Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Mumbling to herself Yuko jumped over to where the group was quickly. She had caught the statement about the female Akatsuki member and sighed. This kunoichi was in the custody of Sand so there would be no hope of her getting information on Deidara from her without permission. Waiting for the black haired kunoichi to finish speaking she took in the ones around her, they were all strong she could tell, and most likely would be formidable opponents, but she did not wish to fight. 

Deciding that now was the time to say something she cleared her throat to gain their attention. "Excuse me, Kazekage-sama, I do not mean to interrupt this conversation, I am from Stone and as you saw one of those criminals was as well," she said quietly, "I wish to remain in Sand until he is captured, with your blessing of course," she told the Sand leader her voice holding a slight edge of wariness.


@Flame Demon

(Sotry for not responding sooner, had wifi issues)
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"Winter just go to the hidden leaf" Temari says putting the girl on her back and she looks at Yuko "And we can handle it, he's not here anymore so you have no reason to stay, we've had enough trouble for one day" she says before looking at Gaara "Let's go, I doubt they'll come back for her for now" she says and jumps of.

Deidara sees the base in the distance and her gets up "I'll go ahead and report" he mumbles and goes inside, he wondered why Hikari was that stupid.


@Amara Redfox (you did Sasori right?)
Winter sighed a little, " She is right. Winter go back to the Leaf. They need to know Naruto is a possible target too"

" ugh... fine but I better not hear you are dead or something got it?" She said with a glare. 

" I wont" he said to her.

Winter nodded and her leopards disappeared. She concentrated her wind chakra at her feet and ran off back to the Hidden Leaf Village at full speed.

Gaara then looked at the hunter nin for a minute staring her down. " You can stay here.... but you better not cause any trouble." He said as he followed after his sister.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
Yoshi tried to gain his composure after taking the brunt of that attack... he saw Kakuzu standing before him and Zen to the right locked in a steel like gaze with Kakuzu.... "Oh damn.... how the hell are you keeping that steel gaze on him we're both dead" he said.

Zen sighed... "well he's a S class shinobi ... so its best not to take our eyes off of him and stay on your guard would you rather die without putting up a fight" Zen replied..

Kakuzu smiled... "You got heart kid" he says as tendrils lash from out of the ground but Zen dodges but tendrils from all directions lash at him... so he jumps up and spins releasing his ninja wire cutting the ones that got close to him. .

Yoshi did a combination of hand seals "Earth barrier jutsu" as rocks bind together to block the tendrils but the tendrils begin to borough through but Yoshi pours in more chakara to protect himself.

Zen lands looking at the tendrils wondering what they are as a wall of tendrils appear behing him and Kakuzu creates a shadow clone...

Zen tries to run from the wall but he is struck by the shadow clones "Lightning style: False Darkness blasting him backwards into the wall as the tendrils envelop him... Yoshi looks on... "DAMN... YOU WON'T GET ME... EARTH STYLE SUMMONING STONE GOLEM" he says using the proper seals summoning a rather large golem of earth which tries to punch kakuzu.

The punch lands knocking kakuzu back but he rebounds mid-air and lands back on the ground.... "A pathetic effort from the both of you... FIRE STYLE: SEARING MIGRAINE" as blast of fire blows through the golem destroying it.

There was a look of shock on Yoshi's face as Kakuzu walked closer ... and in an instant Zen appears behind kakuzu and his ninja wire wraps around his arms and legs immobilizing him for a moment.

Kakuzu laughs "I was sure I got you young one... but a wasted effort this won't hold me" he says pulling his body though the wire.

Zen looks at him and smirks... "I know" he replied as within the tendrils something erupts as Zen breaks through cutting up the tendrils with a vortex of wind chakara meaning the zen that tied up kakuzu was a clone as the real body fuses wind chakara into a couple of kunai's and throws them at kakuzu.

They make contact with great piercing power but the tendrils inside Kakuzu are holding them back.

Kakuzu being forced back uses some more chakara to force to kunai's to the ground causing large craters.

His body is damaged but simple for him to repair... as he looks up and Zen and Yoshi are gone....

"Well done kid, hmm I shouldn't underestimate this generation it seems..."

