Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

"Your defense system recognized your Uchiha bloodline its why Orochimaru was unable to enter. Also your left sharringan eye has the power to subjugate. Very well but i only ask that you do not interfere with my battle with Itachi and you assist me in killing Orochimaru those are my two stipulations and i will reveal to you the fate of your clan you can think about it and contact me when you decide to" he says disappearing from her mind.

Zen was lucky that the lake had a gentle current and washed up on the shoreline but he was still unconscious.

In his mind he saw a dark version of himself made of dark purple chakara was trying to grab him but the seal was holding it back.

"You need me... you can't run from who you are"

@Flame Demon
Hikari sighs and she lets the dragons disappear, deep in thought, she wanted to know, so she might as well help him kill snake guy, she never liked that creep anyway, but couldn't just let Itachi die "This might be a problem" she mumbles.

Tobi calls everyone to the living room "Alright, if we leave now we'll arrive in the evening" he says and Itachi says "And you think they'll hand her over?" "Yes, otherwise things won't end pretty for them" Tobi says.


"Oh i hope they put up a fight Jashin needs more sacrifices I just might kill a few to please Jashin" Hidan says 

"Screw Jashin Samaeda needs to eat" kisame replied 

Kakuzu doesn't say anything and just waits for tobi.."are we traveling or are you warping us?" He asked 

@Flame Demon
By the time Gaara got Hikari's food Loreli and Winter finished eating. "wanna come to kankuro's work shop with me?" Winter asked.

Loreli tilted her head, " sure... do you mind if I meditate as you two work?"

Winter shook her head, " nope I dont don't mind and I am sure Kankuro wont mind either."

Loreli smiled, " ok then" she said to her softly and the two disappeared.

Gaara took the tray of food and headed towards Hikari's room. He soon arrived at her room and knocked before entering it. " here" he said to her as he gave her the food.


@Flame Demon

Hikari takes the tray and she says "Thanks", she eats a bit while also giving some to her dragon "So, do I have to stay in here the entire time? It's boring in this room" she asks, she really hoped she didn't have to stay there the entire time.

"Travelling, we need to get those idiots under control, if the Kazekage won't hand her over you can go ahead and kill a few people" Tobi says and Itachi says "Fair enough, so you two, stop complaining" he says glancing at Hidan and Kisame.


" well... you can stay here or go out there and possibly get attacked... and like I said.. i rather not have more damage done to the village" Gaara said with a sigh. " I can bring some books for you to read if you want" he said with a shrug as he leaned on the wall. He didnt really know how to keep the girl entertained.


@Flame Demon
Kisame just grins "fair enough" as he and Hidan and Kakuzu take the lead leaving Itachi and Tobi behind.

Kakuzu was having his doubts about Tobi and Itachi's real motives and he also wondered why Pein was not accompanying them as well but he kept it to himself.

@Flame Demon
Hikari sighs "Books are fine, as long as they are interesting" she says and puts the tray away, she really hated being stuck in that room.

Tobi and Itachi catch up quickly and Itachi says "So... Kakuzu, how come you never figured out Hikari's an Uchiha?" he asks walking next to the male. Tobi sighs "It's obvious, she has all the clan traits, besides the eyes" he says.


" hmm... what kind of books do you like?" He asked her as he walked over and picked up the tray and looked at her. He then looked out the window and watched the citizens and sand nin rebuild their damages village.


@Flame Demon
Kakuzu grunts "I noticed I been alive since the time of the first Hokage I just didn't realize she was kin to Tobi. Assumed she was an experiment to fuse the Uchiha and Dragon clan as both are practically extinct."

He replied as he spoke he remembered how Orochimaru use to experiment if he had ever gotten his hands on Hikari he would have a field day.

"I should have noticed the way Itachi treated her she was the real thing but her sharringan isn't as strong as Itachi's im surprised you haven't shared with her the secrets of the Sharringan or have you" he says 

@Flame Demon
"Let's see... you can learn pretty much from history books, we don't have any" Hikari says and she adds "Since everyone's mostly busy doing other stuff anyway"

Itachi sighs "I tried to, but she only has the Sharingan in her left eye, besides, she can just use her dragon eyes to check for people" he says and adds "And she might not use it much since she has no way to replace her eye if she ever nearly goes blind". He then sweatdrops "And I don't really know she's related to him" he says pointing to Tobi who had gone back to his usual hyperactive self.
Gaara looked at her and thought for a minute. He sighed getting the feeling he will regret this decision, " dont really have thant many books at the moment since you destroyed the library..." he said to her. " and since since you want to go outside...." he stopped rethinking his decision. ' I am gonna be with her....' he thought. " since you want to go outside you can but I am gonna come tag along with you..."


@Flame Demon
"I didn't destroy the books in the library, just the building" Hikari says crossing her arms "And that's fine, for all you know I could try to escape or do something stupid" she says as the dragon goes back to hiding under her cloak. She then looks at him "And what made you change your mind?" she asks, she stretches and looks outside, there were probably tons of people there waiting for a chance to kill her.


