Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Loreli looked at her and walked over to her, " you only tried it once.. try it again" she said as she got the ice off her. " you didnt meet the eight people that time" she added. Gaara exposed walked over and lifted Hikari up while she was still in the sand coffin. He stared at her, " she wont do anything... yet" Loreli said as Gaara set the girl down, still not trusting her but got sand on her body and just binded the legs and arms with sand.


Paiamn was waiting for the report and was in his room thinong about the possible plans to get the tailed beasts togehter.


@Flame Demon

Kakuzu was walking to Pein's room he saw Hidan. .."KAKUZU it was horrible without you Sasori and Kisame are boring Sasori tried to caputure this boy but he pulled a switcheroo last minute. ...." before he could finish Kakuzu punches Hidan through a wall .....

He opened Peins door and saw Konan alongside the makeshift throne....Kakuzu kneeling says..."Pein the girl Hikari was captured we lacked the power to retrieve her it is my duty to inform you as we tried to make up for Deidara's failure and i and Itachi also failed I would like to inform tobi as well" 

@Flame Demon

Hikari finally changes back to normal and the small dragon lays on her head, asleep "Also dragons don't get colds, idiot!" she snaps and Loreli "I will not try to make any friends and those who betray me for whatever reason will have to face the same fate as they others" she says, she didn't understand that girl at all, wanting to be friends with someone like her "I only care about two people, because they're family" she says and glares "Also if I recall correctly, you should know binding my hands won't do any good"

Temari sighs "Loreli, give up, some people just don't want and kindness and some only have bad memories, best no to push her anymore before she suddenly releases chakra because of anger" she says and Naruto tries punch the girl, but a small red dragon bites him setting his arm on fire before disappearing.


Loreli frowned a littke, " sorry... I dont much about dragons" she said to her girl before running over Shikaku and petting him.

" I know... i binded you hands so you dont wnd up punching and kicking anyone" Gaara said with a sigh beofrebputting out the fire on Naruto's arm with sand.

Kakashi then appeared and looked around before looking at Hikari and then at Loreli. Loreli looked at him and waved at him. He sighed and walked over to Loreli and patted her head before looking around, "... well things seem to be under control.. for now" 


Pain looked at him calmly before nodding. " he currently isnt here at the moment" he said to Kakuzu with a sigh wondering where he is. " anyway, we'll retrieve her tomorrow right go after the 5 tails that was said to be found  somewherr near the hidden Stone Village" he said to him.


@Flame Demon

Hikari sweatdrops "Really, how did that guy get a sharingan?" she asks looking at Kakashi and Temari asks "I have a better question, how can you be from a clan that no longer exists?" "Not your business" Hikari says with a glare and Naruto asks, being the stupid one "She's only an Uchiha right?".

Hikari sighs and turns away from him "Leave me alone fish face, I don't want your stupidness to rub off on me, I also don't wanna end up stupid because I have to be around you" she says. Naruto glares and tries to punch her again, but Hikari blows a small fireball which he has to dodge "How do you do that without using hand signs?", but the girl turns her head away again.

Sasuke awakened to Kabuto treating him... "your lucky the attack didnt hurt you that much its the poison that had immobilized you.... luckily it just damaged you vision and chakara temporarily" he says 

Sasuke sits up..."Orochimaru's cursed power wasnt enough i need more training. ....."

"Yes you do our spies say that Gaara and the sand took on your brother Itachi and two powerful Akatsuki members and came out victorious alongside Naruto seems they are more powerful than you"

Sasuke disappeared in an instant and had his Katana to Kabuto back..."never say that name to me again" he says

Kabuto wondered if he meant Itachi or Naruto. ...

Kakuzu sighed in relief as he disappeared at least tobi would find out when he is away

Zen stayed in the infirmary his arm was badly damaged. ..he thought about the battle with Sasuke. ...Itachi's poison awoke his bloodline forcibly but the wound in his abdomen was closed Sakura must have treated him.