Yoshi is running with Zen... "I can't believe we escaped.... but your hurt" he says looking at Zen who is holding his abdomen...from being hit with the lightning jutsu

"I will be ok ... but tell me all you know about the akatsuki"

Yoshi got scared... "one of them already wants my bounty I don't need the rest of them after me... sorry kid I thank you" he says disappearing in a puff of smoke.

Zen was upset but he was too hurt to go on his only hope was to get to the leaf and tell them what he learned.

@Flame Demon

Giving an understanding nod to Garra she made her leave as well, intending to find the closest inn so she could change out of her Stone jounin gear and into something less conspicuous. Locating the inn she paid for a room and made her way up. 'I can't believe I found that damn pyrotechnic here of all places,' she mused as she changed into more basic ninja gear.


Sasori snorted at Deidara, the kid would be in deep trouble if the two returned to the base without Hikari and as would he by extention. "We must go back for her soon," he said to the blonde nin before him. This mission was becoming more and more troublesome for him. They had failed to aquire the one-tail and the girl had been captured. Thinking back to the short battle he replayed it in his mind to think of some tactics to get their third teammate back. "One of those kunoichi seemed to know you," Sasori said off-handedly.


@Flame Demon
"Yeah, she's set on bringing me to justice, besides this is a perfect chance, if they take care of her and bring her fever down she can still do something, besides that girl will be there, waiting, it might be better if someone else goes for her" Deidara says and he crosses his arm while thinking "Maybe Itachi can go for her" he says, they first had to report to Tobi though.

Temari looks at her brother "What do we do now? I mean after we took her fever down, they needed you for some reason, maybe for the tailed beast" she says and feels something move under Hikari's cloak and a small pitch black dragon shows it's head, but hides seeing other people "A dragon?" Temari asks taking it and she inspects it.


@Amara Redfox

" it's definitely for the tailed beast..." he said to Tenmari with a sighed. " they will be back for both me and the girl" he added. He then looked at Tenmari, "... did you just say dragon?" He asked her quietly.


The bkue haired lady of the hidden leaf was again in thr training grounds. She had her eyes closed and was meditating to help her with concentration as well as chakra control and she just want some peace and quiet.


@Flame Demon
"Yeah look here" Temari says holding up the small dragon, that's trying to get free from her grip "It was hiding under her cloak" he says and looks at it "Seems to be a young one compared to the ones we saw earlier, that stone dragon was just huge" she says and tilts her head "Why do you ask? Does it mean something?" she asks looking at Gaara.

@Evergreen98 (aren't you going to do someone, you can take over Deidara and I can do Itachi)
((I wasnt sure who xD hahaha ))


Gaara stared at the dragon and sighed, "let it go back to the girl. It doesnt look dangerous and i rather not have a franctic girl tearing the place apart looking to it"


Deidara looked at the Akatsuki base. He sighed a little, ' they are so going to kill me...' he thought as he entered the hideout and was greet by none other than Pain.

"... Deidara where is Hikari?" He asked him as he stared down at the male.

" um... funny story" he said, making Pain raise an eywbrow. ".... she got captured" he said to him.


Winter was nearly half way through the forest to get to the hidden leaf. She stopped for a moment to rest a bit before continuing. She sat down on the tree branch and sighed a little. ' this is 5th time I ran into an Akatsuki on my journey...' she thought to herself and also wondered how much the hidden leaf has change.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox
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Once changed Yuko left the inn quietly and made her way back to where they had fought. She stretched out her senses to try and pinpoint the separate chakra signatures. Not finding the one she was looking for she cursed herself. 'How could I not put a tracker on at least oneone of them' she said to herself, it was a rookie mistake she knew that but seeing her villages number one most wanted ninja had been distracting for her. Walking away from the area she decided that her services would be better put to work by tracking what small trail she could.


Sasori watched as the brat told Leader what had happened, this could prove quite entertaining for him. "She is currently in the custody of the Kazekage, they will not harm her until they get information," he said before walking past the two. He had some repairs he needed to make to Hiruko before they were sent back out once more.
Zen wanted to stop yoshi but he was in pain so he kept on the move. ....

After a half hour Zen stood still and he dodged to the right as a ball of fire came at him. Looking at where it came from he saw kakuzu standing holding Yoshi body ..."Your instincts are sharp boy but when im after a bounty i get it" he says.

Zen was thinking of what to do but he knew that going up against kakuzu was suicide while injured.

