Naruto: From Enemies to Friends

Hikari lands the dragon and she sighs "They saved whoever still alive, they froze the Dragon village, besides, what makes you think you can control me? You haven't been here to raise me, you haven't been here to protect me from everything I shouldn't know" she says and rubs her head "I'm glad you're still alive, but I think I can make my own choice, and I can't completely control the dragon in this state. I don't know how me having this dragon is useful to you anyway".

Tobi sighs "Can you guys do this when he's not stuck here? And trust me Madara, they won't fail again" he says and disappear after adding "Just don't kill each other off", he arrives back at the hideout and calls everyone back, he needed those tailed beasts and quick too.


"I am in this position because of the hidden leaf on the verge of imminent death i knew nothing of your existence. ..i care not of the ice clan...they and all of the leafs allies want to thwart my resurrection. ...WHETHER IT BE BY ACCIDENT OR DESIGN I AM YOUR FATHER SO YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO MAKE BLOOD OR EMOTION" he screams.... he stands as a zetsu wrapped around him so he could walk to Hikari. .."daughter i knew nothing of your existence maybe obito wanted to protect you from me i was in a dark place when i took him in" he says 

@Flame Demon
Hikari looks down as tears form in her eyes "They all said you had died, that you were gone! Do you know how hard it was being raised by someone else then your own parents?!" she yells as she looks at him "I got used to it, but that doesn't change the fact Obito hid the fact you were alive from me", she didn't want to cry in front of him, he already thought she was weak "I wanted to see you, but gave up a few years ago" she says wiping the tears away "I have nothing more to say to you let me go" she says and adds "And I chose blood when I killed the very first so called friend of mine, I though that there was no one besides the Akatsuki who would see me normally, that changed when the Kazekage captured me, he didn't trow me in a cell when I had a fever, he treated me normally, he helped me recover, set me free when they came to get me, even after I destroyed part of the village", she walks of and says "Not that you'd understand, everyone fears you and I have a list of rouge ninja's to kill in less then 12 hours.


Madara grabs Hikari by her arm.."i am still your father. ..i will come along with you....this Zetsu should last 12 hours" he says as the Zetsu creates a mask over his face to hide his identity and he warps himself and Hikari out of the cave...

"Do not blame obito he was following my orders.... either way i know of you now so lets try to salvage some relationship"

Sasori looks at Loreli. .."it is i who desire you that boy must die he is a threat as well as you but i can show you the way and protect you ...Loreli"

@Flame Demon

"What relationship? All I see is someone who thinks he can control a rather rebellious 18 year old girl" Hikari says and she sighs "Well on to the ice land, three of them are there and three are hiding in the hidden leaf, wait make that 5 are hiding in the hidden leaf" she says checking the list as her small dragon partner crawls on her shoulder, but instantly goes into hiding again seeing Madara.


Loreli blinked a little, " trust me.. I am not worth it... most people thinking I am weird... You will think so too a while" she said to him softly and looked at Zen, " can you not hurt him... please. I dont want anyone to get hurt because of me.." she added. She then blinked a little and her eyes went wide, " I... I need to go.." she said before running off to her village again.


Loreli soon arrived at her the area that under genjutsu thanks to her guardian. She wasnt effected by it since she a member of her clan. She looked a bit nervous and saw Gaara talking to a great big white wolf. She ran over to them, Shukaku looked over, " Loreli! Can you convince Kiba to let us in?" He asked with a sigh as he looked at the stubborn wolf who growled Gaara before noticing Sasori and growling at him as well.

Loreli slowly walked iver to Kiba and hugged him, "shh... its ok....calm down" she said to him softly as she petted him. She sand him a softky lullaby and send a claming and peaceful wave of chakra though the wolf's body to calm him down completely which worked. The wolf calmed down and looked at Loreli who smiled at him kindly, "see"


@Flame Demon 

"Well let's go to Konoha first then" Hikari says and she rubs her head "Tobi's calling everyone back at the moment, let me help him a little" she says sending an ice dragon to Sasori, a small one though "So do you have a way to get there quickly? Cause it's rather far" she says, she still didn't think she'd be able to get along with her father, but she'd have to wait and see.

