Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

"No, but I heard the yelling of that sand nin" Hikari says and she sighs, the chakra slowly disappearing "But I guess that's how people see me, as a monster" she says, there was still a little dark chakra around her "I have a better hearing then most as one of my Dragon clan traits" she says, she was sure everyone saw her like that.

Temari walks back the building and sees Otomi on her way "Hey Otomi, what got you so down?" she asks, she knew the girls had a crush on her brother, but she hoped it had nothing to do with that "Also where's your headband?" she asks frowning since she didn't see it.


Otomi walks past Temari with her head down "The kazekage has no need for me but I will do what must be done for the Sand" she says leaving 

Kakuzu  was getting ready. .. "Soon we'll have Hikari and we can further destroy the sand village do you have any reservation Itachi" he asked 

@Flame Demon
Gaara said down and sughed a little, "they'll get over it, if you leave the Akatsuki... that's what happened to Naruto and I... but sometimes I still think there are those few sand nins that still hate and fear me..." he said to Hikari.


Loreli sighed a little once she was away from the room. She looked in thr direction of Otomi and frowned a little. She rubbed her arms a bit not liking ao much negative emotions in one place and left the Kazekage building. She headed back to where Winter and Kankuro are.

"Hey.. this is working!" Winter said as she infused her flame chakra in the string and made the puppet in fire. The puppets blades came out in flame and it cut the wooden dummy in half. 

Kankuro smiled, " nice job Winter" Winter giggled a little. 


@Flame Demon

"It doesn't matter whether they know I'm in the Akatsuki or not, people still see me as a monster" Hikari says putting the pillow over her head "I wanna be alone for a while" she mumbles, she didn't want to be around someone at the moment, the dragon flies over to Gaara and sits down looking at Hikari, even he had never seen her like that when someone called her a monster, most people said it to her face and they didn't live to tell the tale.

Temari enters the room after knocking and she says "Gaara, why did Otomi leave, she even left her headband behind, you didn't do anything stupid right?"


Gaara sighed a little, " You're only a monster when you act like one..." he said to her before looked at Tenmari, "she tried killing Hikari and failed... I told her no one other than the Leaf, staying her, you and Kankuro are allowed to enter the room." He said with a sigh. "she is probably over reacting... give her sometime. She'll be fine" he said to his sister.


The next morning Loreli woke up from sleep. She yawned a little and rubbed her eyes as ahe looked out the window. She woke up just in time to see the sun rise. She smiled a little and leaned on the wall as she watched the sun rise up into the sky. Around this time she would go to the training ground to train with Kakashi but she was still in the sand village so she should meditate until the others wake up which will be soon. She got out of bed to get ready for the day.

About an hour after she was done. She heard a knock on the door. She blinked a lttle and finished tieing the leaf head band to her arm and went over to the door to see Winter. " hey thought want to go grab something to eat?"

Loreli tilted her head and slowly nodded, she usually ate breakfast alone. She guessed a change is fine. Winter smiled and grabbed her hand, " dont just stand there, come on" she said as she started walking. She was wondering why Loreli had a blankish, curious look on her face, 'why do i get the feeling she never ate breakfast with friends before...' Winter thought. Loreli just yawned as she let herself get dragged off by Winter.


@Flame Demon

Hikari is staring at the wall, Temari had brought her her cloak so it was folded on top of a nearby chair and the dragon was still sleeping "Maybe Gaara won't mind if I get something to eat" she mumbles and she gets up opening the door slightly checking the hallway, she closes her eyes for a moment and she opens them again, activating her dragon eye. There wasn't anyone nearby, but someone would come to check on her soon and she didn't feel like getting lost "I wanna go home" she says with a sigh sitting down on the bed.


Gaara woke up early as usual since he is the Kazekage. He yawned a little as he looked over his schedule, it was nothing new just paperwork and keeping an eye on Hikari. He sighed wondering if the girl was in her room and didnt try to escape last night. He got ready for the days or possible disaster like yesterday and walked off to the girl's room. One the way he saw Winter dragging a curiously, confused Loreli, " Morning!" Winter said to Gaara with a friendly grin.

