Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Kakashi sighed a little, " I guess she should head back to the leaf then" he said to Gaara and Tenmari.

Gaara nodded, " that is for the best..." 

" Ill send them off then" he said and disappeared.


Loreli looked at Naruto, the air temperature around him dropped and his legs got frozen making him fall to the ground. " If I stopped doing that... then you and I wouldnt be friends... now I wonder if we are even friends..." she said before to him a bit hurt by what he said. She disappeared without saying anything else. She went over to where she sense Winter and Kankuro.


Tsunade tossed the team a bag of money, " now go we dont have much time" she said to the team as she watched them leave. She sighed a little and looked out the window to think.


@Flame Demon

Sakura and Neiji disappeared and Sakura was surprised that Tsunade was serious this must be important she thought to herself.

She and Neiji hurried to the hidden stone.."That boy Zen is dying of a rare poison i don't think Tsunade would want the death of a ally clan on her or risk angering them" Neiji says

"Maybe but Lady Tsunade cares for all human life but Zens his name right. ...thats sad how was he poisoned?" She asked.

"He took on Sasuke alone and Itachi poisoned him" 

Sakura stopped "He...tried to  kill Sasuke. .. Neiji how can i save the life of someone i dont know when they tried to kill a dear friend" she says.

"Sakura we must continue. don't know him remember darkness once clouded me as well. him learn"  he says as he keeps moving. ..

Sakura eventually followed 

@Evergreen98(if you want Shikamaru could visit him)
"I'll go and get Hikari then" she says and disappears, upon arriving in the cell she notices the girl fell asleep, so she carefully picks her up and brings her to a room close to the office "I brought her to the closest room, she fell asleep" she says.

Naruto sighs "Of course we're friends dummy" he mumbles just before she disappears and he gets up, he wished Loreli could tell the difference between enemy and ally, he'd have to point that out to Kakashi later today.


Gaara nodded to Tenmari as he started on his paperwork again as the dragon in his head slept peacefully. He sighed a little and hoped the girl wont cause trouble when she wakes up.


Kakashi appeared near Naruto, " Naruto you're heading back to the village with Loreli" he said to him noticing the ice, "...did you upset her?" He asked as he destroyed the ice freeing his feet. The air around him was still cold.


Loreli was sitting on the ground with her knees to her chest behind Kankuro and Winter she watched them fix Kankuro's puppet. " I cant believ they broke so easily..." Kankuro mumbled.

" they dis get hit by a dragon" Winter said as she worked.

" Still.. need to make them stronger" Kankuro said.

" Or you can add something, so when they break. They arent actually broke. It's just in pieces which makes it deadlier and it gets back together on it's own" Winter said wirh a small smile.

" hm... that can work..." He said to her.


Shikamaru walked into Zen hospital room and looked at him, " how are you holding up?" He asked as he sat down. "heard Tsunade gave you one month off" he added.


@Flame Demon

"Please teach Loreli the difference between an alley and an enemy, I just said that she shouldn't see the good in everyone, then she said that if she didn't do that we wouldn't even be friends, but I'm her ally, that stupid Akatsuki girl is her enemy, yet she treats us both the same" Naruto says and he sighs, Temari appears next to Kakashi "Please get Loreli, we'll be leaving soon as possible" she says and adds "Also give her some instructions on how to speed up, we can't wait for her, more Akatsuki members might be on their way".


Zen was surprised to see Shikamaru he actually didn't expect any visitors he planned to wait till he was able to train again. "Yea she did at least till I am cured from Itachi's poison but it will take my arm longer than that to heal so i need to learn to fight with my left temporarily" he says sitting up.

"I am surprised to see you i need to ask you something and a possible favor. I was told of a kunochi that has both fire and wind nature affinity named Winter. I don't know if you are familiar with her but i need training and Hanshou clansmen are not supposed to integrate techniques outside our teachings would you disobey your clan for personal growth?" He asked and depending on his answer Zen would ask him if he would ask Winter to train him.


Kakuzu brought the five tails back and laid his body down he and Hidan were gone for quite sometime he saw Itachi. ..

"Has Tobi been informed. ...Hikari has been with the enemy too long the time to act is slipping away" he says 

"I trust Hikari but I have been alive a long time, the once murderous one tail jinchuriki is now the Kazekage and thats who has her now we can't take the chance of them poisoning her mind with their ideals. You really think she will be able to capture him the longer shes there"

Meanwhile Sasuke was still traveling to the sand he was disguised and would use his Sharringan to stay hidden as hed cast his genjutsu to avoid being seen as well. "That was a Sharringan but only in the one eye shes not pure but if her father was an Uchiha it makes no sense Itachi killed them all she was my age I would have recognized her if she was an Uchiha pure or not why wasn't she in the village" he said to himself he needed answers thats all he could care less about what she has done or her allegiance to the Akatsuki  to restore the Uchiha he needed her.