Kakuzu did a hand seal "kage bushin no jutsu" and created a shadow clone to take on Zen. The doppelganger kakuzu charged at zen and zen kicked him in the face but he dodged and struck Zen in the abdomen with a powerful right where he was injured sending him flying back and his hand stretched out and gripped Zens neck and held him about 6 ft away. Kakuzu shook his head "i hoped it would have been more of a challenge to kill you boy"

Zen was having the life slowly squeezed out of him he thought of tons of plans to escape but against a S class shinobi he knew it was futile. Then his head sank but something inside him awoke....a dark purple Chakra enveloped his hands and Kakuzu looked surprised. ..."Your capable of activating kiroku boushu .... show me what you can do young hanshou"
Temari lets go of the dragon and it flies back to Hikari and goes back to hiding "When are you going to get information from her?" Temari asks looking at her brother.

Itachi appears near Kakuzu "You have to go back, one of our member was captured" he says and puts a hand on his comrades shoulder "Don't waste your time with him, it's pointless, he's not on the list at the moment" he says and looks at Zen "But do knock him out, we need to come up with a rescue plan as soon as possible.


@Amara Redfox

Gaara sighed, " when she wakes up and her fever is down..." Gaara said as he started walking back to his office to think and do the rest of the paper work.


After a few minutes of resting Winter started heading towards the Hidden Lead village again at full speed. She wanted to get arrive there as fast as possible. It was a shame she couldn't relax a bit afterwards but she wasnt going to complain about it. It came with the job.

Loreli looked in the direction of the village gate. She got to her feet and started heading there. She sense someone coming towards the village at really high speed, but sense no hostility from it.


Pain glared at Deidara who cowered a bit not liking the fact that onenof their members not to mention the only girl getting captured. " you had one job and you blew it" (XD pun intended by me) he said in irritation.  " You better get her back soon or you will be in a world of pain..." (pun not intendted XD) he said before disappearing.

Deidara relaxed a little and followed after Sasori, " he took it alot better than I thought her would" Not know he still has Tobi to worry about.


@Flame Demon

@Amara Redfox

Kakuzu  scoffed at Itachi's intervention "i dont care about our so called comrades anyone foolish enough to get caught is not worthy to be called Akatsuki" he says as Itachi glared.

Kakuzu knew it was an order but after all his years he wasn't going to jump because some Uchiha welp told him to.

"Fine I'll come along just let me kill the boy" he says as before he turns back Zen appears between him and Itachi. ...

"You talk to much" he says executing a double open palm strike to the two with the dark purple Chakra still emanating from his hands.

"WHAATT" Kakuzu exclaimed surprised as he dashes back Itachi read Zens movement so he dodged much faster. Kakuzu looked at where his clone was and it was immobilized with dark black veins on its body. spit up blood then disappeared in smoke.

Kakuzu was pleasantly surprised he then looked at his right hand and the black veins were going up his arm he felt a numbness but he detached his right hand so it didn't spread further.

"Splendid i didn't even feel your strike.... the Hanshou assassin's taught you well boy.

Zen faced kakuzu even though itachi was behind him. "They didn't teach me well enough i was aiming for you both and for your heart" 

Kakuzu laughed to himself "You know what kid i actually like you" ( he signaled itachi)

Itachi appears next to him Zen was surprised then he got a good look... "Itachi Uchiha. ... my clan has trained our senses to avoid the spell of the Sharringan seems like i have more training to do"

Kakuzu disappeared with Itachi and Zen looked at his hands..."damn i don't want this" he says as he struggled to shut off the awakened ability and he managed to do so. Still hurt he manages to grab kakuzu detached hand to bring back to the leaf with him.


Zen makes it to the hidden leaf  grounds near the gate as he is weak his wound got worse as he overexerted his body to get back as quickly as possible. He sees a woman but his vision is blurred he can't tell who it is but he dropped right before her.

@Flame Demon

Temari brings the girl to a room close by and she puts her down after taking of the cloak "Well she might wake up sooner then expected" she mumbles and leaves the room locking the door behind her and she walks of to find a doctor.

The dragon however followed her out quickly and flies towards Gaara, he smelled funny, so the young dragon would find out why, he enters the office and sits on Gaara's head sniffing around, the dragon was around the size of Gaara lower arm since it's still young and he also wasn't a dragon used for combat because the claws weren't sharp and the teeth weren't sharp either.

