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Fandom Naruto: Reminiscent

The mist is not so much entirely a genjustu, as rather the Mist's ability to distort all the senses of those within it. Thus causing all the party within the unseen mist to have supposedly seen Harou's "death". Meanwhile, all the unseen mist that the seal is able to suck away only now allows for those free of the mist to see what mist the seal didn't take away off in the distance.

"You're friends continue to try and help you, alas, we're a little farther away from them now than they think."

The mist cleared just slightly allowing Harou to see off in the distance the destroyed mansion and his friends. Strange that the Demon would possibly give him a sense of direction...

Zabuza finally begins to charge towards Harou, his Executioner's Blade cutting into the ground as he ran.
Aoi did as Mizu asked taking a drink of the bottle the Mizu had brought out. It was alcohol but that could have been seen from a mile away as alcohol is very good at numbing pain so it would be a good choice to use it. Aoi watched her closely as a rogue is still a rogue and she could end up doing anything but with this offer attacking Aoi would get nothing while assisting her would give Mizu control over her tailed beast so in the end they was only really one thing for Mizu to do which was transplant Aoi's eyes. "Both eyes."
(... The mist is gone, and it's actively being sucked away due to a separate seal Ikari made a few posts ago...)

Ikari sighs, emerging. "Screw it..." Channeling chakra to his legs, he jumps high into the air, summoning a beetle. "Fire!" A massive ball of compressed air is fired into the mist, erupting into hurricane-force winds in all directions. It clears away the mist... and a few trees as well. His clones dispel, returning chakra to Ikari and flooding the area, who flashes through seals until he lands. "Doton: Chikyū rifutingu jishin!" His feet create a shockwave that raises the area up, the very rock rising until the area is a pillar to those below. That will likely unbalance those who aren't standing still.

Akuma just stood there silent, waiting for Koga to get up. Enough sparring, it was time to start taking action for the Dark Horse.


Mizu began the complex transplant, pushing bits of Chakra into Aoi's eyes and body to stop bleeding.

First came out the eyes, very delicate procedure, probably the easiest part of it though. She took it out, and simply put them in a jar where they would be burned later. Then she quickly replaced the missing eye with the new eyes, wrapping up the procedure by putting a small bandage around her eyes.


(Can harou see Zabuza?)

Harou stood in defensive stance, waiting.
Aoi smiled as the operation was finished. "Now then you have a choice you can either wait a few days two or three where I can force the nine tails to bend to your will or I can call in a favor with the four tails and he can train you to control the nine tails your choice." Aoi said since her eyes would not work for a few days which meant she couldn't help Mizu right away alone but calling on the nine tails jinchūriki all it would require was the traveling time and the extra training time it would take.
Koga stood up and said to Akuma, "I like you. How about I take the damage and you deal it? Good tactic?" He smiled and added in, "And you didnt see my special technique used for killing." He snickered.

Steam left Akuma's moutholes. "Wise tactic. Agreed." it seemed that Akuma really wasn't very fond of talking: It seemed almost hard for him to do.

Yamamoto stood near the tent flap, as he was watching. "Since our masked friend doesn't seem to be fond of talking, I'll ask you myself: What is your special technique?"


"Bending my Jinchuriki's will is not an option. But I don't see right now how I can work with my inner demon...." Mizu said thinking...
Koga seemed skeptical but he still said his technique. "We'll basically I just consume my opponents blood then draw te symbol for Jashin- All praise Jashin- and then whenever in inside of the symbol I control the other person and any damage I inflict upon myself is done to them. Perfect for torturing. Or killing." He smirked.
Aoi scratched her head. "Do you know what seal they have used to seal the nine tails in you and do you have the key if not then the only way for me not to have the nine tails will is to get the key to your seal." Aoi said but that's when it occurred to her she didn't even know if Mizu is or has ever been in contact with the nine tails. "You have talked to him right? The nine tails." Aoi asked if not then the four tails if her choice is to call him would have a much harder job training her in mastering control over the tailed beast.
(Sorry I couldn't get on any of yesterday, my mother graduated from nursing school. Yes, Zabuza is seemingly allowing himself to be seen by Harou.)

The area around the now destroyed house was long since clear of mist. However, unless Ikira intends of clearing the entire Hidden Mist of mist, he still would have no clue of where the Demon and Harou was. It was clear Zabuza was leading Harou away from Ikiria, splitting them as far apart as possible.

Blade continued to clash against blade, as Zabuza swung at Harou again and again. The only strange part was that none of his blows were aimed at anything lethal, and he was swinging slow enough and making his aim clear enough that Harou could manage to block everything.

