Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

"I guess, but I can still see that annoying girl's chakra" Hikari says, her she could see chakra using her dragon eyes "Tell her to leave!" she says looking at Gaara, she obviously hated Loreli "I don't want kindness from someone I don't know and don't want to know" she says and adds "If she's still here tomorrow I'll throw her out myself"

"What's so special about the Dragon clan?" Temari asks tilting her head slightly and she sighs "Anyway we currently don't have her in a cell, Gaara is watching her and she appears harmless, but we can't get information from her and my brother isn't sure what to do with you at the moment" she says and rubs her head "Also, tailed beasts and dragons don't mix very well"

"Your quite skilled" he says as his body breaks down into hundreds of snakes and snakes wrapped around Loreli becoming as hard as stone. He again came in front of her.

"I will tell you what I told Naruto and the leaf when they tried to tell me that same sentiment I have one goal and thats to kill someone i dont care about being corrupted. I am well aware of what this curse can do to me." 

He says as he looks into fragments of her memories. ...

"So your like Haku...such tragedy but you know nothing of the dragon clan" he says..."But i have need of someone like you maybe you could help keep the darkness at bay" he says as she is released from the Genjutsu and Sasuke is gone

Gaara looked at her, " If you value so lottle of your life then go ahead and throw yourself out the window " he said to her.  " You're still a prisoner. You get no special treatment" he said to her. "and she isnt even mear you, so deal with it. There must be a reason why Kakashi didnt take her with him if she is still here"


Loreli eyes widened slightly when snakes suddenly wrapped around her. She lost her balance and fell on the ground as the snakes hardened into stone. Her chakra flucuated under the genjustsu without her knowing and everything started to freeze up around her. By the time Saskue left his feet got frozen up to his ankles. When Loreli got released she frowned aloght as she looked around. She put a hand on the ground and undid the frozen landscape before getting up and quickly leaving the area. Her chakra was low and undetectable again. She thought about what Saskue said and frowned realizing that the aura of megative emtions was for revenge. 

" Loreli!!" She heard Winter call her. Loreli stopped and looked around, she looked up to see Winter. She got on the rooftop and tapped her shoulder. Winter turned and looked at the girl, " are you ok? I suddenly felt you chakra flucuated and then it disappeared.

Loreli smiled, " I am fine... just remembered something and my chakra wenr out of control..." she said to the older girl.

Winter nodded slowly and smiled, "Kankuro and I got a great idea for another puppet" she said with a grin. "come on Ill show you. It may help you with your chakra control too" she said taking the girl's hand and running off.


" they are a very powerful clan. I heard that they once manage to summone a dragon big enough to wipe out an entire hidden village in the past" she said with a sigh. " and I cant blame him for not knowing what to do..." she added as she started thinking. " whats her current mind set and condition?"


@Flame Demon

Sakura was hesitant to hand over the ingredients. ...

"Go on we got everything necessary" Neiji said to Sakura. ..

"I CAN'T!! What if we heal him and he  tries to kill Sasuke again. I heard hes from a clan of assassin's what if he kills Sasuke before we can save him from Orochimaru. ...i can't help someone who is after the life of a dear friend." She says backing away 

Meanwhile Hidan was getting restless. .... "Oh for Jashin sake why have we not gotten Hikari back is she dead if so i know the perfect replacement" he says 

Kakuzu glares at him "Will you shut up, we don't go after her until Tobi or Pein says so" he replied 

"But Jashin needs another sacrifice and soon" he replied 

Kisame agreed "Samaeda is hungry as well ....whats the hold up" he says slamming Samaeda on the ground 


@Flame Demon
"I can still see her chakra and yes I know I'm still a prisoner" Hikari says and she sighs "But no worries, I don't feel like killing you anymore" she says, not that she could, despite the fact she tried killing him several times he still didn't kill her, he was pretty different from what the guys in the Akatsuki had told her.