Itachi looks at Kakuzu and he says "You know how much Hikari means to Tobi and me, besides, she prevented Sasori and Deidara to get captured, so she's not entirely worthless and she can summon dragons to help her fight" he says and thinks for a while, maybe he should have stopped her from going at all.


Back with Kakuzu and Itachi they were walking and Kakuzu scoffed at Itachi's comment about Hikari. "This coming from the one who murdered his entire clan alongside Tobi.... and dont you have a little brother whom is tormented by your existence" he says

As a shinobi appears "In the name of the Raikage halt" he says charging up a lightning element aura.

Kakuzu stepped forward slowly as the shinobi charged with his lightning barrier "fool you're going to be fried to a crisp" he gloated but kakuzu stopped him with his one hand reaching through the barrier and withstanding the attack as he gripped the shinobi by the neck the barrier destroying portions of his cloak.

"Thank you boy i needed a new hand" he says as the tendrils shoot out of the stump and wrap around the shinobi"s right hand and rip it off as it is assimilated to kakuzu and became his right hand. The shinobi was in great pain 

"A little stiff lets test out my new hand" he punches a hole through the shinobi's body then drops the lifeless corpse.

Kakuzu turns to Itachi "its weakness family and feelings. I have no one no conscious no hesitation no attachments which makes me efficient smart and effective. Besides if Sasori and Deidara couldn't capture the one tail without losing Hikari they failed"

He says as he kept walking but Kakuzu didn't mean tobi was actually weak but emotion was a weakness in all shinobi and being the one killed the 1st hokage and countless more shinobi he knew what it took.


@Flame Demon
"You don't know who Hikari is do you?" Itachi asks looking at Kakuzu "Wouldn't be surprised though" he says and adds "And yes they failed, sadly enough, which is why we're going to need to a plan to get Hikari back, they won't get rid of her because they need information, also I had a reason for killing of everyone in my clan besides Sasuke" he says, wondering how he didn't know while the rest did "Hikari is also an Uchiha, figure the rest out on your own"



@Amara Redfox
Loreli saw someone collapse at the gate and her eyes widened a little as she ran over and looked at the person. She didnt recognize him, she tried to pick him up but couldn't.  He was too heavy. Winter then arrived and saw what was happening. She ran over and picked up the male. Loreli blinked wondering who she was too. "Come on" Winter said and ran off at full speed. Loreli blinked at how fast she is moving and followed after her to the hospital.

They arrived and Winter entered the hospital. Sakura looked over and blinked a little, " get a stretcher!" She said. People came over with a stretcher and Winter put the ninja down and watched the doctors take him away.

Winter sighed and Loreli stared at her, "Um... who are you?"

" I am Winter...and who are you?"

"Loreli... nice to meet you" Loreli said to her politely.

" You remind me of Hinata..." Winter said to her.


@Flame Demon

Kakuzu stopped for a moment when Itachi said she was an Uchiha. ...

"An Uchiha you miserable lot you were Gods next to the senju clan...while clans like mine had to struggle everything came naturally to the two prodigy clans.... oh well i hold no grudges and care for nothing so lets get her back immediately but i warn you that girl is young she may fall for the ideals and virtues of the enemy"


"NO Hidan go after the ninetails ..."

Hidan looked dumbfounded "What why Kakuzu. ..i should be fighting with you"

"Your reckless and Gaara is not the kazekage by mistake he will exploit every mistake...if Itachi agrees i think kisame should join you as you two are not suitable for rescue missions"


Zen awakes to being treated by Sakura. .... Zen sits up immediately but grips his abdomen. .. and Sakura knocks him on the head. "YOU IDIOT. what are you doing traveling with that kind of wound"

Zen drops to the floor "Ahh ... I would have treated myself but i didn't have time to stop i have information and i came across Itachi Uchiha and another Akatsuki" he replied as he saw Sakura cringe at the mention of Itachi.

Zen stood up looking for his shirt as Sakura did a good job healing him looking around he saw two female shinobi....they didn't seem to recognize him and it was to be expected the Hanshou clan was kept secret because assassination was their specialty. .. Sakura knew him because of Tsunade .

It actually irritated him being in the shadows like root but he didn't let it get to him.

"Hanshou Zen leaf chuunin ..." he says waving to the two. ... 

