Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Hikari shakes her head "I am curious though, why didn't you kill me when you have the chance?" she asks and adds "Also it was my choice to go on the mission even if I had a slight fever, I don't like it when people go after my target", she crosses her arms and asks "But why would you care about the health of your enemies anyway?".

Naruto burst into the office "Is it true Gaara got attacked?" he asks, he had been passing by and heard it "Is he alright? Did they kill the one who attacked? Who attacked him?" he asks, he wanted to know if he was alright, since the two were friends.

Gaara sighed, " well we need information from you and wouldnt be able to do that if you are dead" he said to her bluntly as he looked at her again. "and it is really stupid of you to go on a mission with a fever. If it was aomeone else you would hav been dead on spot"


Winter blinked and looked at Naruto, " he is fine and uninjured and it was the Akatsuki that attacked him. He managed to capture one of the members. As far as I know she is alive" she said to Naruto. Loreli was outside the office leaning on the wall and quietly listening.


@Flame Demon
"What makes you think I'll give you information?" Hikari asks looking at him, she had to admit that he was good looking, but they were enemies for gods sake, she couldn't think about that "And they will be coming back for me, but with stronger people, I do congratulate you for surviving though, if I didn't have a fever you'd be dead by now"

Naruto's face becomes red form anger "Let me kill her! No one attacks Gaara and gets away with it alive!", he would kill whoever it was without mercy, even if that person was stronger then him, he would not stop until she was dead.



@Amara Redfox
" we have other ways of getting information out of you.. you dont have to tell us... " he said as he leaned back. "and we'll be ready for them" he added as he kept staring at the girl blankly.


" Naruto calm down. Killing the prisoner isnt going to do you any good and Gaara isnt going to let you kill his capture." Tsunade said with a sigh.

Winter took out a letter that Gaara gave her to give to Naruto, " and Gaara wanted me to give this to you" she said handing him the letter. (You can have it say whatever you want)


@Flame Demon
Zen began walking and stopped he was heading to Tsunade office to inform her about going to dig up more leads until a familiar face appears out of nowhere with a chakara scalpel to his neck.

It was Kabuto orochimaru's right hand and zen stopped.

"Lord Orochimaru has need of your assistance" he says 

Zen scoffs "well I wouldn't want to upset Orochimaru especially when he's one of my targets. .. you take me to him he will die you know"

Kabuto laughed "big words boy" he says gripping zen and using a scroll to teleport to a field of at least 50 fallen shinobi. Zen saw Orochimaru on a ridge  smiling "Ahh one of the Hanshou assassin's. ... your here to end my life" he say. Zen charged and launched himself at Orochimaru but a katana looked like it pierced him mid-air on the other end was Sasuke Uchiha. ...

"I cannot allow you to kill Orochimaru" he says but Zen is seen holding the blade back but Sasuke pours lightning into the blade causing Zen to let go as they land amongst the pile of incapacitated shinobi.

"The wanted Sasuke Uchiha of the leaf all these shinobi must have been a little tough for you especially when you hold back ...i can still hear all their heartbeats"

Sasuke remains silent. ...

"Well let me tell you about the Hanshou clan we are assassin's that do not even answer to the Hokage. ... we kill threats and Orochimaru is one and unfortunately for you Sasuke Uchiha..." before Zen can finish Sasuke closes the gap as he had his chidori created mid run his speed was incredible but Zen stood as the chidori pierced him.... he smiles as he walked through Sasuke and turned around quickly and ducked under the real Sasuke's strike and struck him with a powerful punch to the abdomen sending him flying back but still on his feet.

"Im insulted that level of genjutsu against someone like me.... like i was saying Sasuke Uchiha unfortunately  your on the list to" he says getting in fighting stance 
Hikari sweatdrops, not liking the fact someone will look in her head for information "How about we make a deal, I tell you one thing and you let me go?" she asks, they would kill her if they found out who her father was and she didn't want anyone finding out.

Itachi sighs and mumbles something before disappearing and he appears behind Zen, grabbing him and stabbing him with a poisonous dagger "Well you have one day to get the right antidote" he says and looks at Sasuke "And I know you want to kill me, but that has to wait, kill this bastard first, or at least prevent him from surviving the poison, he's a treat to us as well" he says and smirks "Well I have a rescue mission waiting, bye" he says mockingly before disappearing again next to Kakuzu "I poisoned the boy, he has one day, but I doubt he'll live" he says and walks on "Let's go", he seemed in quite a good mood for some weird reason, though he was worried they would look for information rather then ask it, then there's be trouble.


Kakuzu walked off with Itachi. .."Hanshou assassin's are quite the survivors" he says as they disappear.

Zen was caught off guard by Itachi's attack  but Itachi wasn't lying about the poison.  Zen dropped to  one knee but stood up...and looked at Sasuke "well from the looks of it im too far from the leaf so it seems like I will die so how about we don't hold back" he says 

Orochimaru grins talking to Kabuto "Yes perfect test for Sasuke killing a chuunin" he says. .."Hes been poisoned...hes no match for Sasuke" Kabuto replied. "Oh but your wrong Kabuto" he says 

Sasuke and Zen charge at one another trading blows their taijutsu on par but Zen is slowly getting the upper hand and starts landing the majority of attacks. Sasuke is surprised "My Sharringan should be reading your movement's how are you pushing me back" he says and Zen strikes Sasuke in the neck then sweep kicks him while maintaining momentum and kicks Sasuke upward into the air. ...zen then appears behind Sasuke in the air...."the leaf shadow dance..." Sasuke says remembering when rock lee used it on him....