"Well she used up a lot of chakra, transforming in what seems like a half dragon, we manage to stop her, though Loreli already got a place on her hate list" Temari says and she adds "But she's unstable at the moment, both chakra and emotions, must be a price from doing whatever she did"

Tobi enters the room "We will get her back" he says and Itachi asks "When are we going to do this?" "I'm going, but I need a few of you to distract the guards, they are probably more careful now and I doubt they will simply hand her over, so Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu and Hidan fill form a team to serve as a distraction" Tobi says and he adds "Since Deidara and Sasori need to be punished later on for letting her get captured in the first place they won't be coming"


Hidan cheered "Praise Jashin I will have many hearts at his altar" he says  standing up immediately.

Kakuzu stood up as well..."Smart decision Hidan can handle all of the guards they won't know what to do against his immortality. Kisame the tailed beasts without a tail your called handling the Kazekage should be simple for you we should have thought of it sooner your water style will weaken his sand greatly. I will handle their class A and S shinobi" he says forming a plan with his years of tactical experience.

@Flame Demon
" then ignore her chakra" Gaara said to her with a sigh and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, " and why will you stop doing that?" He asked wondering what changed the girl's mind in not killing him.


" hmm.... I think You should hand her over to the Hidden Leaf... we wont put her in a cell... but she'll have an escort with her at all times when she is here" Tsunade said before looking at Sakura. "a medical nin's job is to save all alleys... you will help Zen or you can stop being a medical nin" Tsunade said to Sakura in a serious tone.


" wow wow hold up! We didn't leave her there. Ahe used one of her dragons ans send is away" Deidara said to Tobi as he walked over with Sasori. " we couldn't do anything about it" he said defensively.


@Flame Demon

Hikari sighs "No reason" she says as she looks away from him, the small dragon wakes up and runs over to the plate "Go ahead" Hikari says and the dragon eats what she had left.

"We can't do that, even if we could you'd have to discus it with Gaara" Temari says and he adds "Also it's not wise to have her in the same area as Naruto, his tailed beast was acting up, changing his behavior a lot"

"No" Tobi says "Leave the tailed beast for later, I didn't tell you we were going to capture him", Itachi sighs "Also we know for certain Hikari is alive, since we can assume they still want information" he says and looks at Kakuzu "Also, how nice of you to mention me in the plan" "Pein agreed to wait until we take the tailed beast, we need to wait until they won't suspect anything anymore", he then turns to Deidara "You could have made another bird to get her away, you're not going, end of discussion", he then turns to the others "We'll leave tomorrow evening"
Kakuzu looks at Itachi "With Tobi grabbing Hikari didn't seem that you were necessary but now that we aren't allowed to kill the Kazekage i guess you could make sure Gaara doesn't get the best of Kisame you'll be necessary for him to escape" Kakuzu says 

Sakura sheds a single tear..."I think Naruto would agree he's no ally to us but i will obey Lady Tsunade" she says handing over the ingredients 

Zen was training his shuriken techniques at the Hanshou compound with his left arm.

His mother entered the room "how are you feeling my son" she asked

Zen looks away "im waiting to be cured by the Hokage so i will be ok but not like you care" he says 

She then slaps him "do not speak to your mother that way especially when you know the purpose of the clan. Your father told me you awoke the reaper as gifted as you are your so insolent" she say.

Zen stood frozen. ..

"I dont care about that power Im happy its sealed as is my ties to this clan" he replied.

"HE SEALED YOUR POWER AWAY" she shouted. she transformed and Zen was shocked as she seemed frantic but a blinding light came over her as she took a form Zen never seen. She had an all white aura to her chakara with wolf features 

"What the hell is that look" he says taken back. "Mastery of Senjutsu also known as sage mode." She looked at Zen as she sensed the seal restricting him. 

