Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Chakra string attached to Gaara and pulled him back before he couldn't move his feet. Gaara looked to see it was Kankuro. Another puppet appeared and cut the tendrils it grabbed Tenmari and took her to safety. " Thanks" Gaara said  before before concentrating his chakra and send several flying sand tendrils towards them.

" Naruto concentrate on getting there" Winter said to him as they ran. They were almost there, ' come on...' the Sand village gste came into view.


@Flame Demon
Hikari sighs "Eat him, but don't swallow" she says and the giant stone dragon roars before flying towards the siblings, Hikari shoots the puppet knowing they had to hurry up. Itachi smirks "Hey Kazekagw, why don't you fight with Hikari, you are her target after all" he says, he knew there was a time limit for her, not to mention there were shinobi on the way to help them.

Naruto nods, he got a little scared seeing how big the dragon really is "We're not going to have to fight that thing do we?" he asks.
When the dragon tried to swallow them they turned to sand. Gaara said nothing Itachi as a huge sand form and was send towards Hikari.

Winter looked at him with a raised eyebrow, " since when are you scared of an opponent?" She asked him remembering that he use to go head first into a battle. She looked ahead, ' i could use it...' she thought and concentrated her wind chakra through her entire body, " I am going head" she said and in a blink of an eye was already at the gate. She undid the technique since it will strain her body and ran into the village.


@Flame Demon
Hikari dodges easily and she flies over quickly and she summons her wind sragon again, in any normal situation she wouldn't be able to do this, but her chakra was increased at the moment. Temari coughs and jumps away, she had to retreat for now "What is she?" she asks watching Hikari.

Naruto sweatdrops "Since the opponent has a huge dragon" he mumbles as he speeds up some more, so far it seemed no one was winning, yet.
Gaara's sand dragon curled around him before splitting into two and attacking the wind dragon.

Kankuro landed next to her, " looks like part dragon" he said to his sister. He then sensed another Shonobi and saw Winter was back.

" wait.. why did she back?" He asked with a sweatdrop wondering how much stamina that girl has to make two trips. Winter did a few hand signs before taking out a scorll and sending several flaming kunai knives towards Itachi.


@Flame Demon
"Why we should have kill her before their allies arrive" he says  but lets a weakened Temari go and didnt pursue....."This is ridiculous we could have  captured  the one tail and damage the enemy as well" he says showing that hes against this.


Sasuke  Uchiha is in his cursed state level two the dark purple Chakra surrounding his body. .... "Your chakara is darker than mine when you've been poisoned  how is that possible" he asked as across a massive crater in the ground. ..

Zen hands are enveloped in his kiroku boushu and hair is crackling  ....

"This is new to me...this power i despise is meant to kill take life...your dark power is meant to enslave you" 

Orochimaru eyes are widened. ... he is practically salivating.  "Magnificent the Hanshou is quite amazing matching the power i have blessed Sasuke with a Kekkei genkai the Sharringan cannot copy and capable of weakening its power. ...i must have that child as a vessel as well once i have consumèd Sasuke" he says

Sasuke staggered for a moment. ...his vision blurring. ..."Damn" he says charging a dark chidori. ...

"I applaud you that cursed seal forcibly drawing chakara from you has kept you standing...but using this power i haven't mastered is using too much of my Chakara but it has opened my eyes  (Zen does a couple of hand seals) Toukai housi" 

Sasuke is surprised to see Zens entire right arm enveloped in fire and dark chakara remnants of his reapers bite....

"Gahh...this hurts but i call it my collapsing star ..." 

The two charge at each other their attacks collide and a great flash erupts.

@Flame Demon

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"Yeah yeah, quit complaining" Hikari says as Itachi dodges before attacking Winter "Hikari do me a favour and get the one tails, now!", Hikari nods and she seemingly disappears as the wind dragon causes a heavy wind, Naruto sees Hikari appear behind Gaara and he charges a Rasengan "No you don't!" he yells, but once he gets close Hikari kicks him down, making him go through several building, she then heads to Gaara and charges a wind ball which hits the sand dragon, the stone dragon now concealed in the wind.

"That's just weird and awesome at the same time" Temari says, not able to find any more words "Now it makes sense, the fact she has a dragon, doesn't use hand signs and is that strong, she's from the Dragon clan as well as the Uchiha clan" she says and looks at where Gaara is, or was, hoping he'll be fine.


Winter dodges the attack from Itachi, one of leopord appeared behind Itachi and pounced on his and bit his shoulder freezing his entire arm. Winter then got in front of him with a rasengan and hit him in the stomach with it. She ran into Jiraya and Naruto on her journey and learn some jutsus from him before leaving again on her own.