"Similar yes but the difference between us what you're Sharringan cant read is intent you may know what's coming but can you stop it." 

Sasuke  then shifts into his cursed state and snakes wrap around Zen as he falls to the ground. Sasuke  lands and gazes as the torrent of snakes are covering Zen but soon the snakes are ripped apart and Zen stands a little bloody enveloped in wind chakara that cut the snakes... he wiped his face "your getting serious maybe I'll die before the poison" 

Meanwhile kakuzu and Itachi appear at the sand..."so Itachi murder and mayhem or stealth" he asked 

@Flame Demon
"Stealth obviously, Hikari's one of our best fighters since she doesn't need hand signs" Itachi says and he chuckles "Let's go before they decide to get information the hard way, we wouldn't want that" he says and walks on, he could already point out where she was, but the Kazekage was with her at the moment, that would be a problem.

Naruto takes the letter and he says "But Granny, they'll be going to take her back, then what do we do?", she wanted to go over to the hidden sand village and kill that girl, but there would be plenty of people restraining him.


Gaara looked at her and raised an eyebrow wondering what is the girl hiding, " What are you hiding?..." he asked the girl tilting his head slight as he stared at her.


Tsunade sighed, " Just go over to the sand village with Winter, Kakashi and Loreli to help keep the girl. And like I said killing her isn't going to give us any answers" she said. " now go"


@Flame Demon

"Something you don't have to know" Hikari says and she sighs, Temari walks in with some medicine "This should get the fever down" she says and looks at them "Gaara, you're not getting her in a bad mood are you?" she asks and sighs looking at Hikari "And you're awake quickly" she says, Hikari shrugs and says "I guess so, but I'm used to things like this".

Naruto nods and he says "Fine, but if she proves to be more of a threat I'll kill her", of course he didn't know what the girl was capable of yet.


Gaara raised an eyebrow and looked at Temari, " I am not. I am simply just havinf a conversation with her" he said to his sister as he looked at back at Hikari.


Tsunade sighed, " if she trys to kill anyone... now go" she said to him.

Winter nodded and looked back at Loreli, " get Kakashi and meet Naruot and I at the gate" Loreli nodded and disappeared. Winter disappeared as she headed towards the gate.


@Flame Demon
Hikari nods slightly "I'm in a surprisingly good mood despite being captured" she says, she knew they were coming for her, so she might as well enjoy their stay there before Tobi or Itachi locked her in room back at HQ.

Naruto disappears and appears there as well "Don't we need Sakura? She's the expert in healing" he asks looking at Winter, he knew that wouldn't go as easy, they always had to fight someone each time they went there "You do realize they might not let her stay here long right? They most likely have a plan to get her back already" he says.

Itachi sighs "There are two more charka signatures with Hikari" he says, he had his hidden so he wouldn't cause any suspicions with the people there "Next time someone else if going with her instead of Deidara and Sasori" he says.


Gaara stared at her, " you are weird..." he said and that was coming from him.


Winter shrugged, " you should have asked Tsunade that" she said to him.

Kakashi and Loreli then appeared, "Loreli has learning healing jutsu from Sakura. She can heal us up if we are injured" Kakashi said and he started heading towarda the sand village.

" Nice to see you Naruto" Loreli said to him politely before following after Kakashi. Winter tilted her head and headed off as well.


@Flame Demon
Kakazu  walked ahead and stretched his arms out gripping two guards and pulling them close and ripped out their hearts.... "Assimilation of hearts doesn't only keep me alive but it gives me the chakra nature of the victims... Now they'll just sense their own shinobi....can you tell where Hikari is exactly" he says 

@Flame Demon
"Says the one with the one tail in him" Hikari says crossing her arms and Temari puts the medicine down "I'll be off to guard then" she says and leaves again, the small dragon walks to Gaara and jumps on his head again sitting down this time.

"There" Itachi says pointing to the tower "She's with the Kazekage at the moment, the other one just left" he says and adds "Hikari would kill us if we killed him, so we'll have to distract him and then get her back"

Naruto follows the others waving slightly at Loreli "Ugh why can't I kill that girl, she nearly killed Gaara" he complains, though he somehow knew he would get his wish.


Gaara shrugged, " It's not like I wants the One-tails in me. That's something my father decided to do before he died" he said with a soft sighed as he looked up at the dragon that was now sitting on his head. " but I sorta made peace with him so I don't care if you called me weird..."


Winter sighed, " that girl has information about the Akatsuki. We can't just kill her. You know how hard it is to capture one of them alive?" She asked Naruto.

" she has a point you know. We are lucky to capture one alive" Kakashi said to him.


