Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Otomi stepped in front of Zen... "not here for Gaara just here looking for you Temari. .. the shukkaku was taken from Gaara well at least most of it...and Hikari is held up with Gaara....Hikari has 12 hours to seek out her father or im permitted to level the sand village"

@Flame Demon
Hikari heads to the room Gaara is in carrying some food in case he woke up, she quietly enters the room and sits on a chair after putting the food on the desk, maybe it would have been better if she never met Gaara.

"You're no better then those Akatsuki guys" Temari hisses at Zen and she walks of saying "And I'm sure both Gaara abd Shukaku and just fine, Madara's underestimating people, also Hikari wouldn't want this place leveled, what happened to caring about her?". She then looks at Otomi "And Gaara would be so disappointed in you" she says and disappears again, she knew he was under some weird mind control, he couldn't even level the entire village.

The clone appears a bit away from Madara and she says "Don't get your hopes up, I'm merely a clone, but she did send something for you" she says showing the basket "She's trying to be nice, doubt it'll work though".
The dragon didn't notice Loreli as it was eating the berries in the bush near by. Loreli noticed it was having trouble reaching a big berry in the back. She reached over and took the berry and handed it to the dragon. The dragon looked at her before eating the berry, "what do you want child...?" The dragin asked her and Loreli showed her the map. " I see..." she sighed a little. " get on" the dragon said and Loreli got on her back and they flew off to the nest.


Gaata was still asleep and didnt seem like he would wake up anytime soon. He laid on the bed motionless as he slept peacefully.

@Flame Demon
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Zen cared for nothing right now all that mattered was following Madaras orders...Temari's words didn't reach him...time went by...."Time is up... " Zen says.

Otomi stopped caring for Madara the moment he chose Hikari over the Village. ...

She waited for Zen to say time was up seems like Madara didn't order him not to attack.

"Finally" she says and summons an 8 headed Serpent. ..."YOU CAN THANK OROCHIMARU" she screams 

Madara scoffs at the clone...."you appear just as time runs out....daughter of mine all i wanted was you by my side but you believe a clone and basket will quell my wrath you are mistaken" he says destroying the basket...."I am not some forgotten relic I am your father. ...if you cared for the jinchuriki then you would have stayed my hand you have one more chance to show the real you or the sand will pay. ...then so will Sasori and then the leaf...i will stop the Hanshou and his ally for 5 minutes" he says mentally issuing the order causing Zen to stop Otomi just as she was going to attack. ..."5 more minutes"

Sasori sat next to Loreli as he used a puppet to get to her .."its weird to be human again"

@Flame Demon

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Loreli blinked and almost fell of thr dragon when the puppet suddednly appeared out of no one where. She stared at him not sure what to say at first, but soom calmed down in time to think of something. "You'll get use to it soon..." she said to him softly as she looked at the dragon.

" That puppet isnt allowed near the nest unless Hikari says it was ok" the dragon said to Loreli and the puppet.


@Flame Demon

"Geez, I'll get her, but don't expect her to like the fact you ruined her gift, these apple were suppose to give you some strength back" Hikari says and she then realizes something "She can't come with the barrier up, the guardian dragon can't maintain it without her there" she says and adds "Unless you won't talk to her long".

Hikari groans as she appears next to Loreli "Which he isn't, those eggs in the wrong hands isn't a good idea, they also wouldn't be able to grow outside the valley"
"It wont be long...i will stay the Akatsuki. .." Madara says to her

He sends the mental command and warps Zen and Otomi back to the cave.. 

"Jesus what the hell" she says upset. ...

But Madara glares at her...

Zen just stands still emotionless 

@Flame Demon
Loreli blinked when Hikari appeared and the dragon sighed before landed on the ground. " how was a puppet able to get through the barrier anyway?" The dragon asked in a low growl as he glared at the puppet.