Gaara looked at Naruto and got on the rooftop and created a sand cushion for Naruto to land on. The sand dragon reformed. Gara then surrounded Hikari in a a sand coffin and tried to squish her.

Kankuro sweatdropped, " Tenmari I think we have bigger things to worry about than calling the girl awesome..."


Loreli stopped for a moment and looked exactly in the direction that Zen and Saskue were fighting. Kakashi atopped as well and looked at the bkue haired girl, " Loreli what's wrong? We need to go" he said to her. 

Loreli stayed silent  as she looked in the direction before looking at Kakashi, " I.. felt a chakra surge in that direction..." Loreli said to him softly.  Kakashi raised his eyebrow and looked in the direction as well. 

" I dont feel anything..." he said and Loreli slightly frowned. " but that doesnt mean I dont believe you" he said to her. "I'll go investigate. Do you know the way to the Sand village?" Loreli slowly shook her bead and Kakashi summoned one of his pups. " he'll show you" he said before heading off.

Loreli looked at the pup and thr pup looked at her before leading Loreli to thr sand village.


@Flame Demon

Hikari chuckles as her wings cover her, stopping the sand in it's track, the small dragon was useless on it's own, but it was meant for fusing with her, she feels her wings slightly giving out under the pressure and she summons a third dragon, the stone dragon now behind Gaara, still hidden in the strong wind, she had summoned a small fire dragon that's now flying around Itachi. Itachi smirks seeing the stone dragon behind Gaara, dangerously close "Shouldn't you worry about protecting the Kazekage? Looks like he's about to be eaten" he says, at that moment the dragon closes it's mouth around Gaara, but as following the orders not swallowing him.

"Like?" Temari asks and she tries getting up, but can't "Dammit, we can't help him, not to mention that thing is made of stone"  she says, not sure if anything can destroy that dragon, but Hikari was still stuck in the sand, if it would hold.

Naruto attacks Itachi who dodges and trows the boy against Winter "Kakuzu, we'll wait until we see if that dragon can hold him there, it probably can, and then we'll leave" he says and adds "We've caused enough trouble.

Toshi made a point to stay out of sight as the rest of the anbu were gathered and dispatched to the sand village to check on the disturbance. 

He was sure they would get on without him. Plus it was his day off and he didn't intend on moving from this spot. He sat in a tree on the edge of the forest of death.

"geez why can't everyone just be sane." He would complain as several shinobi whizz by talking about an attack on the kazekage...

Toshi sighs "I suppose I should go help." He says and begins leaping in the direction of the sand village...

@Flame Demon @Midnite @Evergreen98
Kakuzu was killing sand guards all around. .."lets end this" he does some hand seals and black ooze and tendrils cover the dragon enhances its power a black dragon now has Gaara in its mouth and the tendrils sew the dragons  mouth shut...


Sasuke is hurt badly the poison is spreading fast lucky it wasn't a fatal poison. ....Kabuto grabbed Sasuke he had to give him treatment immediately  but first he summoned Manda for Orochimaru. ...

"Manda bring that boy to me" he says as Zen is on the floor the dark chakara combination attack with nature elements of wind and fire had damaged his body. Dark chakara and wind and fire was flaring up around  him but Manda was closing in.... until hundreds of puppets take down Manda....Orochimaru looks in disappointment seeing Sasori and Hidan. 

"Remind me again Sasori why did you save this boy....?" Hidan asked.

"You dont feel the power emanating from his body and he just took on an Uchiha if he was more accustomed to the power Sasuke Uchiha would be no more." He says

"THAT BOY IS MINE SASORI" Orochimaru screamed....."The ninetails is not at the leaf so this boy ours now...he has too much potential he'll be my greatest puppet yet" he says as a dome comes around Zen and the Akatsuki disappear.

@Flame Demon

Gaara blinked when he was swallowed, 'now you've done it' a voice said in his head as Gaara tried to break free.

' I dont see you doing anything...' Gaara as he shoot several sand spikes creating tiny cracks but it wasnt effective. He sighed a little.

' I am coming out'  the voice said.

Outside Winter caught Naruto and glared at Itachi. Frost switching out with a red leopard, Axel, that pounce on the fire dragon that surround Itachi and bit it's neck. Winter looked up to see Gaara swallowed by the dragon, "Damn it..." she then blinked when she saw a crack. She grabbed Naruto and quickly got away and appeared next to Tenmari and Kankuro.

The stone dragon brusted to pieces and Gaara was sitting on top of the one-tailed beast Shukaku. " ... now that is cool"  Winter said. Shukaku looked at Hikari and swung hus tail hitting the girl and slamming her into the wall.