She moved in a flash and attacked him with a weak punch as he dodged he still felt the impact as she sent him into the wall but he rebounded in time to avoid going through the wall.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he yelled 

"Zen your broken the seal is sealing more than the reaper i can feel it. But you my chikd are lost.You don't want to admit it but you don't feel like  yourself do you?" She asked 

"I...i don't know. ..I question the ways of the Hanshou. ..why is this power so highly regarded"

"I had felt as you did but I am not a Hanshou by blood. The clan has secrets that only those who have awakened can know. I married into this clan as a symbol of peace between the leaf and the Hanshou. My son i love you but the clan has a curse of death it is part of you as well and it being caged and chained  inside you will constantly weaken you. Repent to your father and he will show you the truth of the clan" she says embracing him.

Zen hugged his mother as he couldn't help but begin to cry. "Im sorry mother i was wrong for talking to you as I did.  I will talk to father but i cannot right now you describe this seal as a chain but i will break these chains when I know who i am and meant to be" he says to her.

She smiled returning to her natural state... "you know you're more like me than you think son" she says leaving.

@Flame Demon

" there has to be a reason... but I guess it doesnt really matter.." he said to her as he continued to look out the window, wondering about how the meeting is going at the Leaf.


Tsunade took the ingredients from Sakura and looked at Tenmari, "changing his behaviour? How much?"

" it's making him more violent" Kakashi said as he appeared.

" hmm what about Gaara?" She asked. "is his behavior changing?" 

" he seem fine from what I could tell" he said to her. " hm... I guess we can leave her there... but I want leave ninjas guarding her as well"


@Flame Demon

"Does that still make me a prisoner, since you know you won't be getting any information on the Akatsuki out of me" Hikari says looking at Gaara "Your tailed beast seems to react fine, wonder why"

Temari nods "Gaara is currently wanting her, he can restrain her the best if she tries anything" she says and adds "But they will be coming for her, I just don't know when"

Tobi nods "Get ready to leave" he says and leaves the room again, Itachi sweatdrops "He's all happy and stuff, but when it concerns Hikari he gets all serious, wonder why" he says and stretches before leaving the room as well.
Kakuzu and Hidan get ready as does Kisame.

"O Samaeda can barely contain its excitement do you think Tobi would be mad if i just cripple the kazekage" he says.

Zen returned to the hospital and he was berated by the med-nin for getting up and leaving but he didn't care he even saw shikamaru annoyed as a female med-nin berated him.

Zen made it just in time because he was feeling extremely weak.


@Flame Demon
" hm... probably" Gaara said to the girl. "you're still with them... so inless you leave the akatsuki... your still a prisoner" he said to her. " I think it's  the candy that Loreli gave him."

Shukaku appeared on his shoulder, "Gaara I want more of that candy" he said as his tail wagged a little.

Gaara sweatdropped, " Your too happy"

" isnt that a good thing?" Shukaku asked crossing his arms.

" i guess it is... wonder what that candy is made out of..."

"It's nothing special. It's just really good candy. It's crunchy, soft and delicious" Shukaku said. " weird thing is when you swallow it. It cools down the body and calm you down..."


" hmm.... I still think it's wise to move her.... but since that isnt possible at the moment. Keep watching her and heavily guard her." She said as she got up. "anyway if thst is all I need to go" she said as she grabbed the ingredients for the antidote and disappeared to head to the hospital.


Shikamaru sighed, " this is such a drag..." he mumbled to himself.

Tsunade then appeared and raised an eyebrow, " what happened?" She asked looked at the med nin and nurse.


@Flame Demon

Zen just laid in bed when Tsunade came in as the other shinobi bowed to Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade the Hanshou child kerps leaving the infirmary as we know what your orders were" they say complaining to her.


A sand shinobi went to inform Gaara of a message he received.

"Kazekage sama urgent message has came to you from the land of lightning" she says as she glares at Hikari her attack on the  sand had injured her mother.

"Can I inform you of the message away from this murderer" she says 


@Flame Demon
"Nope, the Kazekage has to keep an eye on me" Hikari says, she knew Gaara couldn't leave her alone or she could try to get away, but that sand nin sure hated her.