@Flame Demon

"The guardian dragon invited him in,  he had to be inside when the wind blew everyone else out, but if you'll excuse me, my very annoying and uncaring father is looking for me, won't be gone long hopefully" Hikari says going to her clone's location "Seriously, I was trying to help you regain your strength, also don't bother trying to kill Gaara or Shukaku, I won't let you lay a hand on either" she says and smirks "And Zen will be useless once the experiment wears of, as for Otomi, she's a jealous bitch trying to kill me because Gaara wouldn't let her kill me when I was captured" she says petting the small black dragon "Of course, I can just kill her now if I wanted to, she's a hinder for everyone"
Madara smirked. ... "foolish believe your in control of your fathers actions....i care nothing of the kazekage  but he will die if he opposes me....also this experiment you speak of is not what you think...Zen is no more he is my avatar" he says as Zen removes the Akatsuki robe to show the black chakara rods embedded in his back....

"There is no Zen no wearing off the Byakugan treatment he received has worn off it was temporary until the rods set in" he says to her

"I will pardon everything you have done if you join me once again Gaara gets to live as well as your other friends" he says 

...   ..... ......

Sasori didn't know what to do with himself. ..he grabbed Loreli by the hand..."ice princess you're the most beautiful work of art i have ever laid my eyes on....will you be mine" he asked 

@Flame Demon

Loreli blinked a little and didnt know what to say, but someone else did. A white wolf form next to Lorei and pounced on pounce on Sasori growling, "Kiba! Get off him!" Loreli said and pulled the wolf off him. " he didn't literally mean I am an artwork!" She added as she looked at Sasori before blushing a little. Kiba calmed down a little as Loreli held him closely now, " C-can I get time to think about it?..." she asked Sasori as she shyly looked at him.


"Let Zen go!" Hikari growls, she was running out of time, the guardian dragon would soon be unable to hold up the barrier and come back to her "But I don't care what happens to Otomi, you can kill her for all I care. Also I never left the Akatsuki, I was just protecting... a friend" she says with a tiny hint of sadness in her voice at the last part. She then looks at Madara "Zen may be annoying, but he's a friend too, he helped Sasuke and I to kill Danzo, who is the bastard that ordered the Dragon clans demise" she says and adds "And you will never set foot in Dragon valley until invited, according to records you tried to steal a dragon egg each time you were there.


Madara looks at her...."fine....i will release my control over him but the rods stay in place. betrayed me once i need a contingency if you do again. ...this way i can see through his eyes when I choose to" he says releasing Zens mind as he collapsed to the floor....

"What happened ....where am I Zen asked...looking confused


"Second you are to capture the kyubi..." he says. ...

Otomi looks on...."what you forgive this bitch just like that I'll kill her myself. ..." she says creating a seal...and sending a mud Javalin at Hikari which multiples into 30....  "You will not harm her in my domain. ..." Madara says as his Susanoo arm blocks the attack and grabs Otomi. ..."Aaahhhh!!!" she screamed as she is being crushed. ...

Zen stands.... as Otomi becomes a mud shell and is crushed. ..

Sasori is sad..."very well take your time" he says and he gives her a soft kiss on the lips

@Flame Demon

Konan was besides Pein...."Pein sama Hikari has betrayed us on more then one occasion for the Kazekage. ...she is a liability but she is Tobi surrogate daughter and apparently the child of Madara and Itachi's pupil. With our plans i fear her allegiance to Gaara may impact her to assist the leaf... all in all i sent one of our prospect Akatsuki replacements...Vera to cripple the leaf and kill the Hokage" she says 


Vera was already outside the leaf just watching...

"Time to die Hokage" she says looking on waiting for her moment

Hikari looks at Madara "Can I start with killing her? Her mud ability is quite useful when I have the same type of dragon" she says and she smirks as she's surrounded by black chakra for a few seconds "Ah well, not that I need that" she says and adds "The dragon just returned", she then looks at Zen "Find Loreli's chakra signature and go there" she says before looking at Otomi, she quite enjoyed watching the girl get crushed "You know dad, we might get along after all" she says bluntly.