He got out of bed and decided to walk around the leaf...he saw children playing and remembered his childhood filled with assassination training pain had become as normal to him as breathing...

He saw shikamaru setting up a shogi board...and Zen just watches...his arm wrapped up and abdomen.

"You gonna play or just watch?" Shikamaru asks. Zen stays quiet for a second i don't know how and i will just lose" he replied 

"Oh your that Hanshou loner yea heard about your clan no attachments to the shinobi world makes your job easier"

Zen winces but shikamaru was correct. ..he never had friends outside the clan and even within the clan other than family everything was a competition.

"Well I've done just fine i will find my own way in time" he says ready to walk away 

"Then try making some bonds you can start by learning a game and learn from losing to improve yourself. ...sometimes the one who loses is the person who really wins in the end" he says which causes Zen to stop as he had been doing everything alone trying to complete missions alone but then he is still in the shadow of the clan.

Zen turns and goes to sit as he and shikamaru began to play shogi.

@Flame Demon

Kakashi looked at Hikari and walked over to her and stared at her for a few seconds and then at the dragon on her head. " hm... Dragon clan huh..." he said as he looked back at Tenmari, " lets leave those kinds of question out.. some people dont want to be reminded of how their clans got extinct" he said which made Loreli stiffen a little as she remembered her family's and villagers' dead bodies. Her eyes saddened a little as she walked off, she mostly has her bad memeories and a few of her old memeories. She wondered when the rest will come back.

Winter watched her walked of and looked at Naruto. She hit his head, " will you quit trying to attack her?!" She said with a sigh.

Gaara sighed a little, " Tenmari take her to a cell"

" the girl still has a fever" Kakashi and watched Loreli walk off. He sighed a little and let her be for now.


@Flame Demon
"I don't remember how, I was told they found my mother frozen, but too weak to do something" Hikari says looking down "Itachi told me my dad must have saved my mother without knowing she was pregnant" she says as tears form in her eyes "I never knew anyone with the same abilities though I can't even use a sharingan in both eyes" she says, she had tried searching for others, but it always ended up in failure.

Temari sighs picking Hikari up "As you wish brother" she says and looks at Kakashi "Please discus things like that in his office", the small dragon wakes up and flies over to Gaara, only to continue sleeping on his head.

Naruto glares at Winter "She tried killing Gaara and she's working for the Akatsuki, so she's our enemy" he says and looks at Kakashi confused "What's the Dragon clan, I never heard of it"

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Kakashi looked at Hikari and sighed, "Get some rest..." he said to the girl before she was carried off. She remembered the The thrid hokage mentioning something about a child had gone missing. He wodered if Hikari is that child. " hmmm...." he said before looking at Naruto. " if you  are going to keep attacking her then stay away from her. That girl isnt that dangerous at the moment and also isnt trying to kill anyone" he said before walking off to Gaara's office.

Gasra sighed and nodded, " he is right Naruto..." he said before walking of after Kakashi to talk to him about Hikari and what to do with her. 

Winter sighed, " see..." She said to Naruto as she stretched and looked at Kankuro, " hey.. since I am staying here.... need help fixing your puppets?" She asked. Kankuro nodded and the two disappeared together.


@Flame Demon
After 30 games Zen was getting a feel for shogi but he lost every game.

He was upset but he didn't let it get to was a quiet 30 games outside of their first conversation and shikamaru explaining the rules.

"So where is everyone?" Zen finally asked 

"The kazekage was attacked we rallied shinobi and went to help"

Zen looked at Shikamaru "Why wasn't I told i could have helped" he sa5

"Really you think so Zen you've done just fine alone if you had friends maybe someone would of told you thats the good thing about bonds of friendship"

Zen smacked the Shogi board "YOU THINK YOUR SO SMART WELL I AM TO BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO BUILD BONDS I WAS RAISED TO BE A WEAPON BONDS MAKE US WEAK" he yelled and gripped his injured arm as he used it to hit the board.