Loreli finally arrived at the sand village. She looked around looking looking slightly lost. She looked up to see the one tailed beast and Gaara. She recognized Gaara since he came to visit Naruto once but she didnt recognize the beast he was one. She disappeared and reappeared next to him, " Um... have you see Winter and-" be she could finish her sentence Shukaku picked her up from his head and looked at her.

" who are you?" He asked.

Loreli became shy, " L-Loreli..." she said shyly to the beast. Shukaku stared at set her back down on his head. Winter sweatdropped at Loreli and wndered where Kakashi is.


Kakashi arrived where Zen was a few second to late. He was about to grab him when Sasori and Hidan took the boy away. ' Tsunade isnt gonna like this...' he thought before he ran back to the Sand village. He hoped Loreli got there safely and quickly


@Flame Demon


As he sprinted ahead of the other anbu Toshi noticed Kakashi heading in the direction of the sand."Oi Kakashi San." He would shout as he began to close the distance. "Have you heard of the attack on kazegakure?" He would say with a slightly bored tone. 

"Dammit!" Hikari says, she had broken the sand and now her strongest dragon was broken into pieces, well on of her strongest, not to mention she was almost out of time too, she could try taking the tailed beast on and possible dying, she covers her arm in ice and flies towards the tailed beasts, she hoped the ice would be strong enough "Almost" she mumbles, since she had summoned a total of three dragons her time limit shortened greatly, she would have to rest for a while after she changed back.

Itachi grabs Kakuzu and says "And it's time to go" he says and sees Hikari "We'll camp out somewhere and wait till nightfall, we'll have to leave Hikari. she's almost out of time and the only one able to distract them long enough, he disappears and appears somewhere outside the village, he didn't like leaving Hikari, but it was her fault for summoning too much dragon "Now that you saw what she can do, I'm sure you can link her to a very dangerous clan.

@Midnite (since when are you doing Sasori, can you discus that first next time?)


Shukaku looked at Hikari and Loreli looked at the ice arm, she did a few hand signs, " Ice Sparrow" she mumbled and created several ice sparrows that flew towards Hikari and flew around the girl. They were brushing against her and cutting her in a several places but they were mosting lowering her body temperature and freezing her where ever they touched. 

Winter then took the chance and got above her and slammed a rasengan down on the femal Akatsuki's back slamming her too the ground. She didnt want to wait of take any chances with the girl. Gaara then restrain Hikari by binding her in a sand coffin.


Kakashi looked at Toshi with a raised eyebrow, " what do you mean heard? Tsunade aend us over to help him with a prisoner. Why is the Anbu heading there?" He asked him.


@Flame Demon

@Midnite (by the way if you are doing Sasori. He is Loreli's crush)

"Why else? Their sending us after any escaped attackers." He would shrug "you've got your cleanup jobs, we've got ours." He would smirk a bit. "Do you ever miss your anbu days?"

Hikari groans in pain and she surrounds herself with chakra again "Do not underestimate me" she says and tries to break the sand, but she's slowly turning back to normal "Dammit!" she says, she had used up most of the chakra she had in that form almost instantly, she knew they'd be back for her.


Hidan looked on as Sasori made the puppet that had Zen disappear and he disappeared himself.

Hidan sighed  "i miss Kakuzu. .. oh a leaf jounin maybe you can cheer me up" he says and Kisame is looking on from above....

Orochimaru  leaves with Kabuto and Sasuke. ..


"No what have you done we are no better than Deidara i could have grabbed Hikari"   he says to Itachi. ..

"They will guard her with everything they have now we'll need everyone. going back to the base my chakara is low multiple attacks a day is unwise" he says

@Flame Demon (i thought we could use any Akatsuki member i will give a heads up next time just wanted zen to be captured)


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Loreli walked over and froze the sand that was covering Hikari to keep her in place. " You can come out now..."  Gaara said to the dragon that was hiding in his hair or somewhere.

Loreli was staring at the girl she tilted her head a little, " you are not evil..." she said to Hikari softly. ".. why are you helping the Akatsuki?" She asked her curiously with a innocent look onbher face. Winter sighed a little andnlooked at the one tailed beast that shrunk down to a small size and was sitting on Gaara's shoulder.


Kakashi sighed, " I just donr think the Kazekage will like the anbu there" he said to Toshi. " and no, I don't miss those days being in the Anbu" he said to him as he increased his speed to head to the Sand village.