How the hell was she suppose to capture Naruto, well by going to to leaf of course, but she wouldn't be getting in any time soon after killing those rouge ninja, she could create a false simple mission that Naruto would go on alone to prove himself, yeah she'd do that.


Zen wanted to know what was going on he tried to remove the rods but immense pain surged through him.... so he decided to listen as he found Loreli's signature and warped to her...

He was weak. ..."Loreli. ..." he says collapsing on top of her falling unconscious 

Madara grinned... "Do not betray me again Hikari and we shall get along" he says 

@Flame Demon

"Can I finish Otomi, I never liked her" Hikari says and she adds "I'll be fast and painful, and I won't, as long as my friends will stay save and I can go home when I want to, not a fan of this place", she tosses a dagger up and catches it again, well it looked like a dagger "Poison dragon claw, it was dying of old age, but I was allowed to take it. As you know dad, dragon bodies don't stay long after they died" she says and smirks, the had the deadliest poison which would painfully kill you in seconds, her favorite.


Madara shrugged not caring if she killed Otomi or not...the mud encased body began to move as she summoned hundreds of snakes allowing her to free herself from the grip...."you cocky bitch...Gaara will never love you....your still a murderer" she says  sending poison snakes with mud armor after Hikari 

@Flame Demon

Hikari just glares, glad she was wearing new dragon scale armor "You're cocky!" she says and adds "My armor won't break thanks to your stupid snakes", she makes a few clones to kill the snakes and summons her ice dragon, freezing Otomi's legs before simply trowing the claw and hitting her arm, she poison would take effect soon anyway "It's your snakes against my dragons, wonder which would win" she says, a blank look on her face.


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Otomi does a seal and molts out of her body like Orochimaru. ..."serpentine ritual suicide" a snake the size of Manda wraps around the two....

"I don't care about your dragons I've been studying you....i know how to beat hide behind that armor like a coward well the serpentine ritual suicide will kill you if I die" she says as the snakes head splits in two and goes into their chest with its fangs against their hearts..  

"Im not done...." she says as she summoned a mud creature....

Otomi then charged in attacking with Tai jutsu 

@Flame Demon
Hikari smirks and disappears, along with Madara, she had made two clones in advance to take their place, the real one pops up behind Otomi and stabs her "Sorry to disappoint, but my clones aren't so easily beaten as other clones, not to mention you won't sense they're clones" she says and smirks summoning a giant ice dragon "Dinner time" she says and the dragon freeze Otomi completely. She had to apologize to Madara later for suddenly getting him away "You don't know how to beat me" she says "Also killing me isn't that easy, if it was I would have died three times on my first mission, which went horrible by the way"
Madara looks at her..."your still a child Hikari and you do not know the terror of the Eternal mangekyo or the Rinnegan" he says disappearing into the shadows 
Loreli blushed at rhe sudden kiss and now was too shy to look at him. She was about to get on the dragon again, when something fell on top of her. She blinked in complete surprise, " Zen?" She said worriedly as Kiba pushed the male off the girl. Loreli looked at Zen and her eyes widened and ahe immediately started to heal him.


Winter asleep near her mom until Widow woke her up, ' Child wake up I sense danger' the spider said and send it's chakra though the girl's body which hurt making the girl wake up. The girl fell off the chair and groaned as she sat up shaking her head.' Head to Hokage's office now.' Winter nodded and disappeared.


@Flame Demon

"I can't get those" Hikari says freezing Otomi so she won't get away "Dragon clan abilities come first, but maybe with some practice" she adds as the dragon shatters the ice along with Otomi "And off to think of a mission that Naruto would be eager to go on" she says with a sigh as she disappears after summong a small dragon that start eating the piece of ice.

She appears back in the room Gaara is in and she sits on the bed, he still hadn't woken up and she needed his advise, not to mention that she was worried "Come on wake up" she whispers.

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