Temari laughs nervously "Well... I think most people qualified to watch her will kill her the second Gaara leaves them alone, she kinda destroyed the city" she says and adds "So I don't think having her heavily guarded is wise either", she follows Tsunade and asks "Do you have a message I can take back?"
"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME WHEN IM ADDRESSING THE KAZEKAGE ENEMY OF THE SAND" she ranted just seeing the person who destroyed the village with her dragons speaking to the Kazekage so casually upset Otomi.

Maybe it was the fact that she was a sand elite shinobi or the crush she had on Gaara that made her madder than she was already at Hikari for destroying the village.

Otomi had a unique chakara nature as she combined water and earth natures and could manipulate mud.

'Forgive Otomi Kazekage Gaara but I will rip the information we need from her. *she did a few hand seals*

Mud style: mud burial"

She prepared her jutsu and once her hands touched the ground mud swirled past Gaara and encircled Hikari. This move was her version of Gaara's sand burial it wasn't as fast or as powerful but the mud swirled around the opponent till Otomi decided to collapse it on them and they die slowly.

"The kazekage is beloved by the village once he was like you but he atoned he'd give his life for the village and he even allowed you to live after your attempts on his life. Does he deserve to die by your hands is his soul worth what you'd gain with his death. Have you thought of the importance of the Kazekages life" she ranted and the mud just swirled around Hikari and Otomi wanted to kill her to protect  Gaara but he did order her not to be harmed but Otomi was ready to disobey.

@Flame Demon

Before Gaara could react to try and protect Hikari, something very thing and hard to see with thr naked eye flew past Gaara and into the mud that encircle Hikari. It froze and shattered the mud into white snow like dust. Gaara blinked and then saw someone push Otomi onto the ground from behind. It was Loreli who sense Otomi's resent for Hikari heading towards here. She could tell the person was ready to explode which she just happened.

She said nothing and looked at Shukaku who waved at her and she waved back. "can I have another candy?" Loreli walked over and handed the candy to him as Gaara restrained the elite sand ninja. 

" Loreli stay here. I need to deal with this problem" Gaara said to her.

Loreli shook her head, " i cant.... Kakashi sensei told me to stay away from the girl...." she said quietly and looking at the ground.

Gaara patted her head, " he wont be mad... just 5 minute." he said looked at Hikari. " 5 Minutes.... Please do not throw yourself out the window" he said with a sigh before leaving with the sand elite. Loreli frowned and went to the corner of the room farthest from Hikari and sat down. She looked at the ground and said nothing. 


Tsunade sighed, " then guard her with the peoplw you trust or use the lead ninja's that are there" she said and then said to the medical nin, " and well he is back so there is no need for me to tie him up and force him back" she said as she started to make the antidote for the boy. " Oh.. and I remember you sayi g Loreli was on the girl's hate list.... what happened? It doesnt sound like Loreli if she on someone's hate" she said to Tenmari.


@Flame Demon

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Hikari had been suspecting she would get attacked at some point, but she wasn't expecting Loreli to step in, she lets herself fall on her back and stares at the ceiling thinking "I could have protected myself you know"  she says.

Temari sighs "Well... we had the girl restrained and Loreli, being who she is, thought she wasn't evil and did nice, a little too nice for my taste, she didn't get very far and got glared at the entire time before she left" she says and adds "I think that Loreli shouldn't be nice instantly and she has to get to know them first, they could betray her for a she knows.


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Loreli looked at her wanting to say she was still recovering but decided to keep her mouth shut not want to anger the girl. She looked out the window, before getting into a meditsting position and started to meditate. 


Tsunade sweatdropped, " I see... That girl is odd... but she is still recovering from what happened to her clan a couple years ago... and has abilites that we don't know anything about. So I am not that surprised she is doing things that you find unnerving." she said with a sighed as she was half way done with making the antidote. " But you should let her be. In my opinion she has the best judgement on people out of all of us" she said as she remembered Loreli refusing to the join the Anbu when Danzo tried to recruit her, even after offering to unlock her memories for her. She remembered saying something to him quietly that made the male go wide eye slightly.