@Flame Demon


"I am helping them because I want to" Hikari hisses at Loreli and she says "And I am evil, I'm surprised you don't sense it at all!" she snaps, she didn't like being in this position at all, especially not with someone telling her she's not evil while her father was pure evil himself, she wondered if that girl was even a ninja "Look whoever you are, you don't sound or seem like a ninja and don't say things if you don't know me".

Itachi disappears and he appears in his room at the hideout, this was bad, at this rate Hikari could be influenced to join the good side, though he really doubted it.

@Evergreen98 (the dragon merged with Hikari remember?)

Loreli stared at her again not saying anything, " just because your father is evil doesnt make you evil... you are not you are not your father.  You are you're own person" she said to her. " and just because I dont act or sound like a ninja doesnt mean I am not one" she said with a kind smile. "How I am isnt a weakness. If that's what you are thinking, it just means I dont judge people quickly " she added. " and arent you gonna release you're dragon? He is gonna catch a cold..." she said to her as she sense another person or animal in her

Winter was poking Shikaku who bit her finger, " hey!" He said as she pulled her finger back and glared.

" dont poke me" he growled and Gaara sighed.


@Flame Demon ((lets say he didnt notice))


"I can't because he'd be crushed by all this heavy sand and you are showing weakness, now let me go!" Hikari says glaring at Loreli "You're weak, I can barely sense your chakra even though you're standing next to me" she says and adds "Now stop talking to me as if I could ever become your ally", obviously Loreli hasn't seen her fight or she would be talking like that "Oi you there!" she says looking at Winter "Get your buddy away from me before I break this stupid ice and kill her" she says with a death glare.

" how am I showing weakness?..." Loreli asked her. " you are the one showing weakness. You are letting you're anger get the better of you" she said to her clamly. " You dont like that I am being kind to you because I am your enemy... you think I am going to trick and hurt you" she said to her softly. " I wish we could be friends... i feel like we have alot some things in common" she said with a smile.

Winter was glaring at Shikaku who was glaring back at her. She poke his nose before pulling her finger back quickly before he could bit it. " ha!" Winter said before looking over at Loreli, " Loreli let girl be" she said to her.

Loreli looked over and nodded. She got up and ran over to Shikaku, she gave him a candy. Shikaku looked at her and took. He unwrapped it and put it in his mouth. " do you like it?" Shikaku nodded. " Foxy likes it too..." Loreli said with a smile.

Shikaku blinked, ".. Foxy?"

Loreli nodded, " met him in a dream... Naruto was passed out and I was trying to wake him up and well... I met him in his head... Yamato-sensei said that I somehow connected my chakra with Naruto's... and thats how I met him. Foxy seemed really lonely... so I gave him a candy like my mom gave me whenever I was down. What's your name? Or can I give you a nickname?"

" I am Shikaku" 

"Nice to meet you" Loreli said with a smile.


@Flame Demon
Zen awoke to see his sister he could barely move. .."Akemi what happened" he says sitting up in leaf infirmary. ..

"You idiot. could you have awakened it and not inform the clan" she says ...

"I...i cant control it emerges when it wants" he replied. ...

Zens father walks in the man was one of the few who could intimidate Zen...

"Boy for a so called prodigy your weak letting your bloodline ability consume you.... i sensed your awakening and followed you since you returned to the leaf and substituted you before your capture."

"Weak i never wanted to be able to use it father... i took on an Uchiha and lived"

"You lived due to your lack of control and using a technique you hadn't mastered....your proud of that battle boy Sasuke Uchiha controlled his power look at how damaged your right arm is your not fit to be a Hanshou bloodline user" 

He activated his own bloodline and pierced Zen in the heart in a specific pressure wasn't painful...

"Im sealing your ability ...and you are restricted to the leaf and our allies" 

Zen could feel himself weakening as the seal marks spread throughout his body. 

His body went limp...Akemi closed her eyes as their father left... 

"Its gone bloodline curse is gone im free..." he says

"Get your rest brother you dont know the blessing you lost" she disappeared in smoke but zen laid and for the first time smiled they dont know him he wouldn't miss it at all.


Kakuzu walked past Itachi..." im going to inform pein and tobi only they have the power to retrieve her...
Hikari sighs "I tried the entire concept of friends once, they were only interested in my abilities and tried experimenting on my dragon, I don't need friends and I don't need kindness, I always get stabbed in the back, now can you remove this damn ice, this form is draining my chakra" she says, she lost the ability to trust long ago, each time she thought she had friends she was backstabbed and betrayed, she didn't even deserve it, she killed so many since when she was around the age of 10 and would continue to do so no matter what, it was in her nature.

Itachi nods "We better hurry then before she goes overboard and gets herself killed" he says while pacing, this was bad, it only that tailed beast hadn't come out it would have been the perfect plan.

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