"Morning Gaara" Loreli said to him quietly.

" you're too loud Winter... and Morning" Gaara said to her.

" Right right... sorry" Winter said to him scratching the back of her head. " do you want to come by and eat breakfast with us?"

"Let me think about it... Hikari maybe hungry so I need to get her food" Gaara said.

"Oh right... well see ya later then" Winter said and continued to walk off dragging Loreli who waved the Kazekage bye.

Gaara sweatdropped at the two odd Leaf nins and continue to head towards Akatsuki's room. Once he arrived he knocked on the door before entering the room. " Are you hungry?" He asked her.


@Flame Demon

Hikari nods slightly "I was thinking of getting something to eat myself, but decided against it" she says and adds "Also if you're worried that I might escape, there are too many guards", she could take them on if she wanted to since she was back to normal, but she wanted to know what the Akatsuki members would do to get her back.

Temari is walking towards the small cafe, it wasn't too damaged "The usual drink" she says holding back a yawn, she gets a bag and hands the one behind the counter some money before walking to where she knows Gaara is, probably checking on Hikari, she had kept an eye on the girl's room from outside the entire night making sure she didn't escape or in case people tried killing her.


" there maybe guards... but I doubt that is enough to stop you" he said to her with a sigh. " ans it woulsnt jave been a good idea to leave on your own. There are sand nin waiting to attack you and I rather not have more damage done to the village" he said to the girl before "turning and Ill get you some food" he added before walk out to gether food.


Winter saw Tenmari and smiled, "Morning Tenmari" she said to the yellow haired girl.

" Morning..." Loreli said to the girl quietly.



@Flame Demon
Hikari sweatdrops "I'm actually interested in how far the Akatsuki members will go to get me back" she says and adds "Because only Itachi ever shows that I can trust him", they didn't know about Tobi yet, so she wasn't going to give that away. She also wondered why sad ninjas wanted to kill her even when the Kazekage told them not to.

Temari waves at the two and she adds "It's better if you order something to eat, they're busy repairing the little damage", she waves at them and continues walking, wondering how things were going with Hikari.


" Okay, thanks for telling us" Winter said and continued walking with Loreli. Loreli watched Tenmari walk off.

Gaara sighed a little, ' great...' he thought to himself, think about the akatsuki causing more damage to the village, 'hopefully there will only be two....' he thought to himself as he walked. He then saw his sister, " Morning Tenmari..." he stared at her for a moment, "... did you get enough sleep last night?..."


@Flame Demon

Temari shakes her head "I've been keeping an eye out all night long" she says and sighs "And I have to be ready for duty at the moment, so I'll head to bed early" she says, she thinks for a while and asks "How's our prisoner doing?" she asks before hiding a yawn, she would prefer getting some sleep, but she had a list of things to do, like helping with repairing the village.


Gaara sighed, " Tenmari get some sleep. You cant do much of anything if you are tired" he said to her. " and she is doing fine... back to her oldself. Her chakra level is also replenished. She is also waiting for the Akatsuki to come and get her... wants to know what lengths they will got to get her back"


@Flame Demon

Zen awoke groggy but feeling better his arm was in pain though.

"Lady Tsunade had to operate on your arm so keep those bandages till your arm is healed but good news the poison is out of your system and your arm should be fine" a med-nin says.

Zen stood up a little wobbly but gained his balance. "Thats great news give the Hokage my thanks" he says 

As he felt better but the seal was still physically taxing on him his strength speed and stamina were decreased. 

He didn't want to ask his father to remove the seal he would rather stay weakened he'd just have to train harder to overcome it.

He remembers Shikamaru mentioning how it was hard for Naruto and Gaara to build bonds.

Akemi shows up behind him and he pulls out a Kunai but stopped short of stabbing her. Akemi had a Katana to his neck... "Getting slow little brother, not like you should we be worried" she says sheathing her Katana 

Zen puts the Kunai away "Im fine...what do you want?" He asked 

Since technically you awakened our bloodline father has to share with you something. ..and dont ask me i haven't awakened our bloodline so just head to the shrine at the Hanshou compound" she says disappearing 

Zen does as he is told and in ten minutes he appears at the shrine and walks to see a large statue of a Hanshou ancestor. "HELLO" he calls out and the statue began moving which was new to Zen as he stepped back and the statue revealed a Hidden staircase.