Shikamaru stood up..."your arm seems it needs stronger medical attention. Also your trying to escape that purpose are you not why not let others in ...have you ever even been to our allied countries or the other clans"

Zen just stares Shikamaru was right. ... all he did was disassociate himself with his clan he never bothered to see the lands and people he had to protect...

"Your...right...what can i do shikamaru nara?" he asked 

"You can start by calling me Shikamaru. ...and Gaara was once like you try talking to him"

"Im injured they'll never clear me to go my arm needs attention as well as my wound from Itachi"

"Your not going to fight and if you have enough shinobi around you it should be fine... team 8 and 9 are heading to the sand for added protection why don't you tag along maybe finding a like minded person would be easier to befriend" he says 

Zen gets up to go to the gate and shikamaru's shadow stops him...he walks closer and hands Zen the Shogi board. ..."you did well much better than Asuma Sensei ..go I'll inform the med-nin" he says. 

In about 10 minutes he was at the gate Guy Sensei was skeptical due to his condition and hinata used her byakugan to see how terribly injured he was but his determination ignited Guy sensei passion so as long as he could keep up he could come.

@Flame Demon

Hikari doesn't even struggle as Temari puts her down in a cell and leaves, locking her in, she hated using that form, she was always so weak after that and her chakra and emotions would be unstable.

Temari appears near Gaara "Are you still planning to get information from her? It's not recommended at her current state" she says with a sigh.

Naruto crosses his arms "Fine" he says and sighs "But seriously, what is the Dragon Clan?" he asks tilting his head, he was still confused.
Gaara sighed a little, " I wasnt planning to Tenmari... " he said to the blonde. He didnt really know what to do with her after seeing her tear up when she tslked about her parents.

" maybe.. we should take her back to the Hidden Leaf... she may be the missing child that the third hokage mentioned..." he said to her.

" I am not sure if that is a good idea... if Saskur find out about her, she may end up being his target" he said to Kakashi.

" that's true..." Kakashi said before looking at Naruto. " The Dragon Clan is a dangerous clan, with highly skilled ninjas that fights with well.. dragons. They were suppose to be wiped out but as you can see... we found a survivor"


@Flame Demon
Zen started dashing but he felt weird his body wasn't moving how he wanted it was weaker....he collapsed mid sprint but rock lee quickly caught him..."what'shappened to me a simple sprint through trees shouldn't be taxing for me" he says 

Neiji looks at Zen but goes further "your gravely injured there is a lethal poison in your system"

"Thats impossible my bloodline prevents me from succumbing to poison"

"It did but your bloodline ability has been sealed away. Your body would naturally break down poison at a rapid pace sparring you the ill effects but there was a strong poison in your system and it wasn't completely broken down its not lethal but your natural immune system is trying to fight it so if you overexert yourself the poison spreads" he explained.

Zen was shocked. .."so using chakara weakens you we must inform Tsunade" he says.

"Why didn't the med-nin notice...Tsunade can cure me lets hurry and find her" he says getting up.

Zen began walking in Tsunade office direction. ...Neiji looked away and hung his head.

Guy came over..."what are you not telling him Neiji"

"His body broke down the poison enough that once the seal was placed it bonded with his immune system unless we find a cure by getting a sample of the poison in its entirety Zen has about a months time or less if he uses chakara"

Guy was shocked "if itachi poisoned him it will be hard to get a sample so lets get the seal removed problem solved"

"That wont work with his injuries he wouldn't survive the poison would claim him first"

Zen barges into Tsunade's office with his one hood arm  "apologies Hokage but the med-nin were unable to treat me for this poison in my system i need you to cure me. Neiji Hyuuga was the one who noticed but im sure you have seen it before"

@Flame Demon

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Temari nods "You do realize we can't keep her here forever right, she might be like this now, but she'll be normal by the tomorrow" she says and sighs "Also, how can she be the missing child if she grew up in the Akatsuki?", she then notices the sleeping dragon on Gaara's head, but does say anything.