"Uzumaki Naruto is in danger the Akatsuki are targeting jinchuriki to create their own world order . ....  if the Hokage asks im going to go dig up more leads" he says heading for the door. He turned from Sakura as he reached for the door the dark Chakra enveloped his right hand a little causing his eyes to widen as he gripped it with his left hand trying to suppress it... he did not want to be capable of this ability which was designed to kill... he didn't want no one to know either 

@Flame Demon

Itachi nods "Kisame can go with you" he says and sighs "Still we'll need a perfect plan to get her back" he says and looks at Kakuzu "She grew up in the Akatsuki, I don't think we have to worry about that" he says.

Hikari slightly wakes up and she instantly sits up "Tobi's gonna be so mad" she mumbles and she sighs laying back down, her fever had gotten the best of her, she makes a handsign and her dragon appears on her lap, holding a piece of paper which she puts hidden in her cloak "Find a way out of here" she says and the dragon flies of again.

Kakuzu looks at Hidan and he disappears in smoke.... "You grew up Uchiha im sure your mother and father thought the same" he says 

Kakuzu thought for a moment. ...

"Its best to cause a diversion and send Zetsu or Tobi can kill them all not that i care. Its just the kazekage and sand three of us should be more than enough ... you can use your Sharringan and infiltrate  the sand and I'll kill the stragglers who notice...Zetsu can be look out and an escape contingency. .. inform Pein to have Deidara and Sasori return their too flashy the Sand will be on high alert. ... also itachi that boy you saw was from a clan of assassin's he was a rare one to awaken that ability letting him live was a mistake kill him on sight next time"

@Flame Demon (is someone playing Sasuke or do we just use cannons when we need to)
(You can do him if you want)

Itachi chuckles "You worry too much, not all clans are known or some are wiped out, there's still one member of the dragon clan who has yet to awaken her true ability" he says and adds "But sending Dridara is too risky, it's enough if Sasori you and I go", he sighs and says "For now we'll qait for orders", he knew they wouldn't kill Hikari until they had information, but the girl was smarter then that.
Sand spike when theough the dragon that Hikari just summon making it disappear into a puff off smoke. It was done by none other that Gaara who was holding her small non combat dragon that wouldnt let him do paperwork. He picked up the piece of paper that fell and sighed, as he set the dragon down on her lap. He said nothing as he looked at the girl, wondering why does she look like Saskue.


" anyway... I need to go to old man.." Winter said as she started to run off to the Hokage office.

Loreli blinked confused and ran after her, "Old man? Why would you call Lady Tsunade that" she asked.

Winter blinked at what she heard and stoppeded, " wait... what?" She asked a bit in shock. " the Hokage changed?...."

"Um... yes?" Loreli said confused. 

"Great..." Winter mutter as she took out her hidden bandana and put it around her neck. 

"Your a Leaf Ninja?..." Loreli asked and Winter nodded as she started running again. Loreli followed after her. They soon arrived at the Hokage's office and Winter knocked on the door leading to Lady Tsunade. 


@Flame Demon

"I can't do anything can I?" Hikari asks sitting up after moving the pillow a bit "What? You obviously have questions" she says looking at Gaara annoyed, the dragon hides under the blanket and peeks at Gaara, had he really never seen an Uchiha before, she doubted it, from what Itachi had told her Gaara and Sasuke met. This was getting rather annoying since he was quiet "And you can't blame my dragon for being curious, he's still young after all" she says.



@Amara Redfox
Gaara stared at the girl some more before sighing, " is tour fever down?" He asked her bluntly as he pulled up a chair and sat down. 


"Enter" a female voice said.

Winter took a deep breath and entered the Hokage's office. Tsunade looked up from her paperwork and raised an eyebrow, " who are you?"

" I am Winter Moon, I left the village two years ago to travel around and train myself. I just came back from the  Hidden Sand Village which was attacked by the Akatsuki. Their target was the Kazekage, Gaara, who holds the tailed beast and he believes Naruto Uzumaki is also a target" She said to her respectfully voice. She took out a letter from her pocket and handed it to her. "that was before the attack" she said.

" is he ok?" Tsunade asked.

Winter nodded, " he managed to capture one of the member. The other two escaped and may end up trying to get their member back and capture Gaara" 


@Flame Demon

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