The ice dragon lands on Sasori's shoulder and says "You were called back, it's urgent" before disappearing, the smaller ones were mostly used to things like that, because a bigger one would catch too much attention.
Sasori sees the dragon. .."no you can't" but it was too late he was pulled to tobi

Madara looks at her "my daughter have you not learned from Obito child my prowess far exceeds his power.." he says as he grabs her and they are warped to the leaf.

"No lets see what you can do" he says 

@Flame Demon

Winter was in the hidden leaf looking after her mother who has fallen ill. The lady was at  the medical hospital. Sakura gave the lady some medicine, " you should be fine in a few days"

The raven head smiled at the pinked haired girl, " thank you miss" she said as she took the medicine.

Winter smiled and nodded, " thank you Sakura"

"No problem" Sakura said and went back to work.


Loreli looked at Sasori before lookin away and look at Gaara, " you want.. the flower right?.." she asked him and he nodded. "stay here... Ill go get it for you" she said to him before running off into her village.


@Flame Demon

Hikari rolls her eyes "Let's see" she says looking around for any chakra out of place and she dashes of towards the hokage's building, how stupid, all of them were there, she didn't care if Madara followed her or not, she kills the first one quickly as he tries to hide better before heading to the others.

Tobi glares at Sasori "You're late and we have a short time limit" he says and adds "Hikari is taking care of some rouge ninjas so we'll be gathering the tailed beasts, Sasori and Deidara, go after the one tails, Itachi and Kisame 8 tails and Kakuzu and Hidan the 3 tails, thosdle who fail will become dragon food" he says and looks at Sasori "Now what's your excuse for not coming as quick as possible?"
Sasori glared at Tobi... "I was after the greatest art i had ever laid my eyes on" he says 

"So be it... I will capture the Kazekage this time using my secret technique that not even the shukkaku can overcome" he says as Deidara creates a clay bird and they fly off.

Kisame smiles... "finally I can put Samaeda to use... the 8 tails is as good as captured with Itachi and me" he says

Kakuzu looks at Tobi... "finally you realized that Hikari cannot accomplish her mission this is long overdue.... lets go Hidan" he says as Hidan grabs his scythe and the two leave as well.

Madara gets in front of her warning the others that an akatsuki member is after them and has already killed a rouge ninja and warned the people as well.

He appears next to Hikari again... "Lets see you deal with the rest who are prepared to fight as well the Hokage" he says

The other rouge shinobi were still skilled .... The Mizukage and Raikage was visiting Tsunade when she got the report of Hikari attacking shinobi in the village....

The mizukage and Raikage were discussing with her what has to be done about the Akatsuki.

"One of them dared show their face here... I'll handle this" he says charging up with his lightning... "Lord such a brute... you can remain Tsunade I will assist him" she says walking away as will.

Deidara and Sasori are closing in on Gaara.

@Flame Demon

Hikari smirks getting on her dragon as the stone dragon takes the already fallen one and she cuts the group of from the air "I'm sure Tobi has told you..." she pauses as the stabs two at the time "I killed more people then most of the members of the Akatsuki" she says trowing a kunai to pin the others to the ground as the dragon burns them alive and she crosses her arms turning to her faster walking over to him "And done" she says noticing a few small cuts she hadn't realized yet "You really plan to make my life a hell don't you?" she asks as the stone dragon collects the others as well. She senses the Mizukage and the Raikage and she groans, she didn't have time for this at all "Seriously?" she asks, they wouldn't be able to surprise her that quickly, she had almost mastered her dragon eyes and this would be great practice.

Tobi sighs and shakes his head as the others leave, Hikari could handle it perfectly, he just wanted to stay distracted while the others gathered the tailed beasts, Madara would kill her if she screwed up by protecting Gaara.


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Kiba looked up and growled a little, " you two get into the village" he said. " Now" he ordered. Gaara and Shukaku blinked and entered fhe village as Kiba put up a strong barrier to protect everyone.

Loreli blinked when she felt Sasori coming back with... Deidara. She frowned slight as she reach her home and opened up a secret passage underground. She slide down the ice slide and landed inside to see a cave full of the flower that Hikari need. She remember her mother bringing down here once. She was excited, loud and happy that the flowers stopped glowing until she became quiet again and her mother sang a small song. She softly sang the lullaby as she went over and slowly and quietly, "this is to help someone. I hope you can forgive me" she said and when she went to pick it the stem broke of when she touched it. Loreli smiled and encased the flower in a ice sphere before heading up stairs back to Gaara. Gasra was wondering when Loreli will be back.