The Mist was light enough that in the distance the destroyed mansion could be seen. Zabuza even seemed to be directing Harou in that direction.
Ikari pumps chakra into his fan, and slowly, the range increases, until the entirety of Mizu no Kuni can be seen. He edits the seal so that only those with Elite Jounin level reserves show up, and the ocean of dots becomes a mere puddle. He makes a clone for each of them, and they zoom off using the pseudo-Hiriashin he developed, arriving at the location within moments and then dispelling once they've found the person, transmitting their memories to Ikari.
(Sorry about the delay. My boss is working my ass off as much as she can before christmas...)

(Hate to do a lame posts like this, but I need to for time sakes)


Harou turns to Zabuza. "Eight trigrams: 23 Palms!" Harou yells.

With his byakugon on, Gentle fist activates in his hands, he immediately tries to counter Zabuza and hit all of his vital Chakra points. Still, this was very strange that Zabuza would be so direct?


"Same one they used on Naruto Uzumaki: Eight Trigrams seal."

"And yes." Mizu said, with a tad bit of a annoyed look on her face. "I have spoken with the Nine tails. He's not very pleasant...we don't get along well." Mizu said. Still much anger insideo f her for hor Kurama ruined her life.


"The both of you are just full of surprises aren't you?" He asked silently.
Aoi smiled at least they have had some contact but it was to no surprise that the nine tails is not on friendly terms. "So the Eight Trigrams seal have the key to unlock it or is it already unlocked?" Aoi asked Mizu still had not told Aoi if she wanted the sharingans help or the four tails help. "Also do you want my help using the sharingan or the four tails help and you doing it yourself?"
"Looks like fighting shadows will only work so long. I had wanted to watch you fight longer before we reached the village, but that dam Uzumaki..."

All of the Mist finally cleared out, showing Zabuza standing just feet away observing Harou fighting shadows. More over, they're right outside the village Hidden in the Mist. It would seem the entire time the Demon had been heading them here instead of towards the destroyed mansion.

One of the Mist Shinobi watches as Zabuza and Harou appears out of nowhere. He jumps towards them like he's about to enter the fight when...

"Stop, I don't need your help to fight this one. Go get the girl."

The Mist Shinobi stops in his tracks just as ordered by the Demon. For what Harou didn't know was that almost all the Shinobi in the village were in the Demon's bankroll. If anything, their loyalty was more towards the Demon than their own leader. Who could blame them? Zabuza paid better.

The Shinobi bows his head, before running off into the village to fetch Crystal.

"God damn shinobi..." He mumbled to himself.

His eyes turned back over to Zabuza. "So what, if you have more power than the Mizukage then why the hell do you waste your time killing nobles?"


"Just put a good word in to the four tails for me. I'll find him sometime. If that is all then I have to be going. If you found me easily with your deterriorated eyes than a Hyuga or another Uchiha will have no problem finding me, and i can't have Mitsorugi finding me.


"Put on your Dark Horse robes. Then meet me in the War Room, my tent, and we'll discuss what needs to be done." Yamamoto said briefly, before sliding his tent flap over him and exiting into his tent.

Meanwhile, from the sides of the canyons Dark Horse Shinobi, dressed in all black but with various bits of their former allegiances to their villages on them started pouring in. Hundreds, if not a thousand, all formerly hailing from the land of fire, wind, earth, lightning, and mist began to officially set up into the canyon, setting up tents, watch towers, and creating various seals over the perimeter to muffle sound at a distance as well as break eyesight until at a certain distance. They even began to damn up the small small river that ran through the canyon. They all avoided Yamamoto's tent though as if it were taboo, upon listening many even spoke of him as if he were some sort of god. All of these soldiers were hardened veterans from the main fronts of the war, it could be seen in just the way they spoke as well as stood. Perimeters were set up: No ordinary shinobi would be wondering into this canyon for a while.


Akuma replaced his dreary old black robes for these new Dark Horse robes, completely black except for the large white dot on the back just like the black horse banner. He then entered the war tent, standing next to the map of the land.
Koga put on his new robe from the Dark Horse. He actually kind of liked it. He met Akuma and Yamamoto in the war tent and said, "So what's up, Doc?" He laughed to himself. He felt like he was somewhat hated, but he didn't really care.
Aoi nodded pulling a scroll out of her pocket and began to write in it she wrote. "I'm calling in my favor you will train Mizu Kimura the nine tails Jinchuriki on how to control her tailed beast meet her at the entrance to the." Before finishing she decided to ask a question. "Will you be heading near the land of tea any time soon?" Aoi asked if she was then the end would be the entrance to the land of tea since it was not far way if not she would just give her the scroll.
"That's a good question, allow me to answer that before your Uzumaki friend arrives. As you probably could already tell, money is no problem for me. I've had more than enough to retire without a care in the world for a while now. You could see this from my mansion, the Uzumaki destroyed, and from the fact almost every single shinobi in the Hidden Mist works for me.