Going down the steps Zen sees a couple of Hanshou clansmen only the ones who have awakened  and his father standing before large fossilized bones.

Saiga looked at Zen "You may have disgraced me boy but that is because you don't understand. Its time you learned the truth of our clan." He says as his clansmen stood up.

"There was once a powerful clan that was capable of summoning dragons. Their power rivaled the senju, the Uchiha and all other shinobi clans. There power was fearsome but they lived in peace. There were some who feared them so plans were made in case they sought to take over.

A dark dragon arose the most powerful of its kind till this day no one knows who summoned it. This dragon had power over the other dragons and even the dragon clan was not able to free their dragons from the dark ancient one.

It brought war and the tailed beasts were all that could fight on par with them. The war between the tailed beasts and dragons had many innocent casualties. We the Hanshou were sent in with secret orders that only those in this room know and it was to annihilate the Dragon clan. The most talented of us with the awakened bloodline killed each and every dragon clan member. It was the darkest day for the Hanshou but it was necessary. The dark dragon then sealed itself within the body of a dragon clan woman to avoid destruction we were going to wipe out the remaining but the land was suddenly frozen solid with their village.  There was no way the dark one could survive that and that is why we are assassin's we do thedark deeds others cannot" he says 

Zen was awestruck "that....tha... thats horrible. How could this clan be responsible for a Massacre?" he asked

"Dont you look down on the clan boy it was the only way to ensure the survival of all clans" Saiga roared back

"It doesn't matter there had to be a way to free them from the dark dragons control. Maybe in time something could have been done" he replied 

Saiga shrugged "We were given an order we followed through now this is a clan secret no one can know son. You're dismissed" he says to Zen.

Zen turns disillusioned and sad at what his bloodline was a part of but he left .

@Flame Demon

Hikari gets up and starts pacing around after putting on her cloak, she liked wearing it for some reason "Why..." she mumbles and sighs, she wanted to know what happened to her clan "Sasuke better hurry up" she says punching a wall, she was getting annoyed as well, of course she didn't use enough strength to break the wall. The small dragon wakes up and flies over "I'm fine" she says petting it.

Temari smiles slightly "She's an interesting one, but it's strange, she seems awfully at ease here" she says and holds back another yawn "I'll just go and get some sleep then"


" she is..." he mumbled to himself. Gaara then smiled at his sister and nodded, "Good. See you later then" he said to her softly before walking off again. 

Loreli was quietly eating food with Winter and was answering any question ahe was asking. "... you ask alot of questions..." Loreli said to her.

" well I want to get to know you. Tou dont seem like you have that many friends..." Winter said.

Loreli looked at the ground, " sorry...." she said quietly.

Winter blinked, " why are you apologizing?"

" I am not that socialable since people find me wierd..." Loreli

Winter laughed a little, " Being weird is better than being normal" she said with a smile. " everyone in the Leaf Village is weird. Trust me. I think the weirdest one is Shino..." 

" I find him unique" Loreli said to her.

" that a nice way saying weird" Winter said and booped her nose making Loreli blink little.


@Flame Demon

Hikari sighs and looks outside, wishing time would go by faster "Maybe they have something I can read" she says, but remembers she's not allowed to leave the room "Ugh..." she says and lets herself fall face first on the bed, the dragon just sitting on the pillow looking at her, Hikari then gets and idea and summons a few small dragons and she says "I don't need you for a battle at the moment, so go and do something, but don't leave the room or destroy it", the dragons look at her sitting down seemingly trying to find out what to do.

Temari then remembers something "Oh yeah Gaara, I might know who her father is" she says running after him "But it would describe her description of him perfectly" she says and sighs "I just hope this can stay between us, people really would try to kill her if they knew"


Gaara looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "... who is her father?" Gaara asked as he turned and looked at his sister.