@Flame Demon

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Kakashi sighed, " she dowsnt need to be taught that she already knows who is alley and who is enemy. Her chakra is special in a way that lets her sense someone inner... emotions if you could say" he explained remembering Loreli asked about why Sakura is so serious and kind of closed off after just meeting her once. " and when she said she wouldnt be your friend, she meant that she met the 9 tailed fox inside of you and well probably saw noticed something about it that you haven't noticed yet"

He then looked at Tenmari, " and she can go faster, but her chakra is literally ice. So if she goes faster she'll leave a trail of iced branches and footprints"


Shikamaru nodded, " if I want to grow and improve. Sure. There is nothing wrong with asking outside help. But why Winter?" He asked him as he leaned back a little on his chair and yawned a little. 


@Flame Demon

Temari rolls her eyes "Then she has to stay here, we can't be slowed down one bit" she says and Naruto looks at Kakashi "But Loreli would have been dead already if Hikari wasn't restrained, which brings me to my next point, why are they going to let it slide so easily? I mean she's a murderer who probably killed way more then any other member of the Akatsuki"

Itachi chuckles "Hikari will not betray us, but having her get close to the Kazekage will prove useful meaning she can ear his trust while we do the other work"
" Loreli isnt as weak as you think she is Naruto. You shouldn't underestimate her, you know that better than anyone else" Kakashi said to him sternly. "And find the answer to the next question yourself. You have met people similar to what Hikari has done" he said and looked at Tenmari and nodded, " Ill tell her to stay then and also stay away from Hikari" he sais to Tenmari. He then summon a pup who already knew the message and disappeared. " Lets head out" he said to and already started to leave.


@Flame Demon
Kakuzu walked away "Your as blind as ever Itachi maybe you secretly want her to turn against us. The moment she sees the kazekage as a shinobi and not a target the seeds of doubt and morality will bloom" he says

Zen looks at Shikamaru "i recently learned of my affinity with fire but i was foolish i mixed it with wind chakara and almost destroyed my arm in the process. ..." he looks at his arm and remembered what his father said about him being the real loser of the fight and he slams his hand on the nearby table breaking it. His wounds throbbed in pain but he ignored it "I HAD NO CHOICE SASUKE WOULD HAVE KILLED ME" he yelled then realizing his dad wasn't around. ...

"Im sorry but i could have killed myself or lost my arm completely but i need someone with the same affinity to help me and i was told she's a very strong Jounin especially if my sister dislikes her." He replied 

@Flame Demon

"Kakuzu, I know that, but it seems you won't understand it until I explain it" Itachi says with a sigh "Hikari's not just any Uchiha, she's Madara's daughter, which is why I know she will never betray us, sure there might be a small chance she starts seeing the Kazekage as something else then a target, but if she keeps following orders nothing will be wrong" he says and smirks "I do wonder if Sasuke found out already"

Naruto sighs "I know Kakashi, but still, I don't see how whatever her name is could be good" he says and Temari says "Her name is Hikari, besides, if she was completely serious about killing Gaara she would have done that" "I still don't trust her" Naruto says and the three walk past Sasuke, of course not noticing him.


Kakashi sighed, " well she isnt your responsibility now so dont think too much about it. Let's just head back to the village" he said to Naruto as he started heading back.

Loreli nodded to the pup at the message. She then looked in the direction Saskue was in. She was still in Kankuro's work shop. She got up and quietly left, wondering where all this hatred is coming from. She winced a littke and held her head as a memory flashed through her head. She gripped her hand as ice started to cover the ground and wall as the memery played in her head, '... I could have stopped it...' she thought to herself with a frown.


Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at the sudden yelling, " its fine. This is a hospital, people yell about something every now and then" he said to him and stretched a little, " anyways. Yeah Winter was back but was gone with Kakashi, Naruto ans Loreli soon aftet to head to the Sand village. It will be a while till you see her again."


@Flame Demon

"Her being his daughter has nothing to do with it although i am surprised that  guy had a kid. You murdered your mother and father so lineage means nothing to the likes of us. As with Sasuke killing him now is your best option. ... i think you lack commitment to the Akatsuki at least you killed that Hanshou kid ....being assassin's they aren't known for all out war i will ask Pein if we should kill them all as well. The whole clan should have quite the bounty. ...You up for another Massacre Itachi at least just the ones with the rare bloodline" he asked

Sasuke had successfully infiltrated the sand every guard unknowingly fell under his genjutsu. He was smart enough to wait till the leaf had left luckily they had no tracker with them like shino or kiba.

