Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Vera runs through the hidden leaf in silence she was making guards dissappear left and right with her Jutsu. ...this is why she was an Akatsuki prospect her mysterious jutsu seemed like no opponent could get the best of her...  

"Too easy the Hokage will be dead by sunrise"

Shukaku appeared sensing Hikari's frantic chakra. He yawned a little and looked at her, " ok what happened?" He asked wondering what trouble she go into again. " and that chakra drain him more it hurt me so he wont be waking up until tomorrow possibly" he added.


Loreli was trying to heal Zen as she check his life force. It was very low and she wondered how it became like that. She calmed down as the marks on her body started fo glow as she concentrated her healing chakra, making it stronger so Zen's injuries would heal.


Winter was already at the top of the building and concentrated her chakra to find thr intruder. She blinked when she saw leaf shinobis disappearing left and right. She disappeared and reappeared behind the Akatsuki and grabbed the lady, " dont get get cocky lady" she said and they were suddenly in the forest where the chunin exam is held. Winter let go of her and smile as she kicked the lady's side and send her flying into a tree.


@Flame Demon

"My dad, I have to get the nine tailed beast, but he promised you are save" Hikari says and she looks down "I don't like relying on the dragon, but I need a way to get Naruto alone. And no I don't want to do it, but I can't ley dad kill my friends"

@Evergreen98 @Midnite
Winter kicked a doll while Vera was standing on top of another tree. ...

"Really just one shinobi to take me on wouldn't you like to get some friends because you're death might be delayed" she says waving her hand and Winter sees a trail of hands....

"Are you use combating high level genjutsu nameless kunochi" she says charging at her but splits into 5 Veras each with a different hair color...

Zen began to get up..."thank you so much" he says 

Winter smiled a little, " i think I can take you on without put my human friends in danger" she said to Vera as she  took out a Kunai knife to attack. " but then again... I am a nameless shinobi" she said with a shrug." Taking me out and making me disappear should be easy..." she said with a chuckle.


Shukaku looked ar Hikari ans aighed a little, " I am just going to tell you what Gaara would say. Do not worry about us, but I wouldnt worry about Naruto. He is very stubborn and would probably find a way to defeat you. You will also become an enemy of the hidden leaf and all the leader as well. You need to pick a side... Your orange mask friend ans 'father' declare war on us and we are not going down without a fight.


Loreli nodded to Zen and sighed a little. She leaned on Kiba feeling tired from using so much chakra to heal everyone. Kiba nuzzled her a little, "you're welcome.." Loreli said to Zen softly.


@Flame Demon

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"That's the point, I can't pick a side, I'm already an enemy of the leaf, so I don't worry too much about that anyway" Hikari says and she looks outside "Maybe it would have been better if this clan was never attacked, I would have grown up here" she says with a frown "I need time to think about everything, I put food on the desk if you're hungry, should bring some of your chakra back as well" she says and stands up "Hope you get better soon by the way", she leaves the room and decides to check on Loreli, who still wasn't back with news on the dragon eggs.


Zen hugged Loreli tightly. .."i feel great. ..i should go back to training and work on some new Jutsu. ..wheres Hikari?" He asked 

Vera punched winter...her strength was on par with Tsunade through a different method though....winter went through a tree...."still dont want to bring friends" she says laughing 

Madara made a mental image inside Hikari's head...."daughter dont forget our deal...i need the 9 tails as soon as possible" he says the image of him was a youthful one when he was in his prime or most powerful.

@Flame Demon

Loreli smiledat Zen, " she is one her way here.. I was suppose to check on the egss but you fell on top of me... now I dont really have mich strength left to do anything" she explained to him with a soft sigh.


A kunai knofe with an explosive tage landed next to Vera and explode. Winter was on a tree behind her and her eyes were black and white, " I am pretty sure" she said as she rubbed her cheek. " Nice punch by the way.. but that i not going to be enough to kill Lady Tsunade" she said


@Flame Demon

Hikari ignored the image for now and she arrives where Zen and Loreli are "Never mind with checking on the eggs, the dragon's returning" she says pointing to a black see through dragon heading towards the temple "But I need to do some things, so take care of Gaara while I'm gone" she says and flies of, time to get her plan into motion, first thing she needed to do is make a request Naruto can't resist, but what?


Zen sighed...."well Loreli i will just go somewhere and meditate for now" he walks past Sasori who is staring at Zen in anger....

Vera walks through the explosion her body look decayed a little bit...."ok you have some talent but lets see you deal with this she sends a wave of Kunai and some had explosive tags


@Flame Demon
Loreli nodded to Hikari and Zen. Kiba got up and doubled in size so he coukd carr Loreli. Loreli pulled herself up onto the wolf's back. " thank you Kiba..." she said softly petting the wolf. She then looked at Sasori, " do you want to come along? You look like you need something to eat" she said to him." She said to him sensing his anger.