Gaara looked at her, " just thought it's better than keeping you locked up. You did say you weren't going to kill me. So I might as well gove you a chance to prove it..." he said with a shrugged. " I am not sure if that's a good reason...." he said to her as he started walking. "If anyone trys to kill you lrt me handle it" he said to her.


@Flame Demon
Zen awoke groggy but was being carried by a trio of sand shinobi.

The female of the group came up alongside the male that was carrying him.

"So your awake... lucky for you we were heading back from giving a message to the Mizukage" 

Zen looks at her..."where are we going and how long was i out for?" He asked 

"You got your ass kicked by that other guy... like royaleeee!!!! We're heading back to the sand since we're allied we didn't think we'd let you drown" the male said 

"Shutup...hes an Uchiha he read my fighting style...i didn't think he'd be this much stronger" he replied a little down on himself. ...he greatly underestimated the Uchiha 

He needed training. ...

"Well you were out for about  2 and a half hours but we'll be there soon." 
"It counts as a reason, do you mind if I wear my cloak?" Hikari asks looking at him "That way my dragon can hide" she says and since the small creature already was hiding it'd be pointless to go back anyway, she walks a bit behind him and wonders what she should do "Hey Gaara, do you think I should find out what happened,to my clan?" she asks looking at the red haired male.
Gaara looked at her, " everyone knows who you are... so i don't think it will matter" he said to her as he walked with her. " so yeah.. you can wear you your cloak" he added.


@Flame Demon
"I guess so" Hikari says and she adds "I just want to avoid people getting their hands on the dragon, in the past they would try to experiment on him", she wouldn't put her dragon through that again, that's what caused the small creature to get some scared.


The sand trio arrived to the village and immediately saw how bad the village was damaged.

The were able to pinpoint Gaara and Zen was moving on his own by now.

"Kazekage sama we are back the tsuchikage and Mizukage will provide aid to the sand" the male said  kneeling.

Zen saw Hikari and felt something resonate inside him, he had a dark impulse but he ignored it as it was unlike him.

"Kazekage Gaara I was told that a leaf shinobi by the name of winter was here do you know where I can find her"

:This must be the Akatsuki prisoner but why is she walking with Gaara.... o well Tsunade says not to engage so be it but whats this dark impulse i have. ...i sense danger coming from her but I don't fear anyone. ..she has a Sharringan. i fear the Uchiha clan now:

Zen just looks at Hikari. .. "Your of the Uchiha bloodline. ..." he says backing away from her a little bit gripping his Kunai but his hand was trembling slightly.

@Flame Demon

Gaara looked at Hikari, " dont worry that wont happen.." he said to her softly before looking at the nins that just appeared in front of them.  " give them my regards" he said to them before looking at Zen and nodded, " she is here and last I saw her she was spending time with my brother helping him work on his puppets" he said before noticing the kunai knife, " she wont attack you... so put that away. Kankuro work show is near the Kazekage building" he said to him.


@Flame Demon

"You're scared" Hikari says looking at him, she hadn't done anything to him "And yes, I'm an Uchiha, got a problem with that?" she asks, but doesn't move from her spot, she suddenly feels a headache coming up and holds her head "Dammit" she mumbles and wonders why it happened, maybe it had something to do with the boy "Destroy him, he's a threat to you" a voice in her head says and Hikari mumbles "Shut up", the voice disappears and she sighs in relief, she sometimes had that, but it was never that bad, it normally just talked when it felt lonely she guessed, which was very rare.


Zen puts the Kunai away listening to Gaara. 

" No problem at all just haven't met an Uchiha that hasn't been a threat " he says walking off to the direction of Kankuro's workshop.

:its not her Uchiha blood its that right eye.... she's dangerous that eye is the same i saw when Sasuke was in my head. That clan.... the dragon clan is gone but why do i have the dark impulse to kill her. I never actively wanted to kill someone. ..:  he thought while he found the workshop. 

He saw two people with Kankuro he remembers Loreli so the other had to be winter. ..

To see how good she was Zen threw a shuriken at her with wind chakara infused in it

@Flame Demon

Gaara looked at Hikari, " you ok?" He asked wondeirng why the girl mumbled shut up to herself.

Loreli was sitting behind the two watching Winter and Kankuro mess around with the puppet. She looked at Zen who walked in and the at Winter who was planing on acknowledging him in a bit, but when the shuriken was thrown. Winter blocked it with a kunai knife, making the object deflect it of her weapon and into the wall. She sighed and turned, " yes?" She asked crossing her arms as she stared at the boy.


@Flame Demon

"Yeah, but sometimes I hear a voice in my head, like you probably have with the tailed beast, but as far as I know I don't have anything sealed in me" Hikari says quietly "It was telling me to kill that boy for some reason, it normally never gives me a headache". The small dragon looks at Hikari and lightly hits her with it's tail she deactivates her sharingan and dragon eye after figuring out what her dragon meant before looking at Gaara "But you probably think I'm weird now, don't you?"


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