Sasuke couldn't make his way to the cell because hes sure Gaara was nearby as she was a prisoner but he was in range now as opposed to Orochimaru's jutsu. He found an area he could stay hidden and closed his eyes to establish a link to the Uchiha female.

He saw her once again. ..."Before you forcibly break this link i just want to ask questions seem to know my brother. But you seem to be my age so he cant be. Its obvious you didn't grow up with the Uchiha clan but did you know what Itachi did to the clan if so then he very well may have killed you father. How do you feel about the Uchiha name? "

He didn't know her name but he wasn't going to ask he was no threat to her if she chose to let him know who she is then so be it.

Zen relaxed "Thats fine im in no rush im more worried about my arm than the poison to be honest my clan is taught to face our own mortality at a young age. You're lucky growing up in the leaf creating bonds i wonder what that is like" he replied 

@Flame Demon

Hikari groans "Again? Can't you leave me alone?" she asks, obviously she was still asleep so her defense system for people trying to enter her mind wasn't working "He didn't kill my dad, yes I know since he told me what he did. And I honestly don't care, though the bloodline has it's perks as well" she says and rubs her head "Why are you so set on talking to me? I don't know you and I don't really care Sasuke", Itachi had told her about him "I already told you who my father is, so leave. If you really want some information go to the leaf and get into the archive, the papers should be in a box with 'missing people on it', it has my file in it, though lacking a picture", she then gets an idea "And while you're at it, try finding out who murdered the entire Dragon clan, I do want to know why there's no one else able to summon dragons"

Itachi chuckles "Sure, but shouldn't we ask first and don't underestimate others, he might still be alive, he had a day, but I don't know what tricks he had up his sleeves, there's also a chance he's back at the Lead"

Naruto sighs and asks "But sill-" "Shut up!" Temari says hitting his head with her fan "Seriously, not everyone has to know" she says as Naruto rubs his head "Fine, but if I see her again I'll kill her"


The ice disappeared and Loreli followed the hatre and anger feeling that Saskue was giving off. She soon found him and peeked over and tilted her head. Since her chakra was hard to detect he shouldnt be able to sense her and she never met Saskue so she doesnt know him and he doesnt know her. She tilted her head and wondered why he was such strong negative feelings. ' Should I ask him?...' she thought to herself and frown when she remembered Hikari's reaction. Now that she thinks about it, the male looks a bit like Hikari. She wondered why.


Shikamaru looked at him, " you'll be fine... Neji, Sakura and Lee went to get the ingredients for the antidote. They'll come back." He said as he looked at the ceiling, " and not all of us created bonds easily.  You should have seen us when we were still genin....if was disaster. We were all stuck up and immature about most things"


"No you are not killing anyone" Kakashi with a sigh, wondering what has gotten into Naruto. His actions didnt make any sense to him right now.


@Flame Demon

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Sasuke listened to her before sighing to himself ... "My goal is to restore the Uchiha bloodline but it seems you care nothing for the Uchiha name. I thought we could assist one another  but you must be inexperienced with your one sharringan eye as you dont see the benefit in a partnership. If you want to know what happened to your clan I will help as a show of good faith but i wont force you to help me rebuild the Uchiha. Goodbye." He says breaking  the link and goes back to his body. 

Sasuke then notices Loreli due to his sharringans insight and giving color to chakara  and appears behind her...."who are you and how did you find me?" He asked 

Zen relaxed "well my new goal is to show my clan a new path and i will try to build bonds instead of forsake them" he says.

Kakuzu stops "I will ask in time im sure once he informs tobi what happened we might have new orders" he replied 


@Flame Demon
Hikari wakes up again noticing she's in a different room and she sits up, she was confused why Sasuke would take an interest in her, sure she was an Uchiha, but she didn't really care about it, she wanted to live her live not being bound to a clan, she enjoyed the little freedom she had concerning that.

"I think it's the tailed beast acting up" Temari says and she adds "Rumors have it that tailed beasts and the Dragon clan never got along", Naruto looks at her surprised "Well he has been acting awfully weird since we got near that girl" he says and sighs "I just hope Gaara can keep his under control"


Loreli blinked when Saskue appeared behind her. She turned around and looked at him before taking a few steps back. She stared up at him since the male was taller than her, "I am Loreli nice to meet you..." she said to him politely. "and I followed the strong negative emotions you were giving off..." she said to him quietly as she took a few more steps back in case he attacks her.


There was a knocked on the door to Hikari's room before it open revealing the Kazekage. " you're away..." he said to her as he walked over to her. He took the small dragon off his head and gave it back to her. " are you hungry?"


Kakashi sweatdropped, " let's  hope he is..." he said withba sighem as they neared the Hidden Leaf Village.