Naruto notices too and he glares at it "Kakashi, what would happen if we killed that, without it she can't change" "Without it she'll die" Chiyo was walking in "That dragon is linked with her, which is something not many know, it explains why it's so young". Temari nods "I see, so that's why it always hides" she says, it did make sense though.
Kakuzu was walking ahead while Hidan carried the host of the five tailed beast...

"Praise Jashin Kakuzu he allowed us to fight such a powerful enemy" he says 

"Dont give me that Jashin crap Hidan i had to put you back together too many times to count"

"Hey its hard fighting a beaat trying to kill you while holding back" he yelled 

Meanwhile Sasuke was training with Orochimaru "you haven't taught me anything new Orochimaru what good are you...i should go off on my own"

"How dare you speak to Lord Orochimaru in that tone" Kabuto yelled back but Orochimaru smirked "Teaching you Jutsu and giving you power is not my only use... i also have information that may interest you" he says 

"The only information i care for involves me avenging the Uchiha" he says 

""My spies tell me that an Uchiha attacked the sand and did battle with the Kazekage....a female Uchiha" 

Once those words left his mouth Sasuke created a chidori blade to Orochimaru's neck "THERE ARE NO FEMALE UCHIHA YOU DARE LIE TO ME"

Kabuto was worried but Orochimaru didn't move. .."i have spies all around Sasuke i can prove it to you. ..she was captured by the sand and leaf...i can project you into the mind of the Uchiha female just give me one hour" Orochimaru says as he needed to prepare the jutsu.

@Flame Demon

Kakshi looked at Naruto, " Naruto.. go cool off. You're letting you anger get the better of you" he said to the blonde before looked at Tenmari, " that is exactly why she is the missing child. She is the only member of that thst grew up in the akatsuki and when she was a kid a man in a mask kidnapped her" he said  to them.

Gaara sighed and looked at the dragon on his head, " either way... we are keeping her here... I am not sure if it's a good idea to move her" he said before looking at Chiyo. " what do you think?" He asked the lady. 


Loreli was humming softly to herself as she sat on the rooftop of a sand building and watched the sun slowly slowly setting. She took out a candy and unwrapped it then popped it in her mouth. She then decided to start meditating and got into postion and started.


Tsunade looked up at Zen and raised an eyebrow, " which med-nin treated you wound. The nin should have a blood sample" she said before looking iver the boy. " why are you up and walking around? With injuries like that you should be in the hospital" she added narrowing her eyes in disapproval at the boy. She then saw Neiji, " Go get the med-nin and tell him/her to double check the blood for the poison and send the report to me" she said and looked at Zen, " and you. Go to the hospital and rest up. You are not allowed to leave until all your injuries are healed up and that poison is out of your system"


@Flame Demon

Hikari closes her eyes and sighs, she would be there for a while at least that's what she guessed, she wanted to get out of there and go back, Itachi was worried about her, she knew that.

Chiyo thinks for a while "Keeping her in a cell won't work, she won't do anything for a while, he chakra is unstable and so are her emotions at the moment" she says and adds "But we can't let her out of sight just yet". Temari nods "I agree, but I can't watch her with my missions and Kankuro won't do either, so that leaves" she says and looks at Gaara "You to watch her", she looks at Kakashi "But we can't just hand her over to the leaf village, she could be in more danger there"

Naruto walks of and he sighs "Why are they letting her of that easy, she's an enemy for gods sake, she should be killed" he says crossing his arms as he walks around.


About 4 hours later shizune comes to Tsunade's office.... "Tsunade we amalyzed his blood his body is no longer breaking down poison at the rate it use to. Im sorry i missed this its a rare poison a normal person without Hanshou clan blood would be dead in hours.  He has at most a months time Tsunade and the use of chakara spreads the poison faster. ...