@Flame Demon
"No offense Lady Tsunade, but everyone has abilities people might not know" Temari says and she asks "Also, how is it possible that there's a survivor of the Dragon clan when they were wiped out? Hikari doesn't even know why she had no one like her", it was all so confusing, the girl did remind her of someone who was often mentioned as evil most of the time "She told Loreli there's no way she couldn't be evil since her father was, but I can't think of anyone fitting the description" she says and asks "Any ideas on who?" 


Otomi didn't struggle against Gaara she respected him too much... "Why did that leaf-nin interfere with Sand vengeance. .. THAT MONSTER IN THERE IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THOSE DRAGONS SHE SUMMONS" she yelled hoping Hikari heard her.

"She wont give us any answers and shes a threat alive she practically destroyed the village single handedly. .. she deserves to be put to justice by the Kazekage and if you won't then my job as an elite is to do it" she says this and kneels.

"Please kazekage the Raikage has sent word he demands justice any threat to Killer bee must be eliminated if not he will see to it himself personally" she says tears welling up in her eyes.


@Flame Demon
" Yes, that is true..." she said with a sigh as she finished making the antidote and went over to Zen, " This hurt..." she said to him before injecting the antidote in his body. She then looked at Tenmari, "........ the only person I can think of the is evil and In the Uchida clan is Madara..." Tsunade said with a sigh. 


Gaara stared down at the sand ninja, "No, one is allowed to lay a finger on her. If you need me, you will appear outsode the room and knock on the door. Only the people of the hidden leaf are allowed to enter the the room without knocking. Also tell the Raikage that she is my prisoner and my concern and that he should stay out of Sand Village affairs if he is going to threaten us" he said to the girl. 



@Flame Demon
Hikari turns to her side as she clenches her fist, a dark chakra slowly forming around her, the dragon picks it up and flies over laying close to the girl hoping she'll calm down "If I wasn't in this condition she would be dead by now" she thinks, forgetting Loreli can sense chakra.

"Ah that would make sense, but he's been dead for a long time now" Temari says and she sighs "But I'll head back to the sand village then, do keep an eye on Naruto" she says and disappears again.

Itachi is pacing around the living room, he was worried and that was putting it mildly, he was also wondering how they were going to get Hikari without killing the Kazekage, Tobi appears behind the pacing Uchiha "Just make sure Kisame doesn't kill the Kazekage, if I'm correct killing him would have dire consequences for him" he says making Itachi turn around "It seems you also don't care less about what she sees in him, she'll stay loyal to the Akatsuki anyway" he says and Tobi nods in agreement "She won't be able to, especially not if she can't go all out during fights", the masked man says before disappearing.


Otomi just looks at Gaara heartbroken he put the life of a criminal above the sand and scolded her for doing what is right. 

"Gaara I...." she began to say but Gaara shut the door behind him.

"Does he not see i care for him... I'd give my life for you Gaara." She says crying to herself and removes the Sand Elite band around her arm and dropping it to the ground. ..... 

Zen felt like his body was on fire he started coughing up blood after a moment and looked at Tsunade "What kind of cure is this...gahhh damn Itachi" he says before passing out


@Flame Demon
Loreli looked at hee sensing her chakrs becoming corrupt. "...Killing her wouldn't have solved anything..." she said to softly. She blinked when she opened her mouth and frowned, " sorry..." she said before the door opened and Gaara entered. Loreli quickly got up and ran out the door not wanting to be scolded for angering Hikari even more.

Gaara blinked and watched Loreli run off and looked at Hikari as he closed the door, " did something happened between you two... again?" He said with a sigh.


Tsunade blinked at the reached to the cure and checked his vital and made sure everything what fine as the boy stsrted to recover. She did say it was going to hurt afterall. 'Now I have to worry about the arm... it need operation' she thought. 


@Flame Demon


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