@Flame Demon
Kakuzu sighed "She'll get over with since when does the infamous Itachi Uchiha leave a mission undone to spare a childs ego our goal is the Shukaku....she can go after the 8 tails" he says creating handseals "blaze style: burning cyclone" creating a cyclone made of flames by mixing fire and wind nature. The cyclone collides with the tower still burning and destabilizing it.

@Flame Demon

"You're still weird, but I can't really say that since I walk around with a dragon as companion" Hikari says and she sighs, wondering what to do now, she could try to escape, but she still had her fever, she holds onto something as the tower shakes and she knows that it's not Deidara who came to get her back, which wasn't that surprising.

"Because Hikari was set on getting Shukaku" Itachi says before disappearing, he appears in the room and smirks "You are never going out with a fever again" he says and chuckles "Nice meeting you Lord Kazekage, but we have to go" "Itachi, I wasn't expecting you" Hikari says and the dragon flies over to her "Anyway Gaara, see you again" she says and Itachi disappears with her, appearing on a nearby roof, the dragon had taken the medicine as well "Take that" Itachi says putting the girl down, now they had to get Gaara as well "I can't summon my bigger dragons at the moment" Hikari says after taking the medicine and she makes a sour face "Kakuzu, I got her" Itachi says and he jumps down with her, Hikari stumbles a bit.

Naruto sighs "Yeah, but what is she got away before we arrived?" he asks and adds "We better hurry".


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Gaara inked a little and cursed under his breath, " Tenmari! She escaped!" He said before he looked up at the dragon on his head and sighed. " and she forgot her dragon" he mutter before heading outside to find her.


" then you and Winter go ahead. Ill stay with Loreli, since she can't keep up with you two speed" Kakashi said to him. Wonter nodded and concentrsted her wind chakra at the bottom of her feet and headed off at full speed. Loreli blinked a little. 


@Flame Demon
"On it!" Temari says and she runs of, heading outside where she sees three Akatsuki members "You are not going to escape" she says and Itachi chuckles "How fun, they're trying to stop us" he says and looks at Hikari "Try to gather up your charka, you'll need it" he says and looks at Temari "Seems we'll have to get rid of you".

Naruto nods and follows Winter, keeping up rather easily "I hope we're not too late" he says and adds "They won't be quiet for long"


Gaara soon got outsideand immediately shot sand spikes at the Itachi. " hold on" he said to the dragon on his head as he landed next to Tenmari.

" Lets hope we're not... at this speed we should be able to reach the village in a few minutes" Winter said to him as she ran. She started to get a bad feelinf and really hoped they weren't too late.

" Is it because if their wind chakra that they can move so fast?" Loreli asked Kakashi who nodded to her.


@Flame Demon
Hikari makes a few quick hand signs and the large stone dragon blocks the spikes, giving Itachi the chance to send a fireball at Temari and Gaara, Temari jumps out of the way and says "Damn, she's already able to summon that thing", Hikari jumps towards Temari and kicks her, causing the sand Kunoichi to fall down "Thanks for helping me by the way" Hikari says, she had left her cloak in the room, but she had more at the hideout. The small dragon hides, obviously scared of the bigger dragons and because it's not meant to be a combat dragon on it's own. "Dragon eye" Hikari mumbles and she lands on a roof scanning the surrounding as her eyes turn dragon like and red "More people on the way" she says.

Naruto nods and he says "I think we're already too late" he says mentioning to the huge dragon and he starts to speed up some more.

Gaara puts up a sand sheild to block the fireball. He then used a sand hand and caught Temari. He set her down before wrapping a sand vine around Itachi's ankle and threw him into a wall.  

A puppet then appeared behind Hakari and tried to stab her with poison that just paralyzes her body.

"Shit..." she mumbled and increase her speed as well.


@Flame Demon
Kakuzu sighed. .."I will end this since you won't itachi..." he says disappearing in smoke...and he appears behind Temari and the black tendrils enter her body. .."KAZEKAGE STOP NOW OR YOUR SISTERS WILL BE MISSING A COUPLE OF VITAL ORGANS" he shouts....kakuzu made sure that the creatures in him wrapped around her spine..." Hikari the kazekage is your prey the next time we send you to retrieve him you better succeed. ." He says to her as one of the black tendrils shoots from Temari piercing Hikari  and it was transfering Temari  chakara into Hikari so she could regain her strength. ...

"We have no time to play i sense a couple of strong shinobi headed this way..." he says to Hikari 

@Flame Demon

"Then let me finish this quickly" Hikari says as pitch black chakra surrounds her and the small dragon disappears "We should probably capture him alive" she says, her appearance changing and she flies up with dragon wings, she summons fire and shoots it around, Itachi sighs "Oi oi Kakuzu, we don't actuay want to fight the tailed beast, drop the girl" he says brushing of some rocks of his shoulder, Hikari blasts the puppet to pieces and she smirks, she could only maintain this form for half an hour at the moment, she starts surrounding Gaara in ice and she says "I really wish I didn't have to fight like this but Kakuzu, let Temari go, she's the one who suggested they'd help me".

Naruto looks at Winter "What if we're really too late?" he asks, sensing a huge amount of charka at the moment and it didn't feel all that good.

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