We had to sedate the boy but we cant cure him even when his wounds heal maybe if theres a sample of the poison" she says sad to see a chuunin so young on deaths door.

"Lady Tsunade i cant tell him..... only med-nin of your caliber have a chance to cure him and only at about a 30% chance of curing him with a sample and we never came across this poison we may have to ask our allies"


Orochimaru prepared a large seal on the floor with Kabuto help.

"This is taking to long" Sasuke says annoyed.

Orochimaru's was in the middle mediating. ..."Patience. of the lives i took could project themselves in the mind of others for communication and  i have to find the Uchiha unique chakara and project you. Well i found her but her mind has traps that wont let me in"

Sasuke moved into the seal gripping orochimaru's shoulder and he was projected into the mind of a person and guarding their mind was a dragon.

Orochimaru didn't approach the dragon.  "It wont allow me to pass" he says and the dragon roared but Sasuke stepped forward and activated his sharringan and the dragon moved for Sasuke but not Orochimaru. ...

Sasuke was in a cell seeing a girl he didn't know but his sharringan saw her power..  

Who are you girl anotherexperiment to usurp the Uchiha power.. the only living true Uchiha is I and Itachi " he says calmly ... he was only a projection and couldn't do harm but he didn't want to hurt her he just wanted answers.

@Flame Demon

"Really though, my dad would kill you if he heard that, but he's dead" Hikari says looking at Sasuke, her left eye had the sharingan while her right eye looked like that of a dragon "Perhaps the name Madara Uchiha rings a bell, too bad he can't kill you for accusing his daughter of being a fake, not that he knows though", she says and glares "And I will not allow you to tell amyone else, get it? If you do I'll find you and feed you to my favorite dragon", which she couldn't summon yet, not that he had to know.

She then smirks "And you're probably Itachi's younger brother, but your know enough, get out", she forces him out of her mind and sighs, this was a long day, she just hoped he would stay out of her mind now.
Tsunade took the report from the nin and looked at it for a moment. Her eyes scanning it quickly before looked at the ninja. "Get Sakura, Neiji and Lee in here... i know what poison was used. " she said to nin as she set the paper down.


Gaara sighed, " why do I have to look after her?... i can see her glaring at me and the dragon on my head bothering me while I am trying to do paper work" he said to the two ladies.  

Kakashi sighed a little, "well either that or taking her to the the Leaf and no on wants to do that... but if Naruto is the target i think we should send him back to the leaf..." he said to Gaara.


A white snow sparrow lands on Naruto's head and Loreli runs over. She tilts her head as she looks at Naruto, " why are you so mad?" She asked him softly.


@Flame Demon

Temari sighs "But you know Kankuro will just drag her around and then lose sight of her" she says and looks at Kakashi "I'll go with him, I have to report to the Hokage since my brother here will be busy watching our prisoner" she says. Chiyo nods "I agree that the Kazekage watches her, since the dragon seems comfortable and he might learn how to deal with several things" she says and looks at Gaara "Also you can restrain her easily if she tries to do something"

Naruto looks at Loreli "They're letting that girl off way too easy, I think they should just kill her and then everything will be fine, but not it seems Gaara wants the enemy to live" he says and punches a nearby wall "And Kakashi-sensei agreed to it!"


Neiji and Sakura enter the Hokage office. .."Yes Hokage" he  says  bowing...and Sakura bowed as well "Tsunade sensei" she says 


Zen awakes from being sedated still feeling weaker than normal but he had more time to be with his thoughts

He thought about his life and the path he was on.


Sasuke was forced out of her mind he remembered the name Madara Uchiha  being an Uchiha Ancestor but maybe it was an Uchiha parent named after Madara. After breaking the link it was obvious that she knew Itachi. ...Sasuke could have told Orochimaru but it wasn't because of her threat its that he kept Uchiha business to himself. ....

"What did you find out?" Orochimaru asked. ...