The Demon of The Mist walked around as he talked. His sword was still attached to his back, for he clearly didn't see Harou as the most immediate threat. He had also given up on creating Mist for the moment, it was clear the Uzumaki was hell bent on removing it all.

"Half of the Mizukage's bodyguards get their paycheck from me. I considered for a time having them assassinate him and me take over, but I decided I would have no fun in leading. But to answer your question, I enjoy my job. I don't care who I work for, or even how much they pay, only how many people I get to end.

There's only really two ways I ever see myself retiring. By dying to a worthy opponent, which so far I've certainly not seen, or by training the future generation of rogues. The last idea I've certainly considered many a times, and how I would go about it. Alas, I've rambled on too long and now it's two on one."

Crystals shoot up from the ground, entrapping Harou. A girl jumps down from a tree, landing right next to Zabuza. In the distance shadows of Hidden Mist shinobi can be seen, watching what would happen next.

Harou panicked, immediately trying to use his hand, encased in chakra, to brake through the crystals.

Meanwhile in a distance Riku simply sat and watched. He simply folded his legs on the legs. He wondered if he should help, yet then again he didn't want to get involved. Slowly the back of his neck started to burn a bit, but he held it down. Not here, he couldn't allow that here.

Zabuza ran the show around the village, Riku was well aware of that. That's why he was able to freely roam across the village, people like him who up and abonded the Shinobi way of life long ago. He began to drift off down into memory lane, but stopped and slowly tightened his fist. Now wasn't the place. Been there done that, as Riku once said. Slowly Riku put his hand down, feeling the grip of his carbon fiber blade.


"It's simple really: I want to take the Hidden Rain. But getting there isn't simple, we have to prepare." Yamamoto said

Akuma's eyes opened a bit...that wasn't the answer he was expecting?


"I've got business to attend to, but I'm sure I'll find my way there eventually."
Aoi finished the letter with meet her by the entrance of the land of tea she will arrive there at some time. Aoi then whistled and a messenger bird appeared which Aoi gave the letter to and it flew away. "Well then he will be waiting for you in the land of tea don't keep him waiting too long he isn't a very patient man but he will help you." Aoi said before standing up now the problem was making her way back to the village blindfolded. "Well then i'll be seeing you around...Or not I guess." Aoi said before walking in the direction she believed was the leaf village but was actually the wrong way.
Crystal spikes are restricting the movement of Harou's arms and legs, however, he's not entirely engulfed in crystal. There are also crystal spikes pointing right into his neck, towards his heart, and comically enough one pointed at his lower groin. The Demon of the Mist, the only one of the two that can, speaks.

"Don't try to move, resist, or try anything funny. She'll double the length of the crystals, and those are some painful places to be impaled. Other than that, know that the crystal structure of those crystals is far more dense than her normal variety.

Now we all wait. You're life depends entirely on how your Uzumaki friend replies to my terms. Given how rash he is, I wouldn't bet on you making it home tonight."
A kunai passes by the crystal, a red blur following shortly. Mid-flight, a thump can be heard as a seal is smacked onto the crystal structure. The chakra in it is drained, rendering it inert just before Ikari appears beside Harou, grabbing the kunai. "Two against one? That's not very fair..." He slams a fist into the ground. "Doton: Yomi Numa!" The ground turns into thick mud for about a mile around, and several blurs appear afterwards, all another 'Ikari'. They smirk and shatter the spikes before twirling several of the odd kunai and using Kunai Kage Bunshin to litter the area with them. Then they all dispel. Nothing happens for a moment... Suddenly, Ikari(?) appears behind the crystal user as a red blur, sending a kick at the side of her head just as several clones rise out of the mud and charge Zabuza. "How about I shift the odds in our favor? Keep up, Harou!"
"Rash fool, you will carry the blood on your hands of everyone you get killed..."

Were the only words The Demon of the Mist could mutter when he saw the kunai thrown towards one of the crystals. The seal lands upon ONE of the crystals sticking up from the ground. draining it of it's color and chakra. The rest almost immediately extend to twice their length, impaling Harou just as Zabuza had promised.

The Ikari clones that attempt to shatter the crystals all reel back in pain as they're far stronger than they would of expected, all except for the one with the seal on it.

A wall of crystal forms beside the girl, as the clone kicks it spikes form out of the wall impaling it's leg.

The ground beneath Zabuza and the girl forms into a crystal platform, giving both of them solid ground to stand upon instead of the mud. With this in place the Demon is able to take an appropriate stance as he pulls out the Executioner's Blade from his back and slices each clone in half that charges him.

"I had demands. Both you and the kid could of walked away from here alive, alas, you immediately attacked..."

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