled him through his chest instead of his back. The Mist had distorted all of Sora's senses, to the point he had thought he could smell the illusion.

"You should sell for a lot. After all, her 'real life' detailed crystal statues always do. What a way to dispose of a body without anybody noticing and making cash off of it at the same time..."

The Demon nodded towards Crystal, who began to walk towards Sora's corpse. She prepared to cover him in a heavy, non-see through layer of crystal as well as make a pedestal for the statue.

"Ironically enough, we have a customer in the Hidden Leaf that purchases our statues and puts them up for all to see. It should only be fitting we return this shinobi to his village, for a price of course..."

"Boy. If we knew the exact location of Zabuza II we would be moving a strike team onto him as we speak. All that I know is that he's near my village. If you're really that concerned you might as well head down to the scum part of town and pay off someone who has information."


Yamamoto flew his beast all the way to the desert, where he landed it. Sand shifted through it's claws, it whipped sand off of it in a snake like motion. Yamamoto then withdrew the beast back into his back.

He gazed around at the surrounding sand. Nothing. Just nothing. It was a wonder how there could be a thriving village in the center of this place.
When Koga jumped off of the beast he put his hand above his brows to shield his eyes from the sun. "So this is out best lead?" He asked not very enthusiastic.

"Unfortunately yes. As stated before a Kazekage went missing. I don't know if you knew who this Kazekage was, but he was no pushover. That is the only lead we have. That and just a chain of disappearing explorers looking to scavenge the old time ruins of lands that once claimed this place long before our time."
Koga sighed and said, "We'll let's check somewhere underground maybe. Because living above ground in a place like this is very hard. But where? Maybe we should try to get caught. Hmm. Or do what you were saying. Hmm." He started to think of all of te possible plans.
Hours later an elegant crystal statue of a Hidden Leaf shinobi, grabbing his chest with one hand covering a wound and seemingly throwing a kunai with the other was finished. Crystal had put the time into making this master piece of hers try to capture the death of this shinobi the best she could, a way to honor him somewhat. This caused her to see it as more than just a way to dispose of the body.

In that same time Zabuza had contacted all he would need to in order to have the statue sent off to the Hidden Leaf and sold. By the time she had finished with it, it was being hauled off to the Leaf and the Demon already had his payment.

"So, have we made our monthly 'contribution' to several certain Hidden Mist shinobi?"

The girl thought about this having to think back, before finally shaking her head no.

"Ah, we can't live this close to the village without a little bribery induced insurance. Take this and go meet the normal people."

Zabuza tossed a briefcase full of Ryō (I believe this is the currency the Naruto world uses) towards her. The girl caught it before making the preparations to leave and meet up with several specific shinobi...
(Yes, Ryo is the official currency. Just don't ask me to specify how much it costs for items xD )


"I suppose we search during the day."

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