"You were mistaken but im heading to the sand village i need some answers" he says and he just wanted to see what was happening he cared less about her father he just wanted Itachi dead but he knew better than to just attack he wasn't going for a fight.


@Flame Demon
Gaara sighed, "Fine fine..." he said to them not wanting to put up an arguement with the two ladies.

Kakashi looked at Tenmari and nodded, " ok.. thanks. Maybe Loreli should go back to.. it doesnt seem that the girl likes her much..."

"I think she should stay with Winter" Gaara said to her.


Loreli frowned a little, " Naruto... you need to calm down..." she said to him calmly. " its not like you to want to kill someone so badly... you should give the girl a chance" she said to him as the sparrow landed on her shoulder. She smiled and petted it gently.


Tsunade looked at them and handed a file. " i want you to get these ingredients for the antidote. The picture is in the file as well as the name. You'll find all of them in the hidden stone village" she said to them.


@Flame Demon

Neiji looks at the list.... so does Sakura 

"Tsunade sensei some of these ingredients are rare and from what i know some of these plants arent in season we may need some currency to purchase some of the rare ones and i mean a lot of currency" she says waiting on Tsunade to give her money.

Sakura waited and waited..."You gambled all your money away didn't you sensei" she says her head getting big as inner Sakura came out and chastised her master.


Zen awoke again to his sister watching over him.

"Your awake good mother sent me shes worried of your condition now that your bloodline has been sealed and you damaged your arm greatly" she says

"Mother can come see me herself if she cares" he replied 

"Father forbid she sees someone who is not recognized as a true Hanshou clansmen" 

"TRUE HANSHOU. ... being rid of this curse makes me only wish i knew father could have done it sooner" he replied angrily and coughed up a little blood...he turned away from his sister.

"Its an honor to awaken that power only few of use can and we aren't pure Hanshou offspring you forget Mothers heritage and yet you were given the rarest ability of our clan... i only wish i was capable of that feat" she says

"Well if i could have given it to you i would ha....gahhh" he began to say but coughed up more blood and Akemi just looked at him.

As emotionless as ever dear sister coughing up blood and mangled right arm still nothing" 

Akemi sighs "you know how we were raised its weakness to give into emotion besides father says you foolishly mixed wind nature and fire since when were you capable of that?" She asked

"I learned on my own of my affinity with fire but mixing the two was a mistake. ..not like we know anyone compatible with both wind and fire to teach me" he says 

"Well i know of one who is when we first came to the leaf Winter Moon is her name. She excelled with both nature's  if anyone can help you it would be her."

"Learning how to master fire and mix the two could prove useful and learning more wind techniques could help me to can you find her and ask her to train me?"

Akemi shrugged "No i don't like her the witch beat me in a sparring match my one lose since coming here. Besides your a liability in your condition with the Akatsuki on the move and not worth training and you know our rules no outside help for training it muddies up our assassination techniques your lucky father didn't hear you ask me that" she says disappearing 

Zen just sat there seems like Sakura tried healing his arm but the damage was too great he could tell because she had the best technique second to the Hokage.

He was upset he couldn't join in the effort against the Akatsuki but he needed training and not from the Hanshou so he would ask Winter Moon to train him he had to give up his pride and show his clan that there is another way even though he wasn't too knowledgeable on creating bonds.

Temari sighs "I don't think Hikari can handle Loreli to be honest, she's not used to someone she doesn't know act like that to her" she says and adds "Besides, what good would that do? Besides an even more annoyed Akatsuki member". Chiyo nods and says "Best to keep Loreli and Hikari as far from each other as possible, well I'll be going then", she leaves and Temari asks "Should I get Hikari or do you want to do that yourself?", she really should get going, but she could do that task as well.

Naruto glares at Loreli "I am not giving her a chance, you need to stop seeing the good in everyone, you probably wouldn't even be able to kill an Akatsuki member on your own" he says and walks past her, ignoring the girl further.



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