Loreli stared at Winter who was smiling happily at her, "Isnt it rude to call someone weird?"

" Naaa.... well it depends on the person" Winter said with a smile and Loreli slowly nodded. " but I think people are too sensitive if they cant handle being called weird. I mean people called me weird all the time"

Loreli sweardropped, " I dont think they meant it in a nice way...."


@Flame Demon

"Madara Uchiha" Temari says after checking no one is within earshot "But why would Madara ever hang out with someone from the Dragon clan?" she asks and sighs, this was all so confusing "But you shouldn't let her get bored, that'd be bad.

Hikari smiles slightly as the dragons are now chasing each other and she laughs softly as the small wind dragon bites in the fire dragons tail, the small dragon partner jumps down and runs over jumping on the light blue one, wanting to join the fun.


Gaara slight went wide eyed at the name, " does anyone else know about this?" He asked him. " and also... how am I suppose to keep her entertained...? She cant leave the room... people are going to attack her..." he said with a sigh.


@Flame Demon

"She has her dragons, but that would be tiresome quickly, but I'm sure you'll come up with something" Temari says and she thinks for a while "No one, I asked Lady Tsunade who would fit the description when I was at the Leaf, but I'm sure she doesn't know, so just us two" she says.

Gaara sighed a little, " Ok... the less people know the better... anyway. I need to go get her food" he said to his sister. "you're go get your sleep" he added before walking off again.


@Flame Demon

Zen left the compound and left the hidden leaf he ran past his mother not saying a word. She hung her head realizing that her son must have learned the truth. He may have put on a brave front but Zen was very compassionate its why he hated his bloodline.

After about a hour of just running and jumping through the trees  he stopped by a large lake.

"Is murder my legacy is a weapon of destruction what I truly am" he says to himself aloud.

"Now why would you say that" a voice says.

Zen immediately runs out onto the lake and throws a Kunai with an explosive tag in the direction of the voice.

Zen curses at himself for not sensing who it was as the tag detonated.

Sasuke Uchiha walked through the flames.

"I was heading to konoha for some information didn't think I'd run into you but do you know anything of the dragon clan?" Sasuke asked

Zen was surprised but just attacked Sasuke but it was no use between his damaged arm and the seal on him he was no match for Sasuke.

Sasuke countered every attack till in the end he had Zen by the neck above the water. 

"Where's that arrogance, where's that dark power that intent you had to kill me" he says.

Zen stayed silent as he endured the pain.

Sasuke activated his sharringan  and looked into Zens mind....

"Unable to resist when you cant your power was sealed...hmmm wait theres more your trying to hide....SHOW ME!!" Sasuke says going into his cursed seal level two form.

Zen was brought to his clan killing the dragon clan members. It was happening right in front of him the screams the death and he could feel the pain.

Sasuke was besides him...."ahhh your clan killed them alll..." he says 

Zen was in anguish he felt every kill..."stop....stop....STOP IT PLEASE" he screamed as Sasuke let him out of the Genjutsu.

"Why" he says to Sasuke. ...

"Nothing will stand in my way from restoring the Uchiha" he says throwing Zen into the lake.

Sasuke then concentrated and established a link with Hikari again 

"I learned information that you may want to know but I have two conditions i require before i show you what I have learned"

@Flame Demon
Hikari rolls her eyes and sighs "Go on, I'm listening" she says, she was still warching the four dragons play with each other "Also, why do I bother putting up the defense system in my mind?" she asks Sasuke. She then thinks for a while "Why don't we meet tomorrow? I'm currently still stuck in thw hidden sand village"

Temari heads to her room and sighs, it would be bad if others find out about it "Others are bound to find out later anyway" she mumbles.
Gaara saw Winter and Loreli talking as he order the food for Hikari. Loreli seems like she was actually enjoying herself.

" and he completely tripped and the there paint covering his body.  I swear it looked like murder scene" Winter said. 

Loreli smiled slighty, " I see..." she said to her softly with a smile. Winter giggled a little, before telling her another story about one of Naruto's pranks she witnessed. 


@Flame Demon


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