((who is playing the two kages after Hikari?))

@Flame Demon 

(You can play a kage or if you want Tsunade could join in)

Madara watched his daughter. .. "you do have some skill i acknowledge you as my daughter. ... the dragon Hikari Uchiha" he says. ...

Sasori and Deidara run into the Barrier .... and Madara senses the Kages arrive.. the two stare at Hikari. ...

Madara stepped into the shadows this will be a real test for her.

Zen appears as well and he caught Madaras attention. ...

"Hikari whats the meaning of this I thought you changed your ways. ...i trusted you" he says 

Madara created a shadow clone time was short he was not going to let the shukkaku escape....the shadow clone warped to the barrier surprising Deidara and Sasori they couldn't see his face.

"Who the hell are you" Deidara says...

"Someone who should kill you both for your weakness" he says creating a Susanoo that rips the barrier apart. ...

Seeing the guardian Madara walks forward. .."begone beast" he says as a meteor comes down striking the Guardian and the land.

Madaras Susanoo grabbed Sasori and Deidara and warped them in front of Gaara and Madara had gripped Loreli by the neck..."dont try anything" he says activating his rinnegan and draining her chakara. ..the deva path ability.

"You have one choice kazekage allow your capture or i will wipe this land off the face of the earth and then i will do the same to the sand any tricks or gimmicks and i won't hesitate" he says 

@Flame Demon

Loreli's eyes widened when Kiba and her village got hit by the meteor, her chakra started to fluctuate from the shock and before she could react to anything she felt herself get grabbed by the throat and lifted up by Madara. She held the ice sphere tightly and protectively trying to control her chakra but Madara's arm already started to freeze up, but the ice was black... this was due to her emotions.

Her heart was racing and her eyes were wide as she felt her strength getting drained, but it wasnt working oddly it was getting drained but there was just more and more of it. The marking on her body glowed blue and then slowly turned black, 'why...? all we wanted was to live in peace and help the world live in peace...' [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]she thought as Gaara heard yelling to calm down as the ice already covered Madara's entire arm. ' all this's killing everyone...' [/COLOR]

Gaara's clenched his fist and then went wide eyes when he saw Madara's arm slowly getting covered ice, " Fine, Ill come just let her go" he said to the Uchida. The ice covering the flower also started to become black slowly. The ice they were standing on also started to become black.  "God damn it..." Gaara mumbled tryint o think of something before Madara ends up killing Loreli. He looked and wondered what the hell was happening.


@Flame Demon

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Madara cared nothing of the ice on his arm...he didn't have the power to take her on and Gaara but he could destroy the land and the sand before time ran out.

"Smart choice Kazekage" he says as Deidara hits Gaara with a clay bomb knocking him out and madara warped them all back to the Lair. ..he tossed Loreli before tobi "this one is trouble. the shukkaku s extracted." he says 

@Evergreen98 (do you wanna be any of the kages)
Hikari twirls her daggers in her hands "I'm just taking care of some rouge ninjas" she says and adds "So if you want to stay alive then I suggest you stay out of my way" she says glancing at Zen, she then turns back to the two kages "I'll be gone as soon as I came" she says and sweatdrops "But don't underestimate me because I'm younger then you two, if I tried I could easily take both of you down"
As soon as Tobi touched Loreli his arm started to freeze in black ice as well and the ground became covered in black ice. 'Child would you calm down! Your village isnt destroyed!' Shukaku said to Loreli telepathically as him and Gaara were carried to the statue to be extracted. 'Do tou really think that would destroy your village guarded by the moody wolf?'

The ice stopped spreading but Loreli's marking remaid black as did the ice. Her eyes were even different. They were a very dark purple. 'I saw it gone...' Loreli said to Shukaku. 

'Genjutsu child...' Shukaku added, 'did you  forget?'

'He wasnt able to protect my family...' Loreli added.

'You should ask him instead of forgiving hime without knowing what happened...' Shukaku said to him. Loreli looked at Gaara and then at the ground. 'Also... you are the most oddest person that I ever met. Stay that way. There arent many people like you left.' Loreli's blinked a little. 

' Ill try...'