Winter threw a kunai knife with an explosive tag at one of the explosive kunai knives thrown at her. It exploded making the others smoke causing back smoke to surround the area. A white leapord then came out of the smoke and pounced on Vera with a growl.


@Flame Demon

Hikari arrived at Konoha and she puts a cloak on so she won't be recognized "Or I just deal with this quickly" she mumbles wandering around to find Naruto "Don't be foolish child, he won't show up, his nine tails can sense me coming" the dragon says, but Hikari just smiles "He'll take over Naruto's actions and come to me, what did you do to earn that grudge?" she mumbles, but doesn't get a reply.

Tobi walks to Madara "So where did you send Hikari this time?" he asks and adds "And don't try to take advantage of her, she had been wanting to meet you for quite some time now, of course, she started to believe you were dead, so maybe you should try to act like a father to her", he wasn't sure if telling Madara to do that would work, but oh well, better then having someone who can control the most dangerous dragon disappointed.


The next day, even after the victory from defeat the assassin panick started to brew in Konoha, ehen they got news that Naruto got captured by the akatsuki. Lady Tsunade was immediately getting a rescue team together. Winter was in the team along with Kakashi. ( you decide who else to go)


Loreli was up making breakfast for Hikari wnd Sasori. Kiba was in his pup form, watching, " You feel it too dont you?" He asked her and she softly sighed.

"Yeah... I would go help but I am too far and wont make in time.. I cant really teleport like Hikari, Gaara and Zen can..." Loreli said to Kiba.

" they dont teleport, they move at the speed of light" Kiba said.

" Well, I cant move that fast" she said to the wolf as she puts food on the table.

Gaara walked into the room and looked at Lorei, " hey... What are you two talking about?" He asked.

Loreli looked at him and then at Kiba before back at Gaara, " Uh... well...." she said not wanting the red head to freak out.


@Flame Demon
"My dad has the nine tailed beast" Hikari says eating her breakfast "How are you feeling?" she asks and looks at Lorelei "And there are a few people who can teleport" she says. The small black dragon lands on the table and tries to eat some food, but Hikari sends him a warning glare so he flies of "Did you see the food I put in the room by the way?"

Sakura sighs as she and Kiba meet up with the other two "How are we going to track whoever took him? We might be too late for all we know" she says and sighs "That and we have no clue where to look, we don't know who took him, though when we were walking back home from training he suddenly ran of like he wasn't himself"

Tobi walks to Madara "She brought the nine tailed beast, they're taking the tailed beast chakra now" he says and adds "She returned rather quickly with a report as well, something about how stupid the boy was to start a fight with her", he wondered when Madara would finally soften up a bit towards Hikari, she did just bring them the last tailed beast.

Loreli blinked when she felt Gaara's emotions go crazy, she took a step back and he started to leave, " I am fine and I ate the food you gave me" he said to the Hikari as he got his emotion undercontrol again.

"G-Gaara... They already started the extraction.." Loreli said to him.

"Guess we'll head straight there then" he said to Loreli who blinked, " You want to help him too right?..." he asked.

Loreli nodded slowly," You are being a fool Kazekage. You two wont survive... and you walking into their grasp.. all the akatsukis are there."

" That is why you are going to go get backup while Loreli, from what I am hearing you can feel where he is like Loreli can..." He said as he looked at the pup.

"That I can do" Kiba replied to the male. Loreli sweatdropped and looked at Hikari.


"Well since we dont have Loreli, we can start of by figuring out where he ran off too, but from the sound if it it seems like he fought Hikari..." Kakashi said with a sigh.

" And who is that?..." Winter asked.

" The girl that Gaara captured when she attacked him and then let go." Kakashi explained to her.


@Flame Demon
"All but me and Sasori, Tobi did say we had to be there" Hikari says and she sighs "Sorry, I can't help you at this point" she says and leaves after cleaning up "Also, in case you're wondering why I'm being nice to you, you're my first friends outside the akatsuki", she heads of picking Sasori up along the way, since he was staying in a different house and they head over to where the rest is "Sorry Gaara" she thinks.

Sasori sighs "If he finds out you are the one that got Naruto in this mess he won't forgive you so easily" he says earning a nod "But then again, you're doing it to keep them save" he says earning another nod.

Sakura sweatdrops "Towards the forest and why would Gaara let a prisoner go, she could have told us more about the akatsuki" she says and sighs "Don't tell me he actually trusts her enough, where is he anyway?" she asks.

(you do Madara, I do Sasori)

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