@Flame Demon
"A little bit" Hikari says, she had gone back to her usual self, well almost, she puts the small dragon next to the pillow and looks at Gaara "Why are you being nice to me? You know I'll be back to my usual self tomorrow" she says and sighs, she didn't understand those people anymore.

Temari waves at them "I'm of to report, see you later" she says and runs of, though she wasn't sure what the Hokage would do if she found out they weren't getting any information.

Naruto looks at Kakashi "Why is it that the tailed beasts don't get along with the Dragon clan?" he asks, he was curious what made the fox act that way, sure he was always like that, but it had gotten worse.


Sasuke stares at her stoically "Loreli so you can sense negative emotions hmmm does that mean you can track other shinobi" he says walking closer to her and his chakara was still being hidden. He had no plans to attack her but was interested in a good tracker and to sense him while he had his power suppressed was impressive.

He was now in front of the girl once again "What clan are you from?" He asked 

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Loreli looked at him as she moved back again, " why do you want to know?..." she asked as she sense that there was evil on him. Her eyes travelled to his neck where she saw the curse mark that Orochimaru gave him before looking back at Saskue. " That mark... you should get it removed" she said to him softly before adding. " and I dont want to share what clan I am from" she said to him.


Gaara sighed a little, " Dont think too much about it" he said as he got up. " Ill go get you some food" he said to her as he walked off. He soon came back with the food and set it down in fron to her.


Tsunade was have a discussion with her advisor on the stress relieve of drinking sake. " you are the Hokage you cannot be found drinking!"

"It is one bottle. Lighten up a little" Tsunade whined a little and sighed.


Kakashi shrugged, " I dont know... why they dont get along... but I think you'll find the information in the library" he said to Naruto.


Shikamaru nodded to Zen, " well I wish you the best of luck. If you need an help, dont be afraid to ask us" he said to the boy and gently patted his back.

@Flame Demon

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Sasuke looked her..."so you felt the evil resonating from the cursed mark. But it gives me power and you aren't the only one can see into other shinobi" he says activating his sharringan and does a few handseals..."Katon Great Fireball jutsu" he says spitting out 3 fireballs at Loreli..


Zen relaxed getting up "Thanks for the talk im gonna go train my shuriken techniques please inform me when Winter returns to the village" he says 


 Sakura and Neiji have gathered all the ingredients needed. They were a couple of miles away from the village Sakura still had some reservations of saving Zen.

She tried to put it out her mind as they entered Tsunade's office  ..."We are back...LADY TSUNADE" she shouted seeing her drinking and Neiji just hung her head.

Loreli blinked and  disappeared to dodge the three fireballs, " I didnt look into your mind..." she said to Saskue with a sigh as he chakra increase slightly as she reappeared standing on the side of the wall " and that power will power will cloud your mind and corrupt you..." she added as she looked at him and saw the sharinga, 'just like Kakshi-sensei's...' she thought as she remembered Kakashi twaching her about the different clans in the hidden leaf and their abilities. 'He is from the Uchida clan..' she thought to herself as she stared down at him. 


Shikamaru nodded, " of course" he said to him. " and dont push to hard... Winter would probably  want you fully healed as well before she decides to train you.


Her advisor facepalm and Tsunade pouted, " its one bottle! And I have been doing paperwork all day. Give me a break" she said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

" I give up..." the advisor said not really meaning it. She looked at Sakura, " do you have then ingredients?" She asked.


@Flame Demon

Hikari nods a slight thanks and she sighs "If you say so", she eats a bit and says "So... where are the others? I don't sense the nine tails anymore"

Temari enters the office and she sees Tsunade "Lady Tsunade, I have very important news, if you would stop drinking and listen, we captured one of the Akatsuki, someone from the Uchiha clan as well as from the Dragon clan" she says walking over and taking the bottle away, she had to go back to the hidden sand soon, so she didn't have time for a drinking Hokage.

Naruto nods "Sure" he says and runs of, maybe Tsunade knew something about it, he didn't feel like reading stuff.


" they all went back to the hidden leaf" he said as he leaned back on the  chair and watched her eat before looking out the window to think. 


Tsunade blinked a lottle when Tenmari appeared, " wait did you say Dragon clan?" She asked going slightly wide eyed and looked at her advisor who disappeared and reappeared with a file. Tsunade looked at it and mumbled, " I knew it" she said with a sighed as she set the file down. " to think she was with the Akatsuki all this time..." she mumble. This was than went Saskue left the village to join Orochimaru.


Kakashi sighed a little and looked back wondeing how Loreli is doing. 'Probably sitting somewhere quietky and looking at the view of the billage or mediatating' he though since that was what the girl usually did other than train. She also hangs out with Sakura and helps out with the hospital, but it didnt seem like the girl made any solid bonds other than with him. She is a bit too distant from the others.


@Flame Demon

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