'not try will' Shukaku said with a Loreli's eyes went back to normal and the black ice slowly turn pure white. The marking also slowly turned to their sky blue color.


@Flame Demon

Madara stepped in.... "no child kill them all...the kages may be insignificant threats but still threats and this boy has sage power sages are should have killed him along with his clan." He says. ..

Zen charged at Madara with his right arm on fire....


The Raikage was impressed with Zens speed...but Madara took the attack taking it in absorbing it....

"You should have used sage chakara it can't be absorbed so easily" he says gripping Zen by the neck....

"Just why do you care for my daughter. ...." he  says which shocked Zen... but Madara went into his mind....

"Ahhh so thats it...and i thought it was just your empath made Hikari your anchor" he says as they have a conversation in Zens mind.

"What the hell are you talking about. ...and get out of my head" he says 

"Simple were going to die when you went through the trial...but focusing on my daughter anchored you to the world of the living....hahaha"

In his mind he was in a dark abyss with hundreds of Madaras laughing. ...

"She is your purpose. ..although she will never see you as anymore than an annoyance. ..never return your feelings. will remain will be a servant" he says shattering Zens mind

Back in reality Madara releases Zen who has a zombie like look in his eyes.

The Raikage charges at Hikari in his lightning armor and punches her sending her flying back as he goes to pursue her Zen intercepted. .. holding back his fist with one hand....the force created a crater under them both.

"Go take on the Mizukage" he says to her not in his usual tone. The Raikage was shocked by this....

"I thought you were with us" he says 

The Mizukage jumps over the two..."hes been compromised. .." she says coming down with a powerful kick aimed at Hikari.

.....Zetsu prepared the statue as it began extracting the one tails..."finally one step closer"

@Flame Demon

Loreli's eyes widened when she heard Shukaku scream in pain and saw Gaara's life force also disappearing. 'Tell Kurama he better start helping Naruto!!' Shukaku yelled to Loreli and cut the link so the girl doesn't have to hear him scream in pain. Loreli held the ice sphere closely to her chest as she looked away helpless from this monstrosity.


@Flame Demon

Hikaro blocks it with her dragon scale armor and she sends a clone of herself to the where Gaara is as she aims a kick at the Raikage "And you should listen to him" she says and she summons her poison dragon "Nice job, but how long is he gonna stay like that?" she asks looking at Madara while also keeping an eye on the two kage. Tsunade aims a punch at Hikari who barely dodges it "Try beating us all three" she says landing near the other two.

Her clone, being a perfect copy, grabs Gaara before he's completely gone and she teleports to the temple where she puts him down, though all too quick to notice for Deidara and Sasori and she disappears again.


Madara intercepted her clone.... and stuck his arm through her 

"Did you really think that i wouldn't see through you using my technique....i had high hopes for you daughter" he says burning her away with Ameratsu 

....he then goes to the real Hikari ...and grabs her by the neck draining her chakara. ..."you weakling...." he says but cringes...his time was up he had to return. ...

"You are no longer Akatsuki and once i am ressurected daughter you will be the first to die" he says. ..draining as much of her chakara as possible. 

He warped away her dragon armor and stabbed her with her own dagger before leaving with Zen

@Flame Demon

Hikari covers the wound and growls, dammit, it's not her fault she had feelings, she wants to jump down but Tsunade says "We're not finished yet" "Yes we are" Hikari says coughing up some blood "And whether or not I'll die I will protect Gaara" she says and jumps on the stone dragon as she summons a healing dragon, it was the only one she could manage "You shouldn't have trusted him, let me help you save Gaara" the dragon says and Hikari mumbles weakly "Just don't go overboard", the dragon takes control and the wound heals up and black armor forms around her as they head towards where Gaara is "Want me to blast that idiot for you?" "No, he's my only blood related family left and no way in hell I'm quitting the Akatsuki, but first I have to get Zen back from him" Hikari says and the dragon seems to understand as the stone dragon flies as it's fastest speed, she refused to let Gaara die, she just didn't know what to do after that, the wound would still be there when she changed back to normal "After this we're paying Konoha a visit for your wound" the dragon states bluntly and Hikari asks "I don't have another choice do I?" "Well that ice ninja might be able to help" "No way she'll forgive me" Hikari counters earning